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Is Jordan Peterson a fraud?
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Fucks sake England what have you turned me into
not that's some benzo word salad!
>word salad
I don’t get it what does JP want from me?
>Is Jordan Peterson a fraud?

He didn't use to be, but his old man fox news paranoia/hysteria put him progressively more and more onto a Satanic economy where his livlihood now depends on conflict and therefor he has to, for the sake of his own livelihood, purposefully deliberately misinterpretate and misconstrue things through a very blatant ideologically driven lens in order to make money.
Jordan Peterson starts tweeting at 5-6am in the morning, stop at around 11pm, and I think he lost his license to practice medicine because he told an climate change person to kill themselves.
Yeah he turned into a ragebait grifter. Sad because JP was fucking amazing when he first started to gain fame. He became a caricature of himself though. Sad.
Idk but the tears seem real. Or he's a genius actor

>he told an climate change person to kill themselves.
lol did he really?
He's...losing his grip!
I used to like his early work about how Disney is the new Bible and how our shared stories dictate our interactions therefore reality. He's just like Snape.

But then he went on a "wash your dick" tangent with incels and never came back.
Yes, even before he got famous. He misrepresents Jung to a pathological degree.
Carl "integrate all instincts without repression or compromise" Jung would never agree with a status quo milquetoast liberal who says ethnocentrism bad.
A whore daughter seems to demolish a man.
In Ernest Becker's The Denial of Death he talks about Christian myth being replaced by Hollywood myth and that in turn being replaced by psychology as a belief system. He describes three ways for that to work. The first is for the psychoanalyst to be a creative genius on par with Freud. The second is to make the hour of psychotherapy a lived experience of actually acting things out rather than just talking them through. The third is to fill psychology with myth and religion to the point it is one, complete with psychotherapist guru.

Peterson does the third, but then fails and self-destructs because what he deeply wants is to be the first.
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Yes. Watch the video of him arguing with Dawkins and Alex O’Connor that dragons are real. I think Peterson is losing his grip. I think Dawkins is a moron when it comes to philosophy, but sitting next to Peterson he looked like Plato himself.
He’s just not that smart as he thinks he is. He’s still riding off telling young men to clean their rooms and wash their balls because there are few other mainstream right wing public intellectuals
He looks a little nore depressed every day.
Jordan Peterson is obviously a product of 9/11, and the terrifying challenge that Islam is to Christianity. Christianity, even since Ronald Reagan was helped into office by the Moral Majority, has been entirely eroded by the turbocapitalism of the 80's, making American Christianity a bizarre mixture of the Bible and Atlas Shrugged. Jordan Peterson, being a Canadian, must have looked upon the post-9/11 years with horror, as he saw a dangerously weak Christianity being pitted against a violent and fanatical Islam, so, having a background in psychology, tried to replace the Objectivism of Ayn Rand with the warlike agression of Nietzsche. This in turn would turn American Christianity fascistic, so he allied with the pro-Israel section of the American right, such as the Daily Wire. However, they are natural enemies to the clerical fascists of Christianity, due to their overt antisemitism, which has its roots in traditional Catholicism, so those have to be brought into the fold as well. The problem with that, however, is that this pissed off all the former enemies of Catholicism, such as the Protestants, and to a lesser extent the Orthodox, so now they have to be kept under control as well, mainly in the form of pandering to their pro-Trump and pro-Putin bases. However, these bases are also violently anti-science, so a vague critique of vaccines is called for, however, this emboldens the conspiracy/Big Foot/UFO people, so JP's Christianity now needs to have a spiritual yoga side as well, then the racists from the alt-right get pissed at the Indian immigrants that billionaires like Elon Musk busses in to keep his wages down, so we'll probably get a 'Jesus was also kind of a Buddhist, actually'-arc, the pro-American pro-Israel Sunnis will also get pissed at some point, so we'll also get a 'Jesus was totally not a god but an archetype don't worry guys'-arc, the tradlarpers will probably get pissed at the immigrants again, so that will start the 'Charlemagne and the Caroligian Renaissance was the actual real EU, and current EU are postmodern phoneys'-arc, the resulting secular backlash will start a 'the Anabaptists started communism'-arc, etc., etc., etc., so it's no wonder he's now at Piers Morgan yelling at clouds. Basically all of this is what happens when neolibs are too stupid to realize you can't have a society built around just economics, and someone from outside of politics and economics constantly has to fill in the blanks
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The man who tells you to clean your own room and can't stay off benzos? You tell me.
he is a business man from the media industry
which is why he is shilled here constantly
Did Jordan Peterson massage your psychic prostate?
Cleaning(which is like an introduction to maintenance) is unironically great advice for single men to get their act together, focus, and become able to provide for loved ones. Everything else I've read was schizo-tier.
Who cares.
His biggest problem is that he takes himself too seriously. The man isn't funny, at all.
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Here is the first mention of him on this site
He rose to fame because he had an unusual combination of scientific literacy, psychological and philosophical knowledge/background, good rhetorical and preaching abilities-- without being a tedious, anti-religion atheist. It's honestly not surprising that he's also kind of crazy. Hell he even talked openly about how obsessed he became reading about early 20th century communism and fascism. But lunatic or not he produced a lot of great content and made a lot of excellent, well-articulated points that detractors almost always get wrong if they try to attack directly. Usually they rely on low-effort ad hominem or other fallacious attacks, or else they get hyper-fixated on one specific thing they don't like (eg >>24091498)

Most of his content is still pretty reasonable as far as I can tell. I just find it boring these days so don't really follow him.
He should just stick to psychology because all his takes outside of it are childish at best.


His ontological claim of dragons being real regarding the Alex o Connor and Richard Dawkins debate.

His infamous ‘studying climate change is a hoax because everything impacts climate and since we can’t account for everything this means that diffing climate change is moronic’ take is probably already known to most here.

His take on veganism when he cited the ‘pure’ study (said study that’s also called the ‘pure garbage’ by the scientific community) to prove a point about red meat, and did not even check the study to see that the reason that the low saturated fat group didnt see any mortality difference with the ‘high’ saturated fat group, is because they didn’t account for socioeconomic factors and surprise surprise, the group for the lowest saturated fat was comprised of people from third world countries while the high saturated forum comprised of North Americans and Europeans. (https://youtu.be/nGyyB7GWQpA?si=JRXzkN07B_wmR_1O 9:20)

How about his nutjob belief that ancient civilisations knew about the double helix composition of DNA because they sometimes drew snakes with their tails coiled around each other (which is how snakes have sex).

How about him not being able to answer a question on a live debate and his excuse later was that he drank cider a week ago and had an impending feeling of doom distracting him?

He said any woman in his experience, over the age of 30 who doesn’t have her orientation goal being to have kids, is bad tempered, masculine and disagreeable.

He also just cant debate for shit. Heres a fun challenge. Go and watch any of his debates. Take a sip anytime you notice him bumbling when he makes this one common mistake. He gives an unfounded and often silly first premise, and then just builds a lot of logical premises following from that. If (and that’s a big if) his opponent actually questions his first premise and asks him to prove it’s true, he just begins bumbling like a moron. He is the definition of ‘making arguments that are valid but not sound’.
Completely misrepresenting the guy who is supposedly his most major influence is hyper-fixation, it undercuts everything he says. Hell Peterson says the Shadow is evil and throws people into some ridiculous original sin narrative. He's bad for people's health.
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>arguing with Dawkins and Alex O’Connor that dragons are real
this is fucking kino
I'm now half way through and I have no idea what the fuck they're talking about, Lions are dragons apparently and Richard Dawkins looks confused
this reads like he just puked a dictionary on a page
The thing with Peterson is that he understand both fictions and myths and people who think using abstract concepts. I did like his first book, it was very enlightening considering that it made me understand what my parents were thinking. But I don't get what is the point that he is trying to make, dragons are a conceivable concept thus they are real? If by real you mean anything that can be conceived by thought. And everything that can't be conceived not real. Then it could be.
I think that he is talking about dragons being some sort of 'cultural artifact' that represents a predator, and he considers that real because of its links with people and culture. It is just his definition of real isn't the same as Dawkins.
Leave /lit/ and do not return until you have completed the required reading.
A soul forever tormented by the troll demons

>Completely misrepresenting the guy who is supposedly his most major influence is hyper-fixation
Yes. It's hyper-fixation because he doesn't say the one thing about Jung that you want him to say and lose your mind over it.
He speaks about various ideas from Jung. He takes specific quotes and specific points and never pretends like that Jung had figured it all out and is the prophet to end all prophets.

So if you're going to claim he "misrepresents Jung" you're going to need to do a hell of a lot better than the argument you posted. Because all I can see is that you're hyper-fixated on some vague claim about "milquetoast liberal who says ethnocentrism is bad."
>He should just stick to psychology because all his takes outside of it are childish at best.
he's (big-picture) right about "Postmodern Neo-Marxism".
he was literally shilling $20 personality tests and self journaling programs on his first rogan episode
Weak bait
Jung didn't have it all figured out, but Peterson doesn't even honestly say the things Jung did have figured out.
Accepting and integrating instincts isn't some tangential minor point in Jung, it's literally the meaning of life.
that nibba sold me a vape pen that had herpes on the mouth piece.
No. He actually has all the qualifications he claims to have. Doesn't mean he isn't brain damaged, but he was qualified to do what he claims he was qualified to do, and he did what he claims to have done, and wrote a somewhat non schizophrenic textbook.
He probably wants to get into politics, considering the people he would be hanging out with nowadays. I honestly wouldn't pay too much attention to whatever he is doing now.
This too. It stopped being about science and knowledge a long time ago.
Everything since maps of meaning has been a grift, yes. Without his licence he might not be beholden to academic consensus, and I could see why people see him as a free speech icon because of this, but ultimately he’s just replaced one master (liberal elites) for another (rage-baiting cuckservatives). Having a spot on the daily wire should tell you everything you need to know about this man
no cap, why does he talk like this?
This Peterson object you speak of cannot be distinguished from non-being. I am not the origination point for this object. Begone foul daemon!
he is definitely becoming less sharp
any 'philosopher' that doesn't contribute to mathematics is a fraud
No, just a simple statement of truth. In fact only a retard would even bother responding which would be depressing not funny or satisfying which is the point of bait.
It's pure cringe. Worse than Peterson vs Zhizhek on communism.
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what is cringe about it? He brings up Abraham and God.

>Worse than Peterson vs Zhizhek
Anon I can only handle so much kino in one sitting
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterson%E2%80%93%C5%BDi%C5%BEek_debate what the fuck its got its own Wikipedia article
Go figure
I hate that this thread actually isn't off topic
It's even more hilarious since he keeps throwing around meme and memetic which as all 4chan should know, was a term Dawkins invented
i dont like jp i think hes a grifting buffoon but you are just a retard
>His ontological claim of dragons being real regarding the Alex o Connor and Richard Dawkins debate.
you dont know what abstraction is, he is obviously talking about the concept of a dragon being this thing of evil. Now if you are an autist like Dawkins it might be hard to imagine things that arent literally there.

you dont know what postmodernism is, you dont know what marxism is, you dont know what neomarxism is, and you sure dont know what all those words together mean.
A fraud in the absolute sense? Nah, he really is a clinical psychologist with years of productive experience.

His celebrity, motivational speaker arc? Yes, this has been entirely fraudulent. Peterson is a mouthpiece for NGOs.
PO-MO, Marxism and neomarxism do tend to all be bad things, but Jordan's understanding of them is literally retard tier.
>In fact only a retard would even bother responding which would be depressing not funny or satisfying which is the point of bait.
Weak Bait.
i personally am a marxist but thats not really relevant. It doesnt matter what you think about marxism, what jp says is pure nonsense. Its the same thing as "woke" and "cancel culture" its non existent bullshit, and regurgitating just makes you look retarded.

Funnily enough the few things he says that actual make sense get shut down by his retarded followers. He has amassed a group of absolute autists with his grifting, but those same autists have no interest in what interests him. When he talks about the dragon and the concepts of all these things having existed since ancient times, thats when he is making sense thats when he is being himself. But his autists dont understand that part, they have no interest in it. Instead they focus on his grifting which is just absolutely retarded and so funny.
Well cancel culture qas absolutely real for a time. At least in the sense of fights brigading events to cost people gigs or their jobs in some cases.
These guys do use it as a canard though to boost their careers, and it's passe.

I agree that he's in his element when discussing archetypes, but that also isn't saying much because jungian archetypes are pretty basic ideas, and he just repeats them.

Also Marxism is gay man. You should straighten up and realize there's no political or economic solution to human nature, and that humans are just bad.
Wow. This was a terribly written post. My bad
"Fights" should be "faggots"
i think college students protesting so retarded grifters cant come speak isnt really cancel culture but fine. Thats still not the cancel culture ppl like jp talk about, cancel culture isnt a real thing and if it really is just those college students the right really has fallen if you think society is doomed cus le college students are angry. I think the whole cancel culture discourse is just dishonest.

I mean yeah they are pretty basic ideas but im talking about the dawkins interview here and its pretty hard to get in to more deep stuff when you are talking to an advanced level retard like dawkins who cant imagine a thing being an abstraction. Its possible thats as far as he goes idk i havent read jp and im not really planning to.

Reducing marxism to just that.. cmon man. Your defeatist mentality is exactly what the ruling class wants, and even if you believe that humans are just bad that doesnt contradict the class struggle. If everyone is bad why is only the badness of the ruling class opressive? Why is violence by the ruling class always prevelant but am i not being beaten up by other random people? Random people dont impact my life with their badness but the ruling class does.

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