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What would he have written if he'd lived to see WWII?
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sad as it is to admit, by then he probably would have gotten his dick wet and stopped writing Conan stories. maybe become an english teacher, write a new and "more mature" character to mixed reception. maybe written a wartime propaganda short story where an older conan slays a hitler/axis stand-in?
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If he had lived longer, a big test for him would have been whether he could ever succeed with novels, or some other form, especially as the pulps died out. The guy could have easily spent the rest of his life failing to launch beyond the Conan stories, but his death kind of leaves a question mark about whether he might have matured into a more respectable writer.
If only we had listened.
They don't make'em like they used to
He probably would have switched to writing westerns full time. He liked the genre and that's where the money was. His natural endgame was most likely not becoming a serious literary novelist but rather getting his cowboy yarns adapted into Hollywood movies and TV shows.
Dude do you think of life exclusively in those miserable terms? Is everything out of your mind so awful?
way she goes, boys
I thought this was Al Capone and was confused
Suicide note.
>"All fled, all done, so lift me on the pyre;
>The feast is over and the lamps expire."
I would have liked to see more full novels based around his characters - particularly Conan, Solomon Kane, and Steve Costigan. Then I imagine he would've written more El Borak, or developed an iconic cowboy character on par with Conan using El Borak as a prototype (like Kull was for Conan). When the war hit, I could've seen him making WWII stories that would've either propelled his popularity, or caused him to fade into obscurity.
If he was Italian, Lovecraft would have given him the cold shoulder
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Even to the end he was kino
Isn't that a Slav on this picture? Virtually as bad as a Jew according to the obese failure of a writer.
It's a meme, you dip.
I do wonder what would have happened if he got the opportunity to live and see LOTR make it big. I get the feeling he would have liked it, considering his and Tolkien's projects were broadly similar. His influence even with his young death is quite immense. Maybe we would have gotten some more variety in fantasy instead of endless LOTR ripoffs, though maybe it would have just been more Conan ripoffs too.
I find it likely that he would of joined the army if he'd lived to see the war, but let's Ignore the risks of death or ptsd. He probably would have started writing westerns and war stories or transitioned to some type of writer adjacent career. Sad to say but the pulps were dead following the war and full length fantasy novels were almost not existent outside of Europe. This is pure speculation on my part, but I think he might of tried to write one lord of the rings style epic, either inspired directly by Tolkien or spurred on by similar motivations to him. I'm not sure if it would of been about Conan or if he even would have finished it, but it probably would become a cult classic after his death
Idk, Howard is a lot closer to the Gene Wolf, Jack Vance, Frank Herbert school than the Tolkien set. I can't really see him doing much in Hollywood given the Jewish influence there. Maybe he could have triangulated from pulp to radio to film like Roy Rogers.
Good post

So he's a Slav. We are capable of crying too.
And this author is as dead as Jesus the Jew.
Therefore the rule of "death of the author" may rehabilitate the man well enough that we can all see the beauty and ferocity in the man's words, and forget his petty prejudices.
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I wouldn't say so. Thematically he's very different, but he shares a similar dissatisfaction with modern culture (or civilisation as he put it) as Tolkien does, and the source of inspiration for both of them were the myths and legends that were passed down over generations; if you pay attention you'll notice that Howard's style of worldbuilding for lack of a better term is extremely similar to Tolkien, it focuses on creating a living world with authentic cultures without showing them off, his stories are not trying to show off his ability to write fantasy worlds but instead the world is there to support the existence of the narrative, which is the thing that everyone ignores when they're copying Tolkien. They even share the idea of their world being a proto-earth that developed into our own.
He would have been sad to see his good friend Lovecraft die young.
>even the demons of antiquity gasp their last.
oy vey

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