Hello anon i'd like a reading list that combines psychology(With a Jungian bent), Esotericism(Neoplatonism and Hermeticism no Jewish Kabbalah soul poison pls), and philosophy/metaphysics.I want to self initiate while avoiding the evil side of esotericism. I don't want to fuck men/goats and summon demons like Crowley.
>>23981423>Neoplatonism>Hermeticism>Jewish Kabbalah soul poisonAll are literally the same thing.
>>23981432Neoplatonism and Hermeticism are Greek in origin while Kabbalah is middle eastern Jewish mysticism.
>>23981434>greekThoth called
>>23981423The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
>>23981423Philosophy and Theurgy in Late Antiquity by Algis UždavinysGood luck!
Bump for more good book recommendations.