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anyone have a copy?
is that your diary
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i am looking for these novels
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they've gotta be out there somewhere
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Misunderstood Panther, where are you?
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last one I am looking for
>please please please buy my chatGPT slop on amazon
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Needs more gayness.
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I dig the retarded titles and images but the panther sounds in fact like a retard
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this is a sample of the content
lmao are people still doing le schizo esoteric thing? it's just not interesting anymore because it all sounds made by chatgpt.
the titles are a lot better than the prose
not as good as peter chimaera
Tried looking up pdfs or books for sale did not find any only this:
>My name is Jean Rambeau. I am a Jewish-Canadian documentary filmmaker, based in New York City. In the summer of 2019, I made touch with three actual cannibals by way of the internet. They let me shoot a documentary about them. Things got out of hand very quickly. I'm lucky to have survived.
Not sure if that bloodpanther movie is even the same but some how my searching for misunderstand panther came up with that. Probably just the logarithm being shitty. Just realized its probably not the same thing...whoops.
What the fuck are these man?
lost knowledge
that which the ancients knew
Am I really the guy that predicts everything or all as planned? Whatever.

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