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File: lain-reading.jpg (1.11 MB, 1339x4096)
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Why is Kukai recommended on this reading guide
No idea but this list should have Cordwainer Smith
Not really
Kukai has a lot to say about the nature of speech in mantra, the written word, and the use of imagery to enlighten, as well as a bodily-located experience of enlightenment. I'm not entirely sure why they would have Kukai in this, but it either relates to that or "woah esoteric Buddhism, Japan."
>t. Shingon Buddhist
I'm sort of interested in this stuff and ways people try to communicate the ineffable through different kinds of language use.

What should I read to get into the areas you mentioned?
I recommend at least having some grounding in Huayan, as that is a major component of Kukai's work. There's less literature on Shingon than, say, Zen. But that is changing. Here's some recommendations.
>Kukai: Major Works
>Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism
>Shingon Buddhism: Theory and Practice
>Kukai on the Philosophy of Language
>Kukai: Japan's First Vajrayana Visionary
>The Matrix and Diamond Mandalas in Shingon Buddhism
>The Weaving of Mantra
>A Buddhist Theory of Semiotics
thanks, I'll check these out. I lived at the foot of Mt. Koya for a couple years so I heard a lot about Kukai but haven't read any of his stuff. I appreciate the recs.
Not really related, but where can i found more about the lainpill? the concept seems very interesting
lain is my waifu

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