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File: Spines.png (549 KB, 810x693)
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This is just the beginning, and it's glorious.

If you don't think the death of traditional publishing is a good thing, you are ignorant of what is happening in traditional publishing.
What curious names, what culture do they belong to?
This is just going to strengthen traditional publishing. Why risk buying from an unknown publisher (or self published) when odds are its going to be AI slop? Already known publishers will be the only seal of quality that your average consumer will trust. At least assuming those publishers aren't stupid enough to also jump on the AI train
If your theory were correct, RoyalRoad writers would not be seeing much better earnings than traditionally published authors. But in fact they are.
all that Ya slop is already written by an AI and just brushed up by a person
would be really good advertising if an aspiring novelist assassinated these guys after writing a book.
t. upset tradpub editor

How does it feel knowing there will be AIs that turn out books to the tune of a million per day?
>Jew name, Jew name, kike faggot, Jewish kike faggot
These motherfuckers really are the root of all evil aren’t they?
This isn’t going to do anything, this entire company is just a Jewish ponzu scheme with an inevitable rug pull. The entire gimmick is you pay them $1k-$15k and they publish your book for you.
No. They're smart and look out for each other.
You're sentenced to live on a desert island for a year. You can either bring a book of AI slop or niglit. Choose wisely.
Effeminate. Dysgenic. Weak. DYEL. (((Techbro))). Truly moloch incarnate
>AIs that turn out books to the tune of a million per day
Obviously that's not what those guys are doing. They're wanting to use AI to help proofread and publish human-written books. Which is still quite stupid because unless they let the AI do all the work and end up producing obviously inferior products, I don't really see how they're going to make the process significantly faster than traditional publishing when the final product requires human oversight anyway.
These are just your average AI tech bros hopping on the bandwaggon to apply AI to everything and make it supposedly cheaper but actually just do a sloppier job. Reign of quantity morons.
those names holy shit
>ITT: retards that thinks these are going to be books written from scratch by AI
This is an all-in-one publishing service that uses AI to spellcheck and proofread your manuscript, and then format into a printable book form. It can also use AI to create the audiobook. It's no different than that Lulupublishing service all you chuds use to shill your manifestos on this board.
Buy an ad, kike
Why would anyone pay these jews instead of using the AI yourself?
You would have to know how to build an AI-model to do these things. The average person does not know how to do that. Also, doesn't ChatGPT cost money for it to be actually useful on a large scale (such as book)? Looks like you're paying Jews anyways, dumb MAGApede.
The Southern Italians
Leave my people out of this, we have nothing to do with these people.
Pretty sure I've seen books on Audible that are written by AI. They have AI read them, which is fine. I use speech to text a lot already for real books because it lets me "skim" texts for stuff I might use in my work and cover more ground as I got chores, drive, etc.

However, the actual text seems very much to be AI, both in the style and content. There is a whole brand new series of books on the Patristics and Islamic thinkers are they are incredibly surface level and filled with AI style filler in a way that stuff like the Oxford "very short introductions too," or Routledge "contemporary introductions too" are not.

I've also seen reviews on a bevy of kids books accusing them or being AI when looking for stuff for my kids. It would be foolish to think people won't pump this slop out and hope to just make some bank on volume. It's bad because it just increases the noise to signal ratio, although I would also have fears about the younger generation being able to distinguish slop given how much they already rely on it.

My experience is that these models do ok on broad, well known issues, and just make up farcical but plausible sounding nonsense at even the depth you'd expect for some undergrad level survey course.
The current generation of AI will never replace storytellers, as it cannot create anything truly new due to its design – it can only reshape what already exists.
"Pulp fiction" will no longer be published, as AI can create interactive, personalized stories. The masses have yet to grasp this, but who will buy a book in the future when they can have an entire author?
You can literally type into a non cencored Version of ChatGPT that you want a modern version of Hitler's Mein Kampf, and it will write a Book for you and that is also the reason why this startup will fail miserably – the idea simply wasn’t thought through by the "oh-so-clever jews trying to sell you slop", lol

Just come up with something entirely new that has never existed before – then you'll still be able to sell your books because AI simply can't do that.
culture has already been destroyed. this doesn't even matter.
It hasn't been 100% destroyed, just like...80%.
goddamn italians
I don't read any literature that was published after my birth date.

Also, this "Publisher" will dissolve and/or be bought out and forgotten within 2 years
and this is why white men are rejected from writing. They don't write, they just want to make money
Do you have any engagement with groups of authors? The aspiring author without actual commercial incentive... is a fucking hack. They write the most inane shit. It's like being an actor and not caring what anyone thinks about your performance. Would you like a list of authors who were financially motivated? Because that would be pretty damaging to your entire argument.
Jeez thanks Yehuda, Nir, Nir and Lev!!!! You heckin' disrupted the heckin' books industry and totally heckin' made the world a better placerino!!! Now we can read AI-sloppa instead of real authors this is just like my sci fi science bless u fine young (((men)))
What if it's AI-written niglit?
You just need to come up with a plot outline and know how to prompt with the current generation of AI. You can have it write and rewrite each chapter based on a given author's - or mix of authors' - style, do a last human pass of editing, and you've got something better than most mass media published books.

If you just tell it "write me a book" it'll be garbage, but if you put in the time, you can absolutely get 90% of the way there in 10% of the time. Of course the last 10% to completion is what separates quality from slop, but that's always been the case.

The future is here, and the next round of successful writers are going to be the ones who know how to ask the machines to do their work in the right way.
Time needs to pass for the zeitgeist to advance. He is right there is a limit to how bad slop can be
So will Spines just take suggestions, sell someone a book, and then sell that book elsewhere? That sounds like an interesting idea but AI still confused on plot elements or who's what or what direction to go in. So if it was "I want a story about a detective living in 1980s Dallas who shoots non-whites, his partner is a talking hamster, his daughter-wife lounges around the house in fetish gear, there's at least one sex scene with her (not with the hamster), and there's three pages where it describes a classic Pizza Hut building in autistic detail", even if it sounds amazing in your head as the detective and his hamster pal go on crazy adventures, it will suck in every way.
It can be a lot worse than it is before people stop consuming it. A whole helluva lot worse. If you showed Royalroad slop to a 19th century writer, they would think humans had been replaced by an alien species.
Imagine paying money for this Temu vanity press garbage.
At least a vanity press has actual employees. This shit is just ChatGPT slop. Their best selling book is the Bootywarrior's biography.

Really, I think it's worse than having AI write books.
Has someone made an AI that filters out AI generated slop yet?
Regardless, it will be a common business model for media going forward. Volume beats quality at scale. In 15 years, Spines could buy out a big publisher.

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