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How did this guy ever get published, he's awful
the market doesnt say that
His stuff is slop so ya eat is up, and his books originally weren’t complete slop, he’s just gotten progressively worse with every release. This is from someone who thinks the first 3 sa were readable(book 4 is like water torture but more boring and I hear 5 is worse)
A combination of several factors. One is his literary agent, Moshe, having an almost superhuman ability to detect which flavor of slop the public will like, and recognizing from the manuscript of Elantris that this rosy-cheeked asexual katamari damacy could deliver.

Another is the well-connected author David Farland putting in a good word and pushing him hard at publishers. David was on a mission to make Mormon writers big. He was personally responsible for Sanderson, Stephanie Meyer, and Brandon Mull achieving fame and wealth, among others.

Sanderson is also likely autistic and writes as a kind of stimming. His sheer volume of output crowds out everyone else. But this point is more speculative.
*editor, not agent
I was literally about to make this same exact thread, not even kidding I was typing out my OP when I decided to check the 'log and saw his fat face.

I've been reading Stormlight Archives here and there over the past year. While initially I thought it was decent and even good in certain parts (for a contemporary fantasy novel, anyway), I'm about a quarter of the way through the fourth book right now and it mostly feels like I'm reading a Marvel superhero comic or shounen manga without the art panels. The last third of Oathbringer was a massive, massive drag and I'd have to literally force myself to sit down and read it.

Sanderson is a very fucking mid writer but given the dearth of traditional sci-fi and fantasy, even someone like Terry Goodkind would probably be considered a literary talent nowadays.
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His boomer editor Moshe retired, which is why we have Rhythm of War and Wind and Truth
Sando has one of the most extensive editorial processes of any modern writer, with dozens of beta readers and a team of lore checkers, line editors, etc. Can you even imagine how bad the first draft must have been?
Yeah basically he got worse. He pretty much built his reputation with (the original) Mistborn which is readable, especially if you're a teenager. I also recommend The Emperor's Soul which is actually a fun read. But even when I was 17 I didn't think much of Warbreaker and Elantris.
>Sanderson is also likely autistic and writes as a kind of stimming.

God, I wish that was my type of autism. I have to stock up on prescription-grade stimulants to force myself to write and most of the time I STILL don't even do it. Then again, I'm very self-conscious when I write which is why it's so hard for me. And Sanderson doesn't seem to have a self-conscious bone in his body, so maybe his gift is actually a curse.
Quality filters can be a hindrance if your goal is professional success. Civilization needs them, obviously, but a collapsing civilization does not. For example, if Andrew Tate gained self-awareness, he would likely lose millions of followers over the course of a year.
He's definitely got markedly worse in recent years, but you bring up an interesting point about his books being ideal for teenagers. I wonder if his once-mostly teenage reader base are now becoming grown-ups and rightfully don't get anything out of his books anymore, which is why there's been so much backlash about Wind and Truth.
You're probably right. A part of me just wants to turn my brain (and conscience) off and churn out shameless genre slop. I think I could probably get published and maybe even sell some books if I did it. But perhaps at the cost of my very soul.
A lot of writers throughout history would get stone drunk and churn out sloppa for money, then use that to fund the projects they cared about. I think there's a viable compromise where you look at the most marketable subjects to write about and pick the one that is most fun for you. Don't worry if people think it's slop and just try to have as much fun as possible with it.
Most popular stuff that makes up the majority of the market is slop. Why are so many people surprised? I'm more surprised that more people are such ardent fantasy fans when the genre is SO stale and homogeneous. Elves, dwarves, wizards, magic? That's all it is. It's boring. The genre died the second Tolkien released LOTR cause he totally epitomized the genre and after that there was nothing left to explore. Brandon Sanderson is just another hack in a long line of D-level writers who have been poorly aping Tolkien for decades now.
Thanks anon, this is helpful advice. You're a real one. If I someday get published, I will make sure to acknowledge you in my foreword as Anonymous Patrician.
Reminder that in 2022 Sanderson received $42 million on Kickstarter.
Godspeed, anon.
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be honest, SAbros im in the middle of words of radiance, i loved the first book and its ending but the fact that you have to read like shorts stories in the middle of books is definitely something im not gonna do
i think the first book is worth its value, i think it has a great deal of theology in it which i enjoy and i like the whole investigation discovery of the big mistery of the heralds and the radiant knights and the sharded things etc etc, contrary to most fans i think kaladins storyline is kinda boring and im enjoying shallan as a protagonist
but does book 3 and 4 have good moments like the ending of the first book that feel like genuinely important and transcendental, i really love big epic stories and i just wanna know if its worth the effort overall
dont hit me with the slop shit and le YA prose, yeah i know its slop its supposed to be
I haven't read anything by Sanderson but from what I've heard he basically tries to pander to both the right and the left by pretending to be religious and pretending to support lgbtq rights at the same time. His books are inoffensive slop any normie can with read because they have nothing controversial to say. In my mind this puts him in an even lower circle of hell than the most cringe woke liberal propogandists because they at least believe in something even if it's wrong. Brandon believes in nothing except money.
Do you ever make any sincere effort to assess the quality of a book's writing or do you judge how "good" it is solely by how much political vomit that agrees with your views is shoved in? If Sanderson retained the same quality (read: shit) of prose he has now but was constantly going off about how evil troons and Jews are in his works, he'd be your favorite author, wouldn't he?
No, my favorite fantasy author is Fritz Leiber and he wasn't particularly right wing. I don't like Sanderson because he's "woke", I don't like him because he doesn't believe in anything at all. I thought I made that clear.
I don't really care about his stance on gays but because he is mentally an autistic virgin Mormon teenager he can't write about sex well or at all which does damage his books.
Based advice. Any crumbs of wisdom for someone who wants to make fantasy steampunk autism with smut and violence, should I include some historical autism or just the smut and violence to reach more people?
He believes in Mormon Jesus
He tried really hard. You should try it sometime
>David was on a mission to make Mormon writers big
The level of in-group tribe support coming from Mormons could even match the Jews
I fucking wish. I went on a mission and graduated from BYU and no one ever glanced at my shitty novels or offered me a job.
>he's awful
Original Mistborn is alright. Couldn't get into the 'sequel' though.
Convinced, that he'd write pretty good LitRPG novels.
What's so awful about him though?
Yes. I would call the series epic in terms of it's scope and what is going on. I believe that book 3 has one of the best endings next to 1. The short stories are not bad as there's only two though edgedancer is the better one compared to dawnshard. Both tie into the greater narrative so there's no real reason you should skip them.
Post your own shit, I bet Sanderson is better
His defense for putting the fag romance in his book was "It says more about you if you don't include these things"

He's compromised and implicitly accusing authors who don't put LGBT shit in their books of thoughtcrimes. Don't buy his books and don't support him.
he was trying to preempt the backlash, because it was only a matter of time before people starting questioning the lack of homos, since he actively courted le mental health redditor. The only thing is that he is retarded and that pendulum is now swinging away from cancel culture.
>don't buy his books
I don't, but not only that. I pirate his books and print them out myself to leave in little free libraries around my town, just to spite him. The twist is that I leave the second to last page out, just to spite Brando Sando fans, because fuck em.
>why do marvel movies get made
>why is k-pop so popular
>why is fortnite so popular

People likes to consume dumb, easily digested trash, no matter the subject
>The only thing is that he is retarded and that pendulum is now swinging away from cancel culture.
He's in too deep with them, lots of SJW freaks work with him and he's donated lots of money to left-wing causes etc
Yeah, he thought he was hedging his bets because of the complete vice leftwing had on social media, which destroyed tons of author. But getting in bed with them was worthless and might even have negative impact because he has all this retarded appeals to this group that doesn't wield as much power as they did 6 years ago.
Churning that out seems hard. I end up not giving a fuck about that type of writing. I think my best writing is weird. I can write generic trope-filled stories, but i don't even care to finish them. It feels like so much work that i eventually just stop caring about. I don't think i'm great at outlining either. Writing and seeing where it goes works better for me. I can always write more, edit, and splice it together later.
I hate it when a fat guy wears a suit or sports coat and the collar sinks into the back with a deep crevice like that. In fact, everything about this coat is just wrong all around.
It's easier to write such works as fast as possible than to write them slowly. Imagine you have a gun to your head and need to write a readable genre piece in a month. You could do it. Maybe even two weeks. You have to write fast or the doubts get in the way. This is something that takes practice, by the way; the fast pulp writers of the 20th century were, by and large, not born that way.

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