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That was disgusting and I hated it
It was fine up to the scene in the church and then it just sank to a level of degeneracy and evil that I didn't even know Bataille was capable of
This is some satanic/evil writing and I gained nothing from reading it
Bataille is a sick fuck
Hell yeah.
and those people have been in charge of france since 68
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Does that edition have the essay at the end where Bataille explains his use and the purpose of obscenity? Important to read to understand the work. It's in this edition.

It's really quite tame and adolescent compared to De Sade or Guyotat.
Since "the scene in the church" is basically the last in the story, I would assume yes and that's what op is kvetching about.

Side note: I believe all readily available English editions of Story of the Eye are the same, the Neugroschel translation, which is of the first version (ending with a crew of 'negroes'). The only other translation, by Wainhouse, is a rare Olympia edition from the 50s, titled A Tale of Satisfied Desire, and is of Bataille later second version (this version is the readily available one in French).
I'm sold
Is that the bit where he talks about the events in his life which he thinks influenced the events in the books?
reading the plot on wikipedia singlehandedly convinced me book-burnings should happen regularly
This, the French are disgusting
>This is some satanic/evil writing and I gained nothing from reading it
Imagine reading Bataille and not expecting trangression and evil.
The book essentially came about from a therapudic exercise of fictionalizing his most traumatic memories in free association. Story of the Eye is essentially those segements loosely connected by the main characters.
If bataille was hanging around bitches who stuck eyeballs up their pussy I don’t know why he couldn’t keep it to himself
>I take everything at face value
C'mon my guy
Ok, I'm sold.
>Not reading the french version illustrated by Hans Bellmer..
Uncultured swine.
Thin-skinned pearl-clutching larpers
It was a very cool erotica desu
Porn will never be art, deal with it mindgeek
implying this book is solely read for it's erotic content.
You sir are an idiot. Just like 120 Days of Sodom this is a political satire and a grotesque social commentary.
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>he fills his head with garbage
better youtube shorts of asian women folding jeans in exciting and fresh ways than reading this schlock
Which translation would you recommend?
It's annoying that a bunch of 20th century authors decided to write about their weird fetishes or the most fucked up thing they could of specifically to piss people off like an angsty teenager trying to shock his parents, and now we're stuck with everyone pretending like it's good art.
How can anything still disgust you if you spend time on this shitty website
Well I never read the other translation since I haven't come across it. Since Olympia Press is quite collectible it can sell for hundreds of dollars; I do believe there is a pirate edition from the sixties, but I haven't looked into that.
Anyway the current translation by Neugroschel is fine imo; he (too) is a good translator generally.
If I wanted to read the work of damned men who scream in Hell, I'd wait another 4 years and then read Dawkins.
I had the misfortune of being born French (I know) and I am just so jaded. Nothing shocks me anymore. The boorish obscenity of Bataille, Sade, the liquefying ideology of Foucault and Derrida, the deconstruction of the Nouveau Roman... lost in the boring realm of fake snuff movies, a Serbian Film, Pasolini, faux bourgeois renegade, communist anger, satanic rebellion, it doesn't matter.

France is a cursed country that has brought art to its highest peaks only to drag it down in the most fetid mud as petty revenge against the edifying forces of nature. The French are a depressed people, with Houellebecq as chronicler of our downfall and Bellanger as cartographer of our sterile urban sprawls teeming with temple merchants. There is no escape. There is no end to this hell. Litterature has conjured all the bitter bile it could to excoriate this world, all the hatred it could summon was hurled at the walls of this prison. It is powerless against this drawn out suffocation. Subversion is futile.
You should blame Desanti, he's in a way patient zero of it all.
Read Guénon
>another marxist shithead
Like fucking clockwork.

I'm really starting to think that there isn't any other alternative. Maybe the memes were right after all
Guénon isn't supposed to be a meme. Years ago there was a guy on /lit/ whom we called "guenonfag" who wanted to make the zoomers here read Guénon, so he tried so hard to make them interested by making memes. Otherwise it's an entirely serious endeavor.
I know I know. I was also referring to the funny twitter accounts who post schizo collages with bronze age mindset adjacent ramblings with esoteric stuff and the like.

Anyways I'm just looking for a way out, an exit.
I'll look into him.
De sade raped children
>another marxist shithead
Not just another marxist shithead, he's arguably THE marxist shithead. You can pretty much trace everything back to him.
I can't stop thinking about it
I feel like I need to write it down and expose others to it just to cope, to share the nightmare
Bataille is the only disgusting blasphemous french pervert whom I actually like. Despite the abrasive content of the story I do believe it has value, as it depicts the conflict between the material limitations and the search for the transcendental. It's important to know that Bataille wanted to be a priest initially, but became unsatisfied with worship and longed for some greater form of communion ( which ultimately speaks of his own pride and lack of faith, but I do believe it is also connected to some universal fear ). Bataille was very aware that his writing was evil, matter of fact he thought all of literature was evil to some extent, but that there was still some good within - this might be a rech, but I'd consider this his form of struggle with theodicy.
Interesting idea. Where does he say he knows his writing is evil?
Good post and thank you.

OP I agree with this Anon, it is the best (and most correct) lense in which to view Bataille's writing.

No one is forcing you to engage with him it happens that he is not compatible with your own sensibilites.
Just understand and admit that he is not for you and move on my friend.
Sounds based, thanks for the rec
He has a book titled Literature and Evil, he talks about it in interviews as well.
Bataille reminds me of the use of transgressive acts/practices and intoxication of the Aghori and in some Vajrayana schools of buddhism
the book is disgusting absolutely, and I felt simialrly after reading it. As time passed though I couldn't shake the novel from my mind, and years later it's still in my memory, and I think it does serve a literary purpose overall.
agreeing with this, the essay at the end and the descriptions of his mother explain a lot, though it's also sad and disgusting as you'd expect.
>the deconstruction of the Nouveau Roman
Could you explain this? I'm not familiar with this part of French literature.
He isn’t either
I'll go find a pdf of it, thanks
>reading pervert stories
Gonna go read some autismo's vore fetish material next?
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never read french writers. never look at french paintings. never read french philosophy. never watch french films.
just. don't. do. it.
the germans and the russians are all you need
>why are you drinking piss? trust me bro, eating shit is way better!
I had a disturbing thought many years ago about a drug which aroused you and killed you
I thought about what it'd be like if someone took that drug and lost control of themselves because of their arousal
Imagine with the last vestiges of your mind, injecting yourself with another hit because you're desperate for that arousal and then the blackness comes over you and you're dead
A life snuffed out through sex
I think what I hate the most about sexuality is that it's a motive for humans including myself
Sexuality is evil
>Sexuality is evil
>I thought about what it'd be like if someone took that drug and lost control of themselves because of their arousal
You're basically describing every moment of a person's life after puberty.
Yes I know
When I masturbate I know that I'm damning myself to Hell
even the desert saints knew that he who has not overcome porneia will never taste salvation. but chin up, there's still hope.
Never read anything by him, but people here screeching like apes make his books sound interesting.
What's the best start? Preferably non-fiction. Blue of the Moon also sounds good.
Blue of Noon. I'm retarded.
Yeah the fantasy of subversion as some spiritual practice is very strong in the hedonistic worm, which is why all women are drawn to it.
>Bataille wanted to be a priest initially,
Which just means he never got out of the judaic framework imposed in europe over the last 2000 years.
Christianity is Roman.

Is it really that bad?
No he's just being hysterical
France has a long history of conservatism, it's just that for some reason French literature is extremely underrated in the anglo world and therefore only the freaks stand out
There's a short book he wrote called The Accursed Share that was published towards the ends of his life so could be regarded as something of a capstone. You can find a pdf just by googling the name + pdf, it's like 80 pages if memory serves. I read Story of the Eye when I was a teenager, I was totally engrossed (can also be found easily) and I'd say that The Accursed Share represents the same ideas but in a straight forward non-fiction way, so that if you like the one you'll like the other.
/lit/ "pagans" or whatever the fuck you call this particular branch of retardation that smears Christianity by comparing it to Judaism almost makes me want to not be an anti-semite. So if this is an op Mazel Tov to you my good Mensch. If it's not then you should read something by the early Church Fathers, my favorite is always St. Augustine, so that you can understand exactly how different Judaism is from Christianity. In the City of God there are huge sections elaborating on the difference between the old covenant which God made with Abraham or Moses or whatever and the new covenant represented by Jesus Christ. Of course you are not open minded so you will not do this.
Une fois que tu auras lu Guénon, lis Rose. Commence par l'Orthodoxie et la Religion du Futur. Le traditionalisme guénonien c'est stimulant intellectuellement, mais rien de plus
I have a sneaking suspicion you also meant to write fiction instead of non-fiction. Otherwise your reference to Noon makes little to no sense.
People finding it disgusting and evil only makes me want to read it more. I hate humans and society. Good art should make them feel uncomfortable because that's how society has made me feel my whole life too. Good art depicts the beauty in life but also the abhorrent disgustingness, because that's the only way beauty can stand out anyway.

If you want to emphasize a light in a painting you also surround it with darkness. It's a simple Chiaroscuro, Tenebrism or color relativity effect. People who can't understand this are just retards who deserve feeling disgusted..
>i hate society so i'll wallow in its depravity to own the libs
i'll never understand retards like you
It's just a book you fucking retard. Dumbfucks like you are just too stupid to differentiate between fiction and reality. It's a form of self-expression, not a biography.
garbage in, garbage out. feeding your mind ugly lascivious images will debase you in the long run. you'll learn when you're older.
First guy is more based according to my completely unbiased perspective. The depravity of society isn't particularly in the sort of bizarre sex acts described in The Story of the Eye. These things happen I guess, maybe, but the really disgusting thing about society is not what we try to hide from one another but the evil which we accept and celebrate in one another. Namely Pride, which has its own month (I'm saying this is bad for reasons besides the gay sex,) Greed, Envy, and Wrath. People whose sole message consists of their love of their self are elevated in society and no one makes secret how they behave enviously towards those wealthier than them and with disregard of those less fortunate. What happens in the Story of the Eye is so exciting, philosophically, because by wrapping themselves in precisely the vices most abhorred by society, they free themselves of any possibility of Pride and the inflated ego that those draped in righteousness develop.
Ugliness is part of life. The longer you try to supress it, the more violently it will emerge from your subconscious later on. Art which deals with the darkness in life is cathartic.
Elaborate on that
that's because you fear the darkness, and are enticed by it. face it if you must, but not everyone who refuses to wallow shit are repressed prudes.
>i will debase my body and soul to own the prideful
>i will wallow in the filth of human nature because i don't have the strength to actually overcome greed, envy, wrath, lust, etc.
It's just art but it's uncomfortable. If you like such art you also will have less problems with uncomfortable situations in your real life, because you understand the beauty in it and have people to identify with.
its a process, a journey even.
fair enough. but i prefer contemplating real evil, not "supernormal" representations of evil.
I don't fear the darkness. I have been surrounded by it my whole life. I just don't believe that "happy art" has any depth to it. It just doesn't do anything for me. Life isn't just happy. In fact the dark moments in life probably stand out even more. That doesn't mean that it's only dark and depressing, but these things are certainly there and also should be expressed in art.
darkness without light is as insipid as the reverse.
Then friend, we are in agreement! The Story of the Eye holds a mirror to the real world and shows a reflected vision of it. I read it when I was younger and living in full naked sin and this book made me feel disgust and liberation at the same time which made me ask myself "liberation from what?" Secular morality! As it is said that all good is destined to be united and all evil is destined to be opposed.
There is no light
Bataille hints at light and then mocks it in the most grotesque way possible, denying any possibility of light
It's pure evil, a satanic impulse
I haven't read Bataille yet, but I'm sure he also has lights in his stories. people also say Marquis de Sade was disgusting, but he was actually the first dark romanticist. His stories are kind of romantic too, just in a more dark and twisted way. There is some positivity, it's just enshrouded by darkness so it can stand out better.
i had you pegged. you really are just a child. i love being right.

fair. like i said, i prefer real evil, not what some french fop thinks is le ebil. transgressive fiction is played out. the real transgression now is clinging to the Light
Sorry I butted into this conversation, I'm not the anon you were replying to
>actually striving for the Good... is le ebil
complete foppery. then you're just another demon in this hell. open wide.
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>I don't fear the darkness. I have been surrounded by it my whole life
This was me in the throes of a horrible trip caused by drinking a whole glass of milk boiled with weed.
When the shit started kicking in, I could feel like I was standing at the gates of something greater than myself. I thought I could have a fun experience watching movies or whatever, but there was no escape. Something horrible was going to happen to me. Darkness encroached me, my mind was starting to come apart. The lights and the sounds coming from my electronic devices became meaningless signals. I was so afraid until I started tugging my cock. Then this nameless fear was replaced by another vertiginous sensation that, at least at first, was equally horrendous. I was standing at the edge of a black pit and what awaited at the bottom was debauchery and malice so bleak it flies on the face of everything I believe and cherish. It rendered every anchor, every value, every thought of mercy and goodness completely powerless.
I plunged into it, dick in hand, and I was seized by a demonic frenzy that turned the world and every living being in it into a playground. I felt like a puppet of lust, a slave to my throbbing, bruised, stinging cock. A knife eager to tear through flesh and drench in blood. I slept like a log.
sad. the lengths people like you will go to aestheticize your degradation. then you see mystics who elect to say nothing about god. really just convinces me that language and perversion truly are the first bedfellows
Disagree completely. Life already contains enough darkness, suffering, and abhorrent disgustingness to make beautiful art stand out on it's own. You don't need more art to represent the darkness that's apparent every waking second of life. And you have this narcissistic fantasy that you are unique among men in the way you suffer. Everyone experiences suffering in existence. It'll be tough for you to accept this because you've built your entire personality around being special in the way you suffer rather than recognizing that's the very thing that binds you to everyone else.
How do I even read this shit. I'm constantly fappin and lose interest afterwards. This way I'll never finish it.
>Thread full of zoomers freaking out over Bataille
Jesus christ this board has gone downhill. People being burnt by warm water. If you want things to be nice all the time then maybe literature isn't for you, you should try something like Bluey.
Name 3 authors that equal "hot water" in your mind if Bataille is supposedly so vanilla. Regarding the obscenities depicted of course.
Sotos, Teratologen, Kilpatrick
Fair enough, I guess.
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Eh I shouldn't have been so harsh. You like what you like ig.
lol everytime i hear somebody mention an ffm threesome i imagine this scene.
I remember when I was 15 too
> 17 years old in 1914
> didn't fight in either war

He couldn't possibly have been a bigger piece of shit. No surprise that he built a career in producing such garbage.
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He was in WWI but didn't see any combat (just like Evola) and was quickly discharged for lung problems. By WWII he was tubercular.
Is anyone? Looking for a serious answer.
The nouveau roman is a commercial hype after WW2, by journalists. This is why there's not even a definition of it. Then they created ''awards'' and they even created the nouveau nouveau roman'' lol. It's completely empty and shows that the 70s were already about appearances, just to hide the lack of core of any atheist creation, ie to hide their nihilism.

>Over the course of some forty years, four main phases can be distinguished in what could be described as a “movement”. Initially, and unlike the Surrealist movement in particular, no manifesto, no leader, no magazine presided over the emergence of the New Novel. It was not based on any pre-established or concerted formal or aesthetic principle or precept. It was the result of a dual journalistic and editorial phenomenon. On the one hand, the “Nouveau Roman” label is forged and maintained by a certain press (Le Monde, L'Express). Following the example of the contemporary Nouvelle Vague, the media, thirsting for “novelty”, either promote or condemn what they create from scratch. On the other hand, most of these “New Novelists” gravitated around Éditions de Minuit, giving rise to the idea of its director, Jerôme Lindon, of a grouping that would constitute a “school” known as “de Minuit”.

>Then, in the 1960s, the notion of a movement gained credence. The numerous prizes awarded to “New Novels” testified to their effective literary recognition. Above all, the movement now asserted itself “from within”, with Robbe-Grillet's critical collection Pour un Nouveau Roman (1963) and novelist Jean Ricardou's theoretical work Problèmes du Nouveau Roman (1967). Comprising articles published between 1964 and 1966 in magazines such as Tel Quel and Critique, the latter endeavors to show that a number of works (Le Voyeur, Le Parc, La Route des Flandres, L'Emploi du temps) explore common narrative functions. The author of La Prise de Constantinople thus uncovers certain shared mechanisms (such as creative description and structural metaphor), and revives a procedure that was exploited by André Gide in his day, and which would become something of an emblem of the Nouveau Roman: mise en abyme4. It was also in Problèmes du Nouveau Roman that the now-famous distinction between “narrative time and fictional time” was made, a distinction that was to form the basis of the nascent field of narratology.
In the third phase, the 1970s, Ricardou organized a number of meetings with the Nouveaux Romanciers, including the famous 1971 Cerisy symposium, Nouveau roman : hier, aujourd'hui, which brought together the main players (Butor, Ollier, Pinget, Robbe-Grillet, Sarraute and Simon).5 This founding symposium was followed in 1974 and 1975 by two other important meetings focusing on the works of Claude Simon6 and Robbe-Grillet7 respectively. This was the phase of the Nouveau Nouveau Roman, which gave a more collective basis to the movement and reflected on the shift in the novelistic paradigm initiated by La Prise de Constantinople and La maison de rendez-vous (1965), a path pursued by Simon in Les corps conducteurs (1970) and Triptyque (1973). Theoretical research on the movement culminated in the publication of Le Nouveau Roman8 , which offered a veritable synthesis of all the narrative and textual procedures employed by novelists.

In a fourth phase, after 1975, the movement began to disintegrate, with some New Novelists definitively distancing themselves from a theory they considered too hegemonic. This period of dispersion coincided, on the one hand, with the autobiographical turn (La Nouvelle Autobiographie) taken by some of the former New Novelists (Sarraute, Robbe-Grillet, Simon), which saw the return en masse of the notion of “Author” - undermined in the flamboyant era of structuralism by Foucault, Barthes and Ricardou - and the growing renown of writers such as Simon (awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1985) and Sarraute (whose work was published in the prestigious Pléiade collection in 1996).
Where to start with Bataille?
The Limit of the Useful or Accursed Share
>Life already contains enough darkness
Then you also should express that darkness in your art, otherwise it's not really an honest self-expression but rather just entertainment.

You seem like another guy who knows everything about me, so obviously it doesn't even make any sense to reply here.
people who complain about stuff being "satanic" are either schizo or just brainwashed /pol/ children
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Yes. Caring his sick father in his piss-stained bed is the key to book and Bataille gennerally. The purpose of pressing into obscentiy and obscene thoughts to 'melt apparent surfaces away' of conventional humaness and go deeper into the ungrund of being. And the surrealist flow of consciousness technique he used to chain image associates of the book, back when surrealism was new and not yet tedious.

It is adolescent and overblown, but it was an earnest use of surrealism and obscenity as literary technique within a greater philosphical purpose: that obescenity blasts off the convential, lies, and cant of human experience and drives us deeper and closer to our ground of being. And it gifted us the charm of 'milk is for the pussy'.
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>this name is by far the loveliest of the names for the vagina
What's the actual French word Bataille is using here, 'con'?
>back when surrealism was new
Surrealism already existed in like the 14th century. The French just acted like they invented something new. Surrealism is basically just showing the phantastical beneath the mundane, which has already been done way before.
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No. Surrealism is not a 'fairy way of writing' about preternatural content, it's specific techniques of automatism in literary production.
>it's specific techniques of automatism in literary production.
That's not even surrealism, but comes from Dadaism. It's just shitpost writing where you think of random words and build sentences like this. You could say it's writing with a strong focus on intuition, but that still has little to do with surrealism. Surrealists just copied what better artists did before them.It started with Chirico who named it "metaphysical art". They also copied from Hieronymous Bosch, Guiseppe Acrimboldo, Lewis Carroll, dark romanticism, etc.
No. You don't understand what you're talking about and continue to confuse content with technique. Surrealism isn't content.
You don't understand what you are talking about. Read the text yourself. Surrealism is about merging dream and reality, showing the phatastical underneath the surface of the mundane. It's about creating with intuition. This is nothing new. Hieronymous Bosch already did this in like the 15th century. In fact I would say Surrealism was mainly just a fucking Communist movement, nothing else. That's the only unique part about it.
Just checked (both versions) and it's actually "cul" (he does not say for the "vagina" either, but "sexe"—and loosely cul can be used for the "Partie du corps contenant le sexe").
The "milk is for the pussy" line is also different: "Les assiettes, c'est fait pour s'asseoir."
You sound like a tranny I know
They were driven mad by Judaic "society" and started taking estrogen
Sry I'm not american. Trannies are an american thing.
European also
No it's not. Surrealism is not content, surrealism is a technique of automatism. It is not another 'fairy way of writing' or dream literature you utter spastic.
Interesting how neither is direct and are instead oblique and indicative terms (bottom parts, sex parts) compared to the direct and particular naming of the English translation (count, vagina).

>plates are for sitting on
>les ass, pour s'ass
Not quite the same spirit as puss lapping up milk either. Think the English translator has gone on his own automatic writing journey. French Bataille pointing towards obscenity rather than shouting it as the translation does.
Automatic writing is just one aspect of surrealism, and it's not like it's anything special.
Goggle the term Proto-Surrealism, dumbfuck. You will get an image of Bosch. French did the same shit, except trying to sell it as something new. Surrealists like Jan Svankmajer still copy stories like Alice. You have no clue what you are talking about.
Learn French
It's not that hard with the greatest language textbook of all time, French for Reading by Karl Sandberg

>In fact, in his first Surrealist Manifesto, Andre Breton dubbed Bosch as a forerunner to Surrealism, saying Bosch's work was "a strange marriage of fideism and revolt... the singer of the unconscious" and that his composition was "the example of automatic writing.

except even the french said it themselves
fucking retard
And what? None of it is surrealism. Dream literature is ancient, it's not surrealism. What Breton used as material does not magically become surrealist because the surrealists experience, use, interpret, and read into it and subject matter. You're still not understanding that surrealism is not content but technique. When Bataille wrote The Story of the Eye surrealist writing as technique was new and fresh, and we should give indulgence to surrealist tedium (the mystic awe he gives to the automatic unconscious associations between eyes, bulls testicles, and eggs for example that make us yawn today) because it had not yet been played out. It's sheer idiocy to say that Dutch painters were doing this 400 years before and therefore what the Surrealist writers were exploring was not novel.
French gets too much shit, wonderful language. Though I don't think it's worthwhile to learn for a non-French speaker, one would rather learn German or Greek or Latin or something Asian. Why should you learn French of all languages?
>Guy who wrote the surrealism manifesto said it's surrealism and an example of automatic writing
>None of it is surrealism
It seems like you can't even read. You argue like a jew simply ignoring facts
French is for faggots.
Talking to bitches in french always worked for me so leave it to the people who fuck I guess.
oh, so THAT'S where that wittgenstein meme came from
I like degenerate art, if it's done well. But I am not fooling myself see it for what it is. I live in degenerate times so I like degenerate things. My whole life I was surrounded by it. Plus humans are animals anyway. They just like hiding behind masks. It's almost like who can fake the best wins.
Honestly I was only really shocked by the last part
The only other bit that was weird to me was when their friend does that thing in the cupboard and then the ensuing act
wins here, yes. just here.
Religion is the epitome of decadence. It's a sign of weakness.
you mean the hypocrites who wear hats? sure. you mean the people who resist sin and place their trust in christ sincerely? no. as to weakness, one or another man might wrestle the rest into submission, but we're all weak before the wrath of god.
>blah blah blah satanic blah blah overcome greed, envy, wrath, lust
it's a fucking BOOK you nincompoops

no one reads a surrealist novel such as Story of the Eye and comes out wanting to chew on a bull's testicle or with an urethral egg insertion paraphilia - nobody should read literary fiction in search of a moral precedent (which is a point that Bataille actively argued for), art is not a means to an end, but an end in itself

and transgressive works like SotE will continue to have merit as long as this refusal of engaging with art (masked by a shroud of puritanism and sanitary holier-than-thou gesticulations) continues to be ubiquitous amongst young people from all the corners of the political spectrum

I'm still looking for a Bellmer-illustrated copy of Les chants de Maldoror, if it even exists...
For me, it was the constant piss orgies.
It's just sex
Entry level shit.
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>I'm still looking for a Bellmer-illustrated copy of Les chants de Maldoror, if it even exists...
My bet is that you've gonna have to pay good buck for that. Good taste though!
Name me a book which has someone getting raped to death and eternal damnation
Umm, spoiler much?
plato was right about poets.
I remember being 14.
art is just a farcical activity by hedonists to turn hedonism into some spirituality

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