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/lit/ - Literature

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Which author has the most annoying fanbase?
any of the ones that are especially liked on /lit/
the answer is what's her name. the bitch that wrote harry potter. genuinely can't remember her name right now, not even memeing.
JK Rowling. i just remembered it the second i clicked post.
Brandon Sanderson.
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Right now, Deleuze.
Josh Brolin is not a writer
In terms of everything including genre fiction it's whatever is currently most popular, for literary authors it's a more interesting question.
Hemingway and Virginia Woolf both have very obnoxious fans, likely stemming from the fact that both were mentally ill narcissists, very good writers that deluded themselves and a circle of sycophants into thinking that they were truly great when they weren't.
Beat writers are another good choice because their fans include essential all the most degenerate hippy baby boomers.
Bukowski fans are pretty annoying
Overall >>23824224
Non-fiction? Mexican standoff between Nietzsche, Marx and Freud.
(Literary) fiction? Dostoevsky.
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very true
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this faggot
Dostoevsky easily
Anything that is liked by w*men
This is the correct answer
On /lit/ it's Kant.
I have never enjoyed the company of a single Marcel Proust fan. They're all dull.
Yeah I was gonna say Sylvia Plath
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Proust says that all love is cuckoldry and jealousy inherently. Proustians are the most suicidal, life denying sociopaths imaginable. They seek to make love itself a bastardized form of hate and loathing.
Nick Land and Ted Kaczynski, lumping them together because they're one in the same
>inb4 nooooooooooooooooooooo they're not! one is accelerationist and one is anarcho-primitivism!

*tips fedora*
Charles Bukowski. Dude wasn't a genius, he was a dumb hobo.
Dostoevsky Nietzsche and Chesterton
Funny, I think the most annoying fanbase is the one with eternal hate chodes for dosto and Nietzsche, throw schoppy in there too, it only seems to make my reverence for them higher the more I hear faggots seethe, I don't know, makes me think. Also tbk is a phenomenal novel, one of the best I've ever read, I'm up to the first visit to smerdyakov bros :)
Dosto, Nietzsche and all the philosophical/ Christcuck writers of that ilk are far worse than any of their detractors are. Most writers from that timeframe of the 19th century are just garbage. The point where they knew the Bible was on the way out but they couldn’t handle that so they either raved maddeningly like Nietzsche or wrote turgid agitprop like Fyodor.
Every Tolkien fan is a larping zoomer who hasn't read any other fantasy yet insists that fantasy died after Tolkien.
>of that ilk
only shitlibs talk like this
If you are alluding to Dostoevsky’s worst novels, then, indeed, I dislike intensely The Brothers Karamazov and the ghastly Crime and Punishment rigamarole. No, I do not object to soul-searching and self-revelation, but in those books the soul, and the sins, and the sentimentality, and the journalese, hardly warrant the tedious and muddled search. Dostoyevsky’s lack of taste, his monotonous dealings with persons suffering with pre-Freudian complexes, the way he has of wallowing in the tragic misadventures of human dignity – all this is difficult to admire. I do not like this trick his characters have of ”sinning their way to Jesus” or, as a Russian author, Ivan Bunin, put it more bluntly, ”spilling Jesus all over the place." Crime and Punishment’s plot did not seem as incredibly banal in 1866 when the book was written as it does now when noble prostitutes are apt to be received a little cynically by experienced readers. Dostoyevsky never really got over the influence which the European mystery novel and the sentimental novel made upon him. The sentimental influence implied that kind of conflict he liked—placing virtuous people in pathetic situations and then extracting from these situations the last ounce of pathos. Non-Russian readers do not realize two things: that not all Russians love Dostoevsky as much as Americans do, and that most of those Russians who do, venerate him as a mystic and not as an artist. He was a prophet, a claptrap journalist and a slapdash comedian. I admit that some of his scenes, some of his tremendous farcical rows are extraordinarily amusing. But his sensitive murderers and soulful prostitutes are not to be endured for one moment—by this reader anyway. Dostoyevsky seems to have been chosen by the destiny of Russian letters to become Russia’s greatest playwright, but he took the wrong turning and wrote novels.
Has anybody called him a genius? I thought everyone liked him BECAUSE he was a dumb alcoholic hobo.
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It's true, thoughever. Love is something that is swallowed by the will
See what I mean, god IS dead and instead of trying to reach those heights you lash out with faggot seething, one of the last men, the death of god is the only event of importance in the world, and every "solution" is man made and inherently flawed as we now see
"Spilling Jesus all over the place" it's funny that he never really refuted or asserted gods existence, if all you see it as is just "spilling Jesus all over the place" you've seriously missed the mark and didn't even think for a second about what he's really saying
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Sylvia Plath fans are always the girls who call themselves "femcels" but have a body count in the double digits.
90% of people have a double digit body count
Cap. Not Millennials and Gen Z.
Anyone above the age of 20
T. Masochistic Proustian cuckold

Tell me again how love’s qualities preclude it from achieving any true beauty, only smatterings of jealousy and pain. You are a depressive vagabond and you take the wind out of the sails of love and beauty.
Name those quality fantasy works post-Tolkien.
Capeshit in a vaguely medieval setting (eg.: Sanderson, Bakker) and drama (eg.: Martin, Wolfe) are not fantasy btw.
Dostoyevsky, no contest. They're making a case in this very thread.
Nietzsche, Evola, Guenon, Bukowski, Colleen Hoover and the like, any black author
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dostoevsky and it's not even particularly close
Those Derek Walcott fans are infuriating. For me, it's that dude who constantly spams lengthy excerpts from Tiepolo's Hound, I hate that asshole. Give it a rest, yet another Derek Walcott thread on this board...
In order of annoying
>ALL philosophy books (by a long shot)
>The bible (multiple authors)
>All star wars books (multiple authors but all of them)
>J. K. Rowling
>All Warhammer books (multiple authors but all of them)
>All psychology books (multiple authors)
and this would be tied for second
*blows suicide vest*
Mine (I am my biggest fan and I am an annoying cunt)
>conflating love with beauty
Proust denies the existence of beauty as well. Remember that Swann had to turn his head and make Odette resemble the picture of Zipporah in order to like her. It wasn’t some natural process whereby he became enamored of her superior looks or intellect

Proustians simply take the air out of all things good in this world
The worst fans of a book:
>think that reading a doorstop is an impressive feat, as if the most difficult aspect of a book is its length
>think that being a fan demonstrates their intelligence
>love to talk about their big thick book and how it changed their life but when pressed for details cant demonstrate even rudimentary knowledge of it
Dis, ngl
Getting some real Elliot Rodger vibes from this left-chud.

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