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>Nemo claims the South Pole for himself, an achievement nobody will ever know.
It was at this moment I understood I was reading a great book.
>"nemo" means nobody
He will be revealed as pajeet prince in The Mysterious Island.
Could 20000 leagues be reinterpreted as an alien abduction in the modern age?
>It was at this moment I understood I was reading a great book.

Impossible since Verne wrote it
The Mysterious Island was such a boring letdown.
what did Verne know about Antarctica? is why they've been so censorious of him over the years? does Cpt. Nemo ever cross the Ice Wall?
your stupid
That is about as deep as he gets and he beats that drum a fair amount. I enjoy Verne from time to time and he writes well enough but the way he deals with character gets on my nerves, he just rephrases the same few tidbits about them and then has the character tell you. I could deal with the two dimensional characters who never change if he did remind me over and over and over that they are two dimensional and will never change.
He meets a race of giants who tell him to slay edomites.
The Elder things beat him there by 100 million years.
what do you mean censorious, i haven't heard about verne being censored
most of the popular English translations of his works are riddled with errors and occlusions and insertions. the original translation of 20000 Leagues by L.P. Mercier is a fine example of this; parts of it may've been simply lousy translation or them just trying to make money, but some details (or entire passages), especially the more politically charged sorts seemed to be intentionally erased. sometimes they'd instead just insert their own story. afaik, proper translations didn't start coming out until the 60s, but even now the old ones are the ones that get published (presumably because copyright).
there's an older page on the web somewhere that goes into all the different publications of his works and lists the stuff they changed, but I can't find it.
>page on the web
this is the one

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