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From the Beginning to the End. I want to become economics , I want to see numbers, money complex economics. Economics. Where do I start
with the greeks
get a job, spend money, get angry when see money go down.

that's it. Why are there so many posts about "economics"? lately? why didn't you fucks pay attention in high school?
Start with the Physiocrats, Smith, and the Ricardians, then explode it all with Marx's intercontinental truth missile, Capital: a Critique of Political Economy. Read the economists cope, then read Marx and Keynes.
By Marx and Keynes, I mean the book by Paul Mattick.
This anon tells the truth. And after that read about the post-Keynesians and MMT, because we know that Marxism is never going to be implemented anywhere ever again.
Marxism is not a system, Marxism is a method of analysis (historical materialism et al)
Get a job
Ah, Mattick was a true machine. He still had material in the works after he expired that was posthumously released. The Keynesianism in Reverse chapter is one of my favorites. He simultaneously points out that capitalism can never achieve full employment on its own, any nation can achieve full employment with or without gold, and predicted the outcome of Keynesian thinking throughout much of the west. His criticisms are still noteworthy as they pertain to other aspects of state-capitalism as well, and his observations predate the Chinese influx of mixed economic modeling. He even took a decidedly ironic turn in his last pieces, going so far as to call Marxism a bastion for the bourgeois, and delivered a number of responses to previous interpretations of Marx. He returned to the founders, and reinstated Marx's works as close to their origin as one could, and even postulated they could serve as a source of ideas for ailing bourgeois systems. The machine of machines.
The talmud.
Greeks would have hung you upside down on a wooden x for fraud if you tried to foist of Fiat currency as actual money.
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>Economics is taught in school
Thanks anon, I needed a laugh
Marxism is a mental disorder.
>Greeks would have hung you upside down on a wooden x for fraud if you tried to foist of Fiat currency as actual money
idk man, fiat currencies at the time were basically impossible because paper money wasn’t invented yet, and Athens seemed pretty desperate for cash during the Peloponnesian War because their finances depended on the tribute of their subjects. I think that if paper money existed back then, Athens would certainly have taken advantage of it (even though it would have bitten them in the ass, of course).
Actually with the babylonians would make for a good start.
We remarkably have preserved copies of accounting textbook exercises
>muh fiat
The spartans literally used iron money?

the issue is the fractional reserve system creating debt.
>no Kalecki, Sraffa, Frisch, Robinson and Lucas
Read the extended edition of "Debt" by David Graeber. It exposes economics for the load of shit that it really is. Niggas always talk about "The wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith but they don't talk about how him coining the phrase "the guiding hand of the market" has over time been used to justify any market activity no matter how morally reprehensible the real world consequences are because economics has become a quasi religion to many in the field.
>debt: the first 5000 year
It's a good book with a lot of interesting notes and refrerences to check oneself, but Ifound some of Graeber's interpretations questionable or naive.
go all in on chainlink
First you ignore all the retards above trying to suck you into the whole hur dur capitalism vs socialism debate, you won't be seeing any numbers and complex economic formulas there and you'll be stuck there forever debating with retards, it's a waste of time. Pick a modern macro/micro textbook, read it alongside a textbook on the history of economic thought, it will give you a nice overview of everything, if you stop here you'll already know more than like 95% of people. Krugman is fine (ignore his retard takes on Twitter), Mankiw is fine. Take an international economics textbook. Reading primary sources is good, read Keynes, Marx, Smith, if you want to get a sense of how economists think (just don't spend too much time reading 19th century economists). Read both keynesian and monetarist theories. Ignore marxoids and lolbertarians. You want to see numbers? Then learn statistics to get into econometrics (you'll have to learn R and Python btw lol).
>Ignore marxoids
Some of them are highly influential thoughbeit.
I know Hayek isn't really a lolbert, but he's highly influential both to them and in general and should definitely be engaged with.
Economics is a waste of time.
ntOP but what about the mmt guys or the marginal utilityists?
thx anon
>Tell me you're economically illiterate without telling me you're economically illiterate: the post
very clear you don't know what Fiat currency is.
What is a fiat currency? I don't mean whatever internal voucher system Fiat uses in its factories.

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