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>takes the first job he can find and simply wastes his life in it and even convinces himself over time that there were no positive alternatives to a sort of miserable comfort

What was his problem?
I would fucking love to work in the middle of nowhere. Imagine all the writing and reading I could get done.
>b-but I wanted to win glory in war!!!
So he was an eight year old
every time I hear about my friend that has been playing League Of legends of over a decade every day for at least 6 hours, I remember this book.
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Also going off of Russian climate maps, he was on the Kazakhstan border north of the Caspian Sea.
Seems like a nice place
Winning glory in war was a much bigger deal back then because it was one of the few paths to social mobility, especially in Tsarist Russia.
Futility and fatalism are necessary coping methods once you realize you've fucked up your life beyond repair.

t. knower
>Just give up bro :)

Yeah I don't get it at all, what a fucking loser
I can't believe I did what I did
I'm living this book. Time becomes a strange thing once you've entered the fortress. I'm already 35.
Same. Fucked up at 20 and time just accelerated
Tranny cover.
Ohhhh so it's an allegory?
There are times in your life where your actions and choices matter, and you can shape your ultimate fate.

Once those times are past, life becomes formless and empty, slow and fast at the same time. You feel like you exist in a weird timeless limbo because nothing important happens to you, but all the while you're still growing older and life is shrinking shorter. Important things still happen to other people but not to you, and you can only watch the world as a befuddled observer with no agency. Indeed, you can barely even remember what agency feels like.

This book encapsulates this experience like nothing else I've read.
Fucking hell what a post.
literally me
still remember that grim reviewbrah vid from over 10 yrs ago and he's long moved on but i'm still there
maybe eastern religions can cope with this
Maybe weastern. Though I reckon Nothing provides suffrage no more
They all did, so he did too.
He gets drawn into the promise of something more on the horizon--but it continually proves illusory.
It's a metaphor for life, how we continual desire a striving that will bring us to some new vantage point, some new achievement, but then we arrive and find there is nothing but the same life which continues all the same irrespective of our desire for something more
It's about the illusion of transcendence, something greater than ourselves, leading to continual ironic frustration
>in Tsarist Russia
I thought the novel was Italian. Is it not set in Italy?
it's literally called the tartar steppe anon
Waiting for life to happen to you instead of seizing the moment and making things happen
i am going to go find this book tomorrow, in the city, somewhere . . .
z-lib has.
i want to walk the streets and check used bookstores. it's more literary.
well, best of luck. i think it's a bit rare.
im excited. maybe ill take drugs before i hit the streets.
what drugs?
I wonder when I'll get permission to be alive. I don't even know what that feels like. I wish America had things to do in it.
>I wish America had things to do in it
Everything needs a car
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>all of this but you're 50
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some of these. it's a nice day too. I think I will find my book.
After I started wageslaving in 2017 every day seems so long and yet time seems to pass by so fast. It feels like everything around me is changing but not myself..
The bookstore did not have the TarTar Steppe. Didn't even have 120 days of sodom, which i was also looking for. Bullshit. Yes, I should just by everything on the internet and never leave my apartment.
sunk cost fallacy, the book. its a good if you understand this feel.
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I'm only 34, i still have time
I was good at something that was totally attuned to my virtues and psyche and could have been the best at it

I quit and lost my mind, or lost my mind and quit and lost my mind more. I just got confused during my college years. I thought I would keep going up and up and up, I didn't know that life was hard and painful and risky
You don't. Make changes now or it will be too late.
it's over
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Live your life to its fullest. Take care of your health (Mental is also physical).
You can put off that colonoscopy till 50. I think.
I think I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna kill myself.
How come? That's not the message of the book btw
I thought the moral was that the tartar steppe is actually ok in the end in a quixotian way
probably because life is shit, retard.

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