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File: openAI-chat-gpt-1-4.jpg (32 KB, 1200x730)
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Anyone else summarizes non-fiction books with ChatGPT? Since most of these books are filled with padding anyway, it's a great way to extract the insights and the relevant info and move on to the next book. If something is really important you can also find out which part is it and just read the important parts of the book. I've been spending so much time reading book summaries using it.
ChatGPT is not reliable enough for that. Hell, it told me that Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar was one of the best books on the Flavian dynasty

ChatGPT is pretty solid for nonprofessional STEM related things, especially questions related to mathematics, but it isn’t very good for humanities. I’d trust Wikipedia much more, and I’d trust academic books much more than Wikipedia
Non-fiction books are not just about info dumping, anon. AI is useless for philosophy and human thinking. Maybe you are thinking of textbooks, but even so, it's always best to have your content curated.
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>he reads nonfiction for information
No they didn't
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nice to finally meet someone whom pic related was for
Turn purple prose into good prose resembling Hemingway?
Least retarded Hemingway fan.
I don't want to use that anymore it's not a robot but an actual person who's giving me random answers methinks. I understood that AI is advanced nowadays but please don't use it to trick me ever again my bad.
>summarizes non-fiction books
how does that make the books obsolete?
Wikipedia already did a while ago.
But you're missing out by not reading some of them, still. The Incerto bundle is one of my favorite /sci/ shitposts.
was Hemingway a genius or a retard?
I hate that I'm going to spend the rest of my life sharing a culture with people like you.

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