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A girl of thirteen recently called me a “such a peasant” in a joking way because I thought the difference between red wine and white wine was that red wine was made from red grapes and white wine was made from green grapes. So I’m trying to brush up and ensure I don’t get embarrassed again
The Wine Bible
The Book on Wine
Nice. But is it entry level? Or will I be totally lost?

Pretentious and completely adverse to fun but also very bookish and bright
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>I thought the difference between red wine and white wine was that red wine was made from red grapes and white wine was made from green grapes
i mean there are exceptions but this isn't really wrong
anyway there are a million books about wine, but start with pic related
remember to never mix the grape and the grain
I'm going to mix the grape and the grain. You can't stop me.
crazy fool
Why did you let a thirteen year old girl mouth off to you in the first place?
Thanks, much obliged

She is the only person I know who reads interesting books and I am the only one she knows who does. So I give her some slack for being a kid
Be careful, anon. Girls around that age can be terrifying without even realizing what they're doing.
She’s into golf and tennis more than boxing
Dali’s The Wines of Gala
should have called the brat correction department
She’s a brat to the extreme and tries to provoke me but she is also a good kid deep down and has bought me really nice designer clothes for my birthday and has brought me meals she cooked me
Anon you're being groomed. If this keeps up she'll show up at your house one day in an unmarked van and offer you free rock CDs.
I’m friends with her parents and have been to her house multiple times. She is much more polite and respectful to me in their presence
anon, i'm starting to think you have had lewd thoughts of her before
it's just a vibe i'm getting
is there any kind of wine that doesn't taste like shit? or is getting used to drinking shit that tastes like shit a sign of sophisticated taste and it's supposed to suck and sucks more the more expensive it is? i've only drunken cheap wine aunt wine with this wine aunt from my work and it's always so gross.
She’s a child even though she doesn’t realize it

According to her, wine can either be more expensive due to taste, or simply to brand and conspicuous consumption. Her parents let her have small amounts of wine and she loves sampling it
so, how many times have you, you know...?
I love cheap wine
It's a pretty common misunderstanding, but getting roasted by a child over it is hilarious
This is like asking is there any kind of food that doesn't taste like shit. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of very varied flavors and brands of wine. You are guaranteed to find something you like, if you have any sense of taste at all.
She won't be a child forever. A word of advice, anon, keep some distance and allow her to grow up among peers.
I'm posting in this thread to shill for the manga Koibumi to 13-Sai no Joyuu. You can find it on mangadex. That's all.
I hang around her because she or her parents invite me over or because she wants to go somewhere that her friends aren’t interested in like a museum or foreign film and asks me to take her. I don’t encroach on her if that’s what you’re thinking
Chianti is pretty good
I also like Zinfandel and Malbec
Cabernet Sauvignon is too damn acidic for me. Same for Tempranillo. Have two glasses and I feel like I’m burning a hole in my stomach.
I’ve tasted some really dreadful Beuajolais. I turn it down when offered now.
Pinot Noir is kind of hit or miss. I’ve had some really good ones. And plenty that were just meh.
Never cared much for white wine but Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio are tolerable.
Riesling is too damn sweet.
All alcohol tastes like shit before you become addict and your brain develops connection between this disgusting taste and intoxication.
absolutely plebian taste. alsace all the way.
Don't get too attached to the kid if she's not your sister
>she wants to go somewhere that her friends aren’t interested in like a museum or foreign film and asks me to take her
She is almost certainly infatuated with you and would eagerly reciprocate sexual advances (that, or this is some elite shitposting). No idea why her parents tolerate it, but even this limited relationship you describe would probably be enough to get a visit from the police and generally tarnish your reputation even without any charges. Hormonal children are extremely unpredictable and you should tread carefully. Safest option is to distance yourself such that she gradually loses interest. Or get yourself a child girlfriend. If you want to fuck her then acting sooner is better (unless your country has a relatively low age of consent) since she'll probably find a new crush relatively quickly.
I’ve been friends with her dad since fifth grade

She is functionally my sister or niece

She isn’t infatuated with me, when her parents aren’t around she makes fun of me all the time. I’m an underachieving humanities major who makes 40k a year whereas her parents are both successful professionals and she speaks multiple languages. There isn’t any sexual tension, she is literally like a little sister to me. Her parents give her a lot of latitude because she is very, very, very responsible and an extreme square, the fact that they let her have wine should be enough to clue you in on that. You are letting mangas go to your head.

Alcohol imo is an acquired taste like coffee. And the enjoyment of the taste of coffee or strong tea might be associated with caffeine but once you acquire the taste it is still firm. Anyway she likes wine and has never been even slightly tipsy
Have you tried any sweet reds? They’re usually very fruity tasting and don’t hit you as hard with the alcohol flavor. And moscato is the girl drink of choice for a reason.
Don’t let someone meme you into dry Pinots and Merlots until you get accustomed to the taste of wine.
Don't listen to these anons, they're weird. Wholesome relationships are quite foreign to retards these days
>t. fag or hag panicking that the girl won't be brainwashed by tiktokers
day of the rope, friendo
In just 3 years she's legal to fuck in most US states
so fucking sick of cumbrains. get a life
what book should I get someone who sells wine for their career? he's an expert on wine.
or they could go on a vacation
>Nigeria (11)
>Philippines and Angola (12)
>13 in three countries – Niger, Comoros, and Burkina Faso
maybe a yacht trip on international waters?
Bush changed the laws so U.S. citizens are held accountable by Federal AoC no matter what country they are in
>such a peasant
Actual European peasants would tend to be pretty familiar with the techniques of wine production.
Monks pioneered modern wine production and science much more than peasants did. I doubt many wineries were owned by peasants. Peasants drank beer
oh, I only knew about having to pay taxes to the US no matter where you work or use the money
very cucked, if you ask me
Like… Am I allowed to even think this? Am I going to gaol bros?
just keep buying and drinking different kinds of wine. start with the easy ones, the most common ones. soon you'll recognize them by taste, or at least be very close. it helps to stick with one type at a time
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saved this cat image
Lousy brat needs correction
Just keep in mind that while you might only see her as a little sister or niece, she probably sees you differently, and that she's at an age where she'll be very curious about how older men respond to different things she might have heard about, and that she might not really understand what she's doing herself if she tries anything like that. If you take her seriously during these times you're going to end up in trouble but if you recognize what's going on and defuse it you should be fine. Probably.
That isn’t the OP. Gaol is a UK spelling whereas OP used double quotation marking for initial quote which is an American convention
OP should take my advice regardless of who I replied to. I wasn't kidding when I said girls that age are scary, if anon doesn't take care to strictly behave like a good uncle figure he could wind up in a lot of trouble.
Touch grass
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>girl of thirteen
>bought me really nice designer clothes
eh, what?
I’m sure her parents paid for most of it
I’m not saying OP is a perv, I’m just saying she’s a classy chick with rich parents so maybe he should be.
>I'm going to mix the grape and the grain. You can't stop me.
I can't, but the hangover you're gonna get definitely can
that's just fortified wine (or port wine), nothing special
Is there ever a point where wine clicks for you? I like cocktails but wine (and beer) just tastes terrible every time I try it.
Beat her mother immediately for letting an innocent child watch Sideways which I hate, utter garbage movie
the debt to pleasure by john lanchester
you just need to keep searching. there are so many different varieties of wine and beer that it's unlikely that you would like everything.
you could say why bother but i think it is worth the effort. there is so much cultural history wrapped up in wine, beer etc. there are archaeological traces of breweries, distilleries etc that go back thousands of years. it is part of what it means to be human
I'd recommend Monbazillac if you ever find it, that's how the under 12 learn to like wine
She pretty much never watches a movie in English that is less than fifty years old
Cocktails are just sugaring the drinks. Though, to be honest, just stay with them, wine is expensive in the long run. Once you develop taste for it, you start looking down on low quality products. A bit like Whisky, really. Unless you develop alcoholism, in that case, you're hopelessly lost anyway.
>he isn’t a vodka connoisseur

>Cocktails are just sugaring the drinks
They taste good though
I’m sure that would endear him
Sounds like you've got yourself the perfect /lit/ companion there, OP.
>red wine was made from red grapes and white wine was made from green grapes
They're not? Oh..
She’s pretty cool, reads German poetry and loves talking about books
Who's her favorite poet?
Anon you NEED to sleep with her before someone else gets to her
seems unfair that the /wwoym/ had to die, but a larp 'platonic pedo' thread lives in rude health
I love cats bros
A homosexual literature professor of mine once made a joke in class about pairing white wine or red wine or whatever with fish and somehow the entire class laughed. It was just me and this chinese girl who sat confused. Still have no idea what the """joke""" was
Kek, you just solved a personal mystery I've had for over a decade, cheers champ
any time
jancis robinson - the 24 hour wine expert
No idea, she likes Rilke a lot

I have no sexual interest in her or thoughts about her, I am not a pedophile in any way

Based, this looks really good
Kids actually read? Is she special or is this normal in your country?
This whole thread reads like a a romcom light novel fantasy straight outta some Japanese degens imagination
I live in America, she is just extremely pretentious as a lot of smart kids her age are. She does things like describes her ethnicity as “Flemish”
And that's a good thing!
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this is 4chan anon. cats are a thing here
we accept you we accept you, one of us one of us
Flemish lol, sounds cute. All the kids in my country are retarded for some reason, or I just run into the retarded ones. I had the assumption (mostly due to the internet) that it was the same in America.
It generally is, she’s just a bright kid and snobbish enough to look down on other kids rather than seek their approval
Cheap mass produced wine isn't any different from other cheap mass produced food. All kinds of chemical sprays, preservatives, corn syrup, sugars, etc get added.
If you want nice wine you'll have to find stuff made on a smaller scale with more traditional methods. Just be wary of the natural wine trends, some of that is wineries skipping a filtering process to save money and pretending the small bits of fly wings and dead yeast are actually a good thing
I like Pinot noir with salmon
Fuck the haters
I once asked a question about the conjunction "dum" in Latin class and the teacher said "just don't look that up on google hahaha" and everybody laughed so I laughed too and then he said "but seriously what is your question?" and I asked the question and he went "OH! you mean DUM!" because he thought I said cum and I always wonder, did he think "nigga why did you laugh?" when I laughed too?
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If I won the lottery I would open a private library stocked with every For Dummies book ever printed. Every topic, every edition, every language.
Other encyclopedic sets too, but I want most shelves to be a sea of yellow and black
Give us more info anon, she actually sounds interesting. I'll write her into my novel.
A few years will go by very quickly and then she won't be a child anymore.
You don't need to read a whole fucking book on wine. Watch this and you'll know more about wine than her unless this video is exactly why she schooled you:
Mixing alcohols causing hangovers is a myth promulgated by people who don't know what real hard drinking is.
What does actual alcoholism look like? Enlighten us
Two liters of vodka a day
every good artist
It's when you wake up in a state of being half drunk, half hungover, and to put off the coming hangover you just start drinking again until you go to bed drunk, repeat for a couple weeks or months. I don't recommend it but it can take the edge off for a while. Mixing alcohol makes no difference as long as you end up with the same quantity of ethanol in your stomach/blood.
does anyone have a theory to why this may be? i think that very sensitive people are drawn towards alcohol because it helps numb the always feeling nature.
something like that
It’s because other hard drugs have become stigmatized
>tfw no pretentious bratty 13 year old Rilke scholar niece to insult my taste in wine
why live?
You must elope with her. She must become your child wife.

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