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"Using your trunk to carriage-return the typewirtter" edition

Previous: >>23893852

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.
(And maybe double-space your wips to allow edits if you want 'em.)

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaeYVsB6XTY
Anyone got any good android (i know lol) apps for writing? I've been using Samsung Notes and stuff but it's terrible for organization. Just wanted a couple of things.
>Be able to lock my notes
>Cloud syncing to Windows for editing at home
>Can change writing to text for easy editing
>have a functional way to sift through notes or bookmark sections and stuff like that
Google Keep notes is pretty good. They are synced on the cloud so you can access them on your PC, and you can also export the notes to a Google Drive document.
If I don’t write at all can I still say I did?
You just wrote a post. Isn't that good enough?
That was AI generated. As is this. It’s a whole thing. I’m still not writing.
Anon, noticing a new /wg/ thread had been created, rushed to post bait for replies. He opened a word document and, after pondering, went with the first half-baked idea that came to mind.
“If I don’t write at all, can I still say I did?” he wrote.
With a self-satisfied grin, Anon hit publish. All he had to do now was lean back and wait for the (you)s to pour in.
selecting AI generated responses is a valid form of artistic expression
it's no different from taking a photograph of a sunset
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>Sīc ait, et dictō citius tumida aequora plācat, collēctāsque fugat nūbēs, sōlemque redūcit.
(Neps) 'nunciated the-above, and sooner than it's-spoken'd does he thalidomide the morning-sick thalassic, and send-t'-mommy the quorumed clouds, and re-"sol"-der the sun[--Wow, whatta guy!].
>Cymothoē simul et Trītōn adnixus acūtō dētrūdunt nāvīs scopulō;
Cymothoe [the sea-nymph and "cerulean" Nereid [now coming to a convention center near you]] and, at the same time, Triton--tired--de-clot the [remaining] vessels from the excalibur-stone [which, again, is/are what the Italics apellationize "Aras" or "The Alters" [line 109]];
>levat ipse tridentī; et vastās aperit syrtīs, et temperat aequor, atque rotīs summās levibus perlābitur undās.
the[-Neps]-himself lockpick-lifts (the ships) with [his] Cerberean-lance; and reveals ICBC*-sized sandbanks [from their stuck-spots], and he temps-down the ([tipsy-])deep, and skims [his [surfboardular-]chariot] on the [now-unchundered] topsoil waves[--Cheah, brah..].

*Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; total assests = largest bank
I get the impression you did not appreciate my contribution to the thread.
"Here, students, we arrive at perhaps the greatest—and most disturbing—philosophical question ever posed..."
The squinting professor nods to the unseen projectionist. The chalkboard clicks with a new frame of yellowy light; black serifed letters appear:

>If I don’t write at all can I still say I did? —Anonymous, 2024 C.E.

There are gasps throughout the rows of students.
One young woman turns to her classmate, "They're really going to teach us about /this/? Aren't there, like, seperations of school-and-whatever?"
Another student snaps a photo with his phone, a clenched fist over his incredulous grin.
There's an opening and closing of a distant door—at least one has even left the lecture.
The professor takes a few more moments for the shock-value of what he's just shown to fully permeate through the remaining young minds.

"Okay, now, let's untangle this..."
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Wrote this on my note app I don't think I'll take it anywhere becayse im a reader not a writer but im having fun with it.
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>Critique this shit
Those seconds after, that's when the *true* petit mort descended over me. In the mirror on the bureau, I caught a glimpse of her—her back, her flaxen hair cascading like a waterfall, glowing softly in the dim light. My own reflection stood in stark contrast: eyes wide, chin upturned, hair frizzy with static electricity, and my grotesque and hairy proportions betraying some rakish beast. Worse than the exposure of my hide was the exposure of that raw part of myself even I hardly saw, let alone would wish revealed; carnality laid bare.

Fleeing my own trepidation, my gaze shifted back to the figure of this woman. A tumult of awe and dread was swirling in my gut, wringing from me the last drops of my ecstasy. The sensations that just thrilled me now gripped me with vicelike terror, tightening with my rising pulse.
Her sweet, floral scent that had just enraptured me had started to cloy, and the beauty of her form — supple and statuesque — had diminished. I was left with the familiar ache I had known before; mere flesh was I tearing at, nothing more. The spirit behind her doting eyes felt nonexistent, a mere façade—a well-rehearsed performance to rob me of what little essence I possessed. Yes, before me lay a woman, and for that, I wept.

The mirror was both a barrier and a window, inadvertently revealing my longing whilst reflecting my unease. It felt as if the glass itself could evince my soul. As if it was.
Is there a character my protagonist is comparable to? Just asking
>Fighter/martial artist. Very good at it
>Suffered an extremely traumatic loss that left him down a hand, roughly 2 years prior.
>Still fights even without his left hand. He still has his skill, experience, and power, but is clearly lacking in his previous heart, and it's shown with how lifeless he is when he fights nowadays.
>Slowly regains his convictions/pride over the course of the story and reawakens the beast within via understanding and relating to the motives of those around him
What kind of metaphorical imagery could I use to depict this arc of him actually finding himself again?
I don't understand
Going on a hunting trip in the mountains for the weekend, plan to get back to my writing when I return.

I am having a very hard time understanding what is even going on here, because your prose is very purple. I do like some of your lines though, particularly, "Yes, before me lay a woman, and for that, I wept." I am just having a hard time understanding the mechanics of the scene, maybe that is because I am retarded, but you would have to assume that your average reader is going to be 10x more retarded, and they will have an even harder time processing things. Keep writing though, and don't take any of my advice if you do not want to, because you are a far better writer than myself.
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Also, I commend you for not writing gay ass fantasy/sci fi shit. These threads are polluted by schlock.

Your Character is just like Luke Skywalker!!
A tad gaudy in your adjectives i think, however the description of the woman is bland and cliche. I think she should stand out more brilliantly to bring a better contrast to the unsavoury description of the narrator
Explain why
What's your book about?
He lost his hand you idiot have you never seen star wars
Martial arts and the profound reasons people choose to throw hands
Why am I not allowed to explore profound, poetic themes and concepts through fantasy?
>I gazed upon my form in the mirror. Every morning, I would repeat this action, and the reason as to why evaded my apprehension still.
>I know the origin of my species, and I still puzzle upon what the purpose of my design is. Why do my eyes gleam in the soft, distinctive way they do? Why am I shaped of a material like stone? Why do I have horns upon my head?
>What is the reason behind my body?
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>I am having a very hard time understanding what is even going on here
Post-nut clarity

The preceding passages describe her at length. Which was your least favourite part?
This is how all the girls reacted when I asked them to prom.
It doesn't do a good job, all we know is that she smells nice, is fit and has long hair. How is that different from le average female and why is it this female in particular that should stand out to the reader? Unless thats what you're going for, that shes nothing special. The narrator describes himself in a more visceral and critical way
>Unless thats what you're going for, that shes nothing special.
What you read was the moment it was dawning on him that she was not as beautiful as he thought when he was fucking her. I didn't include the preceding paragraphs I mentioned that include things like:

>Her locks slipped through my fingers, varnishing my fingers with their rich, earthy scent and the delicate rosewater notes of her perfume. I pressed my palm to my face, inhaling deeply as if to draw her into my very essence. I was hooked, intoxicated by her fragrance, losing myself in the warmth it brought.

>As I cradled her, I planted my face into her hair, massaging her firm, slender shoulders. They were so dainty that her shirt, once I unbuttoned it, fell down to her forearms without resistance. That whisper of fabric accentuated her softness, the smoothness of her skin that glistened under the lamplight. The light’s warm glow clung to her, tracing her every curve and contour.

>She dragged her soft, pillowy lips across my cheek.

Hopefully that improves the readability of the excerpt. If not, then back to the drawing board.
You are right that it's not a very unique description, though, there isn't anything in particular that identifies her against a generic "beautiful woman" but I also figure that allows for some more imagination.
General advice i follow when writing fiction is the average reader is an idiot and needs to be told what they are looking at through the eyes of the mc, the average reader is not imaginative and that is why they read. but like to each their own. I think you know what you're going for, keep it up
Is radiation hardening with a unique type of radiation a good enough sci-fi explanation for a fictional superhard and light metal?
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I'm just guessing here, but if you are your own audience for this piece I hope it's cathartic for you as well it's written. I smeared on a lot of stuff I personally would go for, but the takeaway from the words you put together here are really beyond finicky preference-styling. Thanks for sharing.
If this isn't a personal-type piece, then kudos for 'evincing such a soul', anon.
Either way, I think you're a great writer. Awesome to be taken on such a journey in less than a 2000-character post. I would put a smilymoticon here, but I don't want to be in bad taste because of the subject matter, which I respect. Please keep it up.
The only critique-related point I'll reiterate here from the markup is the barrier/window thing. Ya gotta finish strong, and that seemed a bit confused.
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Holy shit greatly appreciated

I'm always my own first audience. Can't write something that doesn't resonate or that I wouldn't read.

Have a cat
I'm too tired for this, but it's "petite mort"

How fucking insane do you have to be to get canceled on X in the first place? I've heard of people evading 4chan bans but not X bans. If the whole planet were nuked Frank would somehow just slither out of the rubble unharmed like a cockroach
F Gardner’s like John Wick. He always finds a way to win even if it’s retarded.
Why would you waste a perfectly good bread like that?
Flippant "ok!" = (is equal to) Flippant "ok!"+your mom's vagina
I remember a Reddit discussion about F. Gardner where it said he was the Voldemort of literature. Which was confusing because Voldemort is already a literary character.
Do you really need a high IQ to write?
Evidently not, considering the fidgety, sweaty, pedophile hands that write the shit that goes in here
Let's see, how do I put this in a language you'll understand? I win, you lose. Get it, dum-dum? Dum-dum? You get it, dum-dum? Because that's the only language you know, is power and control? Get it, dum-dum? Hey, dum-dum, you get it? Laugh at me one more time big guy, see what's coming..
could i get some feedback on this, its my first time writing anything really and i can't tell if i sound cringe
Excuse the retardation. This is my draft
>cool concept for a horror novel randomly comes to mind
>realize while I'm jotting it down that it's just Silent Hill 2
Aw fuck not again dammit why am I such an uncreative shitter
Need more exposure to other ideas and figure out what's worth mashing together
Or better, have an underlying intent in writing a novel that isn't just "write a cool horror novel", a message you want relayed to readers. Something you believe in. Things unfold pretty well from there.
I need a book/blogpost/yt-vid on how to plot a novel from scratch.
I noticed that when reading through Call of the Crocodile that it was literally just Silent Hill: The Book
Im at like 1k words with it now, I've got messages and themes i wanna convey I don't think I'll ever finish it though
Interesting premise but hard to know if it's cringe or not without knowing where's it's going. This is still basically zero draft / outline stage with a few attempts at draft sentences and ideas beginning to appear. That's more or less what I do too, but it'd be more helpful to see either a completed bulletpointed outline or a proper rough first draft of the whole thing. Right now, it's hard to crit. Anyway, good work anon, keep on writing
You have to admit it was essentially an anti-contribution.
That advice is counter to Hemingway's "iceberg theory". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceberg_theory
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Fuck off, Frank. No one reads your shitty books, no one cares that you're alive, you live all by yourself in a 540 sq. ft. studio apartment on the 38th floor of a 100-year-old building in a crummy part of Chicago, your parents ditched you there and fucked off to Florida, you have no prospects, and you're most likely diabetic from your awful diet of delivery food and alcohol, but you never go to the doctor, so you'll probably die, alone and unlamented, before you turn 40. Your YouTube channel is 100% astroturfed, you pay for views/likes/subscribes, you have zero organic engagement, and you're fooling absolutely no one, not even yourself. But to answer your question, people can decide for themselves by downloading your entire cacas librorum from https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip, or better yet, they can read two mean-spirited parodies of your work: Call Of United Airlines at https://files.catbox.moe/aw9gz2.pdf or Call Of Wells Fargo at https://files.catbox.moe/rpuvnd.pdf. Burn in hell, asshole.
I’m laying in bed sleeping, or at least pretending to do so. I don’t know when it will happen again, but it usually happens at night, always at night. Never during the day. Sometimes they catch me off guard, when I’m more alert and aware; the other times they grab me by surprise when I am in-between a state of dreaming and awake.
I don’t know how they managed to get in; it’s like locks mean absolutely nothing to them, but they always find a way to do so despite my many best efforts to thoroughly triple check everything, making sure everything was as impenetrable as Fort Knox.
I have decided to call my frequent uninvited guests The Visitors. I know a little cliché, but what else am I going to call them? I know absolutely nothing about them or why they are doing this to me. Their entire existence is an enigma.
They don’t make announcements beforehand to let me know that they are arriving; they just show up, out of the blue, without any prior warning whenever they feel like it.
I have tried to fight back and put up a little bit of resistance a couple of times, such as kicking and screaming, thrashing about as much as I could, even managing to throw in a few punches at their large bulbous-shaped heads, but it all proved to be futile in the end because no matter how hard I tried to resist, a sense of powerlessness washes over me. I can’t explain what the feeling is like, but I suppose the equivalent to whatever they used on me would be like being sedated, I guess because I was proving to be a little difficult to cooperate with.

What should I avoid when writing about aliens?
Our local rambling schizo. Don't give him any attention, it'll make it worse.

He's our local lolcow
>Have a cat
Cat havened.
Rereading my edits after waking up.
I notice 'carnality LAID bare'/before me LAY a woman' and feel like a jackass; please disregard that point about changing the latter verb, unless you change both verbs to something better, except I don't think there really is a better word, unless unless you want to reincorporate 'descend(ed)' like I suggested and go with something like 'carnality come down'; 'before me sinks in a woman'.
Another flub was 'what little essence I <may have(?)> possessed'. Like, I put a ? there because even sleepy me was unsure of it, but yeah, nix that.
>I'm always my own first audience. Can't write something that doesn't resonate or that I wouldn't read.
I feel the same way, which is kinda whay I want to try to do so as an exercise or something.
I'll do that sometime tonight.
>What should I avoid when writing about aliens?
These are aliens—They should either be described mysteriously and terrifyingly, with each new detail an insane and hard-won revelation, or they should be so up-front and up-close with their alien-ness that the reader experiences all their weird quirks and zaniness on full-blast, really embracing and embodying their difference, transporting the reader into an "alien world".
What you should AVOID is keeping the aliens in between those things, e.g. in your excerpt here where they're no different than doofy sadistic home-invaders who dose the homeowner with xylazine.
>their large bulbous-shaped heads
Like, I'm just imagining big-head Halloween costumes here, not beings from another world. Either make them creepier and eerier or hit us over the head with their bizarreness.
Mundane aliens exist, but it doesn't seem like that's what you're going for here.
Not trying to come off as sounding mean or anything, anon. I like your MC's striaghtforward telling of events; just wish they were kept more in shadow or more in light.
What makes you want to write about aylmaos?
>write until 1 a.m.
>force myself to bed because I have to get up at 7
>wake up at 5, hungry and thinking up new lines
Already banged out 500 words and it's barely dawn. Gotta get in as many as I can now before I crash after my taco breakfast.
Instead of entering a rusty hellscape, make it so the main character lives in one and accidentally falls into our world at times and flips out in panic.
Hemingway was shit as a writer. That's what you get when you let a newspaper journalist attempt fiction.

>the average reader is an idiot
This is 100% true.
>Tell me, why do you insist on trying to make us your pets?
>Because you’re helpless. You’re near the bottom of the food chain, and it makes us sympathize with you. We want to take you in and care for your species while we take care of everything else
>Do you even hear yourself? You may have superior everything, but here’s the thing: That will lead to your untimely demise.
>Do you mind elaborating
>You call us the bottom of the food chain, but you don’t seem to know how long that chain is. If you think you can protect us, ask that battalion that drew the attention of the Roaches.
>What battalion? What are Roaches?
>See what I mean? There wasn’t even enough left to bury. All because they were strong, loud, and advanced enough to arouse some of the Roaches. We may be near the bottom of the power hierarchy, but it makes us beneath notice.
>…. What are you trying to tell me
>Your protection would make everything worse. You will all die screaming from a plague or some ungodly monster if you try to tame this place.
No, but, you do need some degree of wisdom, I'd argue.
Just get a thesaurus and use all the big words to fool people into thinking you know what you're doing.
Is that you, Bakifag?

>What is it that makes you want to write about aylmaos

I just think aliens are under utilised in horror fiction. I'm going to try and lean more into ambiguity of their mysterious nature. For research material I'm listening to a bunch of old Art Bell and other paranormal or occult podcasts.
In a fantasy setting (seethe, assholes) how do I show inter-species racism in a way that libtards can’t say “well clearly the orcs are stand-ins for black people”? Actually, is it even racism when the elves are more like … dangerously aloof? They live very long lives and so their neglect of the other species is more a result of them just not being able to relate due to their different perspective (a very long term one) compared to the others.
Piss off m8.
Explain what’s wrong with having characters throw hands
Art's great. Travis Walton did a whole interview on his abduction on Joe Rogan, though it wasn't very spooky. There was an episode of Ghost Adventures where the homeowner claimed aliens were visiting him and I think he had a sword and stabbed one, or it had a sword, I don't know. That was a weird ass episode if you can find it. Probably the only GA one that involved aliens, so it might be easy to find.
Do people give a fuck if your chapters are too long?
I'm sorting the scenes chapter per chapter currently. For reason you can probably ultimately trace to undiagnosed OCD, I made the decision to have 25 chapters divided equally into 5 parts. I like to take my time when I write (as I could see from the few I've already written), so I estimate that the chapters might hover between 4k to 8k words, depending on how many POV I squeeze in one. Is this something you pay attention while reading? As for me, I tend to notice when a chapter is very small, but I don't usually mind when a chapter is long, unless I'm tired and stubbornly refuse to put the book down before finishing one chapter.
Personally I prefer short chapters because it feels like I progress through the book faster and get more accomplished. But it's not like I won't read a longer chapter. I'll just bookmark wherever it looks convenient and get back to it later, but there is a nagging thought it my mind I'm leaving something unfinished and that sometimes bothers me.
I could hardly disagree more with this advice. I hate hate hate when authors do this
the saddest thing about coast to coast is when people call in and describe their abduction with "missing hours" and it's clear that they just had a stroke
Nothing, but in the medium of prose it won't be conveyed that well. You should consider making a visual novel or manga for this concept.
I think i like revising more than writing.
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That's a fair point. So far I'm considering these options
>Clearly show which character the narration switches to by tying every start of the POV with a particular symbol (pretty common to see this in the pages of fantasy books)
The default idea. Seems very clunky to me, because some chapters will have only one POV, and the next one will have as many as 3
>Keep the first idea but add page breaks between POV, but only add a chapter sometimes
That's even clunkier and more confusing
>Remove the "5 chapters in each part" rule, just have 5 parts, with as many chapters as they need in it
This solution is undoubtely the easiest to follow, it's the classic way to do it.

Writing this post was very enlightening to me because it gave me another idea, to simply retvrn to the sovrce
>No chapters at all, just 5 parts, probably between 25k and 40k words depending on which part it is)
>Almost continuous texts in each part, POV switches are announced by a symbol corresponding to each character (I like these kinds of little visual identity, it's pretty common in fantasy books, and as an added bonus I'll probably make the symbols shift a little bit as the story progresses, like an eye slowly opening or closing)
>If there's no chapter, every switch in POV feels like progress, and every part done feels like a major milestone
>No page break at all, except between parts
This is interesting because the book will be written in the first person, as an account of sort (haven't worked it out exactly yet), so doing away with the narrative convention of chapters makes it easier to justify its existence as something other than a work of fiction. I might keep the chapter numbers but purely internally in my planning document, but removing them from the final product itself might keep readers guessing.


Thanks anon
>protagonist is secretly my self-insert and does what I would in the same situation
>readers comment
>"MC is clearly not normal"
>"MC's intensely warped thinking was interesting"
>"MC is actually a monster, right?"
>"I thought the MC was autistic but insightful "
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all my characters are just different aspects of myself and the comments i get are I really know how to write flawed characters
Assuming she’s your real mother, then wouldn’t she be the only one, along with your father, responsible for your genes? How is it not her fault?
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Because genes are largely random. She did not select my genes.
Okay. Well, poor reasoning aside I’d say the best thing to do is bring up a good memory or two of her in the letter. Let her know the best stuff stayed with you.
Or something. I don’t know. I hate my mom and would want to drive the knife in deeper with my last words to the bitch.
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There's nothing you could write to adequately enough explain that terrible choice,
or to allay her (and, including me, a lot of other people's) infinite grief at your having taken your own life.
The written word in itself is tragic because it can't reply to the current emotions of the reader, their current questions, their endless confusions. You think it's current for you now, but your family and loved ones will reach decades from now, all the while growing more and more frustrated and upset at your literally dead words. Now that's pain.
To have somebody you love die on you (speaking from experience here) and looking to what they wrote as a sort of okay,-this-will-answer-everything is extremely, extremely sad.
You're alive now. Stay that way, and talk to your mom about this stuff if you love her so much you'd ask for help with something like this just to spare her from excessive pain—You'll be saving her from so much pain if you just confide in her or someone else and hopefully get to a point where you want to live. You're already smart enough to plan for the future because you're thinking about all these things that haven't happened yet. Maybe try picturing good things happening and preparing for those things constructively, anon, even in the face of whatever troubles you must be going through; they're sure to end one day, or at least not sting so hard.
Truly hope this gets to you.
>it can't reply to the current emotions of the reader, their current questions, their endless confusions
I already addressed this in my letter. I said I know they will have those and that my mind is finite so I cannot think of every possible aspect of it to answer, but still I will try my best to explain my choice and to leave as few questions as possible.
I realize that there will be pain, and I acknowledged in the letter that it's unavoidable and natural to feel pain about it. The purpose of the letter is to minimize the pain. If I had to go with or without the letter, I think the letter is a better choice because I watched a lot of videos of people losing their family members to suicide and the one thing that kept coming up was how frustrating the lack of a letter is. That made me think that writing a letter is better than not to.
>and talk to your mom about this stuff if you love her so much you'd ask for help with something like this just to spare her from excessive pain
I do not think she would handle it well and there is a strong possibility she might panic and call the authorities. I was already forcibly detained to a mental hospital before and I do not wish for that to happen again.
I also know that there is nothing she could possibly say that could change my mind.
>Maybe try picturing good things happening and preparing for those things constructively, anon, even in the face of whatever troubles you must be going through; they're sure to end one day, or at least not sting so hard.
I understand that if I stay alive there are likely to be good things that happen to me in the future. I believe that no good things that could happen in the future, short of things that would completely change me as a person (by permanently damaging my brain for example), an event I do not wish to happen, would make my life worth living.
Pain and death is an inevitability. I want to meet my death sooner than later.
>I already addressed this in my letter. I said I know they will have those and that my mind is finite so I cannot think of every possible aspect of it to answer, but still I will try my best to explain my choice and to leave as few questions as possible.
It will never be enough, and will only further increase their confusion—and mine—why you'd do this when you evidently care so much about 'not hurting' people. As cliche as it is to say, this action speaks louder than words, and it doesn't matter what you write, or if you believe the small consolaiton comfort of
>I watched a lot of videos of people losing their family members to suicide and the one thing that kept coming up was how frustrating the lack of a letter is. That made me think that writing a letter is better than not to.
partially negates it.
>I also know that there is nothing she could possibly say that could change my mind.
Is there something anyone could possibly say that could change your mind? I've had attempts before, and jfc, if you wanna talk about
>I believe that no good things that could happen in the future, short of things that would completely change me as a person (by permanently damaging my brain for example), an event I do not wish to happen, would make my life worth living.
"fingering the trigger" might just be the closest you'll ever get to that possibility in your otherwise natural life.

Your genes are not a predisposition for ideation. You're obsessed with fear of debilitating/disabling trauma, but you're alive and fit enough now to string sentences to gether and think very critically about things. Consider this: You leave this world, and sometime latter the person who would have mattered most to you in the world to you suffers alone. There are things called unknown-unknowns. I aim to hold out for those things—whatever life may throw at me, I need to take the risk for those things.
>It will never be enough, and will only further increase their confusion—and mine—why you'd do this when you evidently care so much about 'not hurting' people
It's because I want to not exist anymore more than I want to minimize the suffering of other people, though I would like to have both.
>Is there something anyone could possibly say that could change your mind?
Not anything that I am currently able to imagine.
>"fingering the trigger" might just be the closest you'll ever get to that possibility in your otherwise natural life.
I do not understand the meaning of this sentence.
>You're obsessed with fear of debilitating/disabling trauma
That's true. I also fear being detained by other people and being humiliated, bullied and tortured. I know this sounds paranoid and like I have schizophrenia, but I have never experienced psychosis. The paranoia is a little bit real though, because it's based on things that have already happened in my life before.
>Consider this: You leave this world, and sometime latter the person who would have mattered most to you in the world to you suffers alone
Are you referring to a potential future partner? I have known about my own suicidal tendencies for quite a while and that's one of the reasons why I avoided entering into any close relationships with other new people, for fear of the suffering I might cause them if I left.
>There are things called unknown-unknowns. I aim to hold out for those things—whatever life may throw at me, I need to take the risk for those things.
There are also negative unknown unknowns. Things could take a turn for much worse in my life for reasons I do not currently foresee. I do not see a reason for the bias towards unknown unknowns to be positive.
How realistic is it for a teenager who has suddenly gained superpowers to start re-enacting and imitating the Juggernaut from "I'm the Juggernaut Biiiiitch" meme video?
>Pain and death is an inevitability. I want to meet my death sooner than later.
The true death your searching for is a letting-go of fearing pain, the pain going on right now, and that pain that you're expecting to get in the future. The acceptance that 'life is suffering' does not draw a line toward pragmatic suicide, but instead teaches that perhaps we need to accept suffering, at least as we take steps to fight against it.
The world is full of sadder stories than mine or yours, and it's not at all cynical for people like you or I to just go and ask,
>why would anyone put up with that bs?
It's not cynical, but it is closeminded, assuming pain rules everything in life, enough to make it want to end itself early.
This actually makes sense with terminal people in hospice, and the jumpers from the World Trade, but danger and hurt are not at your neck right now, anon, and I kow this because you're talking to me abou this stuff.
Wouldn't it make more sense to take the time-sans-immediate-pain you have right now to fortify your mind for the tough times ahead? To learn to be 'okay' with whatever torments lie ahead? If only for the possibility that there actually will be none and that the world isn't as bad as you think it is?
>>Is there something anyone could possibly say that could change your mind?
>Not anything that I am currently able to imagine.
The fact you wrote 'currently' give me hope.
>I do not understand the meaning of this sentence.
A botched attempt can lead to brain damage (the thing you fear most), no matter what means you use.
>That's true. I also fear being detained by other people and being humiliated, bullied and tortured. I know this sounds paranoid and like I have schizophrenia, but I have never experienced psychosis. The paranoia is a little bit real though, because it's based on things that have already happened in my life before.
I was wrongly detained before and I know the fear you mean—weapon pointing at you and everything, handcuffs... I'm not gonna lie, it messed me up, but I'm at a point now where anything could happen to me and I'd be fine; my worst fears have kinda already happened, and you will always exist past them.
>Are you referring to a potential future partner? I have known about my own suicidal tendencies for quite a while and that's one of the reasons why I avoided entering into any close relationships with other new people, for fear of the suffering I might cause them if I left.
In my case it was a family member who got hit with cancer.
I was going to leave a few months before the diagnosis. My outcome of my having killed myself would have been unspeakable. My family member has passed away now, but damn me if I wasn't there for their support. I would have killed myself twice over had I known in whatever dubious afterlife what was going to happen to my family next. Thank whatever's out there I stuck around for those few months, and all the years I gave support.
I cannot stress enough the weight this realization of unknown-unknowns has on me when it comes to this stuff: You literally won't know what you'll be missing.
>There are also negative unknown unknowns. Things could take a turn for much worse in my life for reasons I do not currently foresee. I do not see a reason for the bias towards unknown unknowns to be positive.
The risks for have to outweight the risks against. I'm a selfless person, and I sense so are you.
>Wouldn't it make more sense to take the time-sans-immediate-pain you have right now to fortify your mind for the tough times ahead? To learn to be 'okay' with whatever torments lie ahead?
That used to be my mindset before I experienced suffering that is greater than I can handle. I have learned that the suffering that will break me as a person and the beliefs I have held before is much closer than I previously imagined.
> The fact you wrote 'currently' give me hope.
It's important for me to be honest. I do not want to be delusional when making a decision as big as this. That's why I gave myself a lot of time to reconsider it and try to understand differing perspective, but so far nothing has convinced me, and I think I have dedicated enough time and effort towards thinking it through.
>A botched attempt can lead to brain damage (the thing you fear most), no matter what means you use.
I understand this. That's one of the reasons why I was careful to research the method I'm going to use and plan well for it. That said, even though I do not wish to end up with brain damage, it doesn't actually scare me too much.
>I was wrongly detained before and I know the fear you mean—weapon pointing at you and everything, handcuffs...
I meant more something like being conscripted. I was forced to live among people who strongly disliked me and was constantly bullied and humiliated by officials who also strongly disliked me due to my low physical and mental abilities. None of it was my own choice, I was forced by the government to be there. I understand people have different tolerance for pain and humiliation and I have learned through life that I handle it much worse than other people. An experience such as conscription which is viewed as a simple and interesting experience for others I was not at all able to handle well.
I also believe that this was not the worst of it, that given my circumstances it's likely that I will experience war in the future and will be forced to live through much more pain and humiliation which I do not wish for. If I do not go, there will be a lot of time for things to get much worse than they currently are or have been.
>That used to be my mindset before I experienced suffering that is greater than I can handle. I have learned that the suffering that will break me as a person and the beliefs I have held before is much closer than I previously imagined.
I want to respect your saying this as I don't know what you've gone through, but I also want to say that it wasn't more than you can handle because you're still here and you're able to talk about it. I understand barely making it out only to then obsess over facing it again. And every subsequent time gets easier, anon, really. The terror is still there and real as ever, but like replaying a videogame boss or something you get through it faster and more efficiently.
>break me as a person
Having broken bones before, they also do heal stronger.
>> The fact you wrote 'currently' give me hope.
>It's important for me to be honest. I do not want to be delusional when making a decision as big as this. That's why I gave myself a lot of time to reconsider it and try to understand differing perspective, but so far nothing has convinced me, and I think I have dedicated enough time and effort towards thinking it through.
I've never been conscripted/drafted before, so excuse me for not knowing these things, but surely there are after-the-fact resource officers or couselors you can talk to about this stuff if this was government-sponsored? Or maybe some vets on /k/? What you endured sounds awful.
>that given my circumstances it's likely that I will experience war in the future and will be forced to live through much more pain and humiliation which I do not wish for.
Are there any steps you can take to extricate yourself from such a circumstances? Leave the country or seek a full-proof potential deferment through a sort of doctor's note or something? If you told any of this stuff to a counselor you might get a waiver, anon.
>I understand this. That's one of the reasons why I was careful to research the method I'm going to use and plan well for it. That said, even though I do not wish to end up with brain damage, it doesn't actually scare me too much.
To be real with you, anon, the mental fortitude it takes to really be about to do that... the amount you have to psyche yourself up and ignore your fears and worries those moments leading up—no matter how fool-proof your plan is—when you've reached that kind of tolerance for suffering to stare suicide in the face like that, you might as well go back to living life because you've already steeled yourself for such a massive change.
Even if there are objective evil things ahead of the curb for you, you can face them. You can face them even better than you could before BECAUSE you're thinking so deeply abou this stuff. They're not going to be as bad as you remember or imagine them to be. I know I can't know that for sure for you but I know that for sure for me.

I'm sorry to take so long to reply.
>Welcome to the bottom of the food chain.
>Sucks, doesn't it?
>I've never been conscripted/drafted before, so excuse me for not knowing these things, but surely there are after-the-fact resource officers or couselors you can talk to about this stuff if this was government-sponsored? Or maybe some vets on /k/?
I am not actually a vet. It was only the bootcamp, which is even more humiliating. I talked to a mental health professional, when asked admitted to suicidal ideation I admitted to it and then was forcibly locked up in a mental ward and subsequently discharged. There was an actual veteran who served in a war with me and it was so embarrassing for me. In society's eyes I'm a weak pussy who couldn't handle even basic training, even though none of this was my choice. This was years ago but it hasn't left my mind.
>Are there any steps you can take to extricate yourself from such a circumstances? Leave the country or seek a full-proof potential deferment through a sort of doctor's note or something?
Yeah the doctor thing is definitely not going to work. I saw people who were conscripted and had such bad health that they should never have been conscripted, but were due to a short supply of men. When shit hits the fan I believe people will with mental issues will definitely not have it easy. I suspect something like front lines meatgrinder without guns or humiliation and potentially torture in prisons to deter other people from pretending to have mental issues to get out of war. I do not trust the government at all to do the right thing, especially when I see for example what's happening in ukraine.
As for leaving my country, I'm pretty sure all countries I would like to live in would be more than happy to extradite me back when shit hits the fan.
To be clear, war is not the only thing I do not look forward to. But it's a real possibility among others.
>To be real with you, anon, the mental fortitude it takes to really be about to do that... the amount you have to psyche yourself up and ignore your fears and worries those moments leading up—no matter how fool-proof your plan is—when you've reached that kind of tolerance for suffering to stare suicide in the face like that, you might as well go back to living life because you've already steeled yourself for such a massive change.
Yeah, I've read about those kinds of stories. Survival instinct can make it really hard to carry through with your plan. I haven't tested it myself as I have not attempted suicide before. My first attempt might be a fail due to SI but I expect to find ways around it.
>Even if there are objective evil things ahead of the curb for you, you can face them. You can face them even better than you could before BECAUSE you're thinking so deeply abou this stuff.
I can face them and I will likely face them if I do not end it. That's the problem, I do not want to face them. It's like being forced to participate in a roleplaying game I'm not interested in, but where the pain and suffering is real. I'd rather disengage.
Anyway thanks for the replies. We've gotten a bit off topic from the original question for writing advice. If you come up with any ideas for what to write in the note please let me know.
Every time I smoke weed, I feel panicked by the pervasiveness and inability to escape the hellscape with which I live in. What's more, I feel a mix a pity, fear, and disgust for the people around me who go on laughing with an apparent indifference towards the emptiness of life. Surely they must have those solitary, reflective moments whereby they acknowledge the absurdity of their existence, but maybe I'm giving these sorts of people too much credit; or maybe they simply don't care. And how could they care when they have drugs and pussy at their disposal? I know well the feelings of intoxication that love brings. Too much is expected out of humanity, I think.

Tell me how nonsensical my writing is.
When is it best to use a semicolon and when is it best to just create a new sentence?
I don't know how this sounds
>I struggled through the cold, and you were there
>I fought through the darkness, and you were there
>I survived the heat, and you were there
>I battled the armies, and you were there
>I escaped confinement, and you were there
>I made it through the tower, and you were there
>Every step of the way, you were there.
>To catch me, to carry me, to protect me, to guide me, to listen to me, to fight alongside me.
>And you are still here.
>Thank you.
Wanted it to sound really hopeful but I'm not sure if it works.
you just gotta feel it in your gut
I need a list of maxims taught to remote galactic explorers who operate alone or in small groups in deep space out of communication range with command for long periods. The idea is that the are all issued a handbook full of useful information, and the first page has these maxims that are supposed to guide their decision-making and keep them sane written in bold letters.
I've already come up with two which are actually needed for the plot. They are Don't Panic, and Never Give Up (may be phrased differently in the final version). I don't think I strictly need any others, but in the interests of verisimilitude I think the list should be more complete and all-encompassing. Any ideas?
It seems like an authentic stream-of-consciousness weed ramble. I hope your intention wasn't that it would have actual profundity and impact.
I'd avoid having a manual that says "Don't Panic" in bold letters on the front page handed out to galactic explorers... it's a little derivative
Yeah that's why I will be changing the exact wording, but it is universally good advice so Douglas Adams can't lay absolute claim to it.
G is Great: G-class stars are most like the Earth’s
5 Months Max: the period of time until a pregnant woman needs specialized medical care, plan accordingly.
2,000 and No Less: never go below 2,000 calories a day for long-term survival!
Reposting this here, I want new takes
Also for system diagnostic lights.
Yellow is FIX NOW
Red is STOP
The idea is to create the mindset in crew that the ship is NEVER perfectly safe and it’s a requirement to check systems non-stop. So when you’re not fixing something you’re checking everything else for failures you assume are there.
Thanks guys.
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The dragon fucking genre is very lucrative right now.
>Anyway thanks for the replies. We've gotten a bit off topic from the original question for writing advice. If you come up with any ideas for what to write in the note please let me know.
Anon, I can't engage with you on the level of telling you what to put in your note when every fiber of my being is against your ending yourself.
I get if you don't want to talk to me anymore—I honestly hope you'll talk to others who perhaps can more sway you from this mistaken path—but please indulge me in one more batch of replies below and I'll share what I'd put in my *hypothetical* note (and I'm sort of a veteran at this) since you keep asking.
>bootcamp & mental ward; In society's eyes I'm a weak pussy
Screw what 'society' thinks of you, anon. Your worth is not measured by such an insipid metric, in fact, it can't be measured by ANY metric because your worth and potential are limitless, no matter what hardship you've endured.
I've suffered inadequacy before, used to to think about it every day, but the fact that you're able believe you've found an escape is proof you can move on; you just have to make that escape NOT be suicide.
>Yeah the doctor thing is definitely not going to work.
>I believe people will with mental issues will definitely not have it easy.
Getted waived for mental health is not your only option; there are a slew of ways NOT to see combat that don't involve suicide or mental health waiver, the latter of which I understand lots of places don't address seriously.
Conscientious objector via religion; superficial "disabling" injury; some other history... Or you could just make yourself invaluable in a non-military capacity like working in a hospital or something.
This assumes war IS going to break out, when really it's not a sure thing. And you can take other steps to move to a country that doesn't have extradition (which is actually easier than you might think).
>To be clear, war is not the only thing I do not look forward to. But it's a real possibility among others.
Like I said, you gotta accept the possibility—no, the reality of bad things happening, because once you accept them they're not so bad, and it's only after them that the unmissible is waiting for you. I'm so sorry for the pain you felt, anon, but it is possible to get past it.
>It's like being forced to participate in a roleplaying game I'm not interested in, but where the pain and suffering is real. I'd rather disengage.
The good stuff's real too, anon. I just wish for you to encounter some of it before it's too late, because it really, really makes tolerating any amount of the bad stuff worth it.

I wouldn't leave a note. I'd have a conversation with those I love and those who love me.
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anyone got some writing exercise suggestions?
do you guys just think of prompts and write about those continuously, or are there better methods to getting better?
i write from prompts sometimes and occasionally copy sections from books I enjoy, and then try to immitate them, but I dont do any more than that.
pic unrel
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these are the exercises out of the back of John Gardner's The Art of Fiction. Do them in order.
How can you describe something that doesn't exist? There's this castle my MC arrives at and goes inside and I have no idea what he sees, let alone how to show it, or even how he feels about it, because there IS nothing there in my mind. But it's not like I can just completely gloss over it either. Even just a line or two would be good enough for now.
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>Ac velutī magnō in populō cum saepe coörta est sēditiō, saevitque animīs ignōbile volgus, iamque facēs et saxa volant, furor arma ministrat;
An' samewise as in a superb civilization, consistently, once discord is arisen, and the jaywalker-type Jacknifes* judder in (their) jawboned-jellyfishes, and, now, firesticks and stones are a-flying, frenzy servin'-up [unfun] fightin'-stuffs;
>tum, pietāte gravem ac meritīs sī forte virum quem cōnspexēre, silent, arrēctisque auribus adstant;
then, if as-"Jack"pots-go they catch-sight some chap gill-stuffed with good-service-points and piety, they stfu, and stand-by with "ear"ected ears;
>ille regit dictis animos, et pectora mulcet,—
this-guy governs with words, and belly-rubs breasts[--hearts too, I guess],—
>sīc cūnctus pelagī cecidit fragor, aequora postquam prōspiciēns genitor caelōque invectus apertō flectit equōs, currūque volāns dat lōra secundō.
in-this-way the-whole-"sea"bang of the sea drops (its) din, in-the-wake-of-when (Neps-)papa, peering-out and driven through the drawn-open out-there, is a-swervin' (his) [sea-]steeds, and in-[his-surfboardular-]chariot soaring second[-to-them], renders reins[--"Yee-haw!].

*"Superjail!" every(-worst-)man
Such a fine day today.
Just make it dark.
"Stepping into the castle's inner darkness, dim and distant candelabras bounce off a few metallic objects I can at least be confident on—silvery suits of armor; golden picture-frame gilts; the scant outlines of a repeating blueish family crest—but so many more of the hall's contents are completely inscrutable, as if the whole place had been draped with droopy banners of shadow."
That's really good. One problem I have is I never know when enough description is enough, or if fantasy readers will get upset I don't give them more. Like the family crest, I would be tempted to describe exactly what it looks like in its design.
offtopic. take your depressive whining to /adv/
stop feeding the troll. he isn't gonna do shit. and even if he does, /wg/ is not the proper forum for this
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The literary device you're getting at here, at least when it comes to describing visual art, is called ekphrasis.
I happen to really love that kind of stuff; I'd say it's most useful when the artwork your describing, by extension, is indirectly describing/characterizing the subject or the artist.
If you're writing fantasy and you have a queen, let's say, and the MC picks up a coin with her profile on it, dive deep into it—It's sort of a pre-meet with the queen character, and it shows how she wants to be portrayed and how the coin-minter portrays (thinks about) her.
If I remember any blatant modern or fantasy examples I'll let you know later.
Note, smut (Sorta, depicts how two members of my fantasy species make out)
>Our faces press against one another, our horns mingling like the branches of two different trees touching.
>I wrap my arms and legs around her, and she does the same for me in turn, allowing us to squeeze each other tightly. Our chests connect with a tightness I didn’t think possible.
>Her beautiful emerald eyes gaze into me in a moment I wish could last forever. Whenever we touch, there is a pleasant feeling of warmth and pressure, as if we’re wrapped in a warm blanket on a winter morning together.
TLDR it’s just super cuddling due to a lack of genitals or lips to kiss with.
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>could i get some feedback on this, its my first time writing anything really and i can't tell if i sound cringe
Well, I don't think you sound cringe. A bit simplistic, maybe, but not cringe at all.
It was a bizarre and whimsical little read, but if you want to make it rollicking, you need to explore the absurdity of every detail:
Imagine if you stretched out the birth scene into this many paragraphs; the farmer hears *shouts* from inside the cow—the calf must be sick or somthing—as the "calf" crowns, the farmer digs in one of his human hands and pulls out one more; the comic potential for a work like this is usually found in it's grotesqueness, which you've captured with the placenta and all, but really describing the man's flexing knuckles on the straw or his vacant/placid expression would be gold.
Keep it up, anon. I used to play a lot of Harvest Moon so I love the farm setting. Ever watch Tom at the Farm? There's a calf-birthing in that.
If I wanted to take writing advice from you I'd stick my head into my own ass
What paste bin site is good for posting chapter excerpts now?
The water's belligerent gurgles failed to mask the sustained chorus of growls concealed behind every trunk.
Im defgonna stretch it out more. and watch live cow births. thanks a bunch
Any advice to improve the dialgoue in this short film scene:
What's going on?

Murder suicide. Husband shot the wife then himself in their bedroom. Left behind two kids.

Spared the kids, that's nice. Where are they now?

Closest relatives are upstate. They're with a grief counselor now.

Grief counselor, like that’s going to change things.


Oh my god.

Poor woman. She must have felt trapped.

Eh, bet she had plenty of chances to leave this asshole.

How are you a detective?

By solving cases.

What do you think? Did he buy this for the occasion or was it just lying around?

I'll check the registry.

I'm trying to get in the guy’s head. Did he snap or did he think it over for awhile. How did you become a detective?

What's the wife's name?

Samantha Ric-

Sammy, there she is.

Classic. Looks like our buddy here was facing bankruptcy and divorce.

Was it bad enough to push him to kill?

Well, he fucked up pretty bad. Was about to lose the house. What did he do for a living?

Stan Richards, founder and CEO of Enhanced Analytics. Once a major player in social media data mining, but they over-expanded and their stock fell 40% this year.

Thought he was the next Zuckerberg. When that didn’t work out, bye-bye wife.

That's no justification.

Some guys don't need much to go over the edge.

He wasn't just somebody. He was, intelligent, ambitious...

Look, it's not that deep. The guy's perfect life fell apart, and he took the easy way out. Didn’t they teach you about family annihilators at whatever dipshit school you went to?

Yes, Stanford teaches about family annihilators.

You went to Stanford and became a cop? At least I got the dipshit part right.

I don't need money. I want to make a difference.

Oh yeah, I'm sure all the world's problems will just disappear once you're done on the force.

Look, gather what evidence you can and meet me downstairs.

Nothing much, guess you're right.

Yeah, that'll keep happening.

Are you ok?

Don't ask.
Is there something wrong with pastebin?
Hey neat. Someone reached out to me to ask if my book is available on Amazon. Should I just tell him I’m a miserable failure not even good enough to self publish and send him the full word doc of the book?
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How do I become less of a pussy bitch with publishing, /lit/?
>finished a short story recently
>want to publish in a lit magazine
>too scared to submit it because I'm worried editors will say mean things about it and I put so much of myself into it that I won't be able to handle it
Either keep revising or just(4Head) do it
Ta-Nehisi Coates is a cherished bestseller worldwide. The average ruminant has an IQ forty points higher than him. Though that is ostensibly non-fiction.

Some of the biggest authors of fiction are also idiots. The James S. A. Corey duo have an IQ lower than every poster in this thread combined, and somehow they plurp on, wiping their asses on tens of thousands of pages, to be adored by their fellow mouthbreathers everywhere.

Just read a lot, read what you like, and then write what you like. It doesn't take any more than that.

I think that the reading a lot part is vital, lest you end up dumping like a gossipy motor-mouth girl regurgitating memes and pop culture.

But it starts will a single paragraph. Just go write. If you find after you've begun writing that you've lost time - where did the day go? all onto that page? - and feel exuberant about the next session, then maybe it's for you, IQ be damned.
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you posted that in a writing-advice thread, you know
pastes.io and justpaste.it have been used in the past.
pastebin censors if your content isn't woke enough.
Or send a PDF with the pages converted to images so it's more difficult for someone to take credit for your work.
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You're getting there.

Question to the thread:
What's the most you've ever had to rewrite something?
I don't mean revise/edit, but from scratch and not by choice;
like your text file got deleted or didn't save correctly, forcing you to redo from memory.
I don't think I've ever lost more than half a page this way, and could always reproduce it without much difficulty.
>What's the most you've ever had to rewrite something
I've had to completely rewrite my first chapter (about 5000 words) like 4 times. I'll rewrite it once more, then I'll rewrite it for the edits.
Why do I think I could write if I made an effort? Is this what everyone feels like that doesn't actually write? I like the idea of being a writer but I think I'm no good and would just be frauding.
back in the day people literally traveled to castles for inspiration
these days you can just google pictures and videos
>just google
You've never been to a caste or a châteaux or any form of wonder. The sheer scale of it can't be captured by a photo or video.
If you're so attatched to your short story that any criticism at all would mess you up, you can do two things:
1. Don't submit it this year—Wait a year, and maybe then you won't care as much.
2. Instigate a spirit-journey with yourself where you realize: Strangers Reading You ≠ You Reading You.
We all write (hopefully) because we've got something persoanl and treasured to share.
No matter who you are, the first person you always share this kinda stuff with is yourself, but, in order to grow—in order for IT to grow—you can't be the first & only share-ee. It's time to let it go.
There's a reason it's tradition to think of your works as your children—you want nothing but the best for them, for them to always be protected, because, just like your children, really, they're the dearest extensions of you—but what you've written and read, to and for yourself, is, and always will be, immortal to you, and no one can crush that or take it away from you.
It's tempting to never put yourself in positions where pain is a possibility, but when it comes to writing (or any artistic pursuit) a little pain can be healthy for your evolution, as well as for the evolution of your "children".
So think of it this way: Hearing back from editors is kinda like being the first party in parent-teacher conferences, where your pride & joy might be thoroughly criticized and torn down (or maybe not), but in your heart you know you love them unconditionally, irregardless of what others say, and you just have to be there to listen and take their input despite how much it might sting to hear because that's the only way either of you are going to progress, not just in "the system" but as people too.
>What's the most you've ever had to rewrite something?
The whole book. Some 100k words. I wrote a first draft and didn’t even bother revising it. I recognized a major flaw in it and just rewrote the whole thing to fix up the structural problem. Perhaps I didn’t need to do the WHOLE thing, but at some point I didn’t even consider trying to merge the old draft with the new one.
If you wanted the entire thing to be a metaphor for the dichotomy between wanting to be loved and insecurities than the rest of the text is not carrying that idea through. You focus way too much on descriptions to the point where you outright state things that could be implied or undermine any sort of abstract idea that could have been conveyed. Clearly you constructed the second paragraph to be about the sorrow that he felt for the woman, which had been reduced to a soul hungry wraith, but I then question why that same planning, even if in retrospect, didn't occur to you when it came to the ideas that you plainly stated on the third. Your mistake here is not having those ideas in mind when you wrote this since you waste text on the atmosphere of it all without advancing the underlying theme you would have wanted to portray.
It's not shit or anything like that. I just think that you should pay more attention to ideas and probably do some planning in regards to what you want to portray ahead of time.
Because I got AI to rewrite my original passage and then edited it while drunk to be completely honest with you. I also rarely read..
Nonetheless your edits are very helpful, I appreciate it.
Poor little millennial.
Writing is one of those things that unfortunately for some and fortunately for others really depends a lot on innate talent compared to other creative endeavours. So try it out and see if you have "it".

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