In 'Faust Teil Zwei' Goethe portrays an emperor being tricked by Mephistopheles in to printing paper money. This emperor is probably meant to represent Napoléon who also instituted wide-spread printing of paper money. The equivalent of this today is probably digital credit stored in the internet.Does this mean Goethe was a reactionary Feudalist like politicians like Adolf Hitler or philosophers like Julius Evola?
>>23980440>Does this mean Goethe was a reactionary Feudalist like politicians like Adolf Hitler or philosophers like Julius Evola?yeah, it doesn't get any more "reactionary" than wanting your country's money supply to be based on a commodity the whole supply of which is in the hands of (((goldsmiths))) lmaoalso Hitler literally took his country off the gold standard. you're just a retarded anarkiddie lolbertarian. any money which doesn't bear an imprint of the sovereign on it will be liable to influence of der ewige Jude. that includes both commodity money like gold AND deposit money based on fiat currency. in a neo-feudal system the only money in circulation would be fiat paper issue of the government with severe legal tender laws prohibiting transactions with other monies like foreign currencies, crypto and barter exchange
>>23980460Did Goethe think this 'neo-feudalism' was plausible for the future? Did he foresee the rise of Hitler?
>>23980469yeah, Goethe was the most advanced human being in history so it's likely that he foresaw the entire history of mankind up to the present day thanks to his gift of clairvoyance
>>23980460books for this feel?
>>23980535Richard Tedor - Hitler's RevolutionStephen Mitford Goodson - The History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of MankindGottfried Feder - Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery
>>23980538isn't this book banned?
>>23980603if that stops you you are NGMI
>>23980460Gold is harder to manipulate than fiat currency, moron. Because is a thing that actually exists, unlike fiat currency which is based on nothing and is just mental farts. If gold was easier to manipulate it wouldn't have never been replaced.