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/lit/ - Literature

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I remember the kiss of ancient ghost under oaks
Her laughter in the twilight,
And the nuzzle bestowed upon her bosom in the eve,
In a world sans poison, in a world unrestrained, and natural slave restrained
Those voluptuous sacred Venusian groves,
Tarnished, violated, terrorized
By blood spilled by deathless denizens who divulge to devils,
Cruel as the earth and cold as the clouds,
But without the beauty of both,
But yet,
Blood must spin barrel as before books,
And cleanse dear Vitruvia my violet vapor,
Of such vicious visions
U write this?
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>I remember
Trash from the outset.
>in a world unrestrained, and natural slave restrained
You must be diagnosably autistic to lack rhythm to this degree.
>Tarnished, violated, terrorized
>By blood spilled by
>denizens who divulge to devils
Just amateurish. Painfully jejune.
>Cruel as the earth and cold as the clouds,
Might as well be AI.
>But yet,
Palpable disgust.
>Blood must spin barrel as before books,
>And cleanse dear Vitruvia my violet vapor,
>Of such vicious visions
The height of insipidity.

The audacity of you wasting a thread with this sub-doggerel. I wish I was doing a bit or joking but teenaged ESL women on twitter write better stuff than this. Better luck next incarnation.
the poetry nerds are ruthless on this board. I agree though lols
Really makes you wonder what ancient society thought about double chins.
Shut the fuck up I should kill you and rape your mother
They’re a bunch of cocksuckers who read a bunch of boring pretentious meaningless shit they don’t get and when anyone genuinely tries to be a poet they bad them. They have no talent of their own, only hollow criticism they poorly try to mask as academic.
I don’t mind them
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Holy shit you are seething. This is probably the first time I didn't even have to exaggerate or add some bait to make someone seethe on this site. You really are THAT talentless.
I hope your whole extended family gets shot, submit some ahit if your gonna just bash peoples work. If I ever fucking meet you I will kill you and ship you in the fucking river with a lot of dog shit down your throat. I want your house to blow up and your parents to be shot in front of you.
May God curse you. May your firstborn be strangled and your health miserable. The world would be better if with your likes piled to the sky like fucking Holocaust corpses.
Take that passion and apply it to your poeticising you vicious little idler.
Amateurish attemped alliteration appalls all aesthetes

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