I started reading Confessions of a Mask and I'm starting to believe Mishima might actually have been gay.
>>23981905wait’ll you heat my crazy theory about Oscar Wilde
when he started talking about sweat i knew he was a real freak
>>23981909Never knew he had an armpit fetish either. I reckon he would've loved Touhou project had he been a (straight) pedophile instead of gay
>>23981926i love touhou project because the songs slaps, never played the game at all but my fav char is ((9))
>>23981909not when he started talking about cannibalism?
>>23981905This has been discussed to death here, but I guess the newfags still have a few things to learn. No, Mishima was not gay. He just had a fetish for masculinity. I know this sound like a joke, and while it's admittedly funny, is nonetheless the truth and unironically the way he's seen in japan. Look up about his affair with men and you will find Mishima was into weird shit like performing fake seppukus with his "lovers", who would get exhausted of him and leave him for wanting to larp as a samurai instead of having gay sex.
>>23981998>He just had a fetish for masculinity.
>>23981998IIRC his crossdresser friend said he wasn't gay in a normal sense, or as other gays understood the word. But I can't really imagine Mishima being attracted to women either. It's almost like his sexual orientation wasn't directed to any normal human form, but only a spiritualised mental picture of masculinity.
>>23982250I guess that could make sense with the bodybuilding scene in general. Most fans at the shows don't want any sex. They just need to fulfill some ultra masculine desire vicariously.
>>23982286Yeah but most bodybuilding fans don't get sexually aroused by it or view it as a substitute for normal sexual interactions.