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Reading is a feminine activity but writing is a masculine activity. Therefore being /lit/ makes one androgynous.
writing is feminine. reading might be more masculine.
in order to write, one must first read.
similarly, in order to be masculine (strong, stoic, independent) one must first be feminine (vulnerable, emotional, dependent on others)
That's fucking stupid.
yea because we have accounts of egyptian female priests or scribes, women only started reading when it became easier, when society settled down enough for them to start gossiping using literature
By reading this post you've been fucked by my intellectual penis.
No. You can teach someone how to write without them even being able to read what they write. Chinese room type stuff.
Dilate tranny.
not one youre wrong
is that what the discord mod told you while you were stuck home during the rona
methinks thou dost protest too much
i penetrated your post with my deductive penis and actually youre wrong
Active reading is like being a turbo slut power bottom. You might be more aggressive and into it but you're still getting fucked.
Every time you eat you're getting mouth raped by someone's food penis.
I don't read, I only write. Therefore, everyone here who does both is now a part of my androgyne femboy harem.
What the fuck is up with women and loving YA trash?
Do they actually think it's "good"? Do they really enjoy reading dialogue that feels more like it was written BY teenagers than FOR them?
As someone who works with female school staff who lap up YA, it's because they like to read adventure and romance but with women as the MCs but aren't interested in men's genre fiction featuring adventure/fantasy where romance isn't really a priority or a mainstay, and where female characters usually tend to be satellite devices/objects. They also avoid reading "real/serious literature" because it's "too hard" and they don't want to out themselves as "dumb" or establish a reputation as a "well-read" person since they don't want to stand out in a way that invites risk.
holy run-the-fuck-on sentence batman
Acquiring knowledge is masculine as fuck you idiot.
Nice metaphor
Where the fuck did this meme come from and do you fuckers actually believe this shit? Parroting this type of sentiment is a easy ticket to eventually becoming a troon btw.
>Where the fuck did this meme come from
>do you fuckers actually believe this shit?
I do. The issue with gender fluid theory is the same with contemporary literature.
Just as the latter, gender fluid theory is an accessory used by women to look intellectual. The difference with literature is that gender fluid theory was never part of the school curriculum, so the intellectual currents are pretty much almost completely forgotten: Gospel of Thomas and the Zohar being prime examples of it, but basically no one reads them anymore.
So basically your source for this shit is the retarded spewing of ignorant teen females. It's like thinking English poetry is retarded when the only poet you ever heard of is rupi kaur.
>becoming a troon btw.
Actually, it's the opposite. If you ever want to break a tranny's brain, use gender fluid theory against them.
For example, I have yet to find a tranny who knows the difference between gender identity and gender expression (I converted a couple ftms into enbies because of it).
Reading and writing can neither be feminine and masculine depending who you read and how you write
God I widh
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Male is the genre of the thought anon. Therefore is manly to read.
Reading and writing are both masculine activities. The proof of this is the fact that in the old days women were not taught how to read nor write. Teaching them only resulted in abominations.
I do like this train of thought, and there are always exceptions, but what about Scarlett O'Hara?

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