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>actually read some of pic related
>Hitler straight up eviscerates all of the contemporary nazi talking points about how nazis were totally peaceful and dindu uffin bro and they just wanted to reunite with their old territories
>Hitler literally outright states that a return to Germany's former prewar territory is a crime in its insufficiency
>Hitler literally outright states that Germany needs to aggressively expand in Europe to acquire a more favourable ratio of land area to population for the German state like the US and China and the Soviets etc.
>Hitler literally outright states that he believes Germany should abandon diplomacy and trade and build their economy explicitly on territorial conquest
>Hitler Literally outright states that he thinks Germany needs to first and foremost conquer Eastern Europe specifically
>Hitler literally outright states that Poland Is the gateway between Germany and the east that will need to be conquered first in order for war to be made between Russia and Germany

what the FUCK did Hitler mean by this?
He literally outright tells you what he means
He was a straight shooter, y'gotta respect that
Yeah, wholesome chungus third worldist Hitler is a complete fiction concocted by coping brown groypers.
it seems to me like the big problem with Hitlers militarism for neo-nazis is that world war two pretty much directly obliterated the German state and the German people and got them killed by the tens of millions

when your entire premise is "nazis actually heckin love their people and nazism is good for them!" it becomes a little bit difficult to address the fact that Hitlers expansionist beliefs in an era of powder-keg diplomacy and horrific industrial warfare were not just regular stupid but, like completely and utterly disconnected from reality, and directly contributed to the obliteration of his nation

when you have Hitler raving about how we need heckin attack eastern Europe to become an epic superpower in his book, then Hitler does exactly that in real life that and starts a fight he cant win and gets his shit pushed in so thoroughly that his country still hasn't recovered almost a century later and probably never really will, you start to question not only his competency, but the nature of his beliefs themselves, and thus the validity of his ideology
Are you by any chance confusing muttoid "neo-nazis" with actual german nazis?
I can assure you no one in europe besides the most americanized trash thinks this way.
He correctly observed that judaism and marxism was a twin threat spreading from the east that had to be dealt with but underestimated just how much it had infiltrated the anglos
>he underestimated the anglos!

this headcanon kind of falls short when you consider the fact that The UK and Poland signed a formal military alliance and the British Prime Minister had already announced that Britain would support Poland and France, though making a more secretive agreement with Poland, openly backed the Britain statement

there was nothing to "underestimate", everything was layed out very explicitly by the Anglos
I‘m sure the soviet buildup on their western border was for, uh, somebody else

Jesus christ your reddit speech and comprehension patterns are painfully retarded.
Why did the anglos not "protect" the poles from the soviets then.
A) by the time the soviet union invaded they were already in a major war in Germany and couldnt take on both germany and the soviet union at the same time, and it would have been a catastrophic strategic blunder leading to a complete loss of the war to even attempt to do so considering it might have put a halt to Hitlers invasion of the soviet union
>I‘m sure the soviet buildup on their western border
whos border, Germany? Germany did not have a border with the soviet union
anyway since this thread is about mein kampf specifically I will post some interesting quotes on these Topics fromt he book

>I should like to make the following preliminary remarks: The demand for restoration of the frontiers of 1914 is a political absurdity of such proportions and consequences as to make it seem a crime. Quite aside from the fact that the Reich's frontiers in 1914 were anything but logical. For in reality they were neither complete in the sense of embracing the people of German nationality, nor sensible with regard to geo-military expediency. They were not the result of a considered political action, but momentary frontiers in a political struggle that was by no means concluded; partly, in fact, they were the results of chance.

>The above demand is entirely suited to our bourgeois society, which here as elsewhere does not possess a single creative political idea for the future, but lives only in the past, in fact, in the most immediate past

this quote pretty handedly puts to rest the old "he just wanted to restore territory lost in the treaty of versailles" talking point you see a lot, and it is just the beginning unfortunately
You are the dumbest, blackest, retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen.
Are you being retarded on purpose? Stalin had the same aspirations as Hitler just in the other direction, it was only a metter of time until they would share a border.
>Read book written by a drug addicted and barely educated low ranking Gefreiter
>Surprised it read like a book written by a drug addicted and barely educated low ranking Gefreiter
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You‘re being too generous. When occupied Poland is taken into account for either side they already did.
>drug addicted and barely educated low ranking Gefreiter
Yeah but from the early 1900's, which puts him far above most modern day "intellectuals".
>>The soil on which we now live was not a gift bestowed by Heaven on our forefathers. They had to conquer it by risking their lives. So also in the future, our people will not obtain territory, and therewith the means of existence, as a favour from any other people, but will have to win it by the power of a triumphant sword

I think it goes without saying what obtaining territory "by the power of a triumphant sword" means

>We finally put a stop to the colonial and trade policy of the pre-war times, and pass over to the territorial policy of the future.

this second quote there is one that really interests me when you cross examine Hitlers economic policy when in power

Hitlers economy and rearmament was largely built on accumulating debt to fund the construction of the new German war machine and aother public works projects He could never hope to realistically pay back when taking into consideration his other economic ideas. most importantly was economic Autarky. this is the practice of severely rolling back imports with other nations. while this might not seem notable to the laymen, it is virtually UNTHINKABLE for a nation like Germany who were HEAVILY reliant on imports due to their inherent lack of natural resources . Germany required significant imports of everything from food, petroleum, rubber, iron ore, and of course little things like sugar, coffee, chocolate, and cotton etc

this is all in line with the above quote from Hitler "We finally put a stop to the colonial and trade policy of the pre-war times, and pass over to the territorial policy of the future", it shows him moving away from trade and diplomacy and into a mode of economic sustenance built on looting money and resources from newly conquered territories to pay down debts and provide natural resources. most famously, the oilfields of the caucuses, the breadbasket of Ukraine, and Scandinavian iron ore
right but in this context we are talking about long before that
Here we get into the meat of the issue regarding Germany's need for territorial acquisition in order to become a world superpower

>From the purely territorial point of view, the area of the German Reich vanishes completely as compared with that of the so-called world powers.

>Thus, in the world today we see a number of power states, some of which not only far surpass the strength of our German nation in population, but whose area above all is the chief support of their political power. Never has the relation of the German Reich to other existing world states been as unfavorable as at the beginning of our history two thousand years ago and again today. Then we were a young people, rushing headlong into a world of great crumbling state formations, whose last giant, Rome, we ourselves helped to fell. Today we find ourselves in a world of great power states in process of formation, with our own Reich sinking more and more into insignificance.

>We must bear this bitter truth coolly and soberly in mind. We must follow and compare the German Reich through the centuries in its relation to other states with regard to population and area. I know that everyone will then come to the dismayed conclusion which I have stated at the beginning of this discussion: Germany is no longer a world power, regardless whether she is strong or weak from the military point of view.

>We have lost all proportion to the other great states of the earth, and this thanks only to the positively catastrophic leadership of our nation in the field of foreign affairs, thanks to our total failure to be guided by what I should almost call a testamentary aim in foreign policy, and thanks to the loss of any healthy instinct and impulse of self-preservation.
Absolutely retarded and biased take. The intellectual community in the 1900s was also a endless dick sucking circlejerk. The only change was letting black people join in which case yeah I agree with you that's a bad thing.
Did he not know that land outside europe did not matter?

>If the National Socialist movement really wants to be consecrated by history with a great mission for our nation, it must be permeated by knowledge and filled with pain at our true situation in this world; boldly and conscious of its goal, it must take up the struggle against the aimlessness and incompetence which have hitherto guided our German nation in the line of foreign affairs. Then, without consideration of 'traditions' and prejudices, it must find the courage to gather our people and their strength for an advance along the road that will lead this people from its present restricted living space to new land and soil, and hence also free it from the danger of vanishing from the earth or of serving others as a slave nation.

>The National Socialist movement must strive to eliminate the disproportion between our population and our area - viewing this latter as a source of food as well as a basis for power politics - between our historical past and the hopelessness of our present impotence. And in this it must remain aware that we, as guardians of the highest humanity on this earth, are bound by the highest obligation, and the more it strives to bring the German people to racial awareness so that, in addition to breeding dogs, horses, and cats, they will have mercy on their own blood, the more it will be able to meet this obligation.

this last part is interesting because not only is he talking about dramatically expanding German territories, but doing so while "preserving the purity of the master race"

truly one can only speculate how Hitler plans on conquering his way to rivalling other super powers in land area, while somehow not mixing germane blood with the locals in the long-term
His A.I. Generated translated speeches really sell, as his ideas are well. (((They))) lied about the truth for so long, I want his book anon :(
So I've got a wacky idea: could this shit work for the United States?

You know how Marxism was originally supposed to kick off in Germany, but wound up actually working (sort of) in Russia, instead?

What if Fascism/Hitlerism is like that, and it's just an idea the Germans themselves aren't suited for despite it coming from them originally?

Just looking at this shit it really occurs to me that America could probably pull it off. America's got the industrial capacity and natural resources that Germany lacked. America's a multiracial and multicultural country but Nazism actually, as we saw, had, uh, methods of dealing with that.

What I'm saying is: just as we saw Marxism truly flourish outside of Germany, could it be that Fascism/Nazism has to go outside of Germany to truly flourish, as well?
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Have you never opened a history book on the 19th century? The only reason the british became so powerful is because of precisely that. Germany fought tooth and nail to get colonies before WW1 but still failed at it, colonies basically rid nation of the need to worry constantly about natural resource management. Land outside of Europe mattered so much endless fucking overseas wars were fought to keep it and take it.
also another thing i wanted to look at from this quote

>Then, without consideration of 'traditions' and prejudices, it must find the courage to gather our people and their strength for an advance along the road that will lead this people from its present restricted living space to new land and soil, and hence also free it from the danger of vanishing from the earth or of serving others as a slave nation.

here he basically literally just says "we need to abandon all moral conventions and conquer new land for the germane people specifically to live in

not only does he specifically talk of abandoning moral conventions, but he specifically he says to "alleviate our restricted living space and find new land and soil" which specifically implies new land and new "living space" where ethnic Germans were not previously living, but will now inherit and occupy

this is one that really makes you think about what exactly it was that he was planing where ethnic germans would get new living space which would require abandoning all "'traditions' and prejudices"
>You know how Marxism was originally supposed to kick off in Germany, but wound up actually
Germany was marxist too dipshit. People in the DDR didn't have to worry about immigration, american propaganda, consumerism and porn addiction.
Ill have to find the quote but this chapter in mein kampf actually discusses exactly this

to paraphrase it, Hitler basically talks about how Germany is totally shafted with regards to their ability to project power globally overseas and engage in colonialism specifically to aquire resources to aleviate their reliance on import.

this is the argument he uses justify specifically expanding within continental Europe and attacking other European nations

basically, Germany has no fuckin chance in the colony game, and the only thing they can do is wage direct land wars agains bordering nations to expand in the manor that Imperial Russia did, rather than doing the whole overseas colony thing
The reclamation claim has traction because it broadly applies to the version of events which Americans are taught regarding an escalation from militarizing the Rhine to Austria to the Sudetenland and Chamberlain was a big dummy for allowing that, then Poland and France happened which were senseless acts of aggression which Churchill stopped and then Pearl Harbor and D-Day.

I think the solution is just to teach kids Mein Kampf.
HALF of Germany was Marxist. Less than half, really, by total landmass. East Germany doesn't count, you have to get the whole thing for it to count.
Lol when has this ever been doubted? Or were you that retarded that you actually took the memes at face value?
"Woah, Adolf Hitler needs ME?"

>Germany weak because we're too small on the map! Look how big other empires are in the map! We need to color the map our color much more if we want to he strong!
Lmao chuds just never change do they
to give him some credit, its not exactly as silly as all that. Germany had a serious issue with providing for its population with its meagre territory and relied very heavily in imports

more land=more resources, more space for people etc.

this is why he emphasizes multiple times about how "even with a huge powerful military we can never truly be a superpower" because they dont actually have the means to provide for themselves and will always be heavily reliant on others and thus vulnerable

No Nazism will flourish in South America. The USA lacks any form of Volkisch consciousness. Unironically too diverse
I miss the good old days when national socialists were proud of being a warrior culture of conquerors. what the fuck happened to that anyway? why did they all start pretending to be crypto-liberals with slave morality complexes?

What the hell happen to venerating caesar and Alexander and napoleon etc. and spamming Storm of steel everywhere saying "akchually war is le good"

now natsocs around here are nothing but cowards and pussies groveling for "optics"
I have never ever read this shit for my entire life I swear
You know what maybe you shouldn't read Hitler in the first place. Just read Tolkien like The Hobbit then follow up with The Lord of the Rings. You can even buy the coolest design or box set of the series you want. And again I do not support fascism at all.
new nazi cope just dropped
which translation should I read? there's no way they left it intact, right?
OP just wants to debate chuds, but he over-prepared by actually reading and scared them away.
any chud worth his salt knows that Hitler was explicit on marxism, judaism and lebensraum from the start
OP (the post) was just a standard inflammatory post to get the ball rolling and make it easy to spot which anons would not produce any discussion of worth, Did you not read the thread?
Nah, OP made it clear from the beginning he's a retard by first constructing a strawman of current nationalists and then talking about a bunch of stuff nobody disagrees with as if it was an epic own.
I didn't realize you homos still were trying to use chud unironically either, which is quite cute.
You don't get to conquer almost the entire Europe without making a few enemies.
>constructing a strawman of current nationalists
Hey he didn't call them brown...
if youre worried about that, read one translated by someone who liked him like Ford
>Hitler straight up eviscerates all of the contemporary nazi talking points about how nazis were totally peaceful and dindu uffin bro and they just wanted to reunite with their old territories
>Hitler literally outright states that a return to Germany's former prewar territory is a crime in its insufficiency
>Hitler literally outright states that Germany needs to aggressively expand in Europe to acquire a more favourable ratio of land area to population for the German state like the US and China and the Soviets etc.
>Hitler literally outright states that he believes Germany should abandon diplomacy and trade and build their economy explicitly on territorial conquest
>Hitler Literally outright states that he thinks Germany needs to first and foremost conquer Eastern Europe specifically
>Hitler literally outright states that Poland Is the gateway between Germany and the east that will need to be conquered first in order for war to be made between Russia and Germany
Hitting Poland wasn't just a military strategy. The Germany/Poland fight goes way back and the Germans were probably still assblasted, about the teutonic knights getting completely wrecked by poland, maybe 180 years earlier - I forget the exact dates.
he was based, yes. any more questions?
tbf the germans only had 2 options
>fight for their right to exist as an independent entity at the expense of eastern europe
>cuck out and be US's, UK's, Jew's, and France's fuck toy hence forth
>accept commie rule which who knows what would have happened after, and given the holodomor happened most germans didn't trust full on commie state even if they wanted socioeconomic change

and they chose to go down swinging
yes the party of "we love the German people and supposedly white people in general!" sent tens of millions of germans to their deaths to kill tens of millions more whites out of sheer pride and fucked everyone over completely in the process
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/pol/fags trying to turn Hitler and the Nazis into le wholesome chungus pacifists who never hurt a fly will never stop being the funniest shit to me.
So you're saying in all those years they achieved literally nothing of what they set out to do except be pushed around by Anglos like a bunch of bitch boys and keep Jews safe in holiday resorts while Germans died screaming? If I were a Nazi I would be doing the opposite and in fact doing my best to inflate Holocaust numbers to 10 million at least.
you cant just come out and tell NPCs that billions must die, you gotta play optics and deprogram them first
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>If I were a Nazi I would be doing the opposite and in fact doing my best to inflate Holocaust numbers to 10 million at least
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What was ACTUALLY the plan for the West, though, and is there an argument to be made that the Nazis, or at least fascism more broadly, was an alternative?

Look at what they're discussing in >>24076515
. Plans for the world as we know it, the world we hate, go back to the 1930s. They arguably go back even earlier. People had competing visions for what was going to happen to the West once World War 1 destroyed monarchy and aristocracy for good. The Anglo vision, the American vision, what paranoid people refer to as the "Jewish" vision, won out. Given where we have wound up, is there an argument to be made that the Fascist vision would have been superior, superior enough that it was worth fighting a war to try to achieve?

This is the REAL sort of question we need to be asking. This is what's really meant by the people talking about "relitigating World War 2." It's not "Churchill was le bad," it's a recognition that World War 2 was a clash of two, arguably three, competing visions for the future of the world, but especially the West. Did the right vision win out? Are we better off for the Anglo-American-Jewish vision having triumphed?

And it's worth asking because, maybe you can't change the past, but you CAN change the future, and lately the entire postwar order looks... creaky. Unstable. Not as strong as it was. If it's fading, if it's starting to fail, then maybe alternative visions of the future from the prewar and interwar era have something to contribute to what REPLACES it.
well in one scenario I imagine most of africa and eurasia would be in a state of constant war until the axis powers had no one left to conquer but each other, then all hell breaks loose and ww3 happens while this goes on working conditions continue to deteriorate since labour organization is still illegal and wide spread use of slavery becomes a real issue for the average joes economic prospects

in another, I think time and succession puts a damper on enthusiasm for fascisms ideological fervour and it undergoes the old communist "walk of shame" as I call it, where you have a very violent ideologically motivated state that comes under new management and begins a process of liberalization and normalization by its own accord

realistically I think it would be a combination of both of these scenarios
Dalton of course
>Stalin had the same aspirstion
No, he did not.
Hitler's ideas don't work because they contradict reality. It doesn't matter where they are applied, you cannot replace reality with fiction.
>Germany had 2 options
>mentions 3

Anyway, they should have just done nothing. France and the UK were finished as great powers.
>Given where we have wound up, is there an argument to be made that the Fascist vision would have been superior, superior enough that it was worth fighting a war to try to achieve?
No. Because the facist vision would have required the total destruction on all human civilization.
Yeah, maybe your "civilisation"
No. All humam civilization. No exception.
>accept commie rule which who knows what would have happened after, and given the holodomor happened most germans didn't trust full on commie state even if they wanted socioeconomic change
The german socialist/commie parties held a majority in the senate for years up until Hitler, the nazis desperatly cleared them out. The Weimar Republic had wasted most of it's near unexistant military assets to surpress communist uprisings. It took a lot of effort to make Germany NOT turn communist, do you even know what you are talking about? Germans barely even knew of the holodomor at that time.
I mean what were you expecting from a meth addict
nta but the actual communist party ever hold cabinet positions in weimar? i thought it was all spd/conservative/centre
They did up until the later years of the republic iirc, but im mostly sure they held a senate majority so can't tell you for sure. I do know that Hitler's anti commie spiel was not unreasonable at all given the state of Germany at the time.
no arguments from me about the absolute shitshow of post ww1 germany and how popular the commies were, but i believe you're incorrect.
it may be a fine distinction, but SPD was the leftist party in control early on (and in coalitions later) - the communist-communists were never in cabinet; they were too busy winning seats and waiting for capitalism to implode (which, in fairness, might have been a reasonable thing to think at the time)
this nigger looked at wikipedia once two years ago and will tell you with perfect confidence that the communist party ruled weimar germany (??) which is of course why it was constantly fighting communist uprisings (???). board iq hitting new lows
SPD were/are communists
tell that to the ispd amirite
what you guys dont seem to understand is that the modern world *is* the fascist vision. the ideas described above in mein kampf were translated by fascism into real life events and the modern world is the result of them.
Hitler was an evil person but I'm not sure I agree that Germany "couldn't have won." If he had made one or two fewer mistakes, then things could have gone very differently. Dunkirk evacuation, investing in more u-boats instead of the big battleships, waiting longer to invade Soviet Russia, better winter gear and supply lines for the invasion of Soviet Russia, etcetera.
"A war is on between two groups of capitalist countries ... for the redivision of the world, for the domination of the world! We see nothing wrong in their having a good hard fight and weakening each other ... Hitler, without understanding it or desiring it, is shaking and undermining the capitalist system ... We can manoeuvre, pit one side against the other to set them fighting with each other as fiercely as possible ... The annihilation of Poland would mean one fewer bourgeois fascist state to contend with! What would be the harm if as a result of the rout of Poland we were to extend the socialist system onto new territories and populations?[122]"

Stalin about the invasion of Poland.
why I don't feel like this thread is about literature
Successful conquest takes more than plain border expansionism. This may sound hyperbole, but as soon as the fighting ends you have to start engaging with the vanquished people as humans because of the numerical inferiority of the victorious side or you are out after a single revolt. The nazis didn't seem to understand this and thought that after a military victory it's done, when that's just the first step of a successful conquest.
I‘m about 2/3 through, is this going to be one of those big surprises in the text that he says "jk actually jewish media and finance are great lol" near the end?
>but, like
Reddit might be more your speed fella
I guess I must have struck a nerve
and let me guess, you think its "not real communism" when communism in theory does not translate well into reality and the consequences of an ideology do not match the theorized outcome?
That‘s Hitler, the guy who had no plans at all for what to do in the East.
Just offering a word of advice la
Think you might have a better time over there x
Hitler was a delusional maniac. His 'Empire' suffered from the same defects as the Empire of Dschengis Khan, though worse, because the Dschengis Khan and his people at least had practical goals while the nazis were chasing illusions. But both commited the same error: to expand as quickly as possible in all sides at all expense, devastate everything for more borders, without taking the necessary time with each and every submit state. Know your enemy, as they say but Hitler and the Khan didn't do that. I find nothing impressive about either of both except for their blitzkrieg strategies.
He's probably German.
Imposed by circumstances
>But both commited the same error: to expand as quickly as possible in all sides at all expense
Because from Hitler's point of view if he would've waited Germany would've been crushed for sure either by Brits or by Soviets. For him it was literally "victory or death" situation. Besides, it's not like Germans had a lot of resources, IIRC, the main reason of invasion of Norway was to protect iron shipments (even Hitler believed that it's better to had a neutral Norway, but on the other side it's infinitely worse to have it under British occupation), and he desperately needed oil to continue the war with the UK and the US, hence Barbarossa.
If he's German he should definitely be on reddit
But a successful conquest doesn't mean final victory that's what I'm saying. His strategy didn't work in the first place. Even if he had managed to take all of Europe it wouldn't have taken long for the first revolts to fraction the size of his Empire. That's why as a conqueror you need to negotiate with the vanquished and make them benefit from your rule in one way or the other.
So the Soviets were planning to stop before they reached Germany?
The Americans armed and supplied the Soviets against the Germans
The cold war was then supposedly America versus The Soviet Union
Really though, it feels like they were controlled by the same small tribe
>So the Soviets were planning to stop before they reached Germany?

lol theres no realistic scenario where the soviets get into germany when fighting Germany, poland, romania, the UK, france, miscellaneous balkans, finland etc.

this whole imagined scenario where the soviets would have just magically swept through Europe is completely fictionalized by neonazis to try and justify their completely idiotic actions
That‘s exactly what the soviets did minus the UK and France.
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This book is the greatest ever written, it shits on Kapital. Inside is autobiography, Political theory, history, and most importantly, a vision of the future, a vision that sweeps before you like a grand vista, showing you a wonderful empire, where strong men are allowed to rule again, instead of being enslaved by the weak, where the fire of the nation burns brighter than any vestal hearth, where decadence is thrown out and mighty men are given the keys to the world. Reading it is like entering a brilliant dream, and it shows you the path to make it a reality.
who the fuck are you even arguing with? this post is legit schizophrenia
So much chatter about books without people reading them. We will see a lot more of this in the future as some schools allow students to generate essays from ChatGPT. These students that are allowed to generate essays will likely never read Tuck Everlasting.
are you fucking high? having to fight both the UK and france, and not being actively supplied by the US, possibly even actively opposed, and Germany not fighting on two fronts COMPLETELY changes the scenario, why would you even bother posting something this stupid? not only is it not "exactly what happened", its not even in the ballpark
Hitler is a product of the corrupt Jewish elements. They astroturfed the opposition as it started to rise. Nazism is disguised as a nationalist movement, but it is a marxist trojan horse.
>complete with generic homoerotic marble statue

Dont be naziphobic. Nazism is an ideology of peace.
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I don't know how someone can look at the state of the world today 80 years after the end of WW2 and not understand that he was right.

>american politicians beholden to Israel through money corruption and blackmail rackets
>illegal to boycott or protest Israel in most US states
>continued progress to Greater Israel and third temple/messianic prophecies being forced
>mass immigration to European nations
>cultural, societal, economic degeneration in European nations

There's really no explanation other than Jewish supremacy gone mad.
>But a successful conquest doesn't mean final victory that's what I'm saying
Of course it doesn't. There is no final victory, nor is there an "end of history", it's just constant struggle.
He's just a leftist that thinks American support of dictators and fascist regimes post 1945 means Richard Nixon was literally Adolf Hitler
The post is not in any way formatted as an "argument", are you schizophrenic?
I thought the Jew hate was going to be subtle, because why else would he be loved by liberals at the time? The Economist sang his praises.

Nope, anti-semitism starts from page 1 paragraph 1. Really makes you think.

strong antisemitism is a jewish trait

non-Semites are not supposed to be super anti-Semites, simply because there is not supposed to be Semites outside their desertic shithole.

so a person who is extremely antisemitic is either a semite, or semite in disguise, or has been manipulated by the Semites themselves. This is why it's safe to assume Hitler and all the antisemites before him were polluted by Semites. Antisemitism was normal in the democracies because democracies are a leftist social construct, which means they were already highly manipulated. Socialists and all the -ists from the revolutions are jewish construct.
As someone who talks and works with jews a lot and married a catholic converted jew (still a jew in my eyes, but I love sex with jews) I believe it's fully normal to build some distrust and spite towards them and their little secluded degenerate tribe that no one can join. In fact one of the worst things I ever experienced in a law firm my whole life was having a jewish boss, he was a specially slimy and spiteful figure with me. They judge you at every fuck up to reaffirm themselves as God's chosen people.
Being super anti semetic and pointing out how everyone is a jew and how every ideology is some type of judaic trapping is nothing short of absolute madness though. There are tons of interest groups in the elite that are jewish, but mostly it's anglos. There are super elite muslims too but no one goes to call them over for fucking up oil prices and buying the media for pro-islamic propaganda. I hope electric cars become a thing and we have a more renewable society just so we won't have to make any deals with even more slimy desert fuckers.
What's the best translation?
>Being super anti semetic and pointing out how everyone is a jew and how every ideology is some type of judaic trapping is nothing short of absolute madness

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