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What are some good books on American dominance and how it reduces other countries to cuck warfare? I'm very impressed by how America swings its dick around and makes putative rivals timid and passive. It's like the whole psychology is different, a psychology that Asiatic and Middle Eastern countries can't hope to emulate.
It's money
Is it, though? China's leaders are awfully timid relative to their economic stature.
Because they know that China cooks the books and isn't as rich as it pretends to be
amateurs talk strategy and professionals talk logistics
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Try these to start
this nigga thinks anybody is scared of America under Joe Brandon lmfao
Michael Hudson?
The Chinese are persuaded they'll slowly become the top dog without conflict by waiting it out making money while the US becomes muttified into total racial entropy. Whether that will work or not is another question but with this in mind their decisions make sense.
americans lost all their wars
If you list the world's largest navies, the US is 4 of the top 5.
The US airforce is the size of the next top 4 airforces put together.
it's just called being so rich and psychotic that you've spent the last century investing in nothing but war while you're citizens lives grow worse and worse just so you can swing your dick at the entire world simultaneously.
More like the balance of power is continually tipping towards them so why should they fight now when their position will only improve going forwards?

For instance, it would be retarded to attack Taiwan now. Just wait until the election and see if the losing side declares itself winner again (highly likely) and kicks off a crisis. No point unifying Americans with aggression when they seem eager to destroy each other for you.
America mogs everyone logistically. We kept our military supplied with KFC and ice cream in the middle of a landlocked mountain range for twenty years without blinking. China can barely supply their own provinces
Trump is the looser! lmao
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>lost in Korea
>lost in Vietnam
>lost in Afghanistan
>currently losing in Ukraine
What are some good books on American dominance?
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Anything on how the Navy keeps the trade lanes secure
I mean, the Russians are currently getting humiliated against what is not even our surplus, let alone our strategic reserve, but our waste and mothballed stock. There has never been any power on earth to compare with us. The British had a navy (not as powerful as ours is) and the economic muscle (again not as much as ours now); the Mongols had the invincible land forces (though not as invincible as ours). We have utter domination by land, sea and air power, unparalleled economic diplomatic and cultural dominance.
If anything they underestimate our power
Queue the Amerimutt cope
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really makes you think
Trannybros...we lost...
>couldn't even be bothered to change the filename
absolutely fucking exposed kek
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Yet you can drink the tap water.... curious......
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truly utterly obsessed
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>that scrollbar
>all the filenames are the same so 99% chance it's the same loser seething endlessly
Providence has, from the dawn of age, thus established the rules of social gravity, that the most important place on the globe is not necessarily the best disposed to buy or sell, to transit or to make goods, collecting or cultivating raw materials. It's the one where habits, at some point, the purest, smartest and strongest white group. If this group resided, through a contest of politically invincible circumstances, deep inside the polar ice or under the fire rays of the equator, it is on this side that the intellectual world would tilt. This is where all ideas, all trends, all efforts would not fail to converge, and there are no natural obstacles that can prevent the most distant products from getting there through seas, rivers and mountains.
this. america is killing russians and attacking the russian homeland just by giving hohols some gibs. russia isn't touching america.
USA is the cuck now. Can't win a proxy war in Ukraine with all the might of NATO's weaponry. Sanctions don't even work, just shat all over EU economy. Can't even stop some muslim rednecks from closing a vital shipping lane because they'll just shoot down a multi-million dollar weapon system with a thousand-dollar drone.

America outsourced its whole damn manufacturing sector to a rival nation 5x its size. De-dollarization proceeds apace. Their lab weapon Covid barely even slowed down China.

Absolutely cucked state of affairs for muh west. China will inherit the world economy and most likely won't act like deviant retard hyper-financialized apes. Happy for them fr fr
>Can't win a proxy war in Ukraine with all the might of NATO's weaponry
see >>23828559. america doesn't care about dead ukrainians, so america's score card is better than russia's. plus, russia is bogged down in literal-who microvillages in eastern ukraine while kiev chads still party hard in nightclubs.
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Yeah I'm pretty prolific
Never understood spergs who think they've cracked the grand mysteries discovering someone's favorite trolling.
I sincerely hope he gets paid to do it
>mooooom I'm not butthurt, I'm just trolling
Ok sweatie
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I get paid in turdie tears
The proof you're a sperg is that you can't register the social clues in my post and infer that I'm talking about someone else's trolling.
this zigger literally went and grabbed some unique image from the net just so he could make this screenshot post and claim not to be the obsessed one, failing to step back and realize how much butthurt it takes to make such a screenshot post lmao
jimmies rustled
These Anglo-Saxons, these people of British descent, represent the most distant nuance of both the blood of the aborigines and that of the Negroes of Africa. We can find in their essence some traces of Finnish manifestations; but they are counterbalanced by the Germanic nature, in truth ossified, a little withered, stripped of its grandiose sides, however still rigid and vigorous, which survives in their organism. They are therefore, for the pure or mixed-race representers of the two great inferior species, irreconcilable antagonists. This is their situation on their own territory. With regard to the other independent lands of America, they constitute a strong state in the face of agonizing ones. The latter, instead of opposing the American Union, in the absence of a somewhat compact ethnic organization, at least some experience of civilization, and the apparent or transitory energy of a despotic government, possess only anarchy to all degrees, and what anarchy, since it brings together the disparates of Malay America with those of Romanized Europe!
The Anglo-Saxon core in the United States therefore has no difficulty in gaining recognition for the perennial element of the new continent. It is placed, in front of the other populations, in that attitude of overwhelming superiority that once were all the branches of the Aryan family, Hindus, Kchattrya-Chinese, Iranians, Sarmatians, Scandinavians, Germans, with regard to the multitudes. Although the last representative of the great race is heavily deposed, he offers a rather curious picture of its feelings for the rest of humanity. The Anglo-Saxons behave like masters towards nations inferior or even only foreign to their own, and it is useful to take this opportunity to study in detail what is the contact of a strong group with a weak group.
Spergs aren't very good at stepping outside their sperg behavior and perceiving it from the neurotypical POV.
I really wish gookmoot didn't delete IP counts so we could clearly see how all the damage control from this is samefaggotry
>Seinfeld seasons 1 and 2
Seasons 3-8 are much more influential, though really 2-9 should be required viewing
then why did you lose in vietnam, iraq, afghanistan, etc
irrelevant when you're fighting an oil-exporting country.
>swings its dick around
they just impose sanctions. they can't do this to china though.
>cuck warfare
the sanctions don't work so theres no need to respond. americans don't care about foreign policy except for trade ramifications which they don't even understand. they say they want tariffs but also think groceries need to be put under price controls. they can't see beyond what's in front of them, so when things are expensive and free trade=bad they could basically be swayed towards autarkic communism.

maybe the iran sanctions protect Israel, but ironically they're the most controversial in the US because muh nuclear detente.
Yeah didn't gazprom just post a loss? Lmao
I want to add a note of caution, Hudson writes quite well on economic history but sometimes he has really dumb takes when talking about the modern world and clearly avoids certain topics.
It makes me question his ultumate motivations.
The Anglo-Saxon group therefore does not perfectly represent what we mean on this side of the Atlantic by the word democracy. It's more of a headquarters without troops. They are men of domination, who cannot exercise this faculty over their equals, but who would gladly make their inferiors feel it. In this respect, they are in a situation analogous to that of the Germanic nations shortly before the fifth century. They are, in a nutshell, aspirants to royalty, to nobility, armed with the intellectual means to legitimize their views. It remains to be seen whether the circumstances will be appropriate. Anyway, do you want today to consider in the face and examine at ease the dreaded man who calls himself a barbarian in the language of degenerate peoples who tempt him? Let's stand next to the Mexican, let's listen to him speak, and, following the direction of his frightened gaze, look at the hunter of Kentucky. This is the last expression of the Germain; this is the Frank, the Lombard of our days! The Mexican is right to call him a barbarian without heroism and generosity; but he must probably not be without energy and without power.
>muh IP counts
Hiro removed the feature precisely because of newfags like you.
Hudson's ultimate motivations hmm...

>hates creditors
>hates Rome
>hates the Catholic church
>hates English imperialism
>likes Marx
>hates American imperialism
>likes China

I'd say his ultimate motivation is the eradication of unearned income + full communism in our times
Oh yeah, big bad China.
"If Pelosi visits Taiwan, there'll be consequences!"
>Pelosi visits Taiwan
Nothing ever happens.
China's Final Warning.
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It honestly doesn't matter because the posts in question stick out like a sore thumb.
stop talking to yourself
Lots of yellow hands typing furiously itt, mad about being shamed by the great America.
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he did it precisely to make it easier for bots and shill to shit up the website
The Anglo-Saxons of America are sincerely religious: this trait has remained quite well imprinted by the noble part of their origin. Meanwhile, they accept neither the terrors nor the despotism of faith. Christians, we probably do not see them, like the ancient Scandinavians, dreaming of climbing the sky, nor fighting on one level with the Divinity; but they discuss freely, and, truly typical peculiarity, always discussing, still similar in this to their Aryan ancestors, they never deny it, and stay again in this remarkable environment which, touching superstition on the one hand, atheism on the other, mantaining an equal disgust, an equal horror for these two abysses.
Nope, based Hiro got rid of the IP counter because retards were misusing it and calling people samefags just because two consecutive posts didn't bump the counter (the retards couldn't conceive that these were two distinct people who had already posted in the thread).
>boomers who've never heard of airplane-mode, DHCP refreshes, or VPNs still whining about their "airtight" IP counter lmao
I'm glad gookmoot helped tamp down a lot of the schizoposting, desu
The Technological Society - Jacques Ellul


Here he explains why it seems all decisiveness is suspended and history hangs in limbo
His reasoning and legal-friendly nature has led him to find a thousand subterfuges to reconcile the cry of fairness with the even more compelling cry of boundless rapacity. He invented words, theories, declamations to exonerate his conduct. Perhaps he recognized, in the depths of the last withdrawal of his conscience, the impropriety of this sad apology. Nevertheless, he persevered in the exercise of the right to invade everything, which is his first law, and the most clearly engraved in his heart.
The reason is that [Western Civilization] lives only to find the useful; that everything that does not serve it in its tendencies harms it, and that logically, everything that harms it is condemned in advance, and, when the time comes, destroyed.
Anglo-Americans, convinced and faithful representatives of this mode of culture, acted in accordance with its laws. They're not reprehensible. It was without hypocrisy that they believed that they had the right to join the chorus of demands raised by the 17th century against any kind of political constraint, especially black slavery. Parties and nations, like women, enjoy the advantage of defying logic, of associating the most surprising intellectual and moral disparates, without lacking in sincerity. The fellow citizens of Washington, in declaiming energetically for the liberatioj of the Negro species, did not feel obliged to set an example; like the Swiss, their theoretical followers in the love of equality, who still know how to maintain against the Jews the legislation of the Middle Ages, they treated the blacks attached to their vines with the utmost rigour, with the ultimate contempt. More than one hero of their independence has given them the example of this instinctive disagreement between maxims and deeds.
*18th Century
That image is missing:
>We didn't need it anyway
>Just getting rid of old surplus
>Send in the next meat wave!
>iF OnLy TeH tSaR kNeW wHaT tHoSe rApAcIoUs BoYaRs WeRe DoInG!!!!
Lol you want to know why you have enemies mobilizing against you? sure.

Rogue State
The Kill Chain
A Brief History of Neoliberalism

Enjoy, tubby
All that firepower, all that training, and you don't even protect your borders. you're the opposite of a strong nation, you've been conquered already. oh and your economy is now lagging behind China.
Lol did you just say you can drink the tap water in America? thanks for the laugh, clueless.
lmao OK chang
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Yeah you can I know this makes your head explode
No, drinking American tapwater makes your head explode.
I know you're only 13 so you probably don't remember that time a major American city fed their citizens sewer water. have fun in your circus country loool
Yeah china makes a lot of crap

Everywhere in china is Flint
I accept your concession :) stay poor
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Oh and let's not forget that recent motor oil scandal lmao
it's called gutter oil dumb fuck zoomer
No not that, that's something else fucked up that china does too lol

I'm talking about the unwashed tankers carrying a mix of vegetable oil and HIGH OCTANE LEADED GASOLINE
That image was made by a butthurt NATO shill
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Russia started a war but it's NATO who's butthurt
>Lol you want to know why you have enemies mobilizing against you?
What could possibly have made you think that OP thinks America's enemies are mobilizing? OP has decided that America's enemies offer nothing but a litany of excuses. Weird that reading comprehension is so poor on the /lit/ board.
correct, because natoids are losing
Denial is a river in Egypt
natoid no doubt, but butthurt unlikely. I've seen pretty much every one of those lines from china/russia/iran supporters, to my dismay.
>9/11 was fake!
>America has no enemies, chud!
such a weird way to cope through life
don't you have a shithole to spend decades losing a war in before withdrawing?
>over 20 years ago
I'm sorry. I thought you had a less copey use of the present tense.
How many Russians are dead vs. how many Americans?
Yeah, vatnik, that's what I thought.
America made bank.
The Afghan army lost
Yeah, and the Taliban won. Oh God you actually thought we were fighting their army? Lol
I used to follow the Ukraine war but stopped when it became largely stalemated and boring as a result of weak and indecisive Russian leadership. I mean, yeah, maybe it's not a strict stalemate, but I don't understand these autistic map fetishists who get excited about a few new villages in the backwoods of Ukraine each year.
We double our national debt everytime we start a war
You seem confused
Dude, debt is a bunch of numbers. It has no concrete ramifications for America. Zilch. It's for American policy wonks who are naive or who pretend to be naive. Mostly it's just for chinks and pajeets.
I don't understand how anyone other than a sperg could be interested in that. Was looking at it on a Eastern European TV channel some day, every single day they have these 'experts' come to their show watching a strategical Russo-Ukrainian border map as they discuss the consequences of the Russian border having moved two acres further West. It's not just boring, it's agonizingly nerve-wracking to even think about it, about the soldiers fighting and dying over land squares the size of soccer fields.
Mhm. Stay retarded little buddy.

Okay, what did we gain from Iraq? if you think it's Oil I'll know for sure whether you're a child or not.
lmao seethe
Yeah I'm seething so hard at some literal child talking to me
>let me just preempt the most obvious and most correct answer and declare victory
Why are you so intellectually timid?
>the American sheeple answer
it wasn't oil.

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