What are some examples where movie surpasses the book?
>>24094853any stephen king adaptation of course
The lord of the rings
Anything by Hitchcock and Kubrick, except for Lolita
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty for the obvious reason
>>24094853The book of Starship Troopers is better than the movie because the former was born of Heinlein's purpose being to imagine an alternate world, whereas Verehoeven used the might of the Hollywood cudgel to further smash society into the stasis of the globalist postwar regime in which nothing new is allowed to be imagined because change is a heckin' fascism.
Shawshank Redemption because it's Stephen King and every adaptations of his works in my opinion are good
>>24094853The Fountainhead
>>24096218There’s a Fountainhead movie?
>>24097208yeah, it's really good
>>24094853The fragments of Heraclitus as adapted by Patrick Devalhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nhLxgLBji48&pp=ygUSaGVyYWNsaXR1cyBsb2JzY3VyBest watched after reading the translation from Brooks Haxton for the Penguin classics series
>>24095251Most of the book is spent talking about service and what it means to serve. The book isn't about fighting bugs in space. I know most people have only seen the movie, but i think the difference between the book and the movie perfectly encapsulates what i prefer to read versus what i don't mind watching. I'd rather watch Starship Troopers the movie than read the movie as a book. I don't want to read Game of Thrones. I'd rather watch it. That kind of fiction in book form is a waste of my time. There are some books that might skirt the line, but at the very least, they get you thinking about concepts. I don't want to read a Marvel movie and i don't care about elves and orcs and the wars they fought centuries before the start of the book. Some movies even have it despite being genre fiction or whatever it's called.
Not a huge fan of The Godfather movie; the book, however, is so abysmal it makes the adaptation look like the Mona Lisa. Abominable piece of literature.
>>24097215Got a link?
>>24094853Legends of the Fall
The Robert Zemeckis version of "Beowulf"
>>24094853>a movie that surpass the bookI would say the warriors.The book is not as compelling as the movie and, in my opinion, quite dumb.
>>24097329i fucking hated the book for that, couldnt finish it even out of curiosity for how long can a man drag on this boring shit nobody cares about.
>>24094853earlier seasons of got in my humble opinion. I just couldnt follow all these Huey, Dewey and Louie aristocrats but when they were depicted visually it became much easier.
>>24097329>>24097736Zoomies only want to zoom-zoom. None of you would survive classic sci-fi book era. The reading was alright.Poledoris' tack slaps, though.
>>24097755you better choose something less horrible to be elitist about. Journey to the center of the earth runs circles around this shit.
>>24097766It's not about me being "elitist" about above average book, it's about zoomers needing a picture book to keep them entertained.Everything is "elite" when you look up from the rock bottom.