Okay, so as far as I can tell,Dulcinites = Portland commiesBenedictines = OKC chudsFranciscans = NYC Redditors So basically a bunch of white intellectual trash. I would have preferred a setting some centuries later so that the Jesuits play a role.
>>24088566Ya brain is warped
>>24088566Another great /lit/ thread
>>24088566Foucault's Pendulum is better, btw. >>24088572>sage-in-all-fields brainlet who's incapable of reasoning through his actionsDiscarded.
>>24088580>sage-in-all-fields brainlet who's incapable of reasoning through his actionsthey are literal nogs. if they even attempt to explain the purpose of sticking a sage in the name field, they soon implode under questioning and reveal that it's all driven by some 60-iq nog outburst that makes no rational sense in an adult environment. it started when the sage indicator was removed. they wanted a way to indicate still that they were saging because the sage functionality per se was never the point -- it was their emotionally infantile need to advertise that they were saging, their need to have something resembling a plebbit mean-girls downvote.
>>24088566Poor Friars=AO/PO/LC/BRFranciscans=University AO/POBenedictines=PCIAristotles' On Comedy=Marx's Scorpion and FelixPeasants who don't give a shit=Italian working classThe Secret Library=MEGA Archive*1It *is* an ornate joke about Communist ideology, in Italy, in the 1970s.*1 ATM Machine.*2*2 Arse to Mouth Machine Machine Machine.
>>24088566I actually shelved this book because I got preoccupied with other books
>>24088735>I actually shelved this book because I got filteredftfy