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Yo, you guys read this? it's pretty crazy. Think this guy was on drugs. Mealsothinks he's a homosexual, many subtle slips of the psyche in this one... this guy wanted to fuck boy ass, it's a sure bet.
I can think of at least two things wrong with that title
They called him the "Pope of Dope" for a reason.

I think it's funny that he never got HIV in the 80s or 90s.. he probably had zero libido by then, and I think even said himself that he was sexless, but he shot dope with so many of his fans and orbiters that he almost certainly should've contracted it, right? But, nah-- he was such a revered figure to these dope fiends that he always shot first, lol.

I stayed in the room at an old hotel in some podunk town in Kansas that he was known to stay in when he needed to avoid the many visitors to his home in Lawrence, KS. Kind of neat, I guess.
That's pretty cool anon
Think you might be on to something OP
Burroughs basically invented cyberpunk so he's cool with me
Like many novelists whose modernity we indulge, William Burroughs is essentially a writer of 'good bits'. These good bits don't work out or add up to anything; they have nothing to do with the no-good bits: and they needn't be in the particular books they happen to be in. Most of Burroughs is trash, and lazily obsessive trash too -- you could chuck it all out and not diminish what status he has as a writer. But the good bits are good. Reading him is like staring for a week at a featureless sky; every few hours a bird will come into view or, if you're lucky, an aeroplane might climb past, but things remain meaningless and monotone. Then, without warning (and not for long, and for no coherent reason, and almost always in The Naked Lunch), something happens: abruptly the clouds grow warlike, and the air is full of portents.
He was definitely right that language is a virus and you are a vital case study
this is horrible prose, but i agree with you. you can't write for shit, dude.
Burroughs is nonstop birds
AGreed its so bad lmao

are you guys being ironic? it's solid gold
>it's a sure bet.
you're saying you don't, fag?
>it's solid gold
It is no Cities of the Red Night.
Is this good reading? Let's get some recommendations aside from Nekkid Lunch.
Cities of the Red Night is a anarcho-communist fight by homosexual genre novel characters against feminist nazis. So I quite enjoyed it. The only way to prevent the spread of HIV and turning into Red Heads who ejaculate to death is heroin. This explains Scotland's heroin use.
This is the only book that has ever made me have a panic attack, it was like 30 pages in one night and I had to leave the room and lean over the sink about to collapse, so it's not all birds in my opinion, he was into the occult, I won't read a word from him again I think he may have been in allegiance with demonic entities, read Ballard instead he's a better writer anyway

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