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how come every girl I ever fucked had this book? is it good?
Women instinctively love the works of Japanese sex perverts, thereby proving the entirety of feminism wrong. Thank you Murakami-sama
the aesthetics look cool and the allusion to 1984 seems profound.
also if you know japanese, it's a clever homophone since Q phonetically translates to "ku" which is 9 in japanese.
so at least it's got clever packaging.
Well if two people read it then it must be a classic
Murakami is one of the only mainstream celebrity authors and one if the first to be recommended if you are interested un reading in different spheres if influence.
Women are gay. If you fuck a woman, you're gay
based on most women reads, it's probably full of shrewd ideas, if not, it's just underwhelming
I recently learned 4649 is slang for yoroshiku (yon roku shi ku)
they were gifted it by a guy most likely. he's the kind of writer you give chicks that think themselves intellectual or at the very least not shallow like the other girls types
Why don't you just ask your mom why she got it.
>how come every girl I ever fucked
Just criticize the book, incel. Your book criticism is welcome on this board. There's no need to throw in some clumsy preemption of the view that you're another incel chimping out about women's tastes.
that's cute and interesting
>popular amongst women

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that's fucking weird. the other day, i was talking to a girl who mentioned that she was currently reading this.
you fuck whales?
Wrong Murakami
what really funny is he writes women kinda fucked up, maybe date different women anon I think that's a red flag.
you will see 4545 a lot if you watch jp coomer asmrs
I havent read it yet, thats why im asking
yeah what the heck
whales? they were either dancers or yoga instructors. One made clothes on instagram she was a little bigger but but also the biggest tits ive ever grabbed in my life which was awesome looking back.

I saw the spine of this book in all their bedrooms but never asked about it for some reason.
They had this same word play in the video game 999, but the most impressive part was how they actually made it work in the English translation because a lowercase `q` looks like a `9`

This is completely unrelated to the book but I felt like sharing it
Very kino vibe to this book but it felt tremendously pointless. He was evidently trying to say something about isolation and human connection, but what? And what does it have to do with all the fantastical elements? I really had no idea what he was going for
what about Galaxy Express 999?
A lot of women like Murakami, usually this and Kafa on the shore. It's honestly kind of impressive considering how sexist is writing of women is at least viewed from a modern day perspective. Personally I'm split on Murakami, he was kind of my gateway to enjoying more literary fiction but so many of his books just feel like he's writing on autopilot or something.
Where are the murakami girls who put out? Asking for a friend.
women love be bland because they know they will get a cumbrain to fuck them free of charge
>0 girls fucks
>it never happened
Checks out
Bookstores carry it, its modern and exotic, and its regarded as the magnum opus of a very famous author.
Murakami wrote one good book, Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, and then spent the rest of his career rewriting that same book but worse each time.
why is every single goddamn murakami fan a woman? there are men who like murakami's writing, I'm one of them, but every super intense fan of his has been a woman. why? he hates women
>why is every single goddamn murakami fan a woman
>but every super intense fan of his has been a woman
>he hates women

Not one of these statements is even remotely true. Here’s a (You) though faggot
i think it's a mass produced book because ive seen it at a lot of people's places and in fact i think i own it myself
I never knew it was his magnum opus
I liked sputnik sweetheart
I like the first three novels ("The Trilogy of the Rat") but can't disagree with the repetition thing. If it ain't broke don't fix it I guess
It is definitely his best novel
So what is this book? The usual hyper-violence gore which JP considers edgy?
It is just another Murakami novel
fornication is a ruinous sin

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