Rate my haul. I just got done with the Man in the High Castle. Before that was Eye in the Sky. And before that A Scanner Darkly and etc. Reading is the best high.
>>239791277/10it's very newfaggy
>>23979127you should read whatever interests you, that is probably for the best.however in my subjective opinion that is a mediocre collection of books. 6/10
>>23979127>I just got done with the Man in the High CastleHey it's only uphill from there since it's the weakest PKD "big" novel easily
>>23979127You seem like a real dickhead.
>>23979127You just started posting on this board last month. Leave while you still can.
hi /lit/, i have an unrelated question but didn't want to make my own thread so i'll ask here since i also bought a few books recently.do you take the dust jackets off of your hardcover books? i personally prefer my books circumcised but i was wondering if i am in the wrong here or not.
>>23979446Only when I'm reading them but I'm a smoker so ymmv>>23979127Babby/10, take >>23979337's advice and leave while you still know how to have fun
>>23979127Good taste. Most of these anons calling you a newfag probably haven't even read In Search of Lost Time. Besides, nothing wrong with being a newfag, nothing wrong with not scrolling/posting on /lit/ at all; your average /lit/izen barely even reads lol
>>23979127Take the Howard Zinn book and just throw it in the trash.
>>23979503>t. average /lit/izen
>>23979127Zinn's a champagne socialist and you may as well read an American history authored by a British subject, jus tkeep that in mind. Just get the LOA Dick, don't bother with single volume paperbacks. enjoy.
Nice haul of Horselover Fat!Dunno about that King, haven't red that one from him.Which Proust is that? I hate that they haven't put the title on the cover.
>>23979127Nice dick bro
Just ordered these. How'd I do?
>>23979127I'm a leftist but isn't the Zinn book considered kinda hackish? haven't read it myself tho
>>23979127>haul kys zoomer YouTube addicted faggot
You keep reading PKD and you'll come to the same same conclusions he did
>>23979970Capeshit tier
>>23980591Reads like a redditor’s post after browsing /pol/ for the first time
>>23979337I'm here to stay.
>>23980976so damn true
should i buy lady with the camellias or bonjour tristesse?
Just arrived. What is it they say about a fool and his money again?