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File: Thedarktower7.jpg (26 KB, 200x307)
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The ending of The Dark Tower series was good and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
The beginning was too bad to get through, sorry pseud. King is a terrible writer.
The very end was good, but the Crimson King scenes were appallingly bad
It's been a while but I think all of these are in the last book.
>King self-inserting into the story to save everyone
>Roland's son
>How Randell died
>King taking a chapter begging you not to finish the book.
These were horrible. What's sad is that Roland arriving at the tower and the very end of the book was well done.
It's great that King finished the series- GRRM should take notes- but there was a clear dropoff in quality between the pre-accident (1-4) and post-accident (5-7) books. Wind Through the Keyhole was fucking kino though.
My favorite was all the random harry potter references and the chick in a wheelchair being a dangerous warrior.
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>Harry Potter references in muh epic grimdark Stephen King genre-defying fantasy
If I had been holding a physical copy I would have ripped it up right there and then
Yeah it was a little goofy. That and the Crimson King turned out to be a screeching retard
All that time and prep, still resorts to an ass pull to beat the crimson king.
>and I mean it, don't come to my house -sk.
>and I mean it, don't come to my house -sk.
Yeah that was weird. Maybe he was getting a lot of harrassment.
It sucks but at least he finished it.
It's some meta commentary about how books bring stories together or something.
So is Stephen King
Yes but he's a published pseud and you are not
In The Mouth Of Madness is a documentary
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I enjoyed it too anon, even the self-insert stuff which everyone else hates. I do think the series hit a low point towards the end, since I have a hard time remembering the specifics between the end of Calla and the end of the last book, but the series is very much the weirdness you expect in a Stephen King fantasy adventure.

On another note, anyone know if Eyes of the Dragon or Fairy Tale is worth checking out? I feel like I've outgrown a lot of his books and most of what I've seen of his recent stuff never really caught my eye.

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