Are #Bookstagram #BookTok or #BookTube better than /lit/?
>>24094798what about #boox?
The internet is all the same now, people who create have been replaced by creators who pander to an audience instead of just the fun of it and exploring everything new offered by the internet turning the internet into unbridled consumption the likes of which makes even the largest mall look like a mom and pop shop. Internet won't be good again until it implodes and turns into an inner city squat or it is nuked so we can start over. Internet ceased evolving nearly a decade ago and now is coasting on what it was.
The "accessorization" of books & literature is a horror beyond my comprehension in regards to the complete cognitive decline of modern society>"it's been happening for thousands of years bro"
>>24094798>#BookstagramSpeaking about their poetic current (instapoetry), it's very hit or miss. The subtleties are not formally explicit, like in the proverbial iambic pentameter, so it attracts a lot of superficial reader, while at the same time it filters a lot of superficial critics.The same can be said about #BookTok.>#BookTokThe series that get (really) famous should be the tetragones of any moid who desires to be well versed in the understanding of the female psyche. As I already said in a different setting, romance exegesis mogs biblical exegesis.>#BookTube Easily accessible, varied, in-depth analysis of every facet of the literature market? It has two downsides: it is governed mainly by women (this makes the videos pretty ephemeral in their content) and it is never more than a summary of bigger literary pieces.I would really wanna see a female Pyrocynical going through the Empyrean series.>/lit/An extremely formalist setting that prevents the discussion of contemporary literature, but at the same time provides a good base level education to enjoy all the other communities.I would start with /lit/, move to #BookTube, then #BookTok, then #Bookstagram, then back to #BookTube and /lit/, since they give the best spot to learn about (YouTube) and discuss (/lit/, I don't have Reddit) literature.That said, since Instagram is the best place for poetry, and poetry is the finest of arts, then #Bookstagram is indeed the highest form of avant-garde literary expression at the moment.
>>24094798None of these people read