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Good critique. More relevant than ever.

So what's the way forward? To escape le matrix what would Debord suggest we do?

Is it political action? Is it strolls through the city, and creative pursuits? Is it love making and social relations? Is it appreciation of beauty?
>So what's the way forward?
crying about how capitalism forced you to get a job in internet chatrooms
There's no next step.

The current society is just a grotesque orgy of signs from the entertainment industry, a facade to hide the true plumbing of democracy, ie the banking system.

I'm watching the youtube channel of a korean girl. And her ''job'' is to go to cafés eating various meals and to pass the time while eating, she is filming herself and editing videos of her going to cafés eating meals and filming herself.
And she has 350k subscribers and her view counts for a typical video is 150k. She earns a big load of money doing that. It's just preposterous. She did this in less than 3 years.

The future of the spectacle is already here:
-finance money for the rich
-marketing money for the average roastoid filming herself eating and editing videos of her eating
-and Minimum wageslave jobs for the betacuk male who gives his meager salary to a patron of his favorite random instawhore

So their new plan is to put all the poor male people in the VR world and let the rich and whores enjoy the physical world. The poor will have their society, own currencies and of course these currencies will be worthless compared to the real ones, only used to pay the monthly subscription to countless DRM-ridden services.
=>worthless digital dollar and UBI for billions of disposable coomers in VR life, used on e-whores, weed and videogames.

The whole point is that even the rich and elite aren't happy in a society that is dominated by consumerism and the spectacle.
spending another century reading theory so you can talk prettily about ontological evil
Suicidal dweeb
>oh no voluntary capital exchange is happening IM GONNA GO INSANE!!
>is that a gas station? is that... no, it can't be... no, it is... is that... IS THAT... IS THAT A BILLBOARD? I'm going insane
it was cute in the 60s now it's just so kitschy.
I assume you're just trying to be cheeky. Obviously on a day to day advertisements, branding, marketing and general consumption of shit that interests people doesn't upset me.

I guess if that's all you want is to buy shit and consume, go for it. I never found it to be very fulfilling, and social media never brought me any joy.
I'm not defending such a lifestyle, but after a century of diagnoses it's time for a treatment.
Two different anons but as one of them, it’s not really the act of consumerism that bothers me insomuch that people who engage in it just add to the financial stock of already established mega corps. But you’ll never see someone like Debord support the “buy local” thesis as he’s a damned Marxist and just wants to get rid of the profit motive entirely, which is a utopian prospect no matter how scientific Marxism claims to be.
>It's time for a treatment.
Go on...
Sounds like you're very poor, low IQ and perhaps out of shape (fat).

The same as always. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Live in a world of your dreams, if you don't like the world as it is, then you have to do everything you can to create the world you want around you.

Most people do not want to hear that. Why? Because it implies action, in a sense that you have to actually do something about your life. And what is that? The answer is: Everything you can.

And what CAN you do? 1. A lot, 2. it doesn't matter, you have to do all that you can, no matter how small or big that action could be? Do you have produce all the phones that Israelis use and put the explosives in their phones? Perhaps. Or, perhaps you have to finish that one book, or talk to that one person, or fix a problem with your parents, or find a new job... doesn't matter.
What others do, or do not should not bother you. What should bother you is how you react to them, since that's the thing you can actually influence, if you're already not in the position of power.

Once you obtain power, by definition, you can change how others behave and improve on it.
commie pseud shit
When was social life ever authentic?
I don't entirely agree. What others do SHOULD bother me if

1. they're doing something that desecrates what I hold sacred
2. there's a significant number of them doing this thing

This turning the other cheek shit doesn't float. If the world is against me, I'm going to do what I can to destroy the world and recreate it in my image. THAT is what "God" would do. Not roll over and die like a faggot.
Why shouldn’t it? People don’t live in a vacuum
Why would I feel compelled to acquire power in order to change how others behave if how they behave didn't bother me in the first place?
I liked it too. You should read Christopher Lasch's 'The Culture of Narcissism' because I found it insightful. Not as poetic as Debord, but still an interesting read that extends on Debord in some aspects.
Debord killed himself. That's the way forward he saw.
That's because Marxism is ultimately a reactionary philosophy. Everything reactionary is merely an extension of what it's reacting to; it's the other side of the coin, so to speak. All conservatism also has the same issue; conservatism is the other side of the coin of acceleration. Neither Marxism nor conservatism provide actually meaningful alternative lifestyles and value structures which can oppose and negate the dominant lifestyles and value structures they aim to combat.
Sounds like you're very poor, low IQ and perhaps out of shape (fat).
Good reason not to read him, then
They have ozempic now there is less excuse than ever to be fat. You can't really say genetics or laziness anymore. Ot it's not physical laziness but more a mental deficiency of not even being able to take a pill. Like an extreme lack of agency
>advertisements, branding, marketing and general consumption of shit that interests people doesn't upset me.
you guys ever wonder if tolerating the malicious manipulation of our subconscious by the application of scientifically (as close as it gets)and malevolently deduced methods is a mistake ?
how did society come to tolerate mental and spiritual rape ?
It's a bit like living in the "this is fine" meme (with the dog sitting in a burning house) but we're just walking around living our life while scientist pour the foulest poisons in our thoughts.

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