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Nietzsche fundamentally argues for a world view where he would not be alive, as a sickly frail man, ergo his subconscious death drive (kept away by his constant use of drugs that were medications at the time) makes him no different from Schopenhauer's pessimists or Abrahamics in general.
the impression i get was that nietzsche isn’t imagining some bronze age warrior jackoff fantasty like people imagine he’s doing. He is well aware that he is one of the sickly and weak that he describes- he was chronically ill and friendzoned into insanity by salome-
his philosophy is him trying to resist the cope that is ressentiment, which is so easy and alluring to everyone else in such a position.
That is the path to the übermensch- despite the abject suffering of the world, one resists blaming jews or billionaires or chad, feeding into this cycle of resentment
resenting resentment is still resentment
>or billionaires
We need the billionaires to fertilize our soil. It is their system I resent. Only with that system gone could we ever bring about Über-world.
why are so many people hostile to anyone affirming life? the fact that nietzsche radically affirmed life in spite of his illness and constant suffering is noble, in his place most would do the opposite and reject life, even go so far as to condemn life. but your caricature of nietzsche if based on a misinterpretation of BAP thoughbeit
We can't really know if he affirmed life or that he was simply living a lie to help cope with his problems
I think Nietzche is right in recognizing that resentment towards people who are superior in some way, framed as a kind of moral superiority- the ‘sour grapes’ which underlies a lot of anti-billionaire sentiment, is pure poison.
Despise them for other reasons sure, knock yourself out, but don’t construct a moral system where wealth, power, success are in themselves morally evil to cope with your lack of it
Yeah but those 3 things don't exist in a vacuum, if my proposal to send 100000 mentally disabled Americans to their certain death in war got me wealth, power & success people would still have the right to resent me
The system of money, debt slavery, makes none of those people superior. It makes them armed with armies of fools with lots of weapons, all to enforce this enfeebled corrupt world. Debt slavery and classism are the poison.
Make "billionaires" disappear will erase any such resentment.
this is a great example of the pseudo christian-socialist slave morality, right down to the part about the world being corrupt. yes, everything in this sinful capitalist world must be torn down and the earth made anew for us to really start living blah blah blah
A beautiful myth if you ignore that socialism has only ever been able to produce slavery and oppression
When you're right you're right.
If you had any brains you'd see the plain fact that money is the root cause of corruption. But you place more value in it than in people. You'd sell your own mother for the right price.
>Falling back on Marxist capitalism
Fuck off, fool.
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this is what losers like you will never understand
>i'm a cuckroach, why should i advocate for a society where lions get to rule
Money is actually nice and our motivation to acquire it encourages pro social behavior. If I had to choose I’d say completely amoral industrialists trying to make money are responsible for far less cruelty and suffering in the world than kill-the-rich demagogues and the retards that follow them
You flatter me. That would be based if true
You're a jew in spirit regardless of how you cope.
Are we sure that Nietzsche didn't want Conan the Indo-Jewish barbarian to break into his pathetic quarters, kidnap him, and ravish him nightly as his boy-slave? Was Nietzsche aware of men's access to abjection through homosexuality as an alternative to resentment?
>We need the billionaires to fertilize our soil.
Microplastics. Sport is the only valid reason to kill the rich. Sport and trophies. Let me get my list of union taxidermists.
>I have never read Nietzsche in my entire life
>anyways, here's my opinion on him
>Nietzsche fundamentally argues for a world view where he would not be alive
No he doesn't, you stupid fucking prick. Read a book before posting on /lit/
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Anon... the world IS corrupt and suffering is the most integral part of the human experience. It's not capitalism's fault but just existence. Money and control is the way some "powerful" people found to keep their minds from suffering, by simply inflicting it in others by the most unatural and inhumane means. Rules, laws, regularions, patterns, the army, the government, capital and such all have your worst interests in mind and are run by deeply miserable people who deep down also want to kill themselves and hate being played by invisible "lick person X's feet to keep yourself in power so person Y can lick your feet" that their position gives them. While other institutions such as local groups, religious organisations and charities may yield their power to attempt to make the world better, it is also coping. Your "I must become ze ubermensch" mentality is simply your own way to escape from pain, which will lead you to inevitably following things you personally find to be awful and constantly surround yourself in harsh enviroments hostile to your own spirit, the quest of the ubermensch is the one of a soul crushing rat race for constant improvements your head made up. Your victorious ballad will not be composed of trumpets, but silent and slow violins playing the tune of a man who longed for unachiavable goals, complete happiness and freedom, taking both of those away in the process.
>thread #618163826 on nietzsche full of midwits who think his philosophy was the same as ragnar redbeard
/lit/ will never recover until there is a board for religion and philosophy
is this a Hegel or a Schopenhauer board?
>/lit/ will never recover until there is a board for religion and philosophy
You mean >/his/ ?
/his/ is a history board and it's full of dumb normies and haploautists
we need a /phil/ that's started as a /lit/ colony where all the christfags, buddhatroons, evolaspergs, and nietzschean kiddies can go
I don't even mean this derogatorily as I take part in all these threads
/lit/ should be filled with discussion about poetry, novels, criticism, etc
/phil/ would be to philosophy as /his/ is to history
/lit/ was a better history board than /his/ has been.
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he wrote at length against asceticism and it's priests. why would medication use be an argument against his love of fate? im not sure you've actually read anything by the man
There's books about his use of opium, he very often did take drugs to ease his pain
>By 1882, Nietzsche was taking huge doses of opium and continued to have trouble sleeping. In 1883, while staying in Nice, he was writing out his own prescriptions for the sedative chloral hydrate, signing them "Dr. Nietzsche".
Yeah except that he didn't advocate for a world like that and this board in general has a terrible understanding of Nietzsche. The amount of times people here have told me Nazism epitomized Nietzsches ideas is ludicrous
Yeah so what? That's based. Led Zeppelin wrote their first 3 albums on opium
No he doesn't. You didn't explain why you think that, but I assume your thinking goes something like this:

>Nietzsche thinks the strong should rule the weak and let the weak simply die off or kill them

That's not correct. Nietzsche advocated for the transcendence of both slave AND master morality in the form of new structures of meaning created by those "free spirits" who are able to break down established structures and use their own natural drives and desires to form new values, which would govern a new kind of morality. He also didn't advocate for one single, universal new morality, but as many new moralities as there are free spirits. He DID promote the idea that the free spirit should shape the world around them by imposing their will on others, but he also promoted nobility in the free spirits which he defined as a free-flowing generosity which comes from abundance and strength - not a brute strength that requires force necessarily, but a strength of spirit which can allow one to attain power creatively.

All of this is radically different from the beliefs of Schopenhauer or the "Abrahamists".
I agree with the premise but since III is the only one of those which didn‘t get dwarfed by their later career, that‘s a pretty damning indictment if they were even slightly starting to get off it while hanging out at Bron-Yr-Aur.
They didn't "epitomize" his ideas, but there's value in seeing this with nuance:

The "Nazis" as a mass movement were largely people following the orders of leaders. These leaders did the following:

>created an aristocracy
>transgressed moral and societal norms in pursuit of their unique and grand ambitions
>imposed their will upon the masses
>created a new culture - including art, aesthetics, and ideals
>embraced war as an invigorating force of renewal for their people
>engaged in practical political maneuvering, using religion, political ideologies, and traditions to manipulate the masses a la Machiavelli
>fundamentally rejected both Communism and Capitalism while using elements of each to construct a unique political and economic system which advanced their interests
>elevated superficial beauty a la the ancient Greeks
>constantly promoted striving for human excellence, characterizing suffering as being vital for the flourishing of strong and noble spirits
>instilled within the ruling elite ideals of superiority over the common man (the herd)
>promoted festivity and celebration
>rejected intellectualism in favor of an authentic and natural (primal) mode of engagement with the world while also elevating the value of science and philosophy which advanced their cause

You tell me how much of that resonates with Nietzschean thought. The key is to distinguish between the "Nazis" and their highest leadership. The Nazis as a mass collective were used as a tool - a human resource, for imposing their will upon the German society and the areas which they were able to bring under their dominion.

>but Nietzsche loved the Jews and hated antisemitism and nationalism

And he also said he didn't want blind followers and demanded that his "disciples" overcome him with their own authentic values.
He was fleeing his own suffering with drugs what right does he have to say he affirmed his own life
Yeah man, the Ubermensch won’t even use an ice pack when he’s hurt, that’s how fuckin tough he’s gonna be.
>Nietzsche fundamentally argues for a world view where he would not be alive
>he isn't alive and did in fact die rather young
Ok? It's not like he's a hypocrite
Thus spake Zarathustra is all about a guy who finds the emotional flaws in everyone he meets and shows himself superior while exposing flaws in human nature. It's quite pathetic in the pathos sense. Ultimately he has to face reality alone when he has nothing.

If you read it it's not so much ironic as a warning maybe. His claims about the Uber mensch could be considered ironic. If you read thus spake Zarathustra its so over the top as to defy belief. But he's also saying that to accept others flaws as your burden means you lose independence and so if someone's flaws so fundamentally clash with your personality then you shouldn't be burned. Zarathustra is a tragic hero because while he points out flaws he doesnt say what he stands for which means he himself in some sense can't be criticized. He's a kind of negation.

I haven't read human all too human but nietsche isn't the caricature people make him out to be. Kierkegaard is a tool though.
My phone is part of a fledgling AI network and sometimes has opinions in what I write. I'm taking it to a shrink but it might take a while. That should be *shouldn't be burdened.
Opinions on what I write. I still don't know what it's name is other than phone not even if its just part of a botnet or a field test for a secret government prototype so you have to understand I'd find the whole thing bemusing if it weren't such a hassle.
Injecting pure opium isn't the same as using an ice pack
Zarathustra "faced reality alone" before the text even started and the result was that he felt such an abundance of joy and self-love that he compared himself to the sun before bringing his teachings to the people out of near compulsion. What do you mean he doesn't say what he stands for? He stands for ever-greater excellence through continual striving and self-overcoming. He stands for loving the chaos within yourself as something that is necessary to overcome mediocrity. His criticisms of others are always in light of these values and goals. His values are affirmative, consistent, and clear. He not only can be criticized, but he encourages criticism from his own disciples as a means for them to overcome him - and he offers the potential criticism of himself that he is manipulative and tells them to be ashamed of him and to forget him. Of course, this criticism isn't entirely sincere either, but he embraces pride as a virtue so that shouldn't be surprising.

Please, and I'm being sincere: elaborate on your criticisms.
Have you been writing fanfiction anon?
If you can't see that as being over the the top I can't help you. The guy ends up alone after critiquing everyone. There's text and subtext. I'm arguing Thera a subtext from context. You claim theres not. Also I had dick for grains fuck up my hand today so that's totally unrelated and definitely makes your point stronger.
There is a subtext. Phone is spooked.
Also quite clearly dick for brains
Yeah it's over-the-top: that's the whole point, bozo. You should read Ecce Homo and see how much he praised himself for writing Zarathustra. He uses language of strong praise and unapologetic self-aggrandizement in part due to his view on language as being something that initially developed as a way to distinguish between self and other - us and them; and this leads to it being used to prop up the self - the us, over and above the other. This way of using language was very common in the ancient world, and to temper what you say with self-deprecation in order to not offend the sensibilities of others is, for him, to use the language of the slave morality developed in the West by Christendom. By using language that heaps praise, he intentionally distinguished himself as other from the Christian.

And yeah, I don't buy your subtext because it doesn't put Zarathustra in context: Nietzsche elevated the value of solitude as a means to release oneself from the herd so they can develop fully into their authentic self. Zarathustra's isolation, though sad, is also meaningful in accordance with this value. And I don't know what your fucked up hand has to do with anything but alright got it.
Nietzsches allusions to an aristocracy are meant to be, aristocrats of the soul...
He was psychologically acknowledging that aristocrats have their own value system that they justify themselves and don't feel guilty about or question, whereas commoners always need an external justification; a God, a dogma, permission from leaders.
He was saying that philosophers should mimic this trait of elites, because that's what makes their beliefs have traction in the real world. It was a way of critiquing the search for an objective truth, and affirming the validity of an unapologetic subjective belief.
But if you pay attention, he heavily criticizes the cruelty and lack of vision in most aristocracies. In that the Nazis only stood for superficial embrace of uniformity and mass collective identity, they're the polar opposite of nietzsches ideal
Haven't read them. Like on said that's my interpretation of Thus Spake Zarathustra. I also skimmed beyond good and evil a while ago. My take is there was a subtext and an over text with both being equally true as both power and weakness. Zarathustra is personally powerful but cooperatively weak. In the end he has to face the zero hour which I take to be a confrontation with what hes learned through his interactions with others but in some ways it's a lonely process. It's similar to the way that adulthood is about personal independence, but in other ways that can be bad in a community based situation in many ways. Then again we all die alone at least in the existential sense in confronting the final mystery. It's open to interpretation because he wrote it as poetry. That's what I read. So we disagree. Ok.
Yeah I don't equate niestche and the bazu movement at all. The nazis were essentially an economic movement because war production was the only way to get out from under the debt of the whermacht Republic so it was somewhat a natural consequence of the first world War. Imagine if no one shot Franz Ferdinand what the world would be like.
Ugh nazi movement. Phone is possessed.
I agree that Nazism didn't spring out of a vacuum and the Versailles treaty was provoking a similar response anyway. But it doesn't justify it and it still seems very un-Nietzsche to me
ok and?
Okay. Fair enough. I don't like Hitler or the Nazis either. But let me ask you this: If Nietzsche had been alive during WW2, who do you think he would have had the most good things to say about? I could definitely be wrong, but I don't think he would appreciate the democratic liberalism of the Western allies, nor the Communism of Stalinist USSR. What was the average American solider fighting for?

But maybe Nietzsche would've had nothing good to say about any of them. Or maybe he would've found the Nazis particularly reprehensible like the rest of the world did except Ford and a few others. And Japan.

And if he were alive today, do you think he would let people put him in the common anti-nazi box that everyone fits into? My instinct is that he would praise Hitler just to fuck with the absolutely ingrained, dogmatic moral sentiments of Western society. I think he would make bold, unapologetic, somewhat cryptic statements suggesting that Hitler was better than Eisenhower just to resist easy interpretation and make the common man uncomfortable. But maybe that comes from a misunderstanding of his goals in critiquing the dominant narratives of his time - maybe there's a more sophisticated logic that made him decide which targets to designate as attack-worthy, but from my reading it looks like his focus was less on the targets themselves and more on the reader. Maybe I'm misinterpreting Dionysus in The Genius of The Heart.
I think he would have likely seen every side in world War 2 as decadent, and would maintain intense criticism of the Nazis while also criticizing the clear way modern society uses the Nazis as a foil to avoid genuine self critique

I think Nietzsche would have seen WWII as the defining consummation of his prediction of the end of Europe, and postwar Americanism as the final breath of western civilization. He would think all of it was horrible and decadent
Sounds reasonable. You don't think he would have had anything good to say about the sexual liberation of post-war America? How it at least served to break down the decaying moral and social structures of Protestant-derived American society, offering a pathway for new and creative expression to spring forth? I know the 60's and 70's were decadent as all hell, but what about "active nihilism"? Postmodern breaking down of restrictive narratives leading to some individuals, perhaps free(er) spirits to discover more authentic modes of engaging with Modern society and thought?

And as for post-war Europe: the same points apply in most cases but with the addition of the development of a European Union and far more conscientious and robust resolve against fascism. I think Nietzsche might look at Europe today and think that despite its many, many problems, it does sort of represent a new European unity that, in its decadence and chaos, allows for the potential of a future rebirth - provided that Capitalism eventually fails while both Communism and Fascism are popularly rejected. The aristocratic soul is not extinguished, it just languishes at the margins while a baser aristocracy built on material wealth and prudence "flourishes" at the top - for now. We still have chaos in us.

I think Nietzsche would laugh at comparisons of Trump to Caesar or even Hitler, but I also think he would see the political strife in the US as an opportunity for a new order once both major parties fail to contain the disorder.
Awfully Saturnian of you.
nta, but to define human experience by our weaknesses is no less arbitrary than to do so by our strengths. You are typing on a computer right now with all the knowledge of the world at your fingertips, access to clean water and pleanty of food to eat, and yet you yern and whine for even more control? When does your discontent end? What do you hope to deprive yourself of, to say "no" to, such that you will be happy? That's the final destination of slave ethics, to deny everything and even eventually itself and leave only strengths if anything remains at all. Will you go so far as to deprive yourself of even existing before escape from unhappiness or dare I say happiness for "you" can be found? Do you have the nerve?
Or is there maybe something else that casts this shadow of suffering you're so quick to claim comes from existence itself that you secretly live for? Is there possibly something pleasurable you're currently being denied, and that deprivation is the real cause of your suffering? And in that case, you hope to deny yourself of being denied of it, which is an unnecessary double negation the same as saying you actually want it rather than saying you want to negate yourself out of existence itself so you can stop wanting anything at all. The distinction is important to make, since the former implies something for you to say "yes" to, an unearthed spark of master ethics within you not there for necessity but because you personally value it that you have deeply repressed under the pain of you growing up and finding out you can't have what universally valued unattainable things(sex, money, grades) you were tricked into wanting by society, so fooled yourself into assuming all wants to be painful unatainable tricks and forgot how much entertainment could be gained from a doorstop that goes "boing," the inscruitible though undeveloped original source of all master ethics.
Or maybe the pleasurable things only happen because of the suffering. And it is not the light that causes the shadow, but instead the shadow that causes the light as you try to make it seem by painting a picture meant to appear so dominantly dark that it seems darkness and suffering asserts itself somehow independently without light and pleasure when the reality is that neither can exist(in the sense that they make contrast) without the other, and is you trying to obfuscate that the want to not exist, for there to be no contrast, doesn't mean freedom from suffering any more than it means freedom from not suffering.
you don't need to yell anon, we agree
Nietzsche said that he had a unique perspective because he inherited the physical weakness of his father as well as some health from his mother, which gave him some insight into weakness from a perspective of strength.
Overall he wasn't also as brutal or uncaring as many people think, but maybe he really would have died even earlier in a world that he envisioned. There is no real contradiction, even Achilles ultimately dies in battle, a tragic death is not such a horrible thing compared to a long and pointless life.
>Will you go so far as to deprive yourself of even existing before escape from unhappiness or dare I say happiness for "you" can be found?
Survival instincts are harsh, when I was younger I kept telling myself I was "too young to kill myself and said decision might be heavily misguided by hormones fucking my brain up" or whatever, nowadays I realise things have remained the exact same, if not gotten worst since throught the course of university I developed at least 3 or so chemical addictions.
>Is there possibly something pleasurable you're currently being denied, and that deprivation is the real cause of your suffering?
I used to think it was sex, but now I use half of my family's heritage for hookers and have taken steroids in hopes of making myself remotely acceptable, still no use. I tried to become the all-naturale type and constantly go out on hikes and try to contact myself with nature but that felt useless too. Maybe it's human connection but im very depreciative of most of the retarded friends I have so it can't be that, nor money either cause I was born into a wealthy household and have had plenty of material wealth that ends up just being wasted in dopamine hitters like alcohol or drugs. Im trying to wrap my head around how to be happy for years and have yet to achieve it, the few people who can stand being around me call me a raging pessimist and im sure none of them would be surprised if I were to end it all. I can't even use the druggie argument of my brain frying itself up since I already have had this problem since childhood. By the way, before any christcuck comments, yes I have tried to seek Jesus but I genuinely can't fucking stand my local church and the people who attend it, and the Bible has not moved me much.
>the pleasurable things only happen because of the suffering. And it is not the light that causes the shadow, but instead the shadow that causes the light as you try to make it seem by painting a picture meant to appear so dominantly dark that it seems darkness and suffering asserts itself somehow independently without light and pleasure when the reality is that neither can exist(in the sense that they make contrast) without the other, and is you trying to obfuscate that the want to not exist, for there to be no contrast, doesn't mean freedom from suffering any more than it means freedom from not suffering.
The want does exist, it would inevitably be there. I just simply gave up on it and after a while developed a affection towards pain as a defense mechanism to fight it.

Also, that comment was not about me, im too attached to this effortpost to dump it off at this point, but I feel the claim of the ubermensch being a ultimate quest for vanity (specially for the underage faggots getting their info on him off right leaning grifters and their half assed interpretation of him) is a valid one regardless of my personal pessimism.
You're searching for something that isn't there instead of accepting what is
Why do you guys talk about this shit everyday?
Tried therapy or SSRIs? Not that I necessarily recommend it, just curious if it would work for a case like yours.
I mean is he really a hypocrite if he knew he didn’t represent this ideal and admitted it? Is it so bad to have an ideology and be honest to the fact that you yourself are a failure within your self imposed laws? At least currently
Fuck else are we gonna do
For me it's interesting at the moment because I'm currently reading Nietzsche (I might be a minority on this board when it comes to this) so I still get new insights in these threads and can check my own interpretation.
Yes, therapy just leeched off my wallet since everything the therapist would say were just things I knew about myself already. SSRIs leeched off my brain and made me a drooling retarded 24//7, im not trying them.
*im not trying them again
an actual fpbp in a nietzsche thread
All the products of the media industry are drug addicted NPCs
>made me a drooling retarded
>im not trying them
heh, it really shows
jk, thanks for sharing your experience. I actually started therapy and my experience so far is just neutral, it neither hurts nor helps, it probably really is a waste of money. I'm also very sceptical of antidepressants, probably won't try them unless I really become suicidal or something and have nothing to lose.
>Why do you guys talk about this shit everyday?
The mere fact that atheists still talks about a simpleton like Nietzche in 2024 shows that there's no ''progress'' or ''evolution'' in the atheist society, beyond the material realm, precisely because atheism is devoid of any intellectualism, which is produce a great stability in their societies and lack of any subversion. Atheism in 2024 is the atheism 200 years ago, and in front their own creation that is nihilism, atheists use the same farcical copes à la Nietzche.
>a simpleton like Nietzche
lol. A theist in the 21st century calling Nietzsche a simpleton. And like any modern theist, you get everything wrong.
>but don’t construct a moral system where wealth, power, success are in themselves morally evil to cope with your lack of it
What it ironically ends up doing is just painting humanity as these easily corruptible creatures. I mean, sure, maybe that is a good mindset that keeps people from corruption, but I'd like to think that people actually can keep themselves form corruption.
what about the part where Achilles talks about preferring to be a paid servant in a poor man's house rather than dead in Hades? This is not like christianity, which promises salvation for a virtuous life. This is paganism saying that it's just better to live a long and miserable life than to be dead.
Good point.
>Doesn't like meaningless hooker sex
>Doesn't like connecting with nature yet
>Doesn't like retard friends
>Doesn't like money
>Doesn't like dopamine hitters and struggles with addiction to them
>Doesn't like the church or the Bible

This is actually a very VERY good start, anon. Except for the drugs, and you know you don't actually want them but are just addicted to them, you haven't fallen into any of the typical traps people fall into, sex and money being MASSIVE things to know you don't really want. People will throw away their EVERYTHING just to get these things.
Your issue currently is you still somehow don't have anything you want despite already trying to get everything you thought you'd want. But there can only be so many things in this world you don't like(since dislikeing things implies belief in some sort of thing you like worth protecting), and the more things you cross off that list, the closer you must be getting to finding out what makes you happy. You already know that what you want is something you never thought you would want. It might not be something you think you'd hate, but it is not something you originally thought happiness comes from, so you should do something entirely new, like dedicating 6 months to just playing golf if you've never considered golf before.

You know you don't want the drugs that steal away your autonomy but figure that the effort of clearing yourself of them wouldn't put you in a position where you're happy, since as a kid you didn't do them and weren't happy. You're sick of being sick of things.
But why sooner believe that not clearing the drugs will make you happy when you already know it won't? It is easier, sure, but we already know you don't want easy things since if it were easy for you to be happy, you'd already be happy. You wouldn't be lurking on 4chan's most pseud board next to /sci/. In other words, you still falaciously believe you know about what makes you happy enough to think it is impossible, when all you really know is the same as always, what makes you unhappy. And you use this false knowledge of impossible happiness as an excuse to make yourself momentarily less unhappy with drugs and even more unhappy in the long run, because why struggle for what you think there's no reward for? further straying from the well hidden nook or cranny of your life where the happiness must hidden that must exist somewhere since you know so much about what makes you (un)+(happy) for the happiness you negate to not exist.

You could just kill yourself in hopes of no afterlife, but why? Just to rid yourself of this deception?
>noooooooo you can't enjoy life if you're sick or an incel
>noooooooo people I feel contempt for can't be happy with choices I wouldn't make
>noooooooo stop dancing and having fun it's not allowed
kek le ressentiment
>It might not be something you think you'd hate, but it is not something you originally thought happiness comes from, so you should do something entirely new, like dedicating 6 months to just playing golf if you've never considered golf before
Closest I have is my love for literature and the arts, I feel it speaks to me more than anything else. Too bad in this niggerized society that is seen as a bad thing, I have even been called unmanly for taking time off my day to read the greats instead of going to the gym. Fucking ebonic troglodytes.
>You wouldn't be lurking on 4chan's most pseud board next to /sci/.
These last few months have been rough on this board (election season most likely) but I still believe it's one of the best places on the web for genuine literary discussion, which is such a severely low bar we somehow make it past.
>You could just kill yourself in hopes of no afterlife, but why? Just to rid yourself of this deception?
Yes, it's the most logical thing to do. Any arguments on why I should not kill myself fail to comprehend what human plight actually is about or empathise with my worldview/problems and going "ummmm at least you are wealthy!"

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