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Why hasn't Siegfried gotten the same popularity as Thor and Hercules in the culture zeitgeist
>Thor—Marvel comic books and movies
>Hercules—Disney movie
Meanwhile, there has never been a (good) adaptation of the Ring onto the screen.
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Because Siegfried and Roy made everyone associate that name with extreme gayness.
I stand corrected
Nigger are you for real?
Is it worth learning Middle High German to read Nibelungenlied?
Most plausible
That was based off the Nibelungenlied, not the Ring. I specifically said the Ring.
Because Wagner was deprivileged in public culture after WW2.

IIRC it took some things from the Ring.
> Meanwhile, there has never been a (good) adaptation of the Ring onto the screen
Lord of the Rings?
I named my cat after him if that counts...
more so Turin and Glaurung
>He doesn't know

Wouldn't be the first time, Wagner's son Siegfried who he wrote the famous Idyll for turned to be a flaming faggot and a disgrace to the family, although he did provide heirs
Is this from rings of power?
I haven't watched it
Thorr isn’t popular at all. The marvel character Thor is popular amongst comic book dweebs, I guess, but there isn’t anything more than a completely superficial relationship between these two entities.
It’s apples to oranges, but oranges have been officially renamed to “appuls”
Learn German and then get a two column edition, middle high German original and the new high German translation
He probably did receive more popularity before WW2
holy kino
What happened in WW2
Wagner would hate it. 0/10
It evens out because Rosengarten saga is better than anything with Thor or Hercules
Some of Maurice noble’s finest work.
>steals das rheingelt; makes both giants and gods seethe in uncontrollable rage
>tricks mortal kings for lols
>summons two dragons to terrorize the land of germany; a hero tries to slay them but he uses magic to make him fall asleep instead
>impersonates the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) for absolutely no reason, enraging both christians and muslims and confusing pagans
>has the strength of 12 men despite being a dwarf the size of a bobcat; can only be defeated by pulling off his beard
has a more based character ever existed in teutonic lore?
we have a whole day of the week named after thor
there's no siegfriedsday
Based Rosengarten Saga scholar.

I‘m saying it again, jannies:

also Siegfried is a hero, whereas Heracles is a demigod and Thor a full god
Because it's hard to pronounce and doesn't sound as pleasant.
whats so hard to pronounce about that? are you some nigger?
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He's in Gravity's Rainbow
What is that?
a shot from Die Nibelungen by Fritz Lang
album cover for darude sandstorm-greatest remixes
No one gave a shit about the ring cycle until Apocalypse Now.
NS association
no one cares or has cared about thor
it is just Hercules
name a single labor
Surely pretty much everyone knows about the killing of the hydra at the very least
simply a greekified version of picrel
Everything is a rip off of Greece. Let's not pretend
You think there is any northern civilization predating Greece?
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He unironically has more good /co/mics than Thor or Hercules
Thor drunk so much from the ocean that the water level was noticeably lower, which caused the tides to form
Thor wrestled with the embodiment of old age and was only reduced to kneeling with one knee on the floor
Thor lifted a gigantic serpent into the sky
Thor's hammer blows were so strong that entire mountains were destroyed wherever they landed
Based ESL replying with crap barely tangential to the post and completely unrelated to the conversation up to that point.
Alright I deserved that
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>You think there is any northern civilization predating Greece?
>Oldest known Astrological Artifact
>In Greece
faggy name
faggy post
>t. Siegfried Von Gayman
>t. moshiach bin mzit mpbeh
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>*eats your foreskin* :^)
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IS this REAL
haha noooo now i have no meissner's corpuscles and my sexual pleasure is 20% ahaha
where can i find a copy?
yes its real. right from central Ghana
Picrel is the edition that I got, though it's rather hard to come by. I only found it because I was looking specifically for the Simrock translation.
Recent editions are by Reclam (shit translation, but probably the most easily available edition worldwide) and Deutscher Klassiker Verlag (DKV Taschenbuch), the translation seems lackluster, but still okay for a two-column edition where you will mostly be reading the original anyway.
Beyond that, search for "Nibelungenlied zweisprachig" and "Nibelungenlied Mittelhochdeutsch" and filter the results that you get for two-column editions.

I am currently reading it, and I started without knowing very much about Middle High German. By now, I can read it somewhat fluently, but German is also my native tongue, so it's probably a bit more difficult if it's not.
A good introduction to the basics of the grammar is [1], but a lot of that is easy to figure out as you go. I mostly looked up the grammar after I started noticing that there was something weird going on (especially negations were very weird and often ambiguous in MHG).

[1] www DOT ds DOT uzh DOT ch SLASH dam SLASH jcr:99ec6638-396b-41b5-af0a-f26753e93766 SLASH 89 DOT pdf
notice how its only white people in hell
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fuck u talkin bout whyboi.

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