Are there any novels where the protagonist(s) set out to seek enlightenment or not purposefully seek it, but reach it anyways by the end?
>>23979106A bunch of Herman Hesse novels are like this, mainly siddhartha.Also Proust, kinda.
>>23979116I was thinking of reading Siddhartha, would you Das Steppenwolf and Demian are also like that? I have those two books here as well.
>>23979106Like, all of them.
>>23979123Such as?
>>23979106Not so much in the tragic end narrated almost as if in timelapse, but for rather a lot of The Magic Mountain, Hans Castorp falls upward in the general direction of enlightenment, and seems to me throughout a kind of prodigy of wisdom, if a little reckless in one episode involving a winter storm, and a bit of a fool for a certain romantic love interest, at first. Most remarkable is his constant and overriding lack of both anger and paranoia, his sense that neither nature nor the gods plot against his happiness. Personally I'm a lot more fiery by nature, and incline more to satire and rhapsody, but am at least intelligent enough to recognize and appreciate his type in life as in art. To the spells of gurus & such, they're almost miraculously immune.
>>23979106crime and punishment
>>23979106The Alchemist
>>23979106Are there any novels where enlightenment isnt understood in a gay eastern spirituality/buddhism "my ego doesnt meany anything bro" kinda way but rather in a nietzschean "I am superior to others and I need to strive for power" way??
>>23980079>guy whos never read Nietzche
>>23980079>guy who has read one sentence of Nietzsche from a-z quotes
>>23979793Came here to post this.Highly overrated book though, but a fun and easy read.
>>23979106The ascent of mt caramel
>>23980096Why is it overrated?
>>23980080>>23980094Yes youre right that does not answer the question however
>>23980301Do you know what the word novel means?
>>23980362The question is based on a false premise. Just read fascist lit if you want to larp as an "Uber man"
>>23980565untermensch detected. go post on reddit about opening up the NFL to disabled indian lesbians.
>>23979106Utrpení knížete Sternenhocha is really good...if you know czech
>>23980601A disabled indian lesbian has a much better chance of being a Nietzschean "Ubermensch" than you. You should read him or at least read a secondary source on him, it'll help you win more internet arguments.
>>23980781an ubermensch doesnt copy paste from mediocre scholars to make arguments but rather advocates for the inclusion of rocks in the category of sentient beings.
Luarus, maybe. Pretty much every hagiographical novel will.
>>23980730I don’t.