What does /lit/ think of Blood Meridian?
Amazing, unimpeachable, piece of shit, Reddit-tier, based, essential, perverted, vacuous, godly, etc
>>24094421One of my all time favorites. I read it at the exact right time in my life.
>>24094421Greatest novel ever written. Haven't read it tho.
an inferior version of Flashman and the Redskins
It's a meme book just like infinite jest, you're not supposed to actually fall for it by reading it
>>24094487What is Border Trilogy an inferior Flashman of?
>>24094511What isn't a meme book? Don't say Tolstoy.
>>24094515Anna Karenina
>>24094421Personally didnt care for it. I think it tries really hard to be fucked up and brutal which is a bit silly, though there are some scenes where this is handled really well like with the dead baby bush. I think the book spending so much time wanking off the Judge is obnoxious, I think it gives him too much focus. Not a terrible book, but I would not recommend.
>>24094421Best shit with the devil I ever took. Will never shit again.
>reddit: the book
It's a masterpiece!
>>24094421it's shit
>>24094421>deadbaby trees
>>24094421Probably McCarthy's best novel and he's probably the greatest American literary author of all time. I still think All the Pretty Horses is a better read though.
I too heard about this book from that e-celeb, kind stranger! btw how do I upvote your post?