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Δελφοῖς edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

>Mέγα τὸ ANE·
https://mega dot nz/folder/YfsmFRxA#pz58Q6aTDkwn9Ot6G68NRg

>Work in progress FAQ
https://rentry dot co/n8nrko

All Classical languages are welcome.
Latin poetry is fucking hard
Second for no posts about le learning methods
Or if you must do so, do so in the language.
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>Don't study for literally 1 day
>Forget every single fucking thing
Don't worry, it'll come back faster this time. Those memories have still left their grooves even if you can't consciously access them right now.
I am the guy who was longposting about using LLMs (possibly anyway) for beginner students and I don't have much left to say afaik. However if I think of anything I will get all hopped up on something so I write a 60,000 character multieffortpost that takes the thread to bump limit just to spite you.

That's illusory, trust me I have fucked up enough times to know. Unless it's a massive amount of time, enough to make you forget basics even. But even then I've found it comes back quickly. However if we're talking a few weeks or even months it can actually be beneficial because you're actually telling your brain "I use this regularly, brain please remember it."

Remember, for everything you consciously feel like you're learning, and remember learning, there are 10 things that your unconscious learned without you even noticing it.
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Which copy of the Iliad should I get? Is there a definitive "THIS IS THE CORRECT EDITION DUMMY" In ancient Greek? My bookshops have it in English and (modern) Greek. What am I looking for
Let's write a round robin jueju! I'll start:
Used OCT or Teubner (not the nu-teubner tho)
wat mean? if it's a translation, de gustibus I guess, won't judge, there's many in english, I haven't read them
if it's the original, it's pretty established as far as the text, though there are various editions, some bilingual, some interlinear, some bare and simply the Greek(there's even a meme bustrophedic Attic one)
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ayayay getting pretty filtered by Phaedo
Sounds like you need more inpoot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vwb1wVzPec&t=0s
I think it's neat that you can usually tell that a writer has studied Latin just by the way they write. There's a lot of little indicators, but an obvious one is when they use the ablative absolute in English. Like
>The citizens, having been informed of these things, decided...
It's just the neatest thing
I agree. It's pretty cool to see my own English constructions turning more elegant on their own after a day of reading Latin. It all goes to shit after reading German tho. Funny how that works.
elegance is perceived
e.g. I personally find analytical constructions quite inelegant, while the average normie (who speaks my lang, that is) thinks the literal opposite
There aren't enogh to consider singling out a favourite, but for the sheer amount she contributed corpus, I'd have to say St. Bridget.
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By the language translating it or by the arguments in it? Because the actual arguments are shit like in most of Plato’s meandering, bloviating messes of shit.

>the soul is eternal just like a man who makes many coats
>>the body is like a le coat

How about metaphysical blabbering having some kind of facts backing it up when you say that crud?
btw Im trans
when the argument gets a bit intricate late in the book I guess my imperfect Greek adds up to the argument being somewhat hard to follow, today I will go back to when he starts describing his own experience beginning with reading Anaxagoras

the arguments sound maybe silly but I want to give Plato the benefit of the doubt, the part I'm struggling with sounds interesting at least
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Oh, the Anaxagoras bit. I recall. Ana claimed he could prove the existence of nous except he wrote more about ligaments and muscles and other medical crap rather than proving any of his philosophic notions.

It is entirely hypocritical that Socrates attacks the dubious nature of Anaxagoras’ philosophy while using many of the same parlor tricks. One may read a little into that line that Plato realizes this about his own dogmatism and is playing around with you.

Or alternatively Plato just attacks Anaxagoras for his likewise similar lack of verifiable claims. That is also a possibility.
It's not so much it being at the end of a syllable than it being before another consonant. It's like there's no room to articulate it. There's never such a situation for ñ in Spanish where it's always followed by a vowel.
Serious question: Should I do Allen and Greenbough's Grammar book? I know all the grammar there is, and I'm halfway through reading Caesar decently comfortably. There are some places where I falter a little bit, but a little bit of Wiktionary to figure out the exact declension/conjugation helps me get back on track. Will reading the grammar actually make a difference?
A&G is not a book you 'do', it is a reference grammar. You refer to it when stumped by a construction or just curious about intricate details
Ahh that makes sense, thanks a lot.
>I know all the grammar there is
Alright I know a sufficient bit of grammar which tells me the use-case of most things I read. After a point, grammar begins to feel like a hair-splitting exercise which is trying to articulate the subtle variations of word-uses which already intuitively make sense from a more general grammatical paradigm. As I see from the various subheadings in A&G, there are many things here that I would certainly not be able to articulate at all, I still understand the meanings of the examples despite it. Nevertheless, I'll refer to it as often as possible.
>he doesn't own the Oxford Latin Syntax two volume series with 3k+ pages of autism
non es eruditus sed rusticus
although* there are many [...]
Niggas say they know grammar then write Romanes eunt domus
>owning when you can just pirate on libgen
Well, to be clear, Spanish Ñ isn't actually an N sound followed by a Y sound as English speakers tend to approximate it, it's a single sound that pronounced in the same part of the mouth as Y, but with air flowing through the nose like N. But again I recommend familiarizing yourself with the IPA and basic phonetics/phonology.
>a single sound that pronounced in the same part of the mouth as Y, but with air flowing through the nose like N
[ỹ], my favourite Spanish vowel
>but with air flowing through the nose
...That's a 'y'.
I know how to pronounce ñ but I can't see how it can be conveniently articulated before another consonant as is supposedly done in Indic langauages.
>confessus est se rapere libros
te geris ut rusticus
You know what I mean. The same part of the mouth as the sound written as Y in English, i.e. [j].
I mean only through the nose, like N or M.
If you're actually saying it as a palatal nasal, then I don't see why that would be the case.
Do the LLPSI trannies know that Reginald Foster hated their Bible for being fake Latin?
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what the fuck is he on about? specifically what is the subject of the second sentence (if it isn't just "they") and is the clause after eut'an supposed to complete the sense of phroneousin?
I didn't realize Plato was also a clothes philosopher
>t. Herr Diogenes Teufelsdroch

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