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>wanted to buy an Amazon Kindle
>It's made of recycled plastic
throw it in the bin or sell it and buy a kobo
A simple Kindle is cheap and terrible just buy the more expensive than that or try Kobo
Newer kobos are all made of recycled plastic as well.
What is wrong with paper, dude? Are you some king of environmentalist or something?
Anon, paper is more environmentally friendly in the long run.
I knew that you are one of those hippie guys. You even have the talking points ready.
>Not using a Kobo Libra 2

>paper is more environmentally friendly in the long run.
Lol no you have no fucking idea kek. Paper production is incredibly polluting and energy consuming and every book consumes a lot more resources than a fucking pdf on a plastic tablet (your phone is also mostly plastic by volume btw)
It only lasts like 2 weeks before you need to recharge it.
>What is paper recycling?
Wait, what's wrong with recycled plastic?
I thought about getting a kindle years ago but ended up just getting a regular tablet
now I have eyesight problems but still think it was worth it, desu
What is even the point of getting a Kindle at all? Just type "[book title] pdf" into Google and it's right there. Any platform can open a pdf.
An e-book reader with e-ink is easier on the eyes, because it isn't a giant LED lamp shining blue light into your eyes for hours and burning your retinas. You also feel like you are "contributing" to the author's income by buying his/her book, and not pirating.
>You also feel like you are "contributing" to the author's income by buying his/her book, and not pirating
I dont read authors who are alive and i pirated all my e books.
p-books are so annoying. No backlight and you have to turn pages manually.
You can still pirate a pdf and buy the book if it helps your conscience.
Nta, but are you implying that your preferred way of reading is via PDF on a non e-ink display? That sounds dreadful.
I read them on my desktop PC
Anyone who prefers PDF to EPUB has something fundamentally wrong with his soul.
Well, I wish you the best. E-ink displays are my preferred way of reading fiction. No creasing spines, dogged eared pages, tears, etc. A light form factor and my entire library in one device. Doesn't get much better than that, in my opinion.
Makes it feel cheap and tacky desu
Plastic should never have been invented. It's the worst polluter out of anything humans have created.
Don't think that's the result of recycled plastic. That's just amazon using as little plastic as they can get away with, claim they're environmentally friendly, while offering sturdier more expensive models to tempt buyers.

Can't remember what the tactic is, but you're meant to be repulsed, and buy the next model up which is actually even more cheaply made as virgin plastic is the cheaper option.
Interesting. I have a 10th gen paperwhite. I don't know if that's made with recycled plastic, but I can say I haven't noticed any issues with feel or quality. The biggest pain is the lag on the screen. I know e-ink takes time to refresh, but it feels like the processor in this thing is lagging as well sometimes.
>mineral extraction
>server cooling
>needs a massive industrial complex to build one
>can't be fully recycled
Don't even get me started on how CPUs are made. E-readers will never be environmentally friendly. Also, trees are renewable btw.
Plus burning them.
>E-readers will never be environmentally friendly.
Man. I wanna buy some more e-readers now.

Rollin coal. Readin ebooks, just because you shot donald Trump.
Reading on a phone and PC is terrible, it's just is. I don't have a tablet and i can't buy every physical copy; with any e-reader i can just pirate whatever book i want and i can properly read it without wanting to commit suicide.
Kobo with KOReader, fren.
How is it different than just reading 4chan? I got my Adobe reader to be set up with the same dark mode as here, and I spend all day reading posts.
>recycled plastic
Into the landfill it goes
>You also feel like you are "contributing" to the author's income by buying his/her book, and not pirating.
the sole reason I bought an ereader is to read books without buying them
>wanted to buy an Amazon Kindle
no you didn't
imagine paying for ebooks
Friendly reminder that "eink" is literally on the level of astrology and homeopathy and healing crystals. You're no different than those vegan hipster squatters, only assuming another shape
> t. A broke ass nigga
I make more money than you, guaranteed.
Kindle is literally what 90% of people reading ebooks need.
Nta. It just is. Hard to explain unless you get it. I'm not trying to shit post or be ironic. I have the same issue with webtoons and manga.

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