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Races and Species Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion and development of fictional worlds and settings.
Here is where you can share the details of your created worlds such as lore, factions, magic systems, ecosystems and more. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art, either created by you or used as inspiration for your work. Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

>What is worldbuilding?
Worldbuilding is the process of creating entire fictional worlds from scratch, all while considering the logistics of these worlds to make them as believable as possible. Worldbuilding asks questions about the setting of a world, and then answers them, often in great detail. Most people use it as a means of creating a setting or the scenery for a story.
>"Isn't there a Worldbuilding general in >>>/tg/ already?"
Yes, there is. However, that general is focused on the creation of fictional worlds for the intended purpose of playing TTRPG campaigns. Here you can discuss worldbuilding projects that are not meant to be used for a roleplaying setting, but for novels, videogames, or any other kind of creative project.
>"Can I discuss the setting of my campaign here, though?"
If you want to, but it would probably be better to discuss it on >>>/tg/ . We don't allow the discussion of TTRPG mechanics, however. If you want to discuss stats or which D&D edition is best, this is not the place.
>"Can I talk about an existing fictional setting that is not mine?"
Yes, of course you can!
>"Does worldbuilding need to be about fantasy and elves?"
Worldbuilding, as already stated above, and contrary to what many believe, does not inherently imply blatantly copying Tolkien. In fact, there are many science-fiction setting out there, and even entire alternative history settings which do not possess supernatural elements at all. Any kind of science fiction book has an implied setting at least, which involves a certain degree of worldbuilding put into it.

Last Thread >>23764243
Thread Questions:
>To start with, what races/species do you have in your settings, besides humans of course? Do you prefer more traditional races, ones you've made, or a mix?
>When creating original races for your worlds, what process do you use? What original races have you made using this process or other resources, and how do you make them sufficiently distinct from each other and humanity?
>For more typical fantasy races like Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, etc., how do you feel about them, and how do you put your own spin on them if you include them in your settings?
>How do you know when you have a good number of races and sub-races for your setting? What do you need to consider when making your race's cultures and how the races interact?
>Last but not least, how does creating species in more science-fiction-based settings compare and contrast to making ones for fantasy settings? And what are some common archetypes you like to see or use for either (or both if it's science fantasy)?
I just use humans in my science fiction setting, though some would argue that cyborgs are becoming a distinct demographic.
All fantasy races in my world are just humans with magical mutations.
I fucking hate working on maps
After Tengu, Oni, and Kitsunes, what other Yokai would work well for races in a setting or region that’s based on Japanese mythology and folklore?

Alternatively, how would you give classic races like Elves a Japanese twist beyond just merging them with a kind of Yokai, like Elves and Kitsunes, or Oni and Orcs?
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creating my own science fiction novel, here's what i got so far, it's inspired by Foundation, the Silmarillion's autistic worldbuilding, and Spengler's concept of high cultures

>takes place in the year 3500
>humanity is a type 1.91 civilization on the Kardashev scale (using 15% of the suns total energy output)
calculated this by extrapolating the current humanity's energy usage of +2% each year

>there are around 200-300 nations, each planet has between 10-20 nations,
some nations are planetside, other nations are unions of asteroid colonies, others are unions of hundreds of space stations that orbit in Lagrange points, (like the O'Neil cylinder Sides from Gundam)

>the world 1500 years from now is as different to modern times, as the world was 1500 years ago
i wanted to make the world feel strange, like how would we feel if we traveled 1500 years into the future. probably similar to how a medieval person would feel if he traveled to our modern day, so i just made it like medieval geopolitics but in space, kinda like how Foundation is the Romans in space

>there are many new cultures/races (which i try to speculate may exist given current trends and demographics)
such as one that is a mix of Russian-Chinese due to them needing to team up (vs America which can go solo) in colonizing parts of mars/moon/venus etc...(venus has already been terraformed btw), their inner racial dynamics are similar to that of latin america with spaniard-castizo-mestizo-indian-negro

>the oil/primary fuel of the future is anti-matter and fusion materials
most of this is generated on saturn (jupiter at number 2) due to it's large surface area, and large magnetic field to result in high energy collisions from solar particles that generate more anti-matter. the various nations of saturn are similar to the modern day middle east, and play a very big geopolitical role (they live in artificial cloud cities btw like in star wars)

>hard rule : cannot travel faster than the speed of light, no warp drives
i put this cause i felt it was lazy for sci-fi space stories to use instant warp travel as a crutch for the fact that space is very big. i liked how in medieval times it took travelers years to go from spain to china, and the journey itself was a story that could take up your entire life

here each star system is like it's own city state
it takes a hundred years to travel from one system to the next (they mostly trade resources back and forth on giant interstellar freighters, like the ISV from Avatar, run by generational families)

>probes have been sent to survey nearby star systems, however no humans have yet to leave the solar system yet
>the world population is around 600 billion at minimum (1/3rd of that is on earth)
most of the other planets aren't very habitable, they are like living in alaska or in the desert, so they have similar population densities to desert nations here on earth. Terraformed venus being a very habitable planet is one of the more populated ones
An idea I have is a sort of race of Golem. One day an old wizard/monk created a special golem, one simple yet complex. He loved woth said golem for a few years, growing old wit it as he had it take care of him. One day, knowing his end could be coming soon, he taught the golem how to make golems, so that he could have a friend and family. The golem made his first golem, making a friend. He made a few more later and effectively made a small family. The wizard/monk passed away and the golem loved on. Soon the first golem taught the others how to make golems as well and from there on their numbers grew. It grew and they improved there home turning it into a city within a few decades. They had enough to make a city-stae and were then recognized as their own race of people.

A sort of fantasy version of a robot civilization. I think it can be fun, especially if you account for magic, the other races that could exist the world and there nature as magical creations.
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here's a map i made of possible future nations
inspiration obviously taken from medieval times

this is just a map of planet earth, other planets have their own cultures and civilizations, that have a common ancestry with these ones

rules i used to create this was
>to mirror historical past civilizations (i.e there is precedent for such a geopolitical entity existing)
>set geographic limits, i.e mountains would be a natural boundry
>keep nations in their own biome,
i.e a desert civilization wouldn't continue expanding into a jungle one since it would be difficult for them to administrate
>nations are also kept in their "cultural geography"

these may look like big nations, but in the future they are considered medium/small sized. similar to how modern day iraq is a unified mesopotamia, and we consider it small, but back in the bronze age it woulda been a huge empire
more technology = ability to administrate larger populations/regions

the gray areas are an internationally enforced nature preserve to prevent global warming/etc.. humans aren't allowed to build there and only small groups of tribal people live there (who don't use technology)
About that FTL rule: The stories are impressive because there were things in between points A and B. In the void of space there's literally nothing and it would be the equivalent of waint in an apartment for a tornado to show up in front of you. Not just that but scientific advancement would easily occur to insane degrees if a hundred years were to pass on each trip. I would suggest making so that ships can goo faster than the speed of light but just barely, the highest ever recorded was 6 times TSoL and that only lasted for two hours. On average a good ship can comfortably maintain 2 times TSoL
Russia, my beloved...
The fuck is the orange state?
a turkic nation based on the Golden Horde, their primary export is grain and they lease their flat farmlands to foreign corporations
Adding on:

Speculating on the advancement of science, and looking at historical trends, I thought to introduce one major scientific discovery that changes the world/story in a major way

Most scientific progress is tiny and the reader wouldn’t know the difference, think German WW2 tanks vid modern M1 Abrams, who can really tell the difference (aside from autists)

As with the Star destroyers from Star Wars, tech looks the same in the old republic vs empire

So to show the readers tech is advancing, each century’s society/geopolitics would be heavily impacted by a major technological trend/discovery

For the 1800s it was the steam engine/Industrial Revolution
1900s = nuclear
2000s = artificial intelligence
2100s = cyborg implants
2200s = genetic modifications
2300s = widespread nanotech / femtotech
2400s = quantum technologies
2500s = fusion/super conductors
2600s = mass colonization of the solar system / serious space exploration tech / terraforming

Need atleast like 15 of these
Tech growth is exponential and widespread. A given age isnt just going to focus in one thing. And agian, I'm not saying instant warp drives but still, have an increase was of travel. >>23860809
Like said before, they can go faster than light but not by much.
An idea I'm using for a future story of mine for an alien race: Sentient Interstellar clouds.
Massive clouds of star dust and gas, around the size capital cities and states. They float around the void kinda just existing in a sense. An interesting thing abut them is that they kinda can act like cell, able to preform mitosis and meiosis. Their mitosis, as it is defined, allow them to split a tiny portion of themselves into an clones of sort. Imbued with decent memories and the same personality as the original they go out scout and gather resources so that they can return to the main body and reserve with it, granting back ots knowledge and what it's gathered.
It's meiosis is a genuine from of reproduction taking a large amount of resources to do. It makes a split off that is truly unique and different and capable of self sufficiency.
A few exist but they all came from the oldest one and it is unknown whether or not other naturally occurring ones exist besides "The First".
In the setting I’m working on, I’m thinking that all the myriad races are aligned with one of the four seasons, or at least have different sub-races/forms for each one, like a plant-based race having something like picture related for their Autumn variant, what do you think, and what would you suggest for which races go best with which season(s)?

Also, what can I do for seasonal spells beyond things like Summer getting flame spells or Winter getting ice spells, do you have any thoughts on that please?
Salut, tu viens pour l'aventure?
>Salut, tu viens pour l'aventure?
Why not just farm it themselves?
I'll state the obvious just in case. You should really read a book(s) about Japanese mythology and folklore or specific about yokai if you haven't already. It will be the best source of inspirations and for sure will help you creating the setting.
But to not be just preachy, I don't know much about Japanese folklore but I think Kappa could work as a race.
An idea I always had for an East Asian setting are monkey people. Both india and China had a mythological monkey kingdom/kings/gods. A mix of martial artists and primitives that just hang out on mountains. Seems like a fun idea.
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My setting is one that has the main axis of things be not good versus evil, but Order versus Chaos. The various races are all aligned with either one or the other to some degree, though I’m having trouble coming up with what specific races I should choose for each besides Elves for Order and some kind of frequently-mutating race like picture related for Chaos, what do you think? I’d also love to hear your ideas for spells of either force, I’m stuck with crystal generation spells and mutation spells respectively so far, outside of some vague ideas for how each kind of magic might approach healing.
Quick question: what are some alternatives to the word "mana" when it comes to naming that kind of... "magic juice" that powers spells and shit?
Qi, ether, power, energon, meriath, swag, juice, junce, kokomenlon, whatever you want.
Metaphysical Weight
I was thinking of including some kind of race with elemental sub-races in my world, a bit like the Genasi of D&D, but more distinct. Beyond the question of what I should call them, what are some ways that I can show the influence of their element on their forms beyond hair made of the element, skin and/or eyes in the color of their element, and of course things like the members of the race aligned with fire having "firey" tempers, lol? I was thinking that they could have some abilities thematically connected to their respective elements beyond shooting blasts of it at people or something like the fire-aligned ones getting thermal vision, what do you think, got any good ideas beyond maybe fire mages that can heal by reinvigorating the “spark” of life, stuff like that? What about ideas like that for magic based on the elements in general please, since I want the abilities to make sense in context with the magic system?
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Should I make it mecha, exosuits, keep it sword and board?
Why everyone is using "Order versus Chaos" instead of "Law versus Chaos"?
unless I were to ever get contracted to write something specific like a Forgotten Realms novel, I find gnomes and halflings to be redundant if you have dwarves already
Hobbits in Tolkien were not superpowered thieves like they are in D&D, the whole point of that story was that Bilbo and Frodo were normal people and if you aren't going for that specific story angle, there's no reason to not just condense tinkerers/inventors/locksmiths/jewelers/etc. into the bearded people with axes who are always at war with orcs and other monsters
Energy drink mages vs dvd wizards
To give any meaningful opinon i first need to know what is meant by "orde" and "chaos" in your setting
I don't see a reason to use dwarfs an don't have other race have those and be smiths and miners
Because farming is a lesser ocupation unfit for proper free men
Get rid of the NTR shit
Still seems a little odd that they wouldn’t use slaves or something instead of leasing the land.
why do you have "mana" at all?
are you making a video game?
In a setting I'm working on, magic is seen as science - so much so people don't even call it "magic" - and that approach to magic means you need to quantify things. One of the most important quantities to measure, of course, would be whatever fundamental resource that makes magic work to begin with. In most media, especially games, you'd call that resource "mana," but I'm looking for alternative names. Something that sounds more academic would suit me best. Once I've got that out of the way, I'll start thinking about potential units of measurement for that stuff.
The red tomb sky
Black castles tower amidst the black mountains
The whole way there is black ash, smoldering and flames peaking out in spots
This is my path to my pegging
any 3d mapmaking progs with which i can put up buildings in a cityspace?
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I was thinking that beings from either side of the divide could be good 'or' evil, so not really Warhammer, no.

Well, "Law" brings to mind an actual court of law more these days, for one.

Well, it's still the early stages, but like I was saying they're the basic primal forces of the setting, not aligned with good 'or' evil, not sure how much more detail I can go into there. As for the magic of each force, like I was saying, I'm tentatively thinking that Order healing spells would work by using the body's "blueprint" as it were to return it to its normal state, while Chaos healing spells would work by forcing flesh to regrow as the caster imagines, breaking the rules of biology and physics by making flesh appear out of nowhere. The former method can't deal with things like congenital conditions because those are part of the individual body's "natural orders", while the latter can, but if a mage makes a mistake it can cause issues like minor mutations that are a hassle to deal with. Does that help?
>Well, "Law" brings to mind an actual court of law more these days, for one.
I prefer the Moorcock definitions.
Order vs Chaos seems too similar to Good vs Evil, while there can be evil laws too.
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Any ideas on other ways for horns to end?

I wanted some alternate ways for the horns to be topped off for subspecies however

What are some good alternative ways for the horns to be tipped in something deadly?

I intended one where the three points fuse into a blade (like an ulu), and another where the three points merge into one long stabby spike.

I'm not sure what else there should be. I was thinking of something bludgeoning related but I'm not sure what would be good.
How about horns with textures like drills?
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Alright, that's your prerogative. Moving on, do you have any thoughts on Law/Order magic vs Chaos magic like I was talking about, or their races? Oh, and I almost forgot, what about gods for each force that don't delve into stereotypical evil like in Warhammer?
I think that would work as a ramming device. Like picrel.

I think I'll also have the bludgeoning horns compacted together and thicker than ordinary horns.

Does it make sense for the race who lives in an area with lots of monsters to have a taboo against using the horns as weapons? I was thinking of a racial code like Wookiees in Star Wars not using their claws as weapons but I also intended the race to have lived and breathed conflict for much of their existence.
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Does anyone here design original monsters instead of using dragons/orcs/goblins/etc? My setting has lion-headed serpents. They can fly despite having no wings and their breath turns things into salt. They effectively serve the role a dragon would serve in a normal setting, as the ancient monster race that you absolutely shouldn't mess with.
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yes, i've designed a race for my setting >>23871507

I haven't coloured it in yet and I'm super /beg/ at drawing still

I haven't gotten used to drawing more monstrous proportions. I wanted to draw this dude with a huge torso but I mostly practiced drawing normal human proportions, so he ended up looking too human-like in proportion
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>humanity is a type 1.91 civilization on the Kardashev scale (using 15% of the suns total energy output)
>calculated this by extrapolating the current humanity's energy usage of +2% each year
>there are around 200-300 nations, each planet has between 10-20 nations,
Nice, good to have someone mathematically literate writing sci-fi that doesn't involve 3000 crappy soldiers being a noteworthy regiment commanded directly by the Warmaster Macaroth in an Imperial crusade over an area of hundreds of planets

>such as one that is a mix of Russian-Chinese due to them needing to team up (vs America which can go solo) in colonizing parts of mars/moon/venus etc...(venus has already been terraformed btw), their inner racial dynamics are similar to that of latin america with spaniard-castizo-mestizo-indian-negro
Feels too scoped in over the last ten years to feel natural over 1500 years. Are there natural, more or less eternal reasons the Russians and Chinese would be allies? (Hint: Russia atm is probably trying to appease Xi because the Chinese want to conquer the Russian far east) Desu I just hate racemixing, which if left unchecked I fear will mix every race into some mutty abomination well before 3500 AD.

>>>hard rule : cannot travel faster than the speed of light, no warp drives
>i put this cause i felt it was lazy for sci-fi space stories to use instant warp travel as a crutch for the fact that space is very big. i liked how in medieval times it took travelers years to go from spain to china, and the journey itself was a story that could take up your entire life
Okay. Note that you could choose instead for low-FTL tech, e.g. by writing as if physics is 100% newtonian (and then spaceship speed is capped by acceleration, and heat dispersion: even the teeny tiny particle concentrations of interstellar space limit speeds. Different parts of space vary a lot in this, but I toyed with this idea and it seemed reasonable to me that space-ships would have a few metres of iron on the front, which at ~50 c would be molten slag and barely holding on against the energy of impact)

Wait, there are individual colonised star systems that trade with crewed vessels but humans have never left the solar system? How does that work?
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Guys, I paid an artist for a map I've posted here in the last threads.

What do you think about it? It's for me completed(In revision) book.
Is there a good online software/tool/website that helps you design a city map?

My story takes place at a fictional city but since I've written a dozen chapters so far it's getting hard to picture where everything's at without a mental image to track everything (I'm bad at drawing)
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fictional universe with the same laws of physics as ours (mostly), disc-shaped galaxy rife with habitable stars and a stable core, no nearby celestial formations of note
For humans and aliens alike, the agreed on universal date is 52,000GS (Galactic Standard)
The universe was created by a supreme progenitor "entity" beyond reality, who in turn created various sub-entities with distinct personalities. The sub-entities were tasked with populating the universe with distinct species and civilizations, along with acting as caretakers. They have the power to intercede in reality, and are the founders of all sentient life in the setting. Some species have a handful of founding gods, others a dozen (at most). The gods commonly agreed to mentor their creations and generally create a functional, healthy societies devoid of the strife we see in humanity IRL. Concepts like betrayal, intrigue, deceit, and greed were rarely tolerated and rapidly castigated by divine intervention. Important to the setting, the gods stopped their interventions around 45,000GS, an attempt at seeing if their creations were capable of maintaining the teachings of their creators, or perhaps innovating on them.
Several alien species of varying technological advancement, scattered across the galaxy in large dominions (there aren't more than 10). Humanity, for the sake of the setting, is fractured into different racial homeworlds helming vast empires (with appropriate conlangs to make it obvious who are the not-nordics and not-orientals, etc...). There is one eldritch race in the setting with the fanciest tech and society, the oldest spacefarers that, among all others, were the last to lose contact with their gods.
Non-Newtonian for the sake of ubiquitous FTL travel, but it isn't instant or even quick. Still grounded in contemporary science for the most part. Things are advanced enough in warfare that automation was *eventually* countered by centuries of electronic warfare chess, leading to starships and ground armies being staffed by living beings for the most part.
>main narrative
The various civilizations of the galaxy are entering a period of uncertainty and controlled stagnancy. Most of the galaxy has been chartered and settled, or at least claimed. Massive empires grapple with sociological change as a result of their gods absence, many to the point of being on the brink of civil war. The various conflicts that arise are increasingly handled by bounty-hunters/freelancers that act as neutral enforcers for governments; in a delicate political environment, these agents tread across the galaxy hunting fugitives, protecting VIP's, or transporting precious cargo. Times have changed, and the jobs are getting dangerously political as many of the bounties are revolutionaries and heretics.

Will elaborate more in a moment
I like the presentation, some of the place names need work badly. Saurotopia reminds me of dinosaurs, and dinosaurs are gay.
I like this, but I think confining the scale to a couple hundred star systems would be best. Travel should be quicker, but not slow that it takes generations to reach other systems. Earth being hyper-populated makes sense, most people will choose to stay behind. The political map looks dumb desu, it needs some work considerate of history and geography (which I don't see with what's presented)
I’m thinking of making a setting where a Great War between the gods claimed the god of Death as a casualty, their power leaking out from their corpses and intermingling with the traces of blood shed by the other gods to create magic. As a result, literally all magic as mortals understand it is necromancy if you look closely enough. I’m looking both for ways to justify the death connection for some of the magic types in particular, like elemental magic or nature magic for instance, or come up with specific spells for said magic types, what do you think please? One idea I had for this was that there would be numerous non-body substances that could work well with different types of necromancy, do you have any ideas on that? Like necromancy for the various elements for instance, what substance(s) might work best for items/rituals for each one? Like, maybe petrified wood works best for plant/nature magic/necromancy, or coral or pearl works best for water necromancy, that kind of thing?

Also, I was thinking that each race might have a preferred form of necromancy, like elves and plant/nature necromancy, is it a good idea in your book?
>Reminds me
Anon... I
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I think I saw a map thread earlier but it must have been pruned before I got home.
Here's the unfinished map I've made for my own WN.
Not bad. What do you still have to do?
Holy shit, people pay money for crap like that?
>The Holy Sort of Like Rolad Empire
Weird name, is it comedy?
Add to it if I need to.
>any thoughts on Law/Order magic vs Chaos magic
Make them Control (Law) vs Power (Chaos), with the latter one being technically more powerful but also most dangerous; Warding/Healing vs Manipulating/Harming.
>their races?
I'd just go with humanoid races as Law, with the less human ones being Chaos oriented.
>what about gods for each force that don't delve into stereotypical evil like in Warhammer?
Just don't make them evil because chaos = evil.
Give them their own objectives and personalities: petty flawed gods are pretty great.
IT Have to be put inside book not on twitter.

Nope fantasy
Then might want to take the fucking biohazard sign outta there, it's ridiculous
Part of the plot. Evil mold killed 1/3 of the Empire inhabitants.
This looks like it was made in a mapping program similar to Inkarnate

For such a low price, it's a good job. Just look at how good the borders are.
It's not bad at all. But I don't know if you'd want to use that for an official book, as mapping programs tend to have a bit of cookiecutterness going on.

For a web release though I think it'd be fine. Or as a concept for a more hand-drawn art later down the road it's good too.
I would say Humans for Chaos, but that would be ripping off Moorcock a bit too much.
What more can you say on how Moorcock handled Order and Chaos? Because I've never read his books.
An idea that I wanted to write out a bit:

Magic is a Parasite.

Magic is a weird semi-sapient energy, force - power. It is not something integral to reality nor a gift from some gods; It is an outsider that invited itself in. Like a living thing it wants to grow and expand. And in order to so it needs to be used. It needs something to use it, cause with each use it grows ever so slightly, ever so more. The more peope, use it the more people can use it. The greater the spells cast the greater they can become. Then at some point, it gets strong enough to be able to create reasons why it needs to be around, to create problems only it can fix. Monsters of all sizes and shapes all crawling around hunting for people for one reasonn or another.
It wants to grow, it wants to expand, it wants to make Gods and Monster. And it won't care really what happens to do it.
The major difference between creating a scifi race and a fantasy race would be the source of inspiration.
For scifi you're kinda force to look at logical appearance, the thing had to evolve in some way, for some reason. If you can explain it any weird thing can work but you uave to explain it. Take from life and science.
For fantasy you can get a more esoteric. You can do all sorts of weird stuff and explain it with a decent hand wave. Take from other stories or other weird things.
For both doing "animal-people" is boring but each setting has its own reason for why that is.
Okay, does it have any solid weaknesses or limitations?
I haven't read many of them but in Corum's stories Humans or Mabden are Chaos Aligned and may have been creations of the Chaos Lords.
The Elves or their equivelent meanwhile were created by Law.
Also the Chaos Lords and the Gods of Law may or may not be extremely advanced humans or alliens that use technology beyond comprehension to play gods throughout the multiverse while furthering their own Agenda.
Limitations: Theoretically none. It can just get bigger and bigger and if it wants something special is just sacrifices quantity for quality, compressing power into a single area. That's how "gods" are made, extreme a quantities of magic into a single form.

Weakness: Only two really. Magic affects magic. There can be an area created where magic is limited or perhaps completely expelled. There is also a slight way diminishing, a way to use it without increasing its size, but it's mostly unknown.
I should also note that in a story like that it caused a magical apocalypse. Imagine a world overrun by magical creatures suddenly and you get the just. Think Scp's Broken Masquerade or World of Darkness veil tearing
Questions for anyone: if your fantasy world has a solar system what do the other planets in it do. Are they just stars I the sky or do you have a plan for them in the future? Do aliens/monster/spirits love there or are they barren? I ask because I both have an idea but also find said idea stupid and need some inspiration.
Well, thanks. Any more thoughts on magic of either force?

Yeah, I wanted to avoid automatically making Chaos out to be "evil", which would make people assume that Law is "good" by default, I wanted to make it more the case that they exist outside of mortal morality. Any idea of what specific things gods of either force might be the gods 'of'? Like, I can see Justice belonging to Law, and a Trickster god being Chaos just makes sense, for instance.

Speaking of such, like I said above in >23870227, I was thinking that each form of magic would have its own form of healing, so they're not quite so specialized as you're suggesting, but otherwise this is an interesting idea. What if Law magic can be used, at the higher levels, to basically tell the laws of physics in an area that they're different?
I want to use a magic system similar to classic rpgs (spells are one of 6 types, water, wind, etc...). I'm having trouble finding a reason why wind mages wouldn't remove the air from around their enemies or water mages wouldn't drown their enemies, but instead they do more classical spells.
If you take inspiration from rpgs, the answer is there too. I have a system sort of like that in my current story. Mages don't have immediate control over the whole element, but learn spells. Spells have a fixed function, like a grenade, and always manifest the same way. The only thing mages can determine is where to drop it. There are spells that can create vacuums too, but they're difficult to learn, so not every wizard apprentice can go throw them around. This way mages are still powerful in battle, but not almighty gods.
Well, what's the full list of types? And what more can you say on the setting? Like, if there's gods for each force, maybe they put strict limits on those kinds of abilities.

I would love to hear more about how the system in your current story works please, including the specific spells. Are spells more "discovered" or "invented", BTW?
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Found a free website that let's you make a handwritten font for free.
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Basically, it's a magic system handed down from the heavens and works like a set of tracks, or "paths" that mages are assigned to follow. There are multiple categories of spells: the common type that can be taught to anyone following the same path at will, then spells that need to be personally discovered through extensive practice and life experience.

Every spell has a predefined function, including a fixed cast time, and a cooldown period after casting before it can be used again.
Let's take Orb of Fire for example. A mage conjures a good old fireball that can be thrown. The spell is defined as being a sphere of flames with a radius of 40cm that can be thrown 5-25 meters away, bursts on contact and sets its surroundings on fire. The spell takes the minimum of four seconds to charge, before it's ready to be used, and after use it takes thirty seconds before it can be cast again. So that's all it does and there's no way for the caster to modify it. I'm tired of stories where the super special protagonist turns pencils into nukes. None of that. Orb of Fire works the same way for every mage who knows it.

In other words, if you know the spell, you can try to take advantage of these details to counter an enemy mage, and he'll try to do the same to you. When encountering spells you haven't seen before, you'll want to learn their limitations before charging blindly in. So mages typically need allies who can hold off enemies while they're preparing and recovering. Fights are more a team effort, rather than one guy curbstomping everybody, though winning wars without mages would be very difficult.
Thanks, I really like this idea. I was thinking about magic from a more bottom up perspective so it never really crossed my mind.
Haven't finalized it but the types will be something along the lines of fire, water, earth, wind, dark, and light. I was going to have magic exist in the world naturally, and each race would have different ways of understanding and using it.
I wanted to build a world that was like a post world war 3 scenario in which people live in a refugee type settlement that's rebuilding itself post war. The war was caused by technology and the refugee camp (i called it Sparrowden) is staunchly anti tech itself. I wanted to build it into a sort of 'stardew valley' type world and then have the character get thrown into some sort of situation in which tech is slowly accepted but maybe elders in Sparrowden are still unaccepting of any new tech.
>sounds pretty gay anon
yeah i know i scrapped it but i'm just throwing it out there.
But in my world people have craftsman type jobs like clothmaker, dye maker, blacksmith (idk how this would work with the whole anti-tech thing though), farmer, government officials (elders), maybe (((banks)))XDxD ?
I'm not sure how deeply you guys think into the worldbuilding thing
how much did you pay, if you want to tell? I'm thinking of getting someone to draw me a map of my city where 80% of my story takes place, but I'm not looking for anything groundbreaking
anon's what writing ai or story generators do you use if any, plus is there any threads about that, inb4 ai sloppa.
Hello I’m new here
Which books do you recommend me to read to study fantasy world building (like Tolkien, GGR Martin and Neil Gaiman) and conlang building.
I have 4 big suggestions for conlanging. Zompist.com has a good general overview, the art of language invention by David Peterson, Biblaridions how to make a conlang videos and showcases and Jan Misalis conlang critic for conlang reviews. Jan Misali is kinda faggoty but the videos are fine.
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>The world of Ardeya is filled with magicians of varying strength.
>Magic is drawn from the atmosphere around the user.
>The atmosphere regenerates in tandem with the strength of the magic used to drain it. The strongest spells may drain areas for weeks.
>The stronger the magic, the more it is drawn, and when drawn too much, the efficacy of magic in that area dwindles until it becomes impossible to cast any further.
>Fights between magicians are typically settled as fast as possible before they run out of atmospheric richness.
>Anti-mages specialize in using a great amount of magic at once to suffocate mages and then defeat them in physical fights.
>The ruins of Eldyn are a magical deadzone. According to incomplete historical records, Eldyn used to be a prosperous, though tyrannical kingdom. Before its mysterious downfall and nearly complete disappearance, they had apprehended a great mage and intended to take him to trial. Second-hand accounts from hundreds of years ago reported seeing a "bright flash" and the "sky turning inside-out" right before its demise.
>Ever since this mysterious phenomenon, Eldyn has had no magical atmosphere and has been treated as an uninhabited neutral zone for peaceful meetings and negotiations between nations.
Why not mix them all up instead of having whole races assigned to one side or the other?

Spoilers for Babylon 5 if you haven't seen it the twist on that show is that the good vs evil conflict we've been following is actually an order vs chaos one. You have elder god aliens who influence societies in their specific way, with one trying to create societies of order and law, and the other encouraging evolution through conflict. Then they send each of the child races to war with one another every few thousand years to see who was right. One of the more interesting aspects, for me, is that we eventually discover that the Earth has aligned itself with the side of chaos, but our good guys are on a space station far away so they have to help the side of order in secret from their own government

So maybe a Mists of Pandaria scenario where people start neutrally but eventually have to choose a side? I think that could be a lot more dynamic
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I was thinking it being less a sides thing and more of an axis thing, with some races being more Orderly than others (like, say, a race of constructs being more Orderly then their creators due to their semi-mechanical nature), if that helps.

What are these two alien gods trying to achieve? Speaking of gods, what are your suggestions for what spheres of influence work best for gods of Order versus gods of Chaos?
>What are these two alien gods trying to achieve?

They were basically trying to prove to the other side that their method of raising the kids was the correct one

>what are your suggestions for what spheres of influence work best for gods of Order versus gods of Chaos?

Maybe look into comparisons between migratory nomad societies and settled agricultural socities and the beliefs that spring forth from constantly moving around against those who stay in a single location? And spin off further ideas from the state of being of the chaotic movers and orderly non-movers?
So... The Demiurge?
My world has all the non-human races be the mortal descendants of one of the gods, which are divided into two pantheons, one that rules during the Day and the other during the Night. I was thinking that Elves might be a Day race, and Dwarves and Goblins a Night race, for instance. What do you think, and do you have any suggestions?

Also, besides the Sun and Moon, respectively, what are some things that the gods of the Day and Night pantheons might have power over?
What are the weaknesses of wolves as anti-human predators?

I'm looking to create lesser Daemons, nature spirits/monsters that are created by Gaia to try and knock humanity back to the stone age. Wolf spirits are really weak, but they're also the most common and incredibly deadly for small settlements. I was thinking of ways to make them more dangerous than "normal" wolves.
One of the ways was simply that they're much more intelligent than natural wolves. They are human level intelligent, and can coordinate packs of more than a hundred. Some of the stronger ones can even create veritable armies that coordinate battles across multiple kilometers and make long term strategies to destroy human settlements with geurilla warfare.
Maybe make their skin tougher? I've heard they're really fragile. And what about poison fangs?
Does anyone here have any good resources or guides to creating races? And how can we put a new twist on elves?
I liked Divinity's take on elves - they don't put as much cultural weight to death or the idea of cannibalism because they can relive the memories of their ancestors and others by eating their corpses. This makes them have more value on connection with each other and a tighter culture, but obviously other races don't look too kindly to them.
For fantasy, I like to include the "typical" fantasy races like Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, etc. though I try to put a spin on them somehow.
For science fiction, I always come up with my own alien races. I've never come up with a sci-fi setting that didn't somehow involve aliens; I'm not a big fan of science fiction that ONLY has humans (or subraces of them). The opportunity to explore an entirely different species and its history, culture, biology, traditions, beliefs, etc. is simply too great to pass up in my opinion.
I've also never had the problem that a lot of people complain about with regards to alien-centric science fiction (think having an alien as the main protagonist in a story, rather than a human), that being an inability to relate to an alien character. In fact, in most works of science fiction I find it easier to relate to and sympathize with alien characters than human ones. Maybe that makes me an autist.
What's the full list of "paths" that you have so far, and the spells for said paths, or at least some of them?

Okay, how were you thinking that the different races would each approach using magic? Like, would one race lean more towards the classic wizard archetype, and another the druidic archetype or something?
Anyone here do conlangs? What do people mean when they say that their adjectives work like verbs? Say I had verb like adjectives in a verb agreement language, would I just conjugate the verb for tense and give it the agreement for the part of speech it's modifying?
Day: Warmth, seasons, life, power, fortune, light, revelation
Night: Stars, zodiac, fate, secrets, darkness, dreams, peace.
Thanks, let me know if you think of any more please. What about the races, BTW?
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So I have a tribe in my setting that can bend fire

I wanted their peasant militias to only be able to wreath their fists in flame, with only the professional full-time soldiers able to do things like shoot full on fireballs and makes walls.

What would be a good explanation for this? I was thinking that the fire fist technique is easy to learn and the militias can spend most of their training just drilling formations, tactics, etc. Whereas things like fireballs and firewalls take a lot of time to really master and while a militiaman can learn it if they tried, most don't bother. I'm not sure if that's a good enough explanation though- perhaps they don't want people making fireballs of they aren't really well trained due to risk of collateral damage?
>What do people mean when they say that their adjectives work like verbs?
It means that their adjectives are derived from stative verbs and as a result they can take some of the same morphology as verbs
>generate clouds
>threshold layer on top
>custom paint your map with brush tool (hardness set tp 0)
>put couleur on it
>put name with arched typography
You're one your own for that one man. I would seriously suggest just looking at other media for that one.
So I can kinda do whatever as long as I treat them like verbs? Trying to get better at the naturalistic side of conlanging. I'm also having trouble introducing irregularity without just doing it arbitrarily.
I think unironically that most of Eurasia will be desert in hundred-two years, almost uninhabited. Western Europe and Indochina will have a climate close to the Maghreb coast. China, Iran, Russia and the great steppe in general will resemble a colder Sahara or Mongolia. Unfortunately, I live here.
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Trying to encode a simplistic script with 4 "letters" per word, 8 different "letters" in total, encoding for 4096 words without diacritics. The little tail at the beginning of the bottom line is such a diacritic. I thought about 4-6 diacritics.
The two rows of complete word symbols are the same, I just had the idea of rotating the words to add more possible meaning modifications.
Do you think the diagonal lines are too simple and difficult to understand? The fact is that each of the 3 positions along the vertical lines can only have one of two states, so it's technically 3-digit bianry number. Should I go for other symbols than Diagonally up & down?
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I redid the thing with points instead of "upwards" lines. That makes the distinction more apparent when flipped upside down and prevents misreading, in my opinion
This script is designed to be written with knife into bark/wood or clay or chiselled into stone.
>forgot to adjust the letters of the last symbol
More or less, if adjectives being derived from a proto-language verbs they will follow some of the agreement patterns of the verbs or will have fossilized patterns from the proto lang and you will not be able to use them as generic nouns, but might still be able to use them as verbs in some contexts

the easiest way to get a naturalist language is first make a proto language and them trying to imagine how it will evolve through time, how things are reanalysed and reinterpreted and how the grammar copes with the changes in phonology, doing so will solve much of your problems without even trying

also here a simplified overview of how to get irregularity in a naturalistic way, I think it will help you
Thanks. I do proto languages and sound changes but at best I end up like turkish with very fee minor irregularities. I have the best luck with using archaic tense marking like with see and saw in the video.
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Both are good but there are instances of writing systems with even more similar glyphs look up
I'm writing a heroic fantasy story. I want a character who is offense-focused. What is an interesting ability for him?
The ability to increase the durability of objects and people he touches( ie making making somthing like paper as tough as steel)
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I made a new version without points
The important thing remains that the symbols have to remain identifyable when upside down and even mirrored, so there should be only one diagonal stroke.
The vertical lines can easily be turned into one, too, which looks cool and is easily done in writing.
I decided to also make an even denser version that encodes every word into a single square
Of course, all of these are just writing conventions, not an actually different script. The script remains essentially an abjad, encoding only consonants and no vowels. it only has 8 vowels, so I thought about adding diacritics to refer to differences in pronunciation between consonants rather than adding vowels. So each consonant can have 2 or 3 or even 4 different versions, kind of like B and P, S and Z, M and N are similar to each other.
Speed of writing and reading is kind of important to me, as well as density. With count of lines mattering so much, you have to differentiate clearly between characters by distance, which hampers distance
What kind of districts should a fantasy city have? The rich neighborhood, the slums, the market district, the harbor district, anything else?
I wanted to toss out something that could be used in a general sense in any world. I had an vague idea of a story featuring Heaven, Hell, and The Forces of Nature. I never went anywhere with but i did like that idea and wanted to make something for it.
Heaven has their virtues, Hell their sins, how about something for Nature. So Here..

The Seven Primal Fundamentals:

[Authority] - The Fundamental of ruling and hierarchy. There will always be those in charge, at the top for one reason or another; From elders to Kings to apex predators. It is the law of "There's always bigger fish". (Matches with Pride/Humility)

[Survival] - Also known as hunger. All living things need to eat, from Plants with sunlight and water to Animals, both carnivores and herbivores. It is a necessity that cannot be escaped, but something that can be decently controlled. If one wants. (Matches with Gluttony/Temperance)

[Power/Action] - Effort put in, work done, both minimal and maximum. No matter the reason, no matter the action, things must get done. It is Hunting, fighting, Strength. (Matches with Wrath/Patience)

[Dream] - All creatures want more, desire more, Dream of more. It is a hope for tomorrow and of something else. And it is what drives many people forward. (Matches with Envy/Kindness)

[Danger] - Death is a fundamental part of life; a lot of things can kill you and you must be wary. Death is inevitable, know that much. (Matches with Sloth/Diligence)

[Community] - The law of interactions, of behavior both social and instinctual. How one thing behaves around another, the purpose for it, and the reason to seek it out. Predator and prey, man and woman, person to person. (Lust/Chasity)

[Territory] - The claiming of what's yours and the understanding that other living things do the same. What's yours is yours and you have to defend that right sometime, to make sure your claim remains yours. (Greed/Charity)
Hey, is this thread good for talking and asking questions about speculative evolution (technically a kind of worldbuilding, I suppose) or are there other threads on other boards that are better for it?
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If your world doesn't have a hot race of elves with a hot unmarried princess for the human hero to marry at the end of the story you've fucked up writing fantasy.
Okay, so why would the princess want to marry a human?
To carry on his heroic genes, obviously.
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Hey guys. I’m creating the mythos for my world and am pretty set of having a world serpent like deity as the creator. My issues is thusly (it’s not really an issue) - but why do some cultures worship snakes while others revile them? They’re one of the few creatures to not only differentiate hugely in their perception between cultures but also starkly contrast in their places. Any ancient history chads got ideas?
Total shot in the dark but I image some caveniggas hated snakes so much they killed them and made them evil in their myths but other caveniggas feared them more than hated and general respect for the deadly noodle eventually led to rituals to keep them at bay and from there morphed to full on worship.
It's like the pajeets took up Elder Futhark runes
Thinking about the genre of narou-kei (web novels) of the very-low-male-population fantasy setting, ie only 1 out of 100 births are male scenario. These stories always gender-role reversals where it’s standard high fantasy arrangement except that everyone is female. Needless to say these stories are really homosexual with males being small and feminine in nature, so they’re just about fetishism in the end of the day.

But thinking about these setting seriously, it’s absurd to think that everything would be the same except that women fill all the roles / positions ie women are exactly the same as men. So, what WOULD a fantasy world with a 1% male population look like? I have an image of a very limited pastoral communities with limited agriculture which is mainly defined by how commonplace and powerful the magic system is, deity interactions, etc and so on. Men would still be in charge but the range of ambition / growth is severely limited — however, maybe not if you can control an army of mages in lieu of a warrior elite depending on setting specifics. Thinking about such a world is actually pretty interesting when you realize how vastly different it would be. Also it would probably be a very difficult world for men individually having to take on a huge amount of responsibility as soon as they come to age because every boy in a village would be an indispensable resource to help take the burden off the backs off the adult males as they get on in years. On the other hand, being a man would also mean a high level camaraderie with the few other males around, like being in a super-elite insider’s club of close friends,
Lore accurated
Work is work. People grow to fill the roles that must be filled, it's the requirements of the task that define how it's done, not the gender of the worker. If you want to write anime harem garbage, go ahead, but don't try to turn it into some cringeass social-political commentary.
Don't crucify me but /mlp/ has a general dedicated to this and may have some ideas you could take inspiration from if you can get overt the horsefuckery of it all.
What do you need to consider for all-female (or mostly female) races like Amazons in your worlds, besides a feasible reason why they’d give birth solely to female offspring, or at least primarily female offspring?
Has anyone come up with any cool fantasy/steampunk doctor/surgeon outfits that aren't just the plague doctor one (as cool as it is)?
How do they keep up the population if the primary baby makers are fighting and conversely how do they keep up the fight when to get more people their warriors must be mothers. I imagine some kind of breeding caste system like wolf packs.
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So I have a great philosopher in my story

His people are like demons in Chinese myth in that they originally had only a monstrous form. Through enlightenment, he taught them how to take a human form, and basically their whole species reveres him.

For example, when swearing oaths or promises, they will often say, "in [philosopher's name] I promise this"

However I wanted him to be like Addwaitya from Ben 10, in that he disappeared long ago. His people are not normally capable of casting spells (except half-breeds with spellcasting races), but the philosopher found a powerful artifact that changed him and let him utilize magic. However it also made him greedy and believe all magic belongs to him since he thinks everyone is too stupid to use it properly.

I was wondering how he should react upon seeing a member of his own species for the first time in eons. I intended him to always have a soft spot for them (seeing them as his children) and he considers them to be fine since they cannot use magic and thus are not using what he believes is something they cannot handle, but I also wanted his madness and greed to be apparent.

I also eventually wanted him to realize he needs to let go of his desire for magic and to allow others to use it freely, but I'm not sure what would be a way for him to realize that.
If you were going to make an artifical servant race and wanted to make sure their numbers are controlled via making them all the same sex, which sex would be more ideal? Assume they can reproduce with other beings.
A pain based ability. The more pain he can generate, the bigger an attack or ability can be.
Go with dudes. Making them women invites fetish bait
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You could make them reproduce asexually like mud birthing pools or parthenogenesis. It would definitely give an alien air to the race if you want to go there. Alternatively, maybe they're like ideologically driven to birth mostly or solely females like due to a religion that states males are somehow more sinful or lack a soul or whatever. They could abort them or just send the males to some other place in the world.
I had an idea for a sort of stereotypical manga story.

It would be one of those generic "Main character is in a magical world but he has a type of magic that's looked down on and so he's made fun of but secretly his magic is actually the greatest and strongest magic in the wolrd" type of stories that are a dime a dozen and are over-saturating the shelves, but I would have an interesting difference (I swear).
Essentially the MC would be a summoner, a decent brand of magic but it would be in a world where there's "color magic" (the type of magic where there's different parts that handle different things, think warhammer or Black Clover) and those magics are just simply better. He's stuck at the bottom of the barrel for a long time until he sort of realizes that he might be able to just summon magical spirits capable of doing the color magic for him, and so he pushes that part of himself and grow in power through those indirect means.

Does that sound like a viable story?
Note, anyone can use this. Im not gonna add it to a story and I think it should be used for more than just one.
Can anyone help me figure out/come up woth names for a sort of Neo-Atlantis. I have a story where there a (human-made) underwater country that's gets named Atlantis. It's Capitial city/state is obviously called Atlantis but how about other places within its borders. What's a good Atlantean state name, what naming scheme should its cities be called ?
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What do you need to remember when creating aquatic, or semi-aquatic, races? There's how they would deal with the inability to forge metals easily of course, but what else?
Atlantis is named after Atlas. According to Plato in the Critias, Atlas was the firstborn of the ten sons that Poseidon and Cleito had together. The other nine are: Gadeirus, Ampheres, Evaemon, Mneseus, Autochthon, Elasippus, Mestor, Azaes and Disaprepes.

Atlantis literally means 'daughter of Atlas'. In other myths, Atlas has seven daughters: Maia, Electra, Taygete, Alcyone, Celaeno, Sterope, and Merope. These daughters are also called the Pleiades, and are identified with the star cluster of the same name.
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Is the sea not populated? There's so much sea. Large metal islands must arise, atolls, peninsulas, the works. If anchored and weighted properly, the searoads could weather any storm. If you place your ear against the cold metal railing you can hear whinging bonging noises that no one can explain.
The east side of the map sticks out. I can see what looks like the irl Kamchatka peninsula stretching down to the Malay peninsula, Borneo, Java, Sumatra. This part could use some more differentiation unless there is an in-world connection to irl geography or I am just seeing things.
lots of things

urination and defecation for one. In air, you shit or piss in a hole and it will fall down.

In water, it will float around which gets really nasty in things like homes. I had an idea where they have air bubbles for the express purpose of sticking your ass or cock into and releasing your waste there.

Breastfeeding infants is also tougher since it's harder to latch underwater and milk can dissipate easily in the ocean. Whale breastmilk is extremely thick as a result.

There is also the fact that building becomes difficult, because many things we build with are designed to harden over time (brick and mortar, cement and concrete), but that wouldn't work very well in water. Nails would also be hard to use on a large scale because forging is difficult underwater. As such, probably take inspiration from those Japanese or Chinese buildings made without a single nail, or other wood joinery things.

I was wondering if you could help me with my own inquiry here >>23901621
>So, what WOULD a fantasy world with a 1% male population look like?
While a Harry Potter fanfic, Firebird's Son toys with this idea. It's a total Alternate Universe fanfic, where male wizards are rare, and copulation with a female wizards results in a "soul bond", which is when a male and female wizard join souls. This "soul bond" is parasitic in nature and it leads to the female wizard siphoning the male wizard's magic, strengthening the female wizard, at the expense of the male wizard's mana. A man can bond with multiple woman, though it will lead to him being powerless magic-wise.
The author does this so that he can toy with a matriarchal world where the woman hold all the power, and men are second class citizens.
Logically, it makes sense, if sex made a man weaker, and a woman stronger, than wouldn't woman logically hold power? And if a man having sex with multiple women led to him having almost no magical power to call upon, then wouldn't it be logical and even encouraged for harems to be encouraged? Moreover, if woman were more powerful than men, then wouldn't they be the matriarch of the family? Wouldn't harems simply be a way for powerful female wizards to bind their noble families to each other, while also crippling the male?
It's a really fascinating concept in my opinion.
A Brother's Price has that somewhat, it's 1 male for every 10 women but it's a similar premise.

Read it, there's some fucked up but necessary things. For example, adopting is illegal as it encourages families to make baby after baby until a son is born, casting out unneeded daughters.

There's also cribs, where men are imprisoned, force-fed drugs to make them super horny, and then fuck women who pay a fee. A single case of syphilis or something tends to wipe out entire families, since the one man fucking everyone can spread it.
That helpful thanks. Another quick question; the story takes place in sort of modern times( a couple decades a head of us but only minor advancement). What's a good place to also take names from that would sort of show that off.
Is it a planned city?
I had made a separate post but one of the things that puts me off is bad worldbuilding, specifically when it is post-apocalyptic/severe recession/post-oil type scenarios, yet things like beer, cheap spices, and other items that are only possible with modern logistics still exist.

I always look for "how do logistics work" questions in worldbuilding and only ignore it if they don't make a point of it.
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>1 male for every 10 women but it's a similar premise.
Does it ever explain 'why' that's the case? And what could cause the reverse to happen?
Okay, what about how city design would change?

Well, maybe he could have his change of heart when he thinks that he should strike down a hybrid for casting a cantrip or something.
Speaking of breastfeeding, how do I make it obsolete in my setting? I find it really disgusting and barbaric, and I want to make it go extinct.

Can artificial milk, produced at low prices by government subsidies, make it an extinct practice?
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New Placename is a tried and true classic, but you can only use that so many times. Who named the cities in the setting? If it's a recently constructed artificial habitat, it was probably created by some corporation or government. What are their goals, values and heroes? E.g. there's a modern charter city in Honduras called Prospera, because the creators want it to drive economic growth. If a bunch of progressives were naming things, they might create cities called 'Diversity' or 'Floyd City'.
It's another one of those "let's see how you like it" feminist literature. You know, where they put men in cartoonish exaggerations of oppressive social structures women were forced into.
You'd need to find a way to make it more inconvenient than buy a bottle, some milk, checking if it's good milk, preparing it, and finally giving it to the baby. Make that easier than, "put baby on lactating nipple"
Because elves shouldn't exist inside a setting as anything else except for a race for humans to slowly overcome and dominate hence the princess is just securing a marriage alliance for the future of her people
I realised almost immediately the author was female because of how illogical the world building is. Hentai manga makes more sense than this.
"Misery Porn" is the best way to describe it. Some Canadian female authors get the same pleasure from writing women getting tortured that we get from porn.
I'm trying to make a logographic writing system like Chinese and this shit is difficult.
How anthrocentric.
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In my world a now-resolved cosmic war has caused the afterlives to merge with the planes of Light and Shadow, so now all necromancers draw from one of those two planes to power their spells. I figured that it would be a good way to justify having both good and evil necromancers in the same setting. For instance, they can use light or shadows to create an imprint of a deceased soul to act as a guardian or spy, respectively. What do you think, and what are some other things I can do with light or shadow necromancy, because I’m hitting some writer’s block, my best idea there is light and shadow versions of zombies and other undead, and I want to avoid getting too close to Twilight vampires for the former, for obvious reasons.
You could have it so that souls summoned from the plane of light (auras) cannot be bound against their will, while soulds summoned from the plane of darkness (shades) can. You wouldn't want to summon a shade without binding its will, because it's generally going to be malevolent anyway. This makes dark necromancy inherently evil, as it necessarily involves mind control and slavery. When you summon an aura, however it will only respond if it wants to. You can safely summon a much stronger aura, because the worst that will happen is that it will ignore you, but it's very dangerous trying to summon a shade that's too strong, because you might not be able to control it, and it probably hates you. Light necromancy is mostly used to seek advice from and communicate with beloved deceased elders, however fallen holy warriors will respond to calls for aid, usually being summoned into enchanted suits of armor as holy revenants. Dark necromancy is a favoured tool of wannabe petty tyrants, who summon shades of cut-throats and mercenaries to re-animate corpses for battle or possess animals as spies (crows are a favourite, being a combinations of ubiquitous, mobile and intelligent enough to control, but wolves and cats also work well). More powerful necromancers can summon stronger shades, which are a much greater threat.

Here you have a fairly balanced set of 'rules'. The forces of light are stronger in general, but will only respond in times of need, while the forces of darkness tend to have numbers on their side and will try and go unnoticed most of the time until they think they have sufficient strength to enact their plan. Then at the end of book 1, you can break the 'rules' that keep things in balance, and reveal the conflict with the true enemy. Maybe a necromancer discovers how to forcibly bind auras, or a powerful shade breaks free and starts operationg independently in the mortal realm.
So I basically just copied a map of Doggerland for the setting of my sword and sorcery stories, with some minor embellishments, of course.
Well, I was thinking that necromancers would create imprints of souls instead of actually summoning the soul itself back to the mortal plane in most cases, but the names for the types of spirits from each plane is something I like, as is the idea of auras entering suits of armor as holy revenants.

BTW, do you have any suggestions for spells that such necromancers could use besides the obvious summoning/raising of undead or controlling them? I was thinking one thing that light necromancers could do was create a light that forces otherwise invisible spirits into visibility/a vision mode that allows them to see such spirits, but that still leaves other spells, like attack spells.
Here are a some suggestions:
Death theme: life/energy drain, plague, blight crops, rapid aging
Anti-knowledge theme: madness, memory erasure, false memory implantation
Concealment theme: shroud of darkness, invisibility, glamour, camouflage / lookaway ward
Chaos theme: mutation, flesh golems, warp space

Life theme: healing, boost strength
Knowledge theme: prophecy, clairvoyance, telepathy, detect lies
Light theme: light, true sight, holy beam / lasers
Order theme: shield, dispel, repel evil, binding oath
Homo sapiens out bred and made every other humanoids go extinct, a similar fate would simply happen to elves, dwarves and whatever other humanoid races.
Other humanoids weren't undeniably superior beings.
Not sure where "Anti-Knowledge' comes from, or why you said "Concealment" instead of "Darkness" or something, but there are a lot of good ideas in here, thanks! Now I just have to find a way to make it clear that things like the telepathy or glamour are coming from necromancy and not some other kind of magic.

BTW, I forgot to thank you for the ideas on using shades in animals as spies, and again for the holy revenant idea, if you have any more ideas for undead of each type I'd love to hear them please!
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Any advice on making a whimsical fantasy setting?
Someone else, but anti-knowledge spund like it could be something called "anti-memetics". Tale Foundry on YouTube has a good video explaining that.
Essentially it's somewhat that causes the ability to perceive it to fallter or fail, something even able to rewrite memories or erase them if you look at it to long. The False Hydra is a good mainstream example.
Is radiation hardening with a unique type of radiation a good enough sci-fi explanation for a fictional superhard and light metal?
And neither are elves, they can barely breed
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They don't need to breed too much. K strategy vs r strategy.
Look at Dnd/pathfinder for necromancy spells. In there necromancy isn't just Undead its the manipulation of souls, the inducement of terror and fear, and the utilization of negative energy aka the death force. And it makes sense when you look at what necromancy does; it takes spirits, puts them in corpses and makes them move around. All parts of a single whole that each could have a spell to specialize in
Okay, thanks for explaining that. Do you have any more ideas for spells or undead of either type, BTW?

I was trying to avoid taking too much from DnD/copying it too closely, but alright, do you have any specific books I should look at for shadow necromancy ideas then, or ones that might help me with my light necromancy idea, please?
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The Origin of Wizardry in Humans

>Despite common belief, not all magic came from evil. While it's true that evil magic came from the union of human women with Devils...the devils were also angels once.

>So the Daughters of God bore children to human men and produced Wise Men and great Kings, heroes one and all. But the Sons of God took human wives and produced the evil giants and Witches.

>The latter started out much stronger than the former, but their growth was stifled and stagnant. In time, the former surpassed them and destroyed their kingdoms.

>But this created a misconception that it was "magic" that was bad, leading to suspicion about the supernatural in the human population. Because of course, they didn't see their own powers as "magic", just talents and skills they got through hard work.

>This would lead to great tragedy in the future.
BTW, there's a reason I found an image with a chained but nonchalant angel girl.

The Daughters of God weren't given to random human men, nor to anyone who had a high position. They were given to any man that could capture and bind them. Taking them as a wife was basically analogous to enslavement, like capturing and breaking a horse.

So to bed her, beat her. Your children will be guaranteed to be superhumans.
I couldn't come up with a better term for the opposite of "Knowledge". Misperception maybe? The theme names don't really matter, I was just using them to try and help with the brainstorming process.

As for more undead ideas, here are some:
Anchorite - an aura bound to a particular place or structure, often an obelisk or tower built for the purpose. The aura acts as an unsleeping watcher, alerting the necromancer to any hostile magic or incursion of evil happening nearby.
Blessed elder - the auras of particular departed elders are often consulted for their wisdom
Wisp - a necromancer may summon an aura of a person who was familiar with a particular place to guide them through. The aura will also tend to give off a faint light of its own to help guide the way. Very popular in large archives and libraries.

Flesh golem / chimera - a dark necromancer constructs a large and powerful vessel out of multiple bodies to be reanimated, however a single common shade doesn't have the power to reanimate such a large and unnatural corpse, so the necromancer will summon multiple shades into the same vessel. The shades hate sharing a vessel even more than they hate being bound in the first place, but with the right techniques, the necromancer can get them to animate the flesh golem, although often in a clumsy and destructive manner.
Cursed blade - binding a shade into a weapon allows the shade to enhance the destructive abilities of the weapon, such as its ability to cleave through armor, or ability to weaken those of its victims who are not killed in one blow. The shade can feed off the fresh life energy of the blood spilled by the weapon to increase its own power, and can often communicate or influence the wielder.
Possessed - a shade can also be bound into a living human, although doing so requires the host's assent for the initial possession. (Usually promises of power are made). Once possessed, the shade can grant the host supernatural strength and endurance, but the host and the shade will be in constant conflict for control of the host's body.
This question might be better suited for /sci/, but is it possible for an Earth-like habitable planet to have an actively volcanic moon with large lava flows that would be visible from the planet? I genuinely can't find any information about this. Our moon did have volcanism and lava flows at one point, but that was in the distant past.
I really like the idea of there being a scarred, glowing red moon in the sky. This is ultimately for a fantasy world, but one of the key lore elements in this setting is that magic is unnatural. So the planets, moons, solar system, etc. should be as realistic as possible, since (with the exception of the habitable planet) they are untouched by magic.
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What's a good name for an assassin's guild?
Depends on who named them. For example, the Mafia just called themselves "our thing/thins thing of ours".
I decided to call them The Engineers. They're a gang of contract killers who specialize in making deaths look like accidents and suicides.
And who first named them that?
Themselves, I suppose. A gang of mercenaries needs a name, after all, or how else can people know who to hire?
I'm both of those anons so here's the answer. First off copying is the nature of creation, uniqueness the result of the self. Just make add a bit of yourself to it and it'll be different.
Second off just looking up the list of dnd/tabletop games spells should be enough to at least jpfet some idea. DND's Eberron setting has positive energy necro,any, warham,er fantasy has two forms of death magic, one nice the other evil, etc etc.
Thirdly light necromancy can just be either empowering an body either so much positive energy that it essentially is Frankenstein ping itself into motion, or kidney to spirits so that they reanimated voices for you. Calming spirits could be a light necromancy spell
It would have to have a thick atmosphere to retain heat and an active core/tectonics in order to keep the volcanoes active. Even then the ,on would probably only really be visibly red during its new moon states.
Slime niggers and they smell of poop.
And why did they pick "Engineers"?
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>Women in Llys have, for all practical purposes, no real power. They are exempt, both by law and strictly enforced tradition, from serving in any official position.

>No matter how badass she is, all a woman can aspire to be is a wife and mother. Men are always suspicious of being manipulated by "dangerous women", so the behind the throne approach won't work either.
>Commerce is a no go as well. While women are allowed to work, all their money goes to their patriarch. They are not allowed to own any property, and even their body is technically the property of both their fathers/husbands/sons or the government.

>Despite this, they are encouraged to learn combat and bear arms. The idea is that they will use them to protect their children and home while the menfolk are busy working themselves to an early grave.

>And somehow, many take to this sole real obligation with religious zeal. It's not uncommon to see young mothers carrying around their infants while wearing armor and bearing swords or lances.
How does this work exactly? Can women rise to a rank to command others or can they just be a "really good" soldier at most? Can they actually be part of armies or are they more like glorified milita at most? Is it like the Adepta Sororitas in the sense they practically serve as the military for the state religion? How did such a patriarchal society came to this conclusion? Was there a princess in the past who turned out to be an exceptional general?
Do assassins actually work together? I remember that was a plot point in Grosse Pointe Blank, whereDan Aykroyd's character wanted to form a trade union for assassins.
>Do assassins actually work together?
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.

Okay, I really like the Anchorite idea, and the Possessed idea is cool too, what about a more symbiotic version for light necromancy?

How much should I change roughly, in your personal experience? Not really a Warhammer guy so I didn't exactly think to look there, thanks for the recommendation. Any particular books I should look at?
They're a militia, with none of the glorification. Something like a home guard that's meant to keep order at home while the troops are off doing the real fighting.

And while some women, mostly aristocratic ones, get high positions in women's militias, they cannot command men.

> How did such a patriarchal society came to this conclusion? Was there a princess in the past who turned out to be an exceptional general?

It's less of a directed effort and more of just how their society turned out. They've never had a female commander of note, and you could count the great female warriors on one hand.

It doesn't help that sexual dimorphism is much worse in their country than with normal humans.
Would this type of Orc Homunculus* be useful in the farming industry?

What other uses can a superhumanly strong but dumb as rocks humanoid have, really?

*artificial human created by alchemy
Horses are better than big humans. Motor vehicles are even better.
I don't know if that exact body is best for farming, but a very strong but otherwise simple being should have many uses being planting. A being such as this can fulfill a variety of menial labor, like mining or construction work. They can also do work that's considered tedious or otherwise unworthy too, like perhaps guarding or trucking. Studies show if you're low on the IQ scale, it takes longer for you to get bored. Concerning war, they can easily dig up trenches or help pave roads. In terms of actual combat, they may be useful as shock troops, perhaps commanded by one of their own who, augmented by some sort of magic, possess enough intelligence to properly lead a squad. Like imagine the kind of firepower and armor those things could carry.
True, but having a being that approaches even sub-human intellect while being relatively strong would make for a wonderful worker. It's not like a horse can wield a hammer and a vehicle still needs to be driven.
Basically all tasks that are done on a farm either:
1. Don't require any more than average human strength
2. Require human intellect
3. Are better suited for four legged animals. Or motor vehicles.

There's no real niche for a superstrong Orc thing to fill in agriculture, modern or premodern.
>How did such a patriarchal society came to this conclusion? Was there a princess in the past who turned out to be an exceptional general?
But to answer this question, it was because local officials kept arming the women to do the smaller military/policing tasks while the men are busy working to increase the GDP (and thus taxes).

The central government accepted it because it sounded efficient, and it's not like anyone takes these women's militias seriously.
No sandals. Keep them all barefoot.
Wiki the necromancy/ death magic spells and only take what you need and add to it waphat you want.
O should also mention about Warhammer Fantasy magic. Death magic and Necromancy are two different things. Necro,any os the classical racing skeletons and zombie evil magic that the main bad guys typically use the type but the stand and death magic is the whole soothing spirits and draining life somewhat Korner version.
>Okay, what about how city design would change?
More tall buildings. Elevators are no issue since you can just swim upwards outside
No stairs either. Just a door on the side.

Buildings can be closer together since again, no need for big spaces in between if people can just swim up through the gap. Slums can be buildings packed closely together, while well off neighborhoods can be nice and spread out.

Also bioluminescent plants as streetlights.
Okay, this is cool. Anything else that you would need to consider with underwater civilizations like that?
>Just a door on the side.
Random thought but doors wouldn't work underwater. The water pressure would be too mcuh
Well an opening with like a flap over it. More for privacy really.
What about something like this in that case?
Yes but I hate it because it reminds me of my parents gross ass hippie van that I had to sit in and I'm 99% sure they had sex in the seat I had to use.
At what point is fetish worldbuilding too obvious?
The fetish typically becomes obvious in the second or third read though(.ex Original Wonder Woman comics, obvious to us, not so much at the time they were made). If its obvious from the from the get go then its too obvious.
To make it less obvious put one or two "covers" on it to hide it.
> Fairy-stories were plainly not primarily concerned with possibility, but with desirability. If they awakened desire, satisfying it while often whetting it unbearably, they succeeded. It is not necessary to be more explicit here, for I hope to say something later about this desire, a complex of many ingredients, some universal, some particular to modern men (including modern children), or even to certain kinds of men. I had no desire to have either dreams or adventures like Alice, and the amount of them merely amused me. I had very little desire to look for buried treasure or fight pirates, and Treasure Island left me cool. Red Indians were better: there were bows and arrows (I had and have a wholly unsatisfied desire to shoot well with a bow), and strange languages, and glimpses of an archaic mode of life, and, above all, forests in such stories. But the land of Merlin and Arthur was better than these, and best of all the nameless North of Sigurd of the Völsungs, and the prince of all dragons. Such lands were preeminently desirable. I never imagined that the dragon was of the same order as the horse. And that was not solely because I saw horses daily, but never even the footprint of a worm. The dragon had the trademark of Faerie written plain upon him. In whatever world he had his being it was an Other-world. Fantasy, the making or glimpsing of Other-worlds, was the heart of the desire of Faërie. I desired dragons with a profound desire. Of course, I in my timid body did not wish to have them in the neighbourhood, intruding into my relatively safe world, in which it was, for instance, possible to read stories in peace of mind, free from fear. But the world that contained even the imagination of Fáfnir was richer and more beautiful, at whatever cost of peril. The dweller in the quiet and fertile plains may hear of the tormented hills and the unharvested sea and long for them in his heart. For the heart is hard though the body be soft.
When even normal people, ie non-porn addicts, start seeing it.
>read fetish world building story
>author subverts it and makes it a normal, boring ass story
Virgin Planet I'm looking at you.
Eh ouais, je suis le nain
I want to draw as deep of a well from the various mythologies as I can. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, kitsune, wendigos, grey aliens, mutants, robots, african Thunderbirds, nazi sorcerers, and Nephilum just to list a few. I want as many fucked up freaks to throw at my characters as physically possible.
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What do you need to consider when including tauroid races into your setting, be it in terms of biology or architecture? Let alone culture.
Hey, what are some good examples/recommendations of modern 21st century fantasy worldbuilding? Most urban fantasy I come across is just masquerade secret magical society type shit, and that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking settings where fantasy races, magic, and monsters have always existed out in the open and mingle with humans and modern technology. The only thing that immediately comes to my mind that fits those criteria is Bright, but that's just about the worst example you could possibly give because of how dogshit the writers and worldbuilders of that movie are. They got a great concept and fumbled it hard. Are there any better examples?
I feel like worldbuilding as a thing is putting the cart before the horse.
I have to give compilments to Ishura, each episode has by and large been quite interesting. The first episode is actually the weakest so far.
They would make for natural nomads and would be beasts in battle. Like they would already start off as like the Mongels and may seriously dominate the setting early on, especially if it's low magic. They may also realize that having several dudes on your back would boost their already sizable abilities, so perhaps they would naturally be more open to cross racial cooperation.
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This is an excellent analogy. People like 'doing' worldbuilding because they like reading about it and though I admit it's fun it should be secondary to, you know, actually writing a story. Great worldbuilders are also great storytellers because that's the only way to get invested in the world: by getting invested in the people living in it. It's the same way actual people get invested in the actual world. A fundamental misunderstanding of this is why so much modern fantasy is just incomprehensible dreck: they're so utterly obsessed with created a 'world' that they end up writing their characters as half-formed balls of traumata who lack any sort of presence and charisma.

I've heard worldbuilding be compared to salt in that sense. Worldbuilding, like salt, needs to be there for any depth or charisma. Foods can be overtly salty and still quite good. But you really only need a little bit in most cases, and when you worldbuild first it's sort of like trying to measure out how much salt you need for a recipe you haven't made yet.

In general it should go

Races of the World:
tall, dark, feminine, with thick african hair and musical culture
tall, slender, pale, feminine, brown all over with pale eyes
number fewer than ten thousand, tall, blonde, hairy, live in nomadic hordes in the steppe, worship a singular masculinity divinity associated with the sky, hold horses in great esteem, and are patriarchical. ethos of pure cruelty.
A good thing to do is to get then 'Adventure' sort of written out. The characters can be improved by doing a few good run throughs of the story but what they're supposed to be doing needs a good foundation. The world will follow after, especially if you think about the logistics of it
A Mercenary culture that uses that fact to get coin. Especially needed since they would have horse stomachs for their home halves. (Does anybody have a centaur anatomy image)

Also they would need to live with the fact that their junk is kinda just hanging out. And that anybody not apart of their race is more than likely committing bestality if they were to have sex.
A question: I'm creating a sort of Bio-punk story and I want to have human-connected biological computers. The basic idea of it is that a person can connect to an organic computer of-sorts (either a large fungus or some coral block) and that essentially gives them some extra processors to use, like a computer improvement. But in the story long-range communication/ data handling is still done by Metallic technology, living thing can't really do that at this point. How can I rectify the two facts? I want people connected to "larger brains" to help in stuff like battle strategy, information analysis, and major long range communication assistance.
One Idea I had was inspired by a university using lab grown neurons on a computer chip to play Pong(the video game) but I feel as though that'd be too cybernetic, having data blasted into.
Living things can't communicate over long distances with EM, but isn't the whole point of biotech to engineer lifeforms that can do things nothing in nature can?

Imagine if we could create some kind of biological radio. That could act as the middleman to allow for these biocomputers to communicate with bio-enchanced people and eachother. To make a radio, you need a source of electrical signals and a resonant antenna.

Bioelectricity already exists, and some creatures (namely a few species of fish) can already use it to communicate. All you need is the antenna.
Wow, that was not heplful. Did you not see the "right now" that I put or that data handling I said.

Let me change the question: I don't want the whole of digital computers to be replaced by living things. At least not yet. How do I rectify the two states.
Is that a good answer for you.
You want digital computers and biocomputers to coexist at the same time, with each occupying its own 'niche'? If that's so, it's best to be aware of the fundamental pros and cons of each type of computer. Biological computers, like human brains, have a slow operations cycle. Like a couple dozen hertz at most. But because they're highly parallel, each cycle of operations gets A LOT done all at once, which ends up with something like the human brain having the exaflops to match and even exceed all of the world's biggest datacenters combined. Digital computers, on the other hand, operate on clock cycles millions of times faster than the human brain. But because they're pretty bad at parallelization (at least compared to bio-ware) not a lot can get done in those quick cycles of operation. Basically, bioware is better for tasks that requires huge amounts of compute power and a lot of parallel data processing, I.E. neural networks. Digital hardware, on the other hand, is better for simpler operations that have to be done as quickly as possible, I.E. most computer programs and telecoms we use today. In a world where both bioware and digital hardware coexist, you'd see the former being used for the most high-end artificial intelligences available, while the latter is used in more or less the same way we use today.
Okay that only minorly helped. So let me go indepth.

What I'm doing is that a man is hooked up to a larger "brain". That gives him more processing power and an increased ability to take in information, but ultimately it is him, the human, preforming the calculations. He is the one seeing where the soldiers go and offering up strategies on what to do, commanding them from a distance. These aren't purely living computers, it a person getting increased brain power and using it for some purpose. The problems is that I'm having trouble rectify that with regular computer use. The man is looking at the battle feild through a drone, he's even controlling the drone, but it dont want it to be a direct link to his brain, that would be too cyberpunk for me . I want a way for someone to control a bunch of drones/tech/operation of said tech with it be just a bunch of cables plugged into a brain.

And I don't need a explanation on how brains or living things work. I just need a way for a computer to be operated without sending the needed info of it to be streamed directly into the brain.
For some reason I read Great Yuan Khanate as "Great Guy Khanate" which sounds like a pretty sweet place to live.
Do you think that in a futuristic setting it'd be unlikely for a culture building family alliances to force a 'marriage' between two women, but just have the woman from the lesser family gets dicked and the children get adopted into the main family?
The idea, however dumb, is so lone daughters of influential families can still play a frontal role in the world without having to take breaks to have heirs.
If it's a futuristic setting, I think you can make it that they can be impreganted via some technological marval, like using the essence of one of the women and somehow using it to impregnate the other one, or via some kind of cloning vat.
So you're asking how to make a brain-computer interface, but without accessing the deeper layers of their consciousness? Less of a cyberpunk virtual implant and more of a virtual mouse and keyboard linked to your nerves?
Yes. The basic idea of the story is that humanity is facing an enemy that are extremely good hackers, some much so that major communication like the internet was brought down in their first attack, thus they went biopunk. They still uses computers and radio for communication and info storage but most machines are replaced with bio-creatures. They keep tech low and only when necessary.
You'll want your brain-computer interface to be an analog system instead of a digital one, then. You'd have a grid of electrodes taking inputs from different neurons in different parts of the brain. All these inputs are transmitted as channels in an analog signal over radio or a cable. On the receiving end you have a bunch of corresponding electrodes which stimulate the neurons in whatever bio-computer you want to link up to. The idea of this system is to simulate a direct connection between the human user's brain cells and the biocomputer brain cells.
What would a biological radio antenna even look like, though?
Mine (once I finish writing it)
Like an antenna
Antennas are made of metal, because they have to be electrically conductive. Can living organisms grow metal?
Every remotely usable name for fictional monsters has already been used multiple times in existing works. What the hell do I call my abominations? Just "monsters" is so cartoonish.
Its not impossible. We all have metal as parts of our biological systems, you'd just need to stretch medical science.
What ARE the monsters? Maybe you could use some distinguishing behavior or physical characteristic to name them after
It's useless. I wanted to emphasize that they're chiefly spiritual entities by calling them phantoms but not five minutes from that I ended up watching a show where monsters were called phantoms. Demons, fiends, wraiths, reavers, reapers, all done to death.
Bro did you forget that bugs exist.
The word antenna came from them.
Who are the people who mainly deal with these creatures? Names are given to things by people, and different groups of people might name things differently. A bunch of medieval peasants might call them "phantoms, demons, apparitions" and so on. A professional government organization might call them "entities, anomalies, unidentified lifeforms" or, if they're a secret organization, some innocuous sounding codeword, like "logs, bugs" and so on.
The setting is futuristic. People will naturally want to use simple, catchy terms that roll off the tongue, which rules out pretty much all foreign words and elaborate scientific names. My imagination's just all burned out. At this rate, they'll end up being just "them".

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