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Fun books? I don't give a fuck about philosophy, morals, religion, history, facts, fuck any of that intellectual shit.

>pic related for example
The Sisters Brothers
When I see people reading books like this I feel really bad for them and I have to consciously remember they're human. Same thing when a normie starts talking to me about some philosophy tidbit he learned about on a podcast. I feel literally the exact same feeling you get when you have to talk patronizingly to a person with down syndrome, but without seeming patronizing. Like "wowww that's so cool." A guy told me recently he was reading an autobiography of a celebrity that I could tell was ghostwritten just by listening to his description of it and I disassociated and had to will myself to keep it together. When I walk by one of those circular tables near the entrance at Barnes & Nobles I shield my eyes.
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I have the opposite problem, I think I'm much dumber than I really am all the time.
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Been there. It's crazy how dirty a bitch can be sometimes. Like moldy dishes in the sink when she know she's having a man over.
The whole board is just ftl now
Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck
Doug Stanhope had a book that was just the chat logs of him and a buddy pretending to be little kids on the internet trolling pedophiles during the earlier days of the web that was pretty funny. The opening segment was pretty much driving home that, while pedophiles are scary monsters, they are also massive retards and making fun of them for being such morons takes some of the scary out of their sails.
Holy shit, the price for that book is insane now. It's called Fun With Pedophiles and it's selling for over $500.
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I dissociate in most conversations.
I think that's why I don't have many friends.
This used to happen to me until I became disillusioned with the fact that I was actually dumb when interacting with people I knew irl over things I had read. Now I think I'm dumb when comparing myself to great thinkers and how I might never be able to attain true enlightenment but I acknowledge that I at least have somewhat of a superiority to the average slop consumer
gonna be the guy to say Confederacy of Dunces like nobody's heard of it, it is genuinely the funniest book i've read tho
What an intellect, you must be so proud
>I at least have somewhat of a superiority to the average slop consumer
The important thing is you have someone to look down on, right?
>I might never be able to attain true enlightenment
You definitely won't with that perspective
I am, thank you
I cannot tell if this is parody
It made me laugh and feel optimistic about my uncertain future
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I posted a censored cover by accident
Norm has what can be regarded as the only comedy autobiog worth truly indulging in. One of a kind. And it's not even real (sort of)!! At about the same time I read Norm's book I checked out Confederacy of Dunces - it's also funny. Next up on the funny/fucked up list is Sam Tallent's Running The Light which I will read in '25. Oh I also read Tom Segura's book, which was... ok? Ok to pass the time in a car for hours on end.

Ultimately most books aren't that "fun," they are something else entirely.
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Powerfully based but if you didn't grow up /out/ or knowing any hick types idk how funny they would really be.
I do this too!

6'3 White male green eyes blonde hair 142 WAIS-IV certified IQ Captains of crush 3x12 grip strength 7.2x6.3 inch uncut penis 45 books read 3 times each this year.
whyd you read the books three times
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a rollicking good time. i wasn't expecting something so lighthearted from Mishima. it's not even a little serious.
I read that book and also many more heavier and significant books than you.
Do you even know who Norm MacDonald is though?
The you’s tell me this anon struck a nerve
Norm was /lit/, you are Swedish-German.
I dare you to post your favorite books. Just three of them. It is guaranteed to be criticbait pseudslop
Criticbait pseudslop is better than normieslop tho
This post is hilarious
Oh huh, this guy actually used Swedish-German as a pejorative in a bit. Here I was assuming rightoids loved him for some reason other than that they simper over famous people paying them the tiniest crumb of attention at 10x the rate of any liberal.
Norm was not a rightoid
He was a radical centrist and a chaotic neutral agent who pretended to pander to any audience as long as it was funny
Rightoids are less likely to pick on that subtlety so they adopted him
By modern leftoid standards he was very much a rightoid and his disdain for limpwristed egalitarian butthurt and puritanical DEI cancelations was palpable. Does making fun of women, gays, blacks, and retards not make you a rightoid?
Is that how you define a right winger lol

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