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Post your IQ and your favorite book.
115, The Bible
IQ doesn't matter. No number can define a man.
i know this may sound like cope but i agree with you.
Well said 24088076!
My IQ was professionally tested at 110. That's why I don't feel bad about reading midwit books. I AM a mitwit book, so of course I'll read the appropriate literautre.
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>I am a midwit book
IQ checks out
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Based fellow midwit, pic rel is mine
I don't have a single favorite book but some of the best I recently read are White Noise, War & Peace, and Illness as Metaphor
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My IQ is 146. My favorite book is The Decline of the West by Spengler.
142, Enneads by Plotinus, Theory of natural philosophy by Roger J. Buscovich.
IQ is 93, favorite book is the Divine Comedy
123, somewhere between the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita

Between Il Canzoniere and The Odyssey
Thus Spake Zarathustra
>115, The Bible
Lmao checks out, both the iq and the digits
Those Mensa Denmark/Norway IQ tests are inflated, feel-good tests that many upper midwits should be able to max, but the tests do have some value in that if you can't max them, you know that your real (WAIS, SB) IQ is almost certainly less than 120 and that there's no need to bother paying a neuropsychologist to give you a real test. So a result of 115 on the Mensa Denmark test indicates that your real IQ is almost certainly less than 120 and likely significantly less than 115.
I scored 123 on this just now but I've taken these before so I guess it can probably be thrown out since I kind of knew what to expect. I don't remember what I scored before. But what really shook me with this one is that this one was actually weirdly fun and engaging and it just felt like a really cool puzzle game. Like I would do this solving patterns thing for fun, it's kind of amazing how clever and impossible the later ones are. Oh, right, favorite book? Don't have one :)
To append to this, they had me take an "actual" iq test before and whereas this is just having you perform one task the whole time, in an "official" one or whatever you're performing a bunch of different tasks that require very different skills from each other. With this one in particular, like, solving all these shape pattern puzzles doesn't test to find your memory and your memory is obviously super important to be able to be "smart" in a practical sense. My memory fucking sucks dick so when I learn something it's quickly gone and I have to relearn it again and that's not a good trait to ever actually becoming good or skilled or knowledgeable about something.
Titus Andronicus. It is sweet...
133 using this test https://www.mensa.org/mensa-iq-challenge/
But that was a year ago, I could be dumber by now.
I don't have a favorite anything. East of Eden is very nice. I also liked World War Z.
Yeah, I know I’m a meme.
Hey, we're brain bros.
Let's rub our brains on each other.
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>Master & Margarita
Smart enough to read for fun. Too dumb to know if there's a better reason.
lmao i was playing the game seriously for the first 31 answers until I lost my attention (cuz 9 minutes were left) and tapped on random options and still achieved 125 iq lol (i was expecting to achieve 70 cuz of my irresponsiblity in the final minutes. there were few questions like that " curve S ",that made me completely confused. i think I could have reached 130 if I played it seriously till the end.
>Favourite book
ugh, lolita.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
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The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe
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Surely you high IQ individuals can solve this.
Touching balls is gay so i shant be sticking my hand in the boxes at all
t. 131 iq
~ 130

The World as Will and Representation, Schopenhauer
126 and drunk.
Making of Americans.

I will take it again tomorrow when sober just for lols. Taking bets, will it go up, down or stay the same?
>t. autistic
Everyone knows. Take the test and and pick a favorite book even if you don't have one, repeat until you do it automatically and do not even consider being autistic. Go somewhere with people, introduce yourself, when someone suggests such a game blurt out your response. Repeat. Friends will be made.

Dungeon Crawler Carl 5 : The Butcher's Mascurade
My 5" penis defines me.
Bhagavad Gita
Death on Credit
I thought i was not a midwit :(
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Guess it really was made for midwits, I'm sorry Nietzsche critics
Didn't see the op link. It's 130 according to that.
140 WISC. Time and Free Will by Henri Bergson
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The Camp of the Saints
These tests are not real. 130+ is the 2.1% of humanity and most of those people aren't spending their time on 4chan /lit/
If you want to actually get your IQ (a lot lower than this danish website), go do an official test, this has the same validity as teenage girls taking "am i depressed tests" on buzzfeed
2.1% is a few milion people , retard. It's not some elite dirty-dozen
138 according to the test.

My favorite book is Artemis Fowl 4: The Opal of Deception
I cannot be bothered doing a test. My favourite book is Don Quixote
I want to say 1/2 since box c is not needed. So if we picked up a gold ball it means we either grabbed from a or b. A is 100% guarantee and b is 0% so I Think the real question is what's the likelihood of us choosing box a or b. Which must he 50% still. Or I'm completely retarded.
Tested at 145 or higher (3 sigma), and passed the MENSA exam, though I chose not to join.
For me, it's Moby Dick.
According to that test, 126
The Road to Wigan Pier
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> 123, I'm shit at puzzles
> The Epic of Gilgamesh
hi brad.
I literally haven't read a full book that I like, I've read like 6 books. Maybe I will like crime and punishment when I finish it, so far I like it.
I don't read.
higher IQ people are more likely to be misunderstood incels and social misfits and thus fit in perfectly on 4chan
>fit in perfectly on 4chan
I wish i could agree with you but 4chan, as any other place on the internet, doesn't really have an identity past 2010. It's all the same slurry of youtubetwitterreddit now.
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover.
I wish someone could walk me through one of the harder puzzles. I simply don't get this shit.
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It's just about patterns, see what's changing and staying the same in each
I'll admit some of the final ones are extremely hard though, mostly because sometimes the pattern is hard to grasp. For example in this one you're supposed to realize there's no repeating colors on rows or columns, kind of like sudoku
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Witcher series
sailor who fell from grace with the sea
IQ doesn't really have anything to do with this though, it's just how well you can problem solve
about tree fiddy
>Favourite book
Meta-Narratives: Essays on Philosophy and Symbolism - Jay Dyer
I didn't catch that; the black square in the middle threw me off.
>IQ doesn't really have anything to do with this though, it's just how well you can problem solve
What do you think IQ is?
>What do you think IQ is?
meant for
Narcissus and Goldmund
this you nigga?
I believe intelligent people are more inclined to take these tests because unintelligent people are afraid of having their egos shattered by what they know is true.
counterpoint: I took the test and I'm retarded
You can make friends by going to fag bars too. Doesn't mean you should make those friends.
My IQ is 90, and my favourite book is The Napoleon of Notting Hill.
You peepin my shit nigga?
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what does this mean?
my favorite books are Cambridge Companion to Aristotle(yes i read a text book for shits and giggles it was fun), Meditations and the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding

>am i depressed test
flavor of the month trans acceptance test by buzzfeed

this is the biggest cope on the planet.
I used to be friends with incels when i was one
biggest retards on the planet one of them thought demons were living inside his computer, another one wouls legit interrupt the discord calls with autistic yelps followed by him saying something like "TITS"
autistic people arent misunderstood they're just retarded
Last time I was officially tested my IQ was 125.
Unofficial online test tend to say ~135
I don't have a singular favorite book.
I have a favorite book series called The Portal War Saga.
I also got a ton of use out of The Herbal Medicine Makers' Handbook A Home Manual
Used that book a ton in my 20s as the primary reference book for my herbalism hobby. So in a way it's my favorite singular book I guess, but it's not exactly literature.
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i dont read i just coooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>this is the biggest cope on the planet.

79 iq take
Thus Spake Zarathustra
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>The Bible
You failed the most basic IQ test
>79 iq take

thank you thank you.
Ill be here
Suttree or East of Eden
88 iq, smart enough to know I'm a fool, dumb enough to keep trying
based. east of eden is a good book, too.
135, Middlemarch
>Bible, specifically the New Testament


Look up Bertrand's Box Paradox if interested.
Dune messiah
The Critique of Pure Reason
the autobiography of malcolm x
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I don't have 40 minutes at the moment. Can I use my chess rating instead?
>Borges' Ficciones
My favorite book is like all things completely dependent on what sub-personality of mine that decides to dominate the others on that day. Right now its Thus Spake Zarathustra
But there are demons in the computer
My WAIS-IV IQ from when I was 18 was 127
I got a 119 on this Mensa Norway test lol
Open Society and Its Enemies
Not taking this test again, but I got 141 last time.
My favorite book is Ice, by Anna Kavan.
Are you me?
not into matrices. these sorts of tests vastly underestimate my kant-level transcendental genius
midwit iq and you are still the smartest black to ever live
I'm actually surprised at how low these scores are. Somehow I thought this board would be much higher. This guy is the only one who's even above 135 I think? I was expecting the median to be like 130.
could some /literate/ anons give me a reality check on how impressive an 800V on the 2015 SAT really is because I haven't really read seriously for 5+ years and I'm worried I drank myself retarded
I don't take the test because I've lost half my brain to alcoholism anyway. When asked, I usually name Max Frisch, Homo Faber as my favourite book, simply because I remember liking it when I had to read it for class. I think the way the character is rational, intellectual, and emotionally detached somehow appealed to me, even when he is then confronted with the limits of that approach to life. I could have honestly enjoyed the book without any of the twists, though.
exactly what I said it was, read retard.
>lost half my brain to alcoholism
kek it's true. used to be over 140 in my 20s, now in the 120-130 range. cest la vie. *drinks*
It's got to be 95. I really liked:
>Why the West Rules- For Now
>Nag Hammadis
>Problems of Leninism (by Stalin, I like it as a history book)
>Anything Conan
>Anything written by Jack Vance
Das Schloß
Not much of a flex
he's notoriously the stupidest man in chess
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I dont have a favorite book but for now my favorite writers/philosophers are
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Does patience also affect IQ? I just picked randomly at the last 3 because they were too hard and still scored decently. Also I just started reading this year so I don't have a favorite book yet.
I mean last year
Anyone using the fake word midwit actually has down syndrome
I'm starting to think the real IQ test is believing or not that IQ tests actually matter.
Yes if you don't you're low iq
the only organic /lit/ meme with any pull and it's absolute cancer
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>We have no data
65 kat n the het
128. Idk I don't really read. I'll read a little bit from the bible once in a while when I need something from God, then once ever year or so I'll pick up a book to better myself, but I always give up 10% of the way through out of boredom, laziness, and a deep underlying feeling that it doesn't make difference, and that I'm not going to gain anything from it anyways. I always score 127-129 on these online IQ tests. I'm either much dumber than that in reality, or I'm just a deadbeat loser who wasted my 28 years on this earth consuming nothing but pure brainrot, and never did anything to live up to my potential.
Reminder that if you haven't had one done by a registered psychologist than whatever internet scores you get are completely meaningless
Man what the fuck, if I'd known the patterns would be so fucked up at the end I wouldn't have dicked around for so long.
I've never tested my IQ since I don't think its real.
My favorite book is 1984 since it communicates the importance of language in forming a population's politics.
no. we need to technocratically reduce man to numbers that do not add up to their sum.
this will surely help us understand this world and ourselves...
The talmud
I don't know what my IQ is.
I don't have a favorite book.
coombros rise up
Will do thanks. Man 1/2 did really sound right kek.
boethius - consolation of philosophy
my other pick is kim il-sung's eight volume biography
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This is actually devastating. I could get 135+ on official tests in high school. Aging and work have utterly destroyed my brain.
Anyway, The Book of the New Sun
you take that back you son of a bitch
90% i pull the gold ball

but thats just for me because i went luck build and have slotted armor buffs to luck that increase high value loot drops
>war and peace
i like you anon
Iv been pretty insecure about my intelligence level so i have been doing alot of iq test in the past years and i have usually landed betweeen 124(Cait) and actually the highest on mensa .nk (132) so idk. I try not to think about it to mich becous it gives me extreme anxiety that i didnt go to college before now(24) and didnt really try to hard in highschool. Favorite book is: factotum
128, Ulysses
IQ tests are the stupidest shit. At best they measure your ability to solve raven matrixes
>biggest retards on the planet one of them thought demons were living inside his computer
>he doesn't know
reading doesn't make you smart. it makes you knowledgeable at best
135 here.
I got stumped by the question with the red and blue squares with the middle row having grey squares and the last question.
Anyone 140+ chads want to explain that shit to me?
you're taking it too seriously. 4chan is not real life.

i literally just selected H>>24089761
for every question. IQ tests only exist to determine immediate comprehension they show nothing about the ability to adapt to new environments and learn new skills overtime. People that take IQ tests seriously are usually very arrogant people.
someone that has good comprehension but poor adaptability isnt going to look very smart to someone who realized later what they should do or could have done but has good adapability.
It's like surviving in the wilderness. an bushcraft youtuber died november/december of 2024 because he had poor adaptability skills. He tried to use Woods bushcraft in a place known for becoming a tundra in the fall/winter months and froze to death. He was smart but a complete dumbass because he couldnt adapt to his environment even in the freezing cold he still treated it like he was surviving in a forest. He could comprehend the situation. He understood that he was in the middle of a blizzard, but could not adapt for it
And it's the same thing in real life.
You could be a really smart dude who has horrible social skills and people will just flatout view you as a dumbass no matter how intelligent you are.
>you're that intelligent but cant figure out how to talk to a girl?
and here's another example, i have a lot of friends in their mid 20s that just now moved out of their parents.
These are very smart people, learn things quickly. But they're having an insanely hard time adapting to being actual adults. They're missing essential survival instincts that most """untintelligent""" people have.
>people skills
>planning for the future
>planning ahead in general.
many conversations with them end in arguments simply because they think you dont understand their plight.
meanwhile i dont have any of that.
They think im dumb. I think they're retarded because they cant adapt to just planning a whole month a head and cooking for themselves.
135 American Psycho
Anon in todays economy living at home is extremely intelligent
Thats one of the reasons why several eastern cultures financially outperform whites in the west
If I had stayed at home I would have multiple millions of dollars rn and im 29
Instead I dont even have 1m because i wanted independence
I dont regret it because I wouldve missed out on my life so far, but that money, if properly invested, wouldve set me for life
I doubt their IQs are over 110 based on this description.
>I wouldve missed out on my life so far
i would rather have life experience to talk about than be that anon that cries about how they cant get laid.

Too many people nowadays judge intelligence off of easy shit and not actual difficult tasks
You can live at home and still get laid
Just sayin
i mean true. What's the fun in that though? I dont want to be interrupted or have to be quiet
Youre supposed to go to her place lol not yours
based on what? stupid journos will say he's the "mozart of chess" or the "leonardo da vinci of chess" or some other stupid pretentious honorific, it doesn't mean anything
but also, he's notoriously one of the smartest men in chess anyway
point is, you don't have to be generally intelligent to be good at chess
to quote Bobby Fischer: "I object to being called a chess genius because I consider myself to be an all around genius who just happens to play chess, which is rather different. A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing."
Thats a bit of a pretentious thing to say coming from the guy whose only significant or meaningful achievement was play a board game
Clinical IQ tests comprise of multiple subtests generally categorized into verbal and nonverbal domains. Matrix tests, such as the one you linked, are notorious for having one of the weakest correlations to full scale IQ (the composite score derived from all administered subtests), relatively speaking. Their correlation with even the nonverbal component of IQ often ranks among the weakest in a full test suite. They also have a very low "g-loading" (a statistical measure of the extent to which performance on a task is indicative of general cognitive ability) compared to other subtests.

Online Mensa tests are essentially assessments of spatial ability and nonverbal working memory, accounting for only about one fifth of the independent factors contributing to full scale IQ; the remaining index scores may swing wildly and in any direction. Ironically *checks board* and in spite of the knee-jerk criticism they receive, active vocabulary tests asking for explicit, accurate and precise definitions best predict overall intelligence.

Source: I have had the privilege of being involved in the administration and score interpretation of IQ tests.
Sounds like IQ tests are retarded and gay
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
no one is going to listen to you
i am very intelligent
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Okay. Now, tell my why this table is incorrect. Depending on the source, I find different g-loadings for different subtests of the WAIS-IV, so there even appear to be a consensus on which subtests approximate g the best in the scientific community.
there doesn't even appear*
There’s so many 123 iqs in this thread and that’s what I got. I’m definitely bellow avg intellect though mostly brain rot and worn out indifference. Do iqs trend higher know in general?

Anyways I like the Bible and slaughterhouse five even if it just Rick and Morty. These are my comfort books
Midwit brain lol…. Higher now*
>he thinks biological variance just stops at the brain
I forgot that the human race really is this stupid
I talked about the prevailing trend across IQ tests, not about one specific IQ test. More to the point, perhaps if you'd channeled that eagerness better, you might have even found some calculated values for the g-loading of online Mensa tests and come to terms with why they are a joke.

And for what it's worth, WAIS-IV's matrix reasoning subtest becomes lousy starting near 120-130 (and to the surprise of no one who has seen more than one real IQ test). In fact, the whole test itself is rather shitty and inflated past 130 IQ when there are tests with superior discriminating power, although its sheer breadth in tested areas and high accuracy near 100 has earned it the "gold standard" moniker
Couldn’t you keep doing this thing over and over again until you’ve mastered it?

Isn’t it cheating to do it more than once?

Why is there a time limit? Some people process and digest information like toads.
>Couldn’t you keep doing this thing over and over again until you’ve mastered it?
Until you take a different test and you're back to square one.
Is there a total list of all these IQ test patterns/puzzles?
88 Infinite Jest
How much does the time contribute to your score anyway?
Second attempts are invalid
Good, good. God hates cheaters.
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i definitely missed one or two due to colorblindness. other than that, my favorite book is also the Bible (NLT)

favorite secular book, the turner diaries

>inb4 "KJV is the only way"
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You are all correct, IQ is an atrocious measurement
For a more sophisticated Measurement of yourself
Your penis size,
The last time you went to a doctor,
Your level of contentment with life
And, Your favourite Book
I'll start:
About 6 months ago (blood test)
I, Claudius
Not tested, but probably 130s. Gravitys Rainbow.
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Tested. 1 billion. The very hungry caterpillar. I cry every time I read it.
NLT is slop
169 Normal People by Sally Romney.
112. Gravity's Rainbow.

What does that mean? I'm above average at least, right?
>136 iq
>tor browser on winblows
124, stopped trying at q 33 because it was taking too long, making my brain hurt, and I'm drinking. So not too bad.
Favorite book: The Recognitions probably idk
My favorite book is Devils, by Dostoevsky.
165, Everybody Poops
138. I don't read books.
>Your penis size,
18-20 cm / 7-8 in, depending how aroused I am
>The last time you went to a doctor,
When I was a child with a broken leg. Doctors are only good for triage.
Everything else they do is nonsense.
>Your level of contentment with life
10/10 when I'm with my wife and children. 2/10 when I'm working.
>And, Your favourite Book
Books are for midwits.
>believing the results of an online iq test accurately reflects youre intelligence
Sign of a low iq
>>24088110 chortled
>bible is midwit territory
not surprised
IQ definitely measures something real, or attempts to. Are there blind spots? Yes. Of course. But it’s still standard. Reaction times are correlated. The ability to think on the spot is correlated.

Of course it will favor people who think more swiftly or traditionally, and disfavour those that do not, but it’s still a measure, it’s just a proxy of sorts. You have have a high iq/capacity and still not think all that critically.

Brilliant Chinese mathematicians worship Mao in their bathrooms. That’s not very critically intelligent.
First of all I never took IQ tests online because they're stupid and second I recommend getting an actual psychologist or expert to do this for you
>You have have
You can have*
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What's the lesson in The Very Hungry Caterpillar then?
90-15 IQ, but my brain has intuitive access to 150-180 IQ. it's a neurological bottleneck.
The book that will be published in a few decades from now.
Don't conflate criticism of online IQ tests with the rejection of IQ as a concept
Where is the midwit cut-off? I scored 135 on an official IQ test but I'm too dumb to understand math and dropped out of college.
135 is safely above midwit but to understand college math well you need north of 140 IQ
>the colorblind are inherently lower iq
My favorite book is The Idiot
I think 140 IQ would be more than enough for math PhD level, math PhDs in this study had average of 128 IQ:
https://www.religjournal.com/pdf/ijrr10001.pdf (p. 7)
The generally agreed upon percentile to be proficient in any field is to be one standard deviation above the average in that field, and that corresponds to a little over 140 IQ. At the average you are just that and certainly won't be coasting
Midwit or not, it seems you all like the same shit, and at least you have that in common :)
Ok I'll go back to /tv/ now.
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141 Industrial Society and Its Future
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no favorite book i just like reading porn
But being a proficient math PhD student with an IQ 1 SD above the average PhD student is definitely more than just understanding college math, that's surely on the level to become a college math professor/mathematician.
130 was also the average IQ of academics in the mathematics working in Cambridge (an elite university) in the 1960s. So understanding college math isn't as exclusive as you made it out to be.
Ehhh.... how accurate is that test OP? The one you posted. My IQ came out to 111
>So understanding college math isn't
Apparently you can't read despite having your attention drawn to what you missed
>to understand college math well
>The generally agreed upon percentile to be proficient in any field

Also one small unreplicated shit study doesn't mean anything. The US Employment Services conducted a comprehensive General Aptitude Test Battery on thousands of people of various occupations and found math people average 132 with an 11 point standard deviation, source: Manual for the USES General Aptitude Test Battery: Development. That's authoritative data. And it agrees with countless independent analyses performed on data from the official Volume and Performance Information reports released by the ETS on the Graduate Record Examination examinee population coupled with what is known about the IQs of college graduates.

We already know the average student at elite universities, at least in America, is in excess of 135 IQ from millions of normative data samples gathered during the 80s and 90s on college-bound students in the US. The average *math* student at those institutions is hovering near 140.

130 IQ is only 1 in 44 people. That's one person in every/every other high school class. Nothing special whatsoever. The average math PhD student gets a B in their math coursework and was no math superstar as an undergrad. Given the data, 140 IQ is 1 in every 3 math PhD students and corresponds to the student who barely makes it into the A grade category. It really is a generous cutoff
Got 130
Reading Rousseau's confessions
That test is wrong because i'm absolutely a midwit
me again, I'm the guy who posted the post I quoted. Forgot to mention.... I got a 111 IQ according to that Mensa online test. My favorite book is I guess Contact by Carl Sagan but I haven't actually read it in over a decade. I did read it twice in my teens though and it's still the book I think of when asked what my favorite book is.
I bet your IQ is room temperature.
I couldn't find any information in the manual you referenced. One manual says though that mathematician has a recommended cut-off of 123 IQ, which is pretty funny.
135, The Brothers Karamazov
I took the test in the OP but refreshed before I could get a screenshot, tested at 138 when I was a kid
134, The Dying Earth by ya boi Jack Vance. Love that little blind nigga like you wouldn't believe
a disappointing 111 iq and Carmilla/Quran
correction, 111iq and la bas. thought it was currently reading
95, Critique of Pure Reason
Are you me? My favourite‘s Liane The Wayfarer. Spent more than I should’ve on a first edition of The Compleat Dying Earth.
I have used the manual and it has tables with IQ means and standard deviations for hundreds of occupations.
>One manual says though that mathematician has a recommended cut-off of 123 IQ
That makes sense as a lower cut-off because 123 is roughly one standard deviation below their mean IQ. The 16th percentile is a very bad place to be at in any group. You can be fairly sure that any 123 IQ, regardless of how much they studied, would perform abysmally at the standardized math tests you have to take to apply to graduate math programs.
Respect your neighbour
138, Catch-22
>Ada, or Ardour
I found the tables you mean. However, the standard deviation you claim is wrong, it's 11 and 143. You have to convert the standard deviation as well. So what you mean is 132 with a standard deviation of 8.25. Below mathematician is physician and basically all types of engineers, at 127, same standard deviation.
No, it isn't wrong, and I meant exactly what I said: the reported mean and standard deviation for their IQ are 143 and 14, respectively, on a 20 points = 1 general population standard deviation scale. Rescaling to the standard 15 point scale and rounding to the nearest integer gives the figures I wrote
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Looks like 11 desu. But if you have a better copy I'll trust you.
Yes that is 14
Wind, Sand, and Stars….or maybe Germinal….maybe Memoirs of Hadrian
One hundred and eleven. That's respectable. Private Peaceful.

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