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ITT books that you've touched with your foot
I often read sitting with the soles of my feet together, creates the perfect cradle for the book, doesn't work with cheap paper backs but better quality paperbacks and most hard covers will sit there open on their own. Good chunk of my books have touched my feet but I am not sure if I have ever touched a book with my foot.
Life a users manual
I used the Oresteia to swat flies for two years before actually reading it.
oh god so hairy
dude are you a hobbit or something
Well I can start trying it out...
Stealth foot fetish thread.
Niggas will do anything but read the books they spent their parents' money on
Tsk tsk
I only touch books with my penis.
This guy jerked off to every footpic on the internet and need some new material.
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Here's my foot on D&R in 2020, probably taken for the exact same thread.


It's called having testosterone you fucking nipple clamp
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>It's called having testosterone you fucking nipple clamp
my disappointingly predictably hostile chum, it is called having no standards
at least have the decency to keep your own monstrous appendage covered
zombies walk among us

Anon, I take back all my prior hostilities, I've just seen the foot of >>24087455 and I am now disgusted and reconsidering this entire endeavour
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What do you think about mine?
I have the healthiest foot out of everyone in this entire thread.
Good thread.
based mutant
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You faggots don't even know what it means to go even further beyond. GAZE UPON MY POWER
based goonette
finally, a good /lit/ thread
not a good thread until a femanon post her feet desu.
begone demon
You have a big ass toe. I'm salivating.
I kneel. Umm..do you have.. d-discord..asking for a friend.
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So this is what I've been reduced to
Gross thread
That will make it amazing, but let's see. I'm very picky about female feet.

Keep telling yourself that, patient zero
Some ugly footed niggas
>there are no women on /lit/
inb4 quoran
dear god man did you make that cover yourself or did they actually think they should publish that book with such an ephebo cover?
ugly third worlder goblin feet
I would cum on that cover. I don't think a cum tribute /lit/ thread will have as many pictures as this one though
this one's a girl with unshaved legs
It's one of the most common and popular covers.
It's a Penguin classic, surprisingly
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would post mine but i have ugly feet and don't want the fetishists to curse me. good thread tho
more for me
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Is this even legal?
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I'm so sorry.
Yo, there's not even a book there
This nigger just posted his foot
>hairy toes
That is almost certainly a man, woman rarely have more than peach fuzz on their toes. Also, most woman have finer leg hair than that.
What the fuck is wrong with your foot
Whoa watch out guys there's a real woman expert here
I got mad callouses.
You got mad fat toes, is what you got.
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we've got a lot of hairlets in this thread.
Cut your damn nails
Ok mom
You already saw mine so yeah this thread is not good
look at all these hairy slave feet
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You guys have unattractive feets I want to see the feminine ones I prefer those like in Tarantino
Lets see your dainty smooth feet.
imagine the smell
Most of you are disgusting
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Sorry, Sweaty but my books are too big for even Shaq's foot to hold
where are da women?
they are on booktok and booktube. maybe instagram if they are a boomer millenial.
this is the thread
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>t. low
wouldn't it be funny if we made a top 100 chart of /lit/ feet haha
only as a joke haha
They get to sell their feet pics
Buncha barbarians ITT.
>these goblins are the "people" who call you pseud
Now it call makes sense.
your foot looks weak. start doing jump rope and tibialis raises, plus toe curls, seiza, and full lotus.
I forgot warrior 3 pose is also very good for your feet. running barefoot will blow them up the best but jump rope is a good substitute if you don't want to put that much effort into it
And you guys wonder why women don't come here.
I do this to library books
Here, I want more.
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