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Was he an Übermensch?
No, just an insecure cuck and possibly latent homosexual who then allows himself to be possessed by devils to wreak horrors in the mortal realm.
You know who are all insecure cucks and not so latent homosexuals? Freudist interpreters.
Iago initially hates Othello because he suspects him of sleeping with his wife, and then later on self-inserted into a pretty gay scenario that wasn't necessary at all.

>In sleep I heard him say 'Sweet Desdemona,
>Let us be wary, let us hide our loves;'
>And then, sir, would he gripe and wring my hand,
>Cry 'O sweet creature!' and then kiss me hard,
>As if he pluck'd up kisses by the roots
>That grew upon my lips: then laid his leg
>Over my thigh, and sigh'd, and kiss'd; and then
>Cried 'Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor!'

He could have just said he heard him say these things. What's going on, Iago?
>just an insecure cuck and possibly latent homosexual who then allows himself to be possessed by devils to wreak horrors in the mortal realm
I see what you did there, nicely done.
He wants to fuck his boss's wife and is seething that his boss is fucking his. Whoever is saying he's a fag is making the most hilarious projection of all time.
It's not normal to imagine another man kissing you and putting his leg over your thigh when all that was necessary was for you to claim you heard him dreaming of making love to a woman.
Esoterotica time. This sort of idiotic question warrants the highest sort of esoteric response. Although Iago displays no semblance of being an übermensch we will go ahead and call him an übermensch. If only so the op will continue making threads asking if other fictional characters are übermensch.
I've read that it was completely normal for Renaissance men to sleep in one bed.
They also wore pantyhose and no pants
The modern Übermensch currently exists today he has nothing written yet and he's been admired by a lot of people till this day...
>Virtue? Rubbish! What we can do, how we are, is up to ourselves. Our bodies are our gardens and our wills are gardeners. If we plant nettles or sow lettuce, whether we cultivate hyssop or weed out thyme, plant all one kind of herb or dilute it with many kinds, let it become sterile or fertilise it with hard work, all this depends on what we want to do. If the balance of our lives didn’t have a weight of reason to set against those weights of sensuality, the blood and natural bad that we have in our natures would take us to the most preposterous depths. But we do have reason to cool our raging emotions, our carnal desires and our unbridled lusts, which I take this – that you call love – to be.
You can put this monologue into Thus Spoke Zarathustra without altering a word, and no one would suspect that it doesn't belong.
sigma vibes
Sigma is the zoomer for ubermensch
chad is ubermensch, sigma is delulu chud
Chad succeeds conventionally, he's the ultimate slave - the king of slaves
Sigmar rejects all that slaves are taught to believe in in favour of his own values, like the ubermensch
I concede that chad succeeds conventionally
I don't believe that makes him a slave, but that's up for discussion
The problem with sigma is that by rejecting an innate part of himself which is his sexuality he is caught in a Sisyphean struggle, he will never succeed until he enjoys sex like chad.
If he suppresses his desire for seggs, then he is not really a sigma. A sigma who wants girls will get girls. It's not someone who rejects sex, it's someone who focuses on what he thinks to be his calling in a total disregard for societal convention. That would make him, by definition, an ubermensch. And yes, being ridiculed, attacked and isolated are all important parts of being an ubermensch that Nietzsche emphasised.
Then there's only a few true sigmas alive in the world right now.
I can think of some figures like that, Newton, Michelangelo, men who absolutely disregarded sex out of utter indifference. But the average internet sigma would drop all his pretensions at the first sign of attention from Stacy
>Then there's only a few true sigmas alive in the world right now.
That's the point. You get it.
Nah, that's just the ones who left their mark on the history. Someone who's at peace with himself building elaborate toy railroads all day is also a sigma, even if nobody's going to know.
No, he has no will to power.
Edmund also has a soliloquy with more or less the same meaning, but he pussies out and repents in the end, whereas Iago remains a gigachad to the last.
OP. have you not read Nietzsche, Orlando or either?
Fucking love when smug cunts shit their pants like this
Haven't read either. Read Henry V, The Tempest and parts of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and King Lear.
Doesn't alter the question.
>*asks a completely different question
>Doesn't alter the question.
>He's not sure what Shakespearian play Iago is found in.
You can't be that stupid.
Post the original
>Virtue! a fig! 'tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners: so that if we will plant nettles, or sow lettuce, set hyssop and weed up thyme, supply it with one gender of herbs, or distract it with many, either to have it sterile with idleness, or manured with industry, why, the power and corrigible authority of this lies in our wills. If the balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise another of sensuality, the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most preposterous conclusions: but we have reason to cool our raging motions, our carnal stings, our unbitted lusts, whereof I take this that you call love to be a sect or scion.
Reading Hamlet or Juliet's soliloquies doesn't constitute reading parts of Hamlet and R&J

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