I would like to read some love triangle or menage a trois romance or erotica, but I'd like your help, because whenever I look for any I only find two types:1. Two men competing for one woman.2. Isekai-style harem slop.I would like some good books where one man is interested in, or receives interest from two women (possible more if it is done well, but I feel like the more women you add the less likely that becomes), but that isn't no-plot pornography. He can either end up with both, or just one, or even neither. I'm just interested in things all across the spectrum where this is explored.It doesn't have to be a major plot point, in fact I would even like to hear about books where polygyny is only a minor point, like Gene Wolfe's Soldier of Sidon, though it would be good to field some answers where it is and isn't.One final thing: does anyone know why romance with more than two people is tilted so strongly towards two men and one woman? I see it across all forms of media and I don't think it can even be a modern female reader interest thing because it occurs quite frequently in the classics too.
Pierre; or the Ambiguities
>>24093981Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out. Sounds like a good read from the summary.
The term is porn, not “erotica”
>>24094582OK. Know any porn that fits that description?
>>24094628Yes but I prefer just the two girls. Not into penises
Deluge by S.F. Weight.
>>24093973>1. Two men competing for one woman.The Cruel Prince has this.>I would like some good books where one man is interested in, or receives interest from two women (possible more if it is done well, but I feel like the more women you add the less likely that becomes), but that isn't no-plot pornography.It also has this.>does anyone know why romance with more than two people is tilted so strongly towards two men and one woman?Lately I've been obsessing over this video right here, so I'll refer you to it. I still have to come up to a refutation, so for now I agree with it.Draw your own conclusions.https://youtu.be/cjG2OqCKDc4
no such thingsmen compete for womenwomen do not compete for men
>>24094843There are examples of books like this right here in the thread.Besides, if you read the OP carefully, you'll see that the man can be interested in two women. Have you never found more than one woman attractive at a time? I often do.>>24094821Cool. I probably won't watch the video but the book does sound good. Thanks for sharing.
women don't love menwomen replace an orbiter with another one in an heart beatwomen never write love letter to menwomen never say ''i love you'' during sexthe only thing women say to men is ''I love your big cock, fuck me hard with it''women view men as tools to get an easy life out of themI have noticed that when women get banged by a guy they like but he is not giving her full security/commitment she will go hunt down other men to bang to increase her "security" incase the guy she wants doesnt commit to herIts the same when she gets dumped or dumps boyfriend guy, she goes and hunts down some dick asap.Also, i notice her "commitment" to one man depends how she considers him to be "top pick"...like if her relatinshipps getting rocky and she cheats. She will have higher hopes of running away with the affair partner only if hes more of a top pick than her boyfriend. If her boyfriend is the top choice, the affair guy is simply a plan B security backup partnerSome guys dont like the idea of being the second choice backup partner... but for a beta cuck eager to remain beta cuck, waiting for your turn is a simple strategy that works and yes you can actually be the backburner guy and salvage that hoe into a wife when her and turbochads breaks apart (my ex gfs parents was basically this)
>>24093973A Brother's Price puts a good spin on your premise
>>24094843Women compete for celebrity men all the time
>>24094843you probably won't beliee it but my first time happened with two best (female) friends competing for my attention
Wheel of Time
>>24093973I was in the beginning stages of writing a fantasy story were a nomad is asked to marry the two daughters of a man he rescues. I might return to it sometime if I need some escapism. Anyways, Anon, the answer to your final question is that a man who takes multiple women will usual only stop when his wallet tells him to. Women, on the other hand, are very limited in their thinking and are much more pleased when two men compete than when they choose to share. Indeed, the first instance of diplomacy undoubtedly occurred when women were not watching.
>>24094843Way to tell on yourself
>>24093973Heidegger's diaries desu
>>24096077Just learning about Blochmann now. Great suggestion.
>>24095295Does it come up in any particular book in the series or is it across all of them? I've never checked them out and always assumed they were pretty straight and narrow fantasy, though I know they are well liked.
A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein
>>24096252seems that Rand the protagonist meets Elayne and Min in The Eye of the World (book 1) and then Aviendha in The Dragon Reborn (book 3) and they're all married togetherI haven't read any of this though
The Idiot kind of has this
>>24096419>>24096426Sounds great. The fictionhorizon article you link makes it sounds like it explores the dynamic between the wives a bit too, which is one of a few things I'd like to read about around this topic. Thanks for looking that up and giving the details.>>24096448I read The Idiot a while ago, and I don't remember it very clearly. With Aglaya?
>>24093973>Love Trianglethis term is absolutely inaccurate if those two men (or two women) are not into each other as well
>>24096463Aglaya and Nastasya. I said kind of because I think that Myshkin and Nastasya don't actually have much of a romantic interest in each other, but I don't remember. It's been many years since I read it.
>>24096673The way I remember was (where X -> Y means X likes Y):R -> NM -> NN -> ???A -> MAnd that Myshkin should have gotten with Aglaya, but I might be wrong. It's around 5 years ago for me and I probably didn't give it as much attention at the time as it needed.That's a good example of a two men and one woman love triangle in a classic though.
>>24094843>>24094882I can believe that this has been true in your life.
There's Dracula, with Dracula's brides.