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how's that writing project coming /lit/? you are still working on it, aren't you?
Honestly started a novel in 2021 will just be finishing the first chapter by the end of this month
what's it about anon?
I have ideas on hold for when my skills are commensurate with the wild forces within. I want to begin those works fully formed as an artist.

Currently I'm focussed on short stories and improving technically. I'm getting better and overcoming each new wave of self-doubt. Applying myself after many wasted years.

I am happy that the Trump imperium gives us another several hundred years of civilisation; I know I'm not being creative during the world's final breath.
20k words into a novella and 15k words into a novel
thinking of quitting my job to focus on writing
nice. how long did it take you to get there?
>greentext about failing to pickup woman at a bar
>poorly received
it’s coming along, they can’t all be winners!
nah I gave up. I'll just read.
The story of Bjorn and others his time as a business man to surviving as prisoner to meeting Castro. Joining the CIA after his adventures cryptozoology is discovered by another country. As the US finds the material to use such technology everyone goes on the race to hunt this material down. Secret governments fighting for control with the eventual final showdown over a discovered weapon of mass destruction. And whole lotta other ancient creatures pulled from amber being used as weapons by people.
good, im working everyday and decided maybe stop fucking around with outlining and just complete a bunch of chapters to see where it goes
how many words do you write a day, roughly?
about 8 months but with some long stretches of inactivity due to real life
too autistic to write convincing dialogue
I have to write my thesis. How do I find my subject. Halp
It's going to be my third book after I published two last year
Wish me luck /lit/ bros
I don't read nor write nearly enough to put out a convincing novel.
Find something you hate, women, and write about them
I posted it. Nobody bought it
I'm pitching my first novel next month and will start working on the second draft of my third book shortly after. But I already got a recruiter to get a job again because I need to pay the bills if I got a year without any kind of business. If that's the case I will self-publish it and to hell with debut contracts.
The books are a really long time coming. I've made so many empty posts about when I would finish these books that I really don't want to discuss what they are about anymore. It just hurts to do that. When they are available I hope my work makes any kind of meaningul contribution to the writing community here, no matter how small, because I really look up to the writers here and want to be a more meaningful peer and not just a chatter, an idea guy, a nowrite. I should have finished the books years ago. I try to add some kind of timeless element to them but I feel like context with the time a book was published can color people's expectations for what the book really meant. It's a frustrating thing to work around but I started to accept there's only so much I can do about that.
>write 2-3 pages
>lose interest and start writing something else
Many such cases.
American JRPG?
On a break, hoping to begin second draft by the end of the month. Wrote a lot last year in general but it was all unfocused and rushed. This year I'm taking a more focused approach for the novel I'm writing and take my time with it and hoping to write a short story that could seriously be published. Then going to begin work on another novel, or at least draft up its early stages and plot.
Dialogue is usually terrible in most mainstream, modern novels. So you're good
Yeah I would say that's pretty accurate
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Four full-length books
One short story
One mixed-medium novella-length story

And I'm working on another short story now. All in the same big story.

I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. Years ago I queried the first book to agents and editors but I never got a bite. Yet everybody who reads it tells me they love it. I think I have something here, I'm just not sure how to get it out into the world. I've thought about self-publishing but I don't just want to throw it onto Amazon. I've also considered serializing it somewhere.
wrote a 100k draft of an idea i had, though it was poorly executed and during the end stages all i could think about was how i'd have to rewrite everything. well, i'm doing that now and banging out ~5k words a day which feels awesome.

also got another rejection on a full request that was out there. still have a handful in agents' hands but not hopeful. not too miffed about it though because i'm truly excited about what i'm writing now.
Thank you for reminding me I should get some more down today. It’s not much but my main project is at around 9000 words so far, yeah it’s still pretty early
That's insane. My best was a sustained 3.5k words/day over a week and it left me so exhausted I decided never again to do that
Anon, I'm sorry to tell you this, but people are most likely telling you they love it the same way they would tell some tranny that they're so happy for them and they're so valid, but wouldn't ever fuck them if their life was on the line.
If you really want to see how good your book is, give them a shorter passage or section and see if they ask for more. If they don't, they don't love your books.

i've only been at it for a week so i'm a little worried about burning out but it feels so different than writing any other novel so far (i've written 3.5). before i'd go at the nanowrimo pace of 1.6k words a day and finish a draft in ~2 months and most days would feel like a slog to get those 1.6k words in. i'd run a timer and keep a spreadsheet and get annoyed if those words took more than 1.5 hours. i'd sometimes write scenes in that didn't belong simply because i needed to hit the word count.

now, because i have such a firm grasp on the story thanks to my 100k throwaway draft, it's a pleasure to write because i can see the end in sight even though it was only beginning (well now i'm 35k in but still--you get the idea). i'm basically writing for 5+ hours a day without getting too fatigued.
I can see how it would be easier if you already have a solid grasp on the story and it kinda just writes itself, but it's still a huge number
Yes, I need to read just one more book for research purposes and then I'll be confident enough to write. Just one last book surely.
I mean I've gotten several short stories and about a dozen poems published in various journals and magazines, so it's not like I've never been validated by outside judgment.
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I finished my third chapter! My first page!
Where do you even submit when you’re done with the editing process? All small independent presses do not take unsolicited manuscripts or are just not taking submissions
Finished a project a month ago and now i'm bankrupt idealet, This is the first time it happened to me since at least a decade, Hopefully it's just a phase instead of hitting the wall
I’m 225k+ words into fantasy slop should I just KMS?
end it, edit it, and try to sell it!
go with an agent! write up those query letters! Hopefully someone bites!
>go with an agent! write up those query letters! Hopefully someone bites!

What about all the rumors that if you're a straight white male agents won't give you the time of day?
you're a transexual indigenous woman now
The dialogue sounds pretty natural anon, nice work
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Buried and done for like the fifth time. I am unable to finish anything desu. I write like 60k and then blank out on what happens next, or the plot changes too much as I write. Or I change stories too much and it becomes something else entirely.

I feel I am a gardener, but the harvest just keeps becoming larger and changing into different crops. I am unable to keep up with it.
Let me guess... Priscilla wins the hand of the prince, and Victoria loses. Make it less predictable.
Have you tried writing an outline first, with just a scene by scene description of what happens, and then you just flesh them out?
I have no idea how people can write straight ahead
Don’t think any agent will accept my 800-page modernist novel about suicide
Just finish it. If someone’s already read 60k words they’re invested enough in your characters to keep on going
turn your MC into a transexual and it would be a voice for the disenfranchised minority seeking acceptance in this cold cruel world!
I just don't know how to write guys. I'm just not happy with it. I make a plot outline and write for a little bit then I hate it and I just burn it.
I don't know. I'm better than below average. I've seen examples of writing i don't like or incompetent writing and I know its not that. But I just don't really feel drawn to it. I think I just haven't found anything I really want to write. I don't really have anything to say.
Same for my poetry. I've gotten rid of so much over the years. I have nothing. But then I see examples of published writing because I skim through the books at walmart and I feel like I could do prose at least that good.
I think I'm just being a child. I have some undeserved entitlement and obligation to write well. I don't even know why I want to write. I don't deserve to. A highschooler 100 years ago was better read than me and a better writer, and he probably just became a farmer.
But the world feels like its closing in. I don't feel lush with options especially at my age. Jobs are ruined so its not like I'm compelled there to really strive for a full time career, I won't ever own a house or have a kid. I have and will have loads of freetime. I'm feeling more and more forced offline lately. I can't recognize this board anymore and the rest of the internet is exponentially worse. Maybe I will just let that naturally progress and just see what I can write. I've already been through periods of no internet use though and the impact wasn't that high.
I tried to write a novel about a DXM-abusing necrophiliac who has a psychotic breakdown. I still like the idea but I quickly realized that I am not actually a good writer and could not execute the story properly.

If any other anons like the idea, please feel free to use it.
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Last year I finished a first draft of a novel called Cult of the Void. I then sent it to a competition and lost it, of course. I tried reading it again and I cringe so hard. It sucks balls, man. After that I started another one called The Meaning of Life in Ten Pictures. This one is going well. I finished the first part (picture) this week, and I can see clear improvement on my writing. I hope this one doesn't suck so I can reread it and edit for once. Also, the first novel was necessary so I could cast aside that feeling of "writing a novel" that so much desired. Like, if literature was a party, I already garanteed my ticket - I probably would stay in the back with weirdos, but I'm in nonetheless. What about you, op?
I wrote a novel but i wrote it all in my conlang and associated abugida. It takes up a stack of notebooks.
I have no idea what story I want to tell
Have you tried if chatgpt can understand it?
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6k words into a short story/novella I'm working on which will probably end up being around 15-20k, been keeping up a pretty good writing schedule since the New Year and writing a little bit every day. Feels pretty good man. Though I've been working on it for almost 2 years now I finally cleared the mental block and just gone down to actually writing it. Using Novelcrafter + Claude has helped a lot with writer's block, of course the actual prose it produces is ass but it's great for trying to work out the shape of a scene and story beats. The goal is to finish it before my 30th birthday in September and try to get it published. As for the novel idea I've had for over 10 years, no progress yet. But I'm hoping that once I finish the novella it'll give me motivation to start. Keep your chin up bros, there's still hope.
I write my first paragraph and immediately hate it and then write another one and hate that too.
You lost the competition or lost the draft?
write stories not prose
The competition.
>about suicide
they want it to have some kind of redeeming arc
Yeah, there is one: his cheating whore of a wife commits suicide at the end too
Blessed those that work everyday no matter what.

How about you anon? Are you progressing?
there was a popular video game about suicides that blew up recently, mouthwashing
the problem is that it wasn't some 800 pages slog
That's more than half the length of the lord of the rings or war and peace. That's 80% of the brothers karamazov
It's more than many great works of literature combined

don't blame the subject when the problem is most likely the fact that you didn't earn those 800 pages
I have the sneaking suspicion that if I wrote it would be worse than it went for Zelda Fitzgerald or even worse than Amanda McKittrick Ros
And I'm weaker than both of them so it'd devastate me.
nta but i have a manuscript at least that long. i hope the agent will give it a chance. it is a masterpiece on the order of a modern day TBK
18k words of genre fiction. Half of those words are fictional locations and names
what do you even need all those words for
Why does everyone on here write genreslop? I thought this place was filled with elitists?
i would say only 10-20% of /lit/ writes
of that, about 60-80% must be sff
It's not a lot of words at all. When you read it, it's the same experience as reading an Anna Karenina or TBK. You dont' think how long it is, you just enjoy and wonder what comes next.
I am 63k words in to my first try at a novel. The nice thing about this is you can see how my ability or confidence or whatever has improved since the first opening 20-30 pages. I'm between jobs for 6 weeks so I'm pushing myself to write at least 1k words a day to finish the before the end of January. Not sure really what to do after I've finished and gone over it a few times, but I'm very happy with where it's at.
I'm just giving some good ideas for you all to write about

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