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This is your favorite author, /lit/?
Are all good writers pedos?
I liked Suttree a lot, but the rest of his shit was overrated, especially The Road.
He certainly is now.
This shit has been on the wiki for years, bro
>McCarthy was a teetotaler. According to Richard B. Woodward, "McCarthy doesn't drink anymore – he quit 16 years ago [i.e. in 1976] in El Paso, with one of his young girlfriends – and Suttree reads like a farewell to that life. 'The friends I do have are simply those who quit drinking,' he says. 'If there is an occupational hazard to writing, it's drinking'."[73]
>Pedophilia is when you're attracted to teenagers.
>McCarthy died of prostrate cancer
>look it up
>"masturbation reduces the risk"
Here we go
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>Her unbelievable story was never told when he was alive and able to defend himself, but now he's dead, she's free to just say whatever.
Many such cases!
Actual pedophiles would find her too old.
all atheists are pedophiles
>my good sir, it's ephebophilia. My daughterwife
every fucking time.
Fucking someone who
>'If there is an occupational hazard to writing, it's drinking'."[73]
when did this nigger tier behavior become acquainted with intellectual work? the 20th century?
He's a christian conservative from deep south tho
pedophilia only become taboo once secularism took hold. mohammed was a pedo. joseph smith was a pedo. socrates was a pedo. even mary was only 12 or something when jesus born. atheism has eliminated the vice of pedophilia from the human species
>Pedophilia also means being attracted to teenagers, b-because it just does, okay!?
Words have objective definitions beyond what you think they should mean. Cope and seethe about it.
and here’s why that’s a good thing!
>Words have objective definitions beyond what you think they should mean.
a bunch of teenagers misusing words they don't know on social media isnt objective lmao
Dude she was 16. That's legal age in every western country but America
She was still in contact with Cormac during his last days. He sent a special signed edition of The Passenger to her. He really cared about her. It wasn't just because she was young and sexy.
C'mon man, at least read the article. Britt doesn't accuse him of anything, or say anything to suggest McCarthy did anything evil to her.
She is fangirling over him in that article though.
Relax mom and dad I'm making your teenage daughter my muse in this motel pool
Your GOAT is a pedophile meanwhile my GOAT Brandon Sanderson is destroying another Kickstarter and will write 100 more books which are all gonna be better than the pedos miderian
And yet his legacy is still tarnished because of it
How is his legacy tarnished? It's a positive article, and it was published like an hour ago.
Sanderson will be a poor man trying to closet all the Skeletons that he will have by the time he is done writing.
The problem is, no matter how positively she speaks of McCarthy, retards on twitter are immediately going to jump to "He's a pedo, cancel him and burn down his legacy immediately, she was only a clueless 16 year old child you sick fuck!"
Exactly. Twitter people. i.e. people who don't have influence outside of their bubble and are essentially not even real. Real readers and academics don't "cancel" authors.
Easily countered by her testimony that McCarthy was genuinely trying to rescue her, a girl who was shuttling between so many abusive homes that she carried a gun with her at all times.
Reddit is losing its shit lol
>a bunch of teenagers misusing words they don't know on social media isnt objective lmao
Calling someone a pedo for dating a 16 year old is misusing the word.
dude is writing books about bloodbaths and six shooters. fucking high horse.
Do you think regular people are going to recognise any nuance when it comes to this? She was 16 years old that's all they're going to see and they start frothing at the mouth, shaking and pissing themselves. I've seen the comments already crying shame about it
Writing prose fiction was not considered an intellectual activity until the 20th Century
This is what the girl in question has to say btw:
>I loved him more than anything. He kept me safe, gave me protection. He was everything to me. Everything. He was my anchor. He was my world. He was my home, even when we didn’t live together anymore. Those things that happen to you, that young and that awful, you don’t really heal. You just patch yourself up the best you can and move on. And Cormac gave me protection and safety when I had none. I would be dead if I didn’t meet him. He was the most important person in my life, the person I love the most. He was my anchor. And now that he’s gone,” she pauses, “I’m shiftless
This the rare case where the woman isn't the problem. She has a story worth telling and an interesting insight into McCarthy's life. But people will take one look at the age gap and now write him off entirely
Tbf the first time they made love was in Mexico when she was 17. Is that really that bad?
The past is a foreign country. You ask a forever online wokey that question today and you can guess the answer
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>He was my anchor. And now that he’s gone,” she pauses, “I’m shiftless
Unironic kino
I don't concern myself with regular people.
McCarthy also proposed marriage to her when she was 53. I don't think this is a case of hebephilia. Cormac was strangely in love with this girl and she inspired quite a lot of details in his works. She IS John Grady Cole, Harrogate, Boyd and Alicia. Who would've thought that Cormac, the man's man writer, would have a muse this influential.
>42 year old banging a 16 year old girl
Bro go start a family, tf you doing weirdo?
non artists wouldnt understand
>t. bad artist
just havent found my muse yet bro
Well you first have to publish something before you find your muse.
Sounds like exactly what you just did by posting >>23980358, just with slightly different motives. God damn you're dumb.
Starting a family
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IDC if he will be called a pedo. he is one of the greatest american writer,is what he is. and in this thread cormac mccarthy is /ourguy/ end of story.
The past is not that foreign. The FBI was chasing him for statutory rape and the Mann act. It's not like it was fine back then lol. He was a 40 year old man that took a vulnerable 16 year old girl from foster care and fled the country with her. Its not woke to think it's a little fucked up.
Everyone turns a blind eye when artists have sex with their underage groupies, but when I do it I get 3 years in jail for "third-degree criminal sexual conduct."
Insane that people here have been so buck broken by woke discourse that they'll try to defend this out of sheer contrarianism.
Reddit is thatta way
It's a nicely written article I'll give it that. Definitely a complex portrayal of the issue
Makes sense to me. You have the girl that Llewelyn picks up on the side of the road in No Country and in Suttree you have the daughter of the clam fishing family that Sut has a fling with which ends in tragedy.
Could it be because-- and hear me out, this might be crazy-- our biology is built to be fertile at a young age?
>i-it's bad... because it just is OKAY?!
Humans have been pumping out babies almost as soon as they're able to for centuries. It was only yesteryear that the Reddit consensus became "having babies at a young age is le bad and you should wait til you're 30 and settled down"
This is exactly what MAP groups say you'd fit right in with them
>you should wait til you're 30 and settled down"
pretty dumb desu. that's how you end up with ipad kids because the parents are too knackered to play with them after work, on account of being old af. By 40 your kids should be out of the house.
they use heterosexual reproduction to argue as to why a middle aged "artistic, yet misunderstood" male should sexually educate boys for their benefit?
because they've managed to cancel every other 'pedo' such as turing, asimov, etc the foundation series is still running on apple tv and turing got a film made of his life despite the british knowing decades ago he was a pedo, the woke mob is a very small minority as the trump election revealed
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I mean, it was a woman at least, right? At least he didn't get into what Thomas Mann got up to.
You're thinking of NAMBLA
This mfer doctored her birth certificate that’s pretty fucking damning and even I think most of the “age gap” discourse is bullshit
A lot of the perceived weaknesses of Women are actually strengths; the idea of staying home whilst someone else does the labor for instance displays a clear power structure where the Woman is above the Man. Men as kind of 'suicide drones' sent out to kill themselves bringing home food could account for the physical differences and the differences in states of mind from the male to female in our species. A smaller frame for Women, then, could even be theorized as an evolutionary strategy if the goal of the female, at a biological level, was to be considered harmless in the mind of the male; in need of protection so as to arouse his sympathies and desire to protect and feed her .Also interesting the whole small frame as an evolutionary advantage in invoking sympathy, with a shift in beauty standards towards higher and higher neoteny, which could easily fit the narrative that higher neoteny invokes stronger feelings of wanting to protect and nurture from men. Even the explosive resurgence of the term 'daddy' or the 'dadbod' glorification which wasn't as prevalent before would fit into this narrative.

As evolutionary strategy the difference of our species from most other species, where the female is larger and more physically violent, suggests a radical divergence occurring where Women at some point became content enough with their ability to have Men do what they wanted and fight their battles for them; not needing too these things themselves, so the frame and musculature was lost over time.

Even the habit, seemingly, of Men to attack each when a perceived transgression against Women by a Man has take place suggests a deep hardwiring of Men to be completely subservient towards Women. I used to think this was pheromonal perhaps but with the internet e can see it occurs even when the Man is 'white knighting' for a static image of a Woman; i.e. no proximity necessary for pheromones to account for it.

There's no moral judgment being made about this, or anything. Really if Men are hardwired to be suici drones for Women then it only really matters what the goal of one Woman to the next is; whether they have intellect to make use of this position or whether they're stuck in the cave mentality, getting their tribe killed over demands for pretty bits of twig to put in their hair, etc.
I would go so far as to say that not only is this not a bad thing, it was actually a great thing and I like Cormac all the more now.

I'm 46 years old, and I had to wait 900 fucking seconds for this post, (God - you'll never know how good the internet use to be).

So, I discovered McCarthy about 16 years ago when I read the Road at the same time I was becoming a dad. Since then I've read all of his books, and he's still my favorite author.

I know a lot of you are younger than me, but the reality is as you age on the outside a part of you on the inside continues to feel a lot younger. I think it's obvious that young women (we'll use that term slightly loosely) look good and will continue to look good.

One other consideration, often overlooked, is the non-sexual internal state.As people age they become bitter, grumpy, pessemistic, set in their ways etc... When you're young so many doors are not yet shut..life seems so much more fun. Something magical happens though when you are around younger people - it can renew you in ways you don't appreciate or understand. I think that was some of what was going on. She gave him life. And likewise he also gave her reason to live.

I find their relationship absolutely beautiful. I don't care what society thinks. It sounds like they're both better people because they knew each other.

After he died, his popularity has just blown up, so maybe the silver lining will be that if he's "cancelled." then he can go back to being an unknown and only appreciated by the select few.
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>Bla bla bla I'm a pedo
Bro you need help fr. Internets way better than it used to be content is better than ever. Nobody gaf about your old way of life stop making excuses before some bad shit happens to you lol. Just by what you said and your age I know you done some shit. Idgaf at all literally nothing bothers me. But everything bothers you always being a victim that's why you do the shit you do, nothing beautiful about that. Act like a man dude.
The way this writer describes this woman makes me very skeptical about the entire story. It seems like an excuse to present the public a "super-woman" and say oh see this great male artist? Actually all his work was really all about her so she's even better than him. There's a blatant political agenda and McCarthy was so reclusive that I frankly doubt the whole story. Read this:

>many of his famous leading men were inspired by a single woman, a single secret muse revealed here for the first time: a five-foot-four badass Finnish American cowgirl named Augusta Britt. A cowgirl whose reality, McCarthy confessed in his early love letters to her, he had “trouble coming to grips with.”

"Five foot four badass?" Really? That's not introducing a person, that's introducing a propaganda concept. It's giving you your opinion, pre-cooked.
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>every author and philosopher I looked up to turns out to be a sick fuck

Not sure how much more of this I can take, bros. Seems like literature is as bad as Hollywood
I was reading the article but then I was caught in the “interstitial oblivion” between paragraphs.
I’m 42. Wish that was me.
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Suttree had a relationship with a teen. Must've been autobiographical. Then there was the lewelyn picking up a teen hitchikerin NCFOM .....also he was late 20's and picked up his wife when she was 16.

life imitates art
It’s legal in some states here, including mine. It’s frowned upon though by school marms who try and dictate morality to everyone else though.
>16 years ago... at the same time I was becoming a dad
>I find the sexual relationship between a 40 year old man and vulnerable 16 year old girl absolutely beautiful
Feels like I'm reading a confession here
The road was a metaphor for the road he had to drive down to pick her up from school
cute how she writes like him

>Santa Fe killed the Cormac I knew. He gained fame, wealth, and fancy superficial friends. He turned his back on his old friends like Jimmy Long (J-Bone) and Billy Kidwell. They were left to die, forgotten and alone. He lost much of his compassion and kindness. As the Institute crowd claimed more of his time, he struggled to write. Couldn’t write. How could he? He’d stifled or killed that which inspired him. The advance for The Passenger was spent. He was obligated. These last many years he has taken up drinking again. Living in majestic splendor but enjoying none of it. Surrounded by junk and the clutter of a lifetime. Haunted.
Wait...was Passenger/Stella Maris actually about this girl?
Were those books him admitting it, or is this some kind of ruse?
I'm so jealous, but I guess I still have 9 years...
>He really cared about her.
that tends to happen after you've been fucking somebody a while
I couldn't finish it. The article reads like an episode of This American Life with Ira Glass' cadence and everything lol. It's so grating.
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>vanity fair
are you going to use the guardian as a reputable source next?
Was he married when this happened? I always thought he had a wife.
Same, it's shocking to me. It's actually nice to know that McCarthy wasn't this stoic genius who read all day and came up with stories at night. His influences were material and mundane, as they are for all of us. Still, the story is incredible. An unknown writer gets approached by a cute girl who just happens to be reading one of his book. What are the chances desu?
>“But the letters make me sad too,” she says between drags of the Camel Wides cigarettes we just impulsively bought, “because I have so much regret. Such wasted time when we could have been together. When we got back from Mexico in late ’77, when I was 18 and we were living in El Paso, that’s when I found out he was still married to Annie. And then about a year later, on a trip to Las Vegas, when I found out he had a son my age. It just shattered me. What I needed then, so badly, was security and safety and trust. Cormac was my life, my pattern. He was on a pedestal for me. And finding out he lied about those things, they became chinks in the trust.”
This shit was normalized in the 1970s. As long as it wasn't an obviously retarded girl it was like "as long as he treats her well its fine"
>What are the chances desu?
also happened to jaime bayly who did hte same thing. but jaime married his girl. he told a funny story about how the hotel called the police on him in miami
Yeah that's why the FBI chased after him and they fled to Mexico. Because it was so normal.
If you believe that all good writers are men and attraction to sexually mature youths is pedophilia, then probably yes.
Male attraction to youth is possibly the most normative trend there is, but there are obvious social benefits to discouraging them from acting on this attraction.
Literally who though? I think the fact that Cormac didn't marry her (article suggests she accepted his proposals twice but he backed out each time, like Kafka, Kierkegaard and others) complimented his literary career in some way. The satisfaction and contentment that the consummation of their love would bring would likely have rendered him impotent, or at least less highly strung than he probably was treating August primarily (or partially, at least) as some kind of imaginary character.
Seriously though, thanks OP for posting this. It is a really surprising article. I read this pretty over-priced biography of sorts of McCarthy quite recently and found it interesting, though pretty much superficial in biographical (if not literary) terms. She seems like a really interesting person, I can see why he was besotted.
yeah that's what it takes to create a masterpiece fagtron
>how positively she speaks of McCarthy
imagine being an attention whore even at her age. what is wrong with people?
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>*posthumously redeeems DFW*

Nothing personnel, kiddos.
Thanks for the post, old man. Don’t let the retarded zoomzooms and their dumbass posts get to you. I for one liked hearing your perspective a lot and it’s more or less how I feel. I despise all the moralfagging about it. These people are anti-life, anti-love, anti-anyone-living-outside-their-tiny-bubble-of-what’s-socially-acceptable, sanctimonious, self-righteous, angry on behalf of someone they’ve determined must’ve been “victimized” by it when she herself says she doesn’t feel she’s been victimized at all in that way. Performative social outrage on behalf of someone who doesn’t want or need it. But in the end, I think Cormac has the cosmic last laugh, because he’s surely lived a better and more fulfilling life than most of the random Internet posters in a furor over it, and will be remembered longer than they will be.

People are going to call me a “pedo”, “pedo apologizer”, blah blah blah. I’m not. This is ephebophilia, and to be totally honest about it, I don’t care to lay heavy moral judgments and condemnation on it in this case, as both:
A.) it’s been incredibly common throughout history, since once a male or female goes through puberty, they’re pretty much sexually ready, fertile, and can be found attractive without you being a pedophile for that (pedophilia by definition is meant to apply to actual CHILDREN, stuff like 12 year olds and younger); and,
B.) it was consensual and even uplifting for both sides according the story she gave, and decades later she isn’t here seething about it
On my days off, I write and drink until I have to go pass out on my couch and then wake up wondering how the hell I'm going to get a normal night's sleep later, and then I take a gummy to aid in that and then I write off the high.
Men are horny for young girls, news at 11.
>I find their relationship absolutely beautiful
I'm not as based as Cormac, as I was only 26 when I had a 16 year old gf, but I can confirm it was absolutely beautiful. We haven't been together for a few years now, but we remain emotionally close and tell each other I love you whenever we say goodbye, even if we're both seeing other people at the moment. I recommend it.
When I was 18 I had so much less sexual experience than the average 16 year old. If a 16 year old girl had sex with me I would have not felt in control in the least. This shit has nothing to do with age, it has to do with experience. If you were a 40 year old virgin and you had sex with an 18 year old with a body count of 9 , who would be in control in that situation?
twitter people have gotten tons of people fired
based as fuck.
i was about to say r/literature seems pretty even keeled about it. i forgot r/books existed. yeah they're doing the typical reddit thing where they don't have an actual opinion so they just copy the morally scolding one
The one with the gun, in this case, the girl.
I read this VF article. Bravo to Britt.
Supposedly the guy writing it is a hilariously awful prose stylist, anybody want to post some examples?
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>just happens to be reading one of his book.
Not likely.

I'm sure the girl was just a teenage prostitute who extorted him his whole life. Now that he's dead and can't challenge any of her story, she's going to try to make some money selling it. Disgusting whore. Kind of like Alice Munro's daughter.
He tries too hard to imitate McCarthy, and often falls into self parody, but the real reason all the twitter retards and redditors are shitting on him has little to do with that. They hate him because he's really good looking and wrote the piece as a love story (as the woman wanted) and didn't victimize her. They can't stand that he doesn't look like a balding out of shape jew nor that he writes in that faux authoritative and moralistic tone journalists are supposed to use to push whatever is the current narrative of the left. They hate him because even if he comes short, he embodies the faustian spirit. They see in him all their inadequacies contrasted.
You're right that they likely met because she was whoring herself, but that only shows she's trying to protect his reputation what she can, and Cormac's love for her seems authentic. As someone posted above, it was known and confirmed by Cormac's friends that she existed, just not the specific details, and her letters to Cormac should be in his archive. If she's lying, we'll know very soon, as the archive becomes public next year.
>>Santa Fe killed the Cormac
based grooming victim
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the fuck is this writing lmao. the absolute state of writers nowadays
Don't take the internet seriously
This. He's frankly a rather terrible writer, but niggas be hating on him for not writing like a jew.
Don’t take Vanity Fair seriously
Here's the writer.
I’m just really disturbed to learn his buddy Long John Sheddan isn’t Harrogate
pretty loyal girl, if you tried doing this today the bitch would cancel you on twitter
My teenage gf would never cancel him
>It's normal for an old man to want to fuck a girl who's his daughter's age
I like the name of his substack, that's pretty clever. But do we really need another novel set at Bennington College?
loyal my ass. she was obviously just a teenage prostitute who doesn't want to admit that. instead she claims she was "raped" 100 times by various men in hotels before she even got to 13 and by the time mccarthy got to her she was already turned inside out. so now she's trying to sell a "love story" because a story about being a teenage whore and extorting a famous writer his whole life based on a single lapse when he was 42 isn't going to get her the right kind of attention.
Yes, actually
>Words have objective definitions beyond what you think they should mean.
As a linguistics major, I would like to fucking choke you to death for such a retarded statement.
Then why are there millions of men who DON'T want to do that?
name one
undergrad detected
>good writer
are you 40? also she's not gonna let you hit bro
This. Words don't mean anything. We can only ever hope to talk at each other, but never to each other. We're agreeing on symbols on how to use it, but their meaning are personal and inscrutable. Whatever you will get from this post, it's not what I meant, including this sentence. To believe we can communicate with each other is pure retardation.
He obviously was. The article's writer was obviously too enamored with the girl and what she meant for Cormac, which is understandable, as she seems wonderful, but while I'm sure she was his muse and inspired many characters, the article would make you think she was the only thing inspiring him at all.
36, and I've matched with teenagers, and I don't understand it. They're mentally children.
I'm the same. I'm 31 and I already see girls in early 20s as children. What can you have in common with someone a decade younger, much less a teenager? Seriously, tell me, what are you going to talk about with a teenager? Will you humor her takes on TikTok trends? Real men are not afraid to date single moms.
So McCarthy obviously groomed a fucked up 16 year old girl in CPS in just had seen in some random motel to the point he abducted her and took her to Mexico to fuck her but hey his rabid fanboys will defend this like “oh she was his muse that gave him his best books” etc. Fucking pedos
I know you're trolling, but I'm convinced the type of moral fags that say thing like this what they truly want is to be persecuted. That's their biggest desire, and the moral hysteria is their way of teasing people into martyring them, but moral faggotry is so effective into keeping people submissive, out of fear of being called a bad person, the moral fags never get the lynching they so badly desire, so they keep doubling down into the absurd.
cormac fanboys aren't known for being very bright/normal people.
>Real men are not afraid to date single moms.

Methinks thou art projecting.
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Fuckin lel. This dude is getting shat on by the xitter mob. The balls on that lad
>Will you humor her takes on TikTok trends?
yes, in fact I will develop my own infinitely nuanced takes on TilTok trends for a crumb of 18 year old pussy
>It's actually nice to know that McCarthy wasn't this stoic genius who read all day and came up with stories at night
No, it is the exact opposite of nice
Is sex with young people the secret to great writing?
It is
There are millions of gay men, millions of retarded men, and millions of lambda males. Why are some men not attracted to young post-pubescent women? Probably along similar lines.
The idea isn't to date them or marry them. The idea is to have sex with them, and ar most spend a day reliving your youth.

Maybe? I cant imagine Pynchons rep will stay unscathed after he passes.
This is a rabbit hole I went down a while back. Basically it isnt just writers, pedophilia in general is far more common than most people are comfortable imagining. The reserchers put the number at about 1 or 2% of the male population but I think this is bullshit. Ask any woman what age she was catcalled the most and she will probably tell you between 10 and 16. Watch any ecchi anime and there will be the loli-bait character, not just in one or two of them but in literally all of them. Then consider that "jailbate" was the second most searched word on reddit until that sub got nuked. If people seriously just think it is a small percentage of men behind this they are delusional. I would be shocked if the actual number was less than 30%, and wouldn't be surprised if it was much higher
Pynchon is even more private and likely a way bigger sexual deviant. I fully expect him to be cancelled once he dies. Salinger and McCarthy get cushioned by the mass appeal of their most popular works. Same way Michael Jackson's rep survived the scandals because people didn't want to go to a wedding and not have Billie Jean to dance to. Pynchon doesn't have a cushion like that.
>The idea is to have sex with them
Yeah we already know you want to fuck children
audible kek
now THIS is skibidi
>The 16 year old child
The fact is that the majority of men find 20 to be the peak age of attractiveness. People pass as a range of ages and as 16 year olds have gone through puberty, some of them will be in many peoples strike zone. Pedophiles are attracted to children, childish traits, and childlike features.
I feel about this much the same as I did about the Alice Munro story a little while back - the fact that he has lived experience of the morally grey things people can do probably helped contribute to why he was such a great author rather than detract from it.
>t. bad artist
t. a good artist
Say that to Melville.
You are not even an artist, you are a simple fag. There is a difference.
where do you think we are?
is it morally wrong to be sexually attracted to post present women able to bear children under the age of 18, or does it only move into immorality if you actually engage with them sexually
I don't have much in common with 30 year old women either. They're on TikTok too you know.
If they're old enough to want it, they're old enough to get it.
my point is you get a sexually mature 14yo and 21yo to stand side by side in a bathing suit. and put a bag over their heads, and they'd be virtually indistinguishable, but its not the ACT alone that is vilified, but the ATTRACTION itself
>you get a sexually mature 14yo and 21yo to stand side by side in a bathing suit. and put a bag over their heads, and they'd be virtually indistinguishable
I subjectively define "linguistics majors" as "retards who are wrong about everything", so I'm actually correct.

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