Wordcelling through reading long books and producing long essays and books about books is no longer the path of serious intellectual inquiry.Mathematical modelling, data gathering and analysis, statistics, mathematical proofs, experimentation, and academic papers are the means and output of smart people in the 21st century.The lost library of Alexandria, lost scrolls, gigantic libraries, etc.: they all amount to nothing apart from boring debates about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.Biologists don't read Aristotle.Mathematicians don't read Newton or Leibniz.Physicists don't read Newton or Galileo.Economists don't read Smith or Marx.Even famous novelists don't read the canon. Reading for its own sake has become a very perverted subculture, like speed running video games.
>>24090843Bourgeois econ cucks still haven’t refuted Marx
>>24090843Big if true
>>24090843Beep boop gleep glorp 101001011
>>24090843Economy is such a bullshit “science”. If they could predict the markets in a meaningful way they’d all be billionaires. Instead they end up making their money by rent seeking banking where they’re the house in a casino taking their rake, or being some clown cog in the machine trying to navigate rules to find as many loopholes to avoid payment as possible. >herpyderpy i predicted the macro situationYeah you have the perennial bears and bulls swearing they got it right that one time and then continuing to make a million false predictions like that Big Short cunt. Might as well trust a guy who won the lottery to predict the next winning numbers.
>>24090843> Mathematicians don't read Newton or Leibniz.>Physicists don't read Newton or Galileo.Recovering STEMbot here; attaching cultural value to the study would transform it into something worthy of respect.
>>24090843>he doesn't know that philosophers and scholars of humanities publish academic papers and books and get rewarded with tenure and academic titles for them
>>24090843the funny thing about this is if you ever look seriously into ANY historical figure, any text, or anything past the surface level at all you realize how horrifically misrepresented basically everything is and that you can't trust what anyone else says.So in order to think this sort of thing someone has to literally never look into or think about anything ever. Very bleak
>>24090908Exactly. "Economics" is all just special pleading for state interventions. Austrian economics is the actual discipline
>>24090843This is reddit-spaced ragebait. But to quickly remind you, we still need reading the canon, and will probably always need reading the canon, for a few reasons: on, for example, intellectual, moral and aesthetic bases. Firstly, it exposes you to a variety of methods of intellectual inquiry that for example prevents someone from believing that "mathematical modelling, data gathering and analysis, statistics, mathematical proofs, experimentation", etc. are the only valid or useful methods of learning about the world or from becoming unable to see the obvious blindspots that are inherent in these forms of knowledge without a simultaneous grasp of human knowledge and an ability to see the bigger picture to guide them. (For more on this, read The Matter with Things). Secondly, as useful as mathematical modelling, data gathering and analysis and statistics are to companies and to governments to inform public policy, they're not usually very helpful in learning about how to be a human being, and being very skilled in these areas doesn't seem to correlate with becoming a more interesting or more moral human being either. For a moral education and for inspiring people to be extraordinary, the canon is irreplaceable and certainly will not become replaceable just by mathematical modelling, data gathering, etc. etc. Finally there is also little replacement for an aesthetic education aside from the canon. As Yeats wrote, there is no "singing school but studying/ Monuments of its own magnificence". Despite OP's assertion that famous novelists don't read the canon, I very much doubt he can name one good novelist who isn't deeply influenced by it.
>>24090955price isn't value. this is obvious to anyone who's ever worked in retail or real estate. prices are almost comically detached from the cost of producing a product, whether you measure that cost in labor-hours or dollars spent in production. glad i could clear this up for you.
>the greatest intellectual endeavor is now to replace ourselves with a greater intellect Intellectualism for the sake of intellectualism is idiotic. Having said that, we should be focused on genetically engineering ourselves to be living gods rather than creating gods to simp for.
>>24090879>MarxYou mean the alcoholic loser? He's the perfect mascot for a political ideology of losers.
>>24091182If value is how much money was dumped into a product, does that mean an iffectievely made product that took 4 hours to make is inherently more valuable than one that took 3 hours?
>>24091206value is the average socially-necessary labor time to produce a product, not the labor time that went into producing an individual product. if an average worker takes an hour to make a widget, then a widget has value equal to one labor-hour, whether the particular worker who made it took half an hour or two hours.
>>24090908>>24090974Isn't the science of economics then more about devising ways of manipulating the economy rather than a study of how to participate in it? The end goal for Keynes was to do dominate nations of the world by controlling a global reserve currency called Bancor. This is still the goal for the IMF who seeks to position themselves as lender of last resort for the world.
>Reading for its own sake has become a very perverted subculture, like speed running video games.Speed running video games and reading are not remotely close to being the same thing, retard.A mathematician can read Galileo.An Economist can read Aristotle.A physicist can read Marx.Reading isn't about min-maxxxing your neural firings. For those very few who still enjoy it, reading is about satisfying curiosity and maybe discovering something about oneself which might make one more adept at 'being' oneself, better at making choices, and better at doing whatever it is that one is doing with one's life.Just because the academic world is filled with biohackers and techtards with the emotional depth of a shitcoin, who grew up on MOBAs and energy drinks, who possess insane IQs while somehow also having the reading comprehension ability of Whoopie Goldberg's aborted fetus, this does not crown them the paragons of "serious intellectual inquiry".Bill Gates reads. Jeffery Epstien reads (present tense). Bill Burns reads. Putin reads. Fauci reads. Satan himfuckingself has the best library in all of God's creation. Everyone who's anyone that has influence over your life has been and is an avid reader. If you want to resist being blindly influenced by the dumbass rhetoric and the bs ideology people like that shit down your gullet, you better be too. Otherwise, enjoy being part of the monoglob and getting G-rpd by Elon's bots.
I think all these people are gonna get brutally murdered in our streets before too long. I just don't think tech nerds have the charisma to pull this off.
>>24090879Thomas Sowell, a former Marxist, gives Marx a fair hearing and a scathing rebuttal in his decades-old book Marxism, which is surprisingly good considering what an ideologue the man has become these days.
Who cares what some nigger kike thinks about Marx or anything.
>>24091182Price is the way you measure the point where supply and demand meet. It's the mutual agreed value of both sides of the transaction.So yes, it is the only measure of value that means anything. Ergo, labor theory of value is a fine starting point but doesn't actually determine the value of a good in the market.
>>24092076No. That agreement only happens at a purchase.It is also not a measure of value at all.
>>24092080>>24092076"Price" is completely meaningless in regard to value as long as different classes with vastly different incomes exist.
>>24091218Yes. What sets new economics (=economics) apart from orthodox economics (=Austrian school) is it makes excuses for the government to print money i.e. steal from some and give to others
>>24092117I've been buying all of the eggs at my local grocery stores. Prices are going up and fewer people are able to afford eggs at all. Let alone stock up.When people can't afford to buy something and addition can't buy because there is no remaining stock, you'd be surprised what they are willing to trade for a dozen eggs. Once you take money out of the equation people get worse at gauging the vakue of something. As consumers, most people calue things based on what it means to them. Not based on what it is valued in the marketplace. One Red Paperclip.
>>24091513Thomas Sowell is retarded and not taken seriously by any scholar of economics. Moron.
>>24092076"Value of a good in the market" is a nonsense phrase. Value is the theoretical property that everything has, and market/labor/symbolic value are the constructs we use to try to uncover that value. Whether or not you agree that "value" exists is a different topic, but this is the way the word is being used here (and in most theory).
>>24092665>>I've been buying all of the eggs at my local grocery stores.Which you wouldn't be able to if you had a normal income like everyone else.
>>24092709yeah but neither are Marxists or a lot of the so-called economics people pretend to talk about. it's appealing because economic determinism is a magic bag you can pull anything out of.
>>24090843Both Biology and English majors serving me burgers
>>24091513ummm, hes black
>>24092076>Price is the way you measure the point where supply and demand meet. It's the mutual agreed value of both sides of the transaction.cool, so it's subjective, and therefore can't be the basis for a science. after all, people regularly fall for all sorts of psychological pricing tricks.
Mathematicians still read euclid, and it's funny how this thread was reduced to conversation about Sowell, Marx and the price of eggs
>>24091215Openly acknowledging the disconnect doesn't really counter it. A factory that produces widgets in half an hour is creating the same value as one that produces widgets in 2 hours due to the national average being 1 hour. Nonsensical.
>>24091513If Sowell is so smart, why is he still black?
>>24090843I have a math bachelor and I am studying computer science related to "data".>Mathematical modelling, data gathering and analysis, statistics, mathematical proofs, experimentation, and academic papers are the means and output of smart people in the 21st century.Academic papers? You mean those funded by Shekelbaum and made by Steinberg? Give me a break. Modern social studies are worthless. Only relevant knowledge from these means, comes from one's own data mining. Also, decision making or even interpretation of these results, are mostly done by machines and sometimes are a blackbox to the scientist or engineer. Even if you extract knowledge that a human can interpret, it's all a solved problem, you're not going to surprise yourself or anyone. Ultimately the only "serious intellectual inquiry" we have, is personal, self-education. It comes down to literature written for humans. Academia is bullshit, I don't need to elaborate on that.
>>24094180>you can't apply statistical averages to large datasets because.... you just can't, okay!