Just how the fuck did he do it?
>>24093225Do what?Regurgitate Monism/Pantheism from Antiquity?
>>24093234That's what everyone does. Even if you're the first one to write it down, someone, somewhere, thought of it before.
>>24093225The psychologic insight is uncanny, and far more helpful with respect to one's day-to-day than just about anything else out there. The philosophic 'purists' here are apoetic morons btw: ignore them.
>>24093250It was philosophical discarded for good reason throughout the Eccumenical Councils during Antiquity. The only reason Spinoza has been thoroughly sucked off in the West is because both Catholics and Prots (and Jews) eschewed the whole discreditation of the Monists in the Early Church (which was philosophically vigorous from the theologians).To Eastern Christians, Spinoza is a hack who didn't do his homework and the West suffers from this as a consequence emerging out of the Dark Ages (falling into absurdity and nominalism as we can't find "The Truth" realistic anymore).
>>24093310Jesus didn't exist. There's no gospel dated before 125AD
Stop sucking off Philosophers.They themselves suck.Philosophers emerge as a reaction to flawed Theology. They are symptomatic jesters.When you have a consistent & coherent Theology, you don't produce philosophers, you produce theologians.
>>24093325nigger you don't existfor all i know you're some soulless chatbot trained on nihilism.
>>24093327Name such a theology
>>24093332Obviously eastern ones and then he's going to paste a fuck off huge list of translated books
>>24093225He learned the old cause/reason trick from Descartes. The concept of causa sui is its ultimate conclusion: a contradiction in terms.
>>24093331Jesus objectively didn't existJesus is not going to fly down, raise the dead from the ground, and end the universeThe garden of eden never happened and there is original sinYour entire religion is a low IQ lie. Stop being fucking retarded aleady
>>24093344No, it doesn't have to be real, and it isn't real. >without Jesus it's nihilism and suicideStop coping. Jesus is not going to fly down, raise the dead, and end the entire universe. It's not about what I want or don't want.
>>24093353I have a masters in STEM. I don't know what this has to do with the conversation What do you mean by "there's just no way"?>if I don't get to live forever then there's no pointExtremely narcissistic
>>24093332Orthodox Christianity.Case in point: The Byzantine Empire vis-a-vis Western Europe. I don't blame you for being ignorant of the Eastern Roman Empire (as that historiography has been woefully underserved by the West for obvious reason). But ask yourself where were all the Eastern Empire philosophers? You could even expand it up to pre-modernity with Russia before the Revolution. No philosophers. All theologians who were able to get past the transcendence gap that Philosophy faces in Meta-Philosophy (this is why ever single philosopher gets stuck and philosophy is considered to have ended with Nietzsche trying to inject pseudo-theology into philosophy with concepts of apotheosis/"the ubermensch").If you want to look at the Greek, they started Philosophy as a reaction to their flawed Hellenism which they found inconsistent and incoherent. It's why the Greeks so readily adopted Eastern Christianity when it was presented to them (and they rejected Monism and Platonism and Manicheism and Arianism the rest of the flawed metaphysical premises that fall apart to Orthodox Christian metaphysics).It's why the Greeks are still Orthodox today; nothing replaced it. A better argument never came.
>>24093363Its not about narcissism its just that I don't like it here. If nothing is real than what's the point in even being here? The only thing that keeps me alive is fear of punishment for ending it early. I studied Math and Physics so that's what convinced me
>>24093366>Orthodox Christianity.Jesus didn't exist. The world is not 6000 years old and the reason for death is not due to the fall of Adam. Try again
>>24093376Why so you have to be such a mean atheist man. This is demoralizing.
>>24093376>Jesus didn't exist.oh but I didTry again
>>24093366Also, monism is true. You do not have a magical soul moron. Your mind is the processing of your brain. This has already been proven>>24093385The world isn't 6000 years old buddy. Evolution has been proven. Pretending to be jesus also clearly tells me you're a tradlarper too.Why are online Christians so pathetic?
>>24093339>Unpersoning JesusNo it's well documented that a person called Jesus from Nazareth existed and was crucified.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRUzQCYDz5wLike I know you don't want Jesus to be real, but that's just nihilistic copium (ironic).Reality isn't consensus based. Caesar crossed the rubicon and Jesus was crucified and we've used the same historicity to verify both historical statements as facts (you can't cherry pick who you want to historically exist or not based on preference).Next are you gonna tell me Christianity never emerged and that Christians don't exist?
>>24093398>Pretending to be jesus also clearly tells me you're a tradlarper too.I'm not Pretending, my son.
>>24093398>monism is true>everything I say is illusory>even the statement "monism is true"Ok you're an insane person.
>>24093400>No it's well documented that a person called Jesus from Nazareth existed and was crucified.No, it literally isn't well documented at all. We have no writing about Jesus until 125AD. That's the earliest we have. >Like I know you don't want Jesus to be realIt's not about wanting or not wanting. It's that theres literally not sufficient evidence. And even if he were real, he didn't rise from the dead.>that's just nihilistic copiumGenuinely why do you Christian pseudo intellectuals claim that if Christianity were false (it is) that means nihilism must be true?>Reality isn't consensus based. Correct, which is why no matter how much concensus you Christians have, it's still a fact that the earth is several billion years old and evolution is true.The garden of eden and the fall of Adam did NOT HAPPEN. They are a myth. Therefore EVERYTHING ELSE pertaining to it are a myth. Why would Jesus die for the sins of the fall of Adam if that never happened?The only answer you can give is to claim that the bible is real history,at which point nice can discard everything you're saying.
>>24093409You're a retard who literally doesn't even under literal freshman level computer science concept of recursionProtip retard: self reference is logically valid. Are you literally making the presup argument that you can't have knowledge if christianity isn't true?
>>24093414>he garden of eden and the fall of Adam did NOT HAPPENIt actually did happen, I was there, and I witnessed it.
Let's play a game /lit, guess who this philosopher is:>I am utterly amazed, utterly enchanted! I have a precursor, and what a precursor! I hardly knew Spinoza: that I should have turned to him just now, was inspired by "instinct." Not only is his overtendency like mine—namely to make all knowledge the most powerful affect — but in five main points of his doctrine I recognize myself; this most unusual and loneliest thinker is closest to me precisely in these matters: he denies the freedom of the will, teleology, the moral world-order, the unegoistic, and evil. Even though the divergencies are admittedly tremendous, they are due more to the difference in time, culture, and science. In summa: my lonesomeness, which, as on very high mountains, often made it hard for me to breathe and make my blood rush out, is now at least a twosomeness.
>>24093404>>24093420What am I doing right now
>>24093366>nietzsche tried to inject pseudo theology into philosophy with the ubermensch/apotheosisVeneration of a human being as a godly/divine subject is not the the same thing as an ubermensch. that's more akin to idolization, which is explictly what neesha is trying to avoid and fight against. the ubermensch is explictly not-human, it is what could come as a result of human activity, how we are compared to apes but forward-looking. this would come about by maximizing what human beings already are, rather than trying to look towards what an ideal human being is
>>24093400>literally linking Joe Rogan podcastTradlarper confirmedHere's actual historians talking about the mythhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lNxQ-fkxC4s&pp=ygUaY2FycmllciBKZXN1cyBkaWRuJ3QgZXhpc3Q%3D>>24093432I'm literally phoneposting, not posting from my computer
>>24093441Answer >>24093372>>24093384
>>24093441>I'm literally phoneposting, not posting from my computer
>>24093449Christianity being false does not mean nihilism is true or the gods don't exist
>>24093414Feigning incredulity isn't an argument and it appears that's your tack with this discussion.Tactical radical skepticism is just bad faith sophistry and you're deluding yourself.Like any evidence I give you, you'll just reject so that you can preserve your premise that "Jesus MUST not exist". We could talk about the existence and execution of Abraham Lincoln and apply the same historical empiricism to verify those facts, but when we apply them to Jesus of Nazareth, you're gonna to apply double standards (either willingly or unwillingly). The fact is your whole worldview probably balances on the fact that Christ didn't exist and if he did exist, you're gonna have to change how you think about a lot of stuff and that's a lot of effort/suffering.>>24093419>uses "retard">doesn't have an argumentmany such cases when coping with an L
>>24093441>Tradlarper confirmedagain wrong.I'm cradle baptized orthodox. Grandfather and brother are priests.You're not worth my time.
>>24093455No gospels were written until after the destruction of the temple. The earliest we have us from 125AD. And you still have no answer to the garden of eden critique. The world is NOT 6000 years old. Explain how the Jesus story without the fall of Adam.>many such cases when coping with an LI just gave an argument. Monism does not imply absurdity. Self reference is trivial. You're literally a pseudo intellectual. Answer my post without performing pseudo intellectual psychological analysis.
>>24093366From whom exactly do you think the West (re)gained access to Greek philosophy? The answer may surprise you.
>>24093458I'm substantially more intelligent than you are. You literally think the earth is 6000 years old, despite human structures alone let alone the fossil record predating it by thousands of years.
>>24093461>And you still have no answer to the garden of eden critique. The world is NOT 6000 years old.None actually claims this is the actual age, it's just some calculations by a monk, done retroactively. Bible makes no mentions how long the fall took, it could be thousands, millions, trillions of years.
>>24093467So how did humans develop sin when we evolved from previous apes?
>>24093473>So how did humans develop sin when we evolved from previous apes?Can apes commit crime? Why and why not?
>>24093478>Can apes commit crime?Yes>Why and why not?Humans are apes, and law is a social agreement among human apes to make living with each other easier. When humans violate these laws/agreements they are committing a crime.
>>24093366>no Byzantine philosophersWho is Plethon?
we dont know
>>24093225copied euclid
>>24093267>The psychologic insight is uncanny, and far more helpful with respect to one's day-to-day than just about anything else out there.based>The philosophic 'purists' here are apoetic morons btw: ignore them.mama! mama come look anon's posted cringe!!!! >>24093225any anons reading this who haven't read spinoza: read him, the ethics will change your life if you let it
>>24093422nietzsche, who funnily enough never read Spinoza's actual writings, just read other philosophers' summaries of him
>>24093452Me? Sometimes I post on my laptop you see me right?
>>24096278>if you let itIf you only JUSTYeah, ok
>>24093325WTF are you talking about. Go look up the dating of the Gospels, they are all under that, and Paul's letters are earlier.