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Post any good history books.

The World Crisis - Winston Churchill

>Published across five volumes between 1923 and 1931, Churchill here tells the story of The Great War, from its origins to the long shadow it cast on the following decades.

>Volume I covers the origins and earliest days of the war from 1911-1914, as well as the longer history of the collapse of the Great Power system from the Franco Prussian war onwards. Churchill here explores the international tensions over the Balkan states that triggered the conflict as well as the arms race between the British and German navies.




Previous Thread: >>23944679
>Post any good history books.
>The World Crisis - Winston Churchill
You know proving you're a fucking idiot in two sentences is slow for /lit/.
Recommend me a relatively short history book which can be finished rather quickly—the topic doesn't matter.
CLR James Black Jacobins
EP Thompson Time, Work Discipline and Industrial Capitalism
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Edward III: The Perfect King

>Holding power for over fifty years starting in 1327, Edward III was one of England’s most influential kings—and one who shaped the course of English history. Revered as one of the country’s most illustrious leaders for centuries, he was also a usurper and a warmonger who ordered his uncle beheaded.


Henry IV: The Righteous King

>The talented, confident, and intelligent son of John of Gaunt, Henry IV started his reign as a popular and charismatic king after he dethroned the tyrannical and wildly unpopular Richard II. But six years into his reign, Henry had survived eight assassination and overthrow attempts. Having broken God’s law of primogeniture by overthrowing the man many people saw as the chosen king, Henry IV left himself vulnerable to challenges from powerful enemies about the validity of his reign. Even so, Henry managed to establish the new Lancastrian dynasty and a new rule of law—in highly turbulent times.


Henry V: The Warrior King of 1415

>Henry V is regarded as the great English hero. Lionized in his own day for his victory at Agincourt, his piety and his rigorous application of justice, he was elevated by Shakespeare into a champion of English nationalism for all future generations. The king's story is told against the background of other important developments in Europe, in particular the struggle for power within the Catholic Church and official attempts to eradicate any deviant religious beliefs.

The /his/ faggots are not even pretending anymore.
Are these /his/ "faggots" in the room with us right now, Tristan?
looking for books on the lesser known cold war regimes like Albania, Romania
I hope he mentions that the guy who translated Schopenhauer brokered an attempt to deescalate the naval arms race, during which Germany‘s sole request was that if they deescalated naval production Britain not go to war against them afterwards. Britain declined.
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Anything like this but for other wars, including the first world war? I like history books that aren't dry, but aren't sensational either.
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I got this but it might not be what you're looking for
Why did Durant give Hegel the once over in his Story Of Philosophy?
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In Nelson's Wake: The Navy and the Napoleonic Wars by James Davey

>account of naval contributions between 1803 and 1815, James Davey offers original and exciting insights into the Napoleonic wars and Britain’s maritime history. Encompassing Trafalgar, the Peninsular War, the War of 1812, the final campaign against Napoleon, and many lesser known but likewise crucial moments, from admiral and captain to sailor and cabin boy. The cast of characters also includes others from across Britain—dockyard workers, politicians, civilians—who made fundamental contributions to the war effort, and in so doing, both saved the nation and shaped Britain’s history

Livy, Coulanges
Durant sounds like he was as much a philosopher as he was a historian.
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Tacitus's Annals

>recounts the pivotal events in Roman history from the years shortly before the death of Augustus to the death of Nero in 68 AD, including the reign of terror under the corrupt Tiberius, the great fire of Rome during the time of Nero, and the wars, poisonings, scandals, conspiracies, and murders that were part of imperial life
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The Washing Of The Spears: The Rise and Fall of the Zulu Nation Under Shaka and its Fall in the Zulu War of 1879

>For more than a century after the European landing at Cape Town in the 17th century, the Boers had advanced unopposed into the vast interior of Africa. It was not until 1824 that Europeans came face to face with another expanding and imperial power, the Zulus, the most formidable nation in black Africa. That confrontation culminated in a bitter war between the Zulu warriors and Victoria's British Army. It was the last despairing effort of Africans to stem the tide of white civilization. The result was a dramatic, legendary and bloody defeat at Isandhlwana for the British; the aftermath was the defeat and fall of the Zulu nation.

Come on, don't be delusional now. Read the sticky. According to the sticky a lot of /lit/ threads are off-topic and belong to /his/.
This thread is about books though.
I agree. Now read the title of the thread. After that read my original comment.
Do you get the joke already?
Good recent history of NASA, space exploration?
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>the topic doesn't matter.
So do you like books in and of themselves? Why? I'm puzzled because you're supposed to read books about subjects you're interested in.
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I just want to read
Any good biographies on Mussolini?
Nagy, Imre. [1953-1954] _The New Course_.
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Currently reading picrelated. Very good.
Read slop, then.
You appear to already be reading slop.
You can easily find numerous free online scientific articles on any historical topic of your choosing. Why not read those if all you care about is reading?

Trade and Travel in the Roman Empire

Just an example
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But you're reading Snyder and not Fitzpatrick, Andrle and Nove/Millar.
>Fitzpatrick, Andrle and Nove/Millar.
Whom? Give me specific recs for these authors please :)
Fitzpatrick S: _Stalin's Peasants_ (1993), _Everyday Stalinism_ (1999).
Andrle (1988) _Workers in Stalin's Russia_
Nove & Millar (1975) _Was Stalin Really Necessary?_ https://public.econ.duke.edu/webfiles/treml/millar-n.293
Okay, thank you anon.
What's the best book on the Challenger disaster?
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Picrel is on my wishlist
one in the light
one in the dark

the last time they spoke as friends
Just trying to find my interests
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His autobiography is quite good.
Had no idea he wrote an autobiography. Adding to my list, thank you
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A Sorrow in Our Heart: The Life of Tecumseh by Allan W. Eckert

>Portraying a fiery orator, brilliant diplomat, revolutionary thinker, and military genius, the life story of the legendary leader examines his vision for Native American unification, his military skills, and his role in the capture of Detroit in the War of 1812.

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Highly recommend The Three Emperors, which is a history all about the culture and politics of Europe since the fall of Napoleon, and the personal lives of these three monarchs in particular, and how everything came together to start WW1
Just bought a 6 volume edition of Churchill's Second world was history *Chartwell* for £100.

Looking forward to reading it!
Did he write it in the seconds before being lynched?
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The Horde: How the Mongols Changed the World

>Favereau takes us inside one of the most powerful sources of cross-border integration in world history. The Horde was the central node in the Eurasian commercial boom of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and was a conduit for exchanges across thousands of miles. Its unique political regime―a complex power-sharing arrangement among the khan and the nobility―rewarded skillful administrators and diplomats and fostered an economic order that was mobile, organized, and innovative. From its capital at Sarai on the lower Volga River, the Horde provided a governance model for Russia, influenced social practice and state structure across Islamic cultures, disseminated sophisticated theories about the natural world, and introduced novel ideas of religious tolerance.

It's half a history of the Mongol Empire and the other half being on Mongol society with the main focus being on the Golden Horde. Goodreads reviews that are negative complain about it being confusing, it isn't, it's just new names but none of them really repeat so it's easy to read. Lots of small interesting bits on Mongol society.
Charles I's killers in America: the lives & afterlives of Edward Whalley & William Goffe

>When the British monarchy was restored in 1660, King Charles II was faced with the conundrum of what to do with those who had been involved in the execution of his father eleven years earlier. Facing a grisly fate at the gallows, some of the men who had signed Charles I's death warrant fled to America. 'Charles I's Killers in America' traces the gripping story of two of these men - Edward Whalley and William Goffe - and their lives in America, from their welcome in New England until their deaths there. With fascinating insights into the governance of the American colonies in the seventeenth century, and how a network of colonists protected the regicides, Matthew Jenkinson overturns the enduring theory that Charles II unrelentingly sought revenge for the murder of his father. 'Charles I's Killers in America' also illuminates the regicides' afterlives, with conclusions that have far-reaching implications for our understanding of Anglo-American political and cultural relations. Novels, histories, poems, plays, paintings, and illustrations featuring the fugitives were created against the backdrop of America's revolutionary strides towards independence and its forging of a distinctive national identity. The history of the 'king-killers' was distorted and embellished as they were presented as folk heroes and early champions of liberty, protected by proto-revolutionaries fighting against English tyranny. Jenkinson rewrites this once-ubiquitous and misleading historical orthodoxy, to reveal a far more subtle and compelling picture of the regicides on the run.
>The first volume (published in English in 1928 as My Autobiography) describes Mussolini's youth, years as an agitator and journalist, experiences in World War I, the formation and revolutionary struggles of the Fascist Party, the March on Rome, and his early years in power. The second volume (published in English in 1948 as The Fall of Mussolini) was written during the brief period between his rescue by the Germans in September 1943 and his execution by Italian partisans in April 1945. Here the Duce recounts his last year in power and the coup d'état that deposed him.

Are there any funny/witty history books?
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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and The Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain
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>reading translations
imagine not being a polyglot
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A War Like No Other
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English conveys the clearest explanations

Also want to get an opinion on these two books
they look like some shit by a guy with a podcast


More like professional political historians
Only the latter is a historian. Other guy is just a journalist
What history book has the best prose
No responses, fuck this thread.
I have Thucydides and the Cambridge Companion to Thucydides. Should I read the companion first? Jump between them? Just read Thucydides and look up stuff in the companion when I don't get something?
Also, what other companions are worth getting? I figured I'd only need them for ancient greek stuff since it's so far removed.
This is a great book about the American provisional government that was installed an Iraq after Saddam was overthrown. It covers April 2003 to summer 2004 when they hand over the government back to the Iraqis.

I'm looking for a good book that picks up where it left off and covers the insurgency, which was just beginning at that point, and the rest of the occupation
>Britain declined.
Protip: Learn who is behind Britain continuing to escalate the war.
Still. I think both seem legit. As they both have years of experience.
requesting recommendations for books that provide a comprehensive view of world history, covering the histories of various regions across the globe, not just Western civilizations. I am particularly interested in resources that explore interconnected histories, including Asia, Africa, the Americas, and other non-Western regions, in addition to Europe.

I created a thread on /his/ but it seems that the board is not about history anymore so I request you guys to give me some good recommendations.

thanks for the anon who directed me here
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An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943 - Rick Atkinson

>Beginning with the daring amphibious invasion in November 1942, An Army at Dawn follows the American and British armies as they fight the French in Morocco and Algeria, and then take on the Germans and Italians in Tunisia. Battle by battle, an inexperienced and sometimes poorly led army gradually becomes a superb fighting force. Central to the tale are the extraordinary but fallible commanders who come to dominate the battlefield: Eisenhower, Patton, Bradley, Montgomery, and Rommel.

I read Ernle Bradford's history of the Knights Hospitaller a few months ago and liked it. Are any of his other books must-reads?
Don't read any history books written by an Indian, just don't.
I have his book on Gibraltar and one about a sea cruiser. Ill get back to you on that.
Not what I was asking for
I'm no professional historian, but I'd recommend either HG Wells' The Outline of History or Larry Gonick's The Cartoon History of the Universe, simply because they're what I read back when I was in middle school. Both of them cover a lot of different civilizations, although the latter in a mostly informal and humorous manner. From there I'd say you could venture into reading any general history book about any one country or culture, such as China, Mesopotamia, or modern America.
Not even books about Indian history?
The World: A Family History by Simon Sebag Montefiore
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This one is pretty good, do I haven't read it fully yet
I know what you mean and am broadly sympathetic but have no formalized information on it. What are some books for this?
Have any of you guys actually read any multi-volume histories? I always get interested in something else and move on, so now I just stick to singles.
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Most WWII suggestions offered here are frequently similar. These, however, are intriguing and relatively lesser-known, save for one or two
Here are some suggestions with a broad historical scope (too much work to pick each one and place them somewhere and take a photo of them; i own more or less 12k books):

- the rise and fall of ancient egypt (wilkinson)
- persians (some welsh dude with a double-barreled name)
- dreadnought (massie)
- europe (davies)
- susan wise bauer's trilogy
- a history of the arab peoples (hourani)
- sumption's history of the hundred years war
- stalin's war (mcmeekin)
- any book written by amity shlaes
- the state of africa (meredith)
- from colony to superpower (herring)
- comanches, the history of a people (author with a weird surname starting with a f)
- a war like no other (hanson)
- small earthquake in chile (horne)

alright, lads, just hand over the Anon of the Year Award already.
I second this
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H.W.Brands, kek or cringe?
H.W. Brands is a well respected historian
There is a Landmark edition of his Hellenika, but is there a similarly high quality edition of Xenophon's Anabasis? Or should I just wait and read something else until the Landmark edition is released?
I just bought one of his books for Christmas
since Jimmy Carter just kicked the bucket, what's the best Carter biography in existence?
anything that covers the time period in russia from the dissolution of the soviet union to the emergence and early years of putin

the bulk would be about 90s russia ideally
Jonathan Alter was his official biographer so I'd start with his book, which was released in 2020
Anything good on Indo-European religion?
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I’m looking forward to picking that one up, good hear.
To bump, I’m reading pic related. I think it’s been recommended here, and it’s pretty good—a bit lengthy on certain descriptions but fine. It’s well-explained for someone unfamiliar with the region, like me.
The Glory and the Dream
comfy audiobook, in that vein, check out "the fifties" by david halberstam. the audiobook is read by robertson dean.
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Any other books like pic related? Or some kind of biography like Deng Xiaoping from Vogel would be nice too. Other recs welcome for asia "leaders" or history in general.
"how asia works" by studwell is worth a read (listen), also "money games" by weihan shen is comfy if u into finance and shit like that.
Best intellectual histories?
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Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada - Washington Irving

>From 1482 to 1492, Catholic monarchs Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon mounted a series of military campaigns against the Nasrid kingdom of Granada.


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The Sleepwalkers is excellent. Probably the best book I've read in years.

Anyone have book recs on how ww1 played out now that I've read the sleepwalkers?
any books like storm of steel but on the eastern front of ww1?
>Best intellectual histories?
Kuhn on Galileo.
Best history of South Korea book?
Anything more expansive? Looking for more of a study of several ideas not just one
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Thinking about reading these two side by side. Yay or nay?
Says you, redditfaggot. I read for knowledge.
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good environmental history of the high middle ages or a generally good history of the high middle ages, preferably one that discusses the "histoire des mentalités" of the time. maybe some good military histories too. give all to me.
what happened in 1177
Bronze age collapse
>maybe some good military histories too. give all to me.
Best all round history of France and England during the Hundred Years War is the series by Jonathan Sumption. Lots of detail, he hardly skips over anything, which is also why it's 4000 pages long.
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Been wanting to read this one for awhile.
>family knows I like to read history books
>in their heads, “anon likes history” seems to mean “anon likes WW2”
>must have gotten 5 WW2 books over the last three Christmas / birthdays that I’m probably never going to read (I just have my own backlog of 50 books already)
>start to wonder if they see me as one of those stereotypical HOI4 military history autists
How do I put an end to this? I already told my mom not to buy me any books this year since I have too many I’m already behind on, but then my brother gifted me another book about WW2 (“myths and legends about WW2 disproven”)…

I don’t even think they’ve ever seen me reading a book about WW2? I was reading about the 1848 revolutions when I saw them earlier in the year, or Thucydides, or French diplomacy in inter-war years. I just wish they went with more random topics because I don’t need the same WW2 overview book every year. Maybe I’m spoiled, but this is also just wasteful.
Idk nigga I love shit about WWII.
You should try being more specific next time or ask for an Amazon or Barnes & Noble giftcard.
Any good Vietnam War history books that have some historiographic significance, such as overarching theories about the war?
You misspelt American war. You should probably start with the PAVN official history. In part this is because the PAVN and its cousin organisation the PLAF controlled the pace and tempo of strategy and operations.
Seconding this
No I didn't. But whatever
Oh, so if it isn't an accident then you're a cunt on purpose. Sorry for assuming you were a human being.
I'm English. fuck off.
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About to start pic related. Antone else read this one?
>I'm English. fuck off.
Sorry for assuming you were a human being.
I own this

I read it maybe 7 years ago. I thought it was quite enlightening, as someone who’d mostly read European histories up until that. It served as a good reminder that Europe was mostly on the peripheries until the Renaissance or so, and that successive European empires have always been drawn by the wealth in the east (Alexander, Romans, Crusades, Italian trading cities, etc.)
Some chapters I liked:
>development and spread of Christianity along the Silk Road, including tidbits about nascent Christianity in Iran (only to be later dashed by Islam)
>reframing of the Crusades from the Muslim perspective, and that the Crusaders were really just intruding on a much larger conflict between the Seljuks, Abassids, Fatimids and later Mongols
>history of the Slavic slave trade, tying in with the history of Constantinople, early Russia, the early Islamic caliphates
Thanks. Just started it last night and it's already interesting.
All that just to get dabbed on by the ultimate WASP WHH, many such cases
His early books are much better than what he puts out now, though even those are mostly derivative of greater works. Why read his biography of Franklin or history of Texas when you could read the far superior Franklin biography by Van Doren and history of Texas by TR Fehrenbach?
I have his Greenback Planet and biography of Andrew Jackson
The Autumn of the Middle Ages?
Best book on zulu history?
Own it. Ill probably read it now
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WWI vs. WWII; which is more interesting? I haven't read about either.
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it's already out there, anon. i recommend it.
I have not, but if that subject matter interests you and you want to read more on it, I have read The Roman Empire and the Silk Routes by Raoul McLaughlin, which is about Roman and Chinese commercial and political interests in the the lands to east/west of their empires, and the effects they had on Persia and Bactria, or how the opposite, how the shockwaves of events in Persia affected Rome and China. It was immensely fascinating.
Thanks anon!
I think I is far more interesting. People went into it and it was stereotypical image of the 1800s, and only four years later at the end of the war absolutely everything was much more modern and recognizable.

If you want a good book on the subject, I highly recommend this one, which is all about the people, culture and politics that led to the outbreak of the war.
Can anyone recommend some books on general English history (pre-ww1)?
Crown and Country by David Starkey is pretty good.

The British History Podcast is really good if you want to learn while doing other things. The host doesn't give a fuck about concise and the runtime, so his episodes are very detailed.
It's crazy to think how these men's countries marched to war against one another, when their respective monarchs were related. Brother against brother kind of shit.
Penguin has a series on English history which covers large periods. Yale Kings is a series which has a biography on nearly every English king from Athelstan to modern day.
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Is picrel any good? Looking for a book that focuses on tank warfare during the North African campaign.
Anthony beever is a good writer
This is not a good book
>this is not a good book
Why'd they skip WWII?
Plus Marc Morris's books for pre-Norman period

The Anglo-Saxons: A History of the Beginnings of England (2021)

The Norman Conquest: The Battle of Hastings and the Fall of Anglo-Saxon England (2012)
It still doesn't have a couple of volumes. You could try volumes from the older series

Or some modern substitutes >>24086251
WWI is by far the more interesting conflict, particularly how it kicked off. The obsession with WWII has never really made sense to me.
>Brother against brother kind of shit.

i have seen the first world war referred to as the suicide of europe.
I still dont get how anyone can blame germany for ww1. It was so clearly the russians who were the most responsible
Any good recommendations for the era of pike and shot? Italian Wars, 30 Years War, English Civil War, etc. I tend to prefer slightly more conversational books over the really bland text book stuff.
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I own all of these
It's also my favorite period of history
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One that I found at my local library's "used book sale" years ago that I always found interesting was "Social Thought In The Soviet Union". It was written in 69 and goes over the history of the Soviet Union through essays. One that I found particularly interesting is how they outright ripped off technology and made it their own
After doing some light reading and reflection on the period the years c1898-1991 do seem like the long and strange death of the European Powers (Starting with the Spanish American war up to the Soviets imploding) with a near century of decline (more often then nought broughtupon themselves or as delayed consequences of earlier actions) Like within a decade and a bit the then Superpower went from a shaky first place to getting dismantled by its ally. Talk about dropping your spaghetti. Nevermind the pair of murder suicide wars that were prime actors on their collapse. Its become to me a truly fascinating period that I have to read more on.
What is a good book for general European history?
I also wouldn’t mind general history books of Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, and India
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What is the best NON biased book about the WW2?

Pretty much all of the popular ones are highly anti germany and pro jewish.
You‘re looking for David Irving but

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was he unbiased?
Not pro jewish, not pro nazi.

The truth, or something that gets close to that.
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Really liked this despite the author being a Marxist
Currently reading this book. Been taking interest in glownigger around the world history lately, originally wants to read something with nkvd or stasi but ended up with mi6/sis.
40 pages in, the book itself is quite bland and weak on its narrative wording post preface, however I will read up to 150-200 pages to decide whether I have to finish this book or not
I have that wishlisted hoping to buy it someday
Say what you will about Marxism as a discipline, but it often produces fine historians.
does any one have a good chart for overall history
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Trevelyan is pretty good.

>Tells the story of the nation from the remote days of the Celt and the Iberian, through the raids of the Vikings, the Norman conquest, the first Elizabethan age and foundation of the Indian Empire to World War I and the setting up of the League of Nations.

Who's the random nagger supposed to be? He's so out of place lol
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If you are getting down the glowies rabbit hole, this one is a good starting point. At the very least, its novel-esque style makes it quite entertaining.

You also have Means Of Control by Byron Tau, which gets into the history and actuality of surveillance capitalism.

(I know the title and cover is funny, but it was literally published by Oxford Uni Press)
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Can anyone recommend something on the history of law? I’d particularly be interested in something reviewing how ancient Anglo-Saxon law evolved to eventually be what it is today in the US and UK.
Can someone recommend some good books on European history (preferably German) from the 15th century to pre-WW1?
I second this
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A Short History of European Law - Tamar Herzog
The Rule of Law - Tom Bingham

An Introduction to the Legal System of the United States - Edward Allan Farnsworth
Law in America - Lawrence Friedman
Thank you so much anon. I will look into these suggestions.
Thanks too
check out Ghost Wars by Steve Coll if you want a good book about the CIA's activities in Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion up to 9/11

nothing conspiratorial about it though, just a factual straightforward reading
I think we should make a chart or a list of history books that cover topics which many people request books for in this thread (ww1, american civil war, &c.)
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reading this rn. enjoying it but its very general
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Who else here is a fan of the Black Book?
Looking for a book about Thailand or Laos history.
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Does historical fiction count?
I recently bought this, haven't started it yet (too many books)
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Based book hoarder!
Those editions are great.

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