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His ideo of will being a door to the noumenal world is rendered obsolete now that we know human emotions and desire are caused by brain chemistry and not some metaphysical will immanent in everything. And their sole purpose is to force us to reproduce to avoid entropy.
Nietzsche was right in the end
>we know human emotions and desire are caused by brain chemistry
Doesn't contradict Schopenhauer.

>Nietzsche was right in the end
You have absolutely no idea what Nietzsche believed.
If only you knew how bad things really are
It kinda does tho. It doesn't contradict kant in any way. Schopenhauer was a hack
>Shitty Jewish commie revolution fails
>kills himself
Nothing of value was lost kek
>It kinda does tho.
No, it really doesn't. A basic familiarity with Schopenhauer's writings on biology would show as such. Never did he imagine the will manifesting itself except through biological constraints.
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Existence is a contradiction anyways
The main theme of scientific advancement for the last decade or more has been throwing materialism in the fucking garbage. Schopy has never been more vindicated.
Schopenhauer's theory goes beyond anti materialism. He claims to have an insight into the noumenal world. The one beyond materialism
His evidence for it is outdated since it relies on ignorant 19th century views on the workings of the human body
Then how is that our emotions, which are nothing more than biological drivers for reproduction, a door to the noumenal world?
He already has retroactively refuted you.
If emotions are merely chemical instructions to activate a response in a meat robot why do they need to feel like anything at all?
>our emotions, which are nothing more than biological drivers for reproduction
That's exactly what Schopenhauer said. Stop talking about shit you know nothing about. If German Idealism is too big brained for you to understand, then stop trying to understand it.
>muh modern science
Lol cope, Schopenhauer was never more right.
Absolute brainlets. How is everything muh will when you can't even prove that shit
The world is le bad
Schopenhauer was 100% right about suffering.
Because we have self consciousness
>not some metaphysical will immanent in everything. And their sole purpose is to force us to reproduce to avoid entropy
>implying that’s not literally what the will does
It’s called the “will to life” for a reason anon.
Yes but you can't prove it. Biological life having will is not the same as everything being a manifestation of the will.
The world is Alice in Wonderland.
Plato and Buddha were both right.
we have to build civilization (platonism) to reach enlightenment (Buddhism).
It doesn’t need to be proved, it can be deduced from the simple fact that there is something rather than nothing when nothing would appear to be the easiest default position for reality. If that is the case, then anything that exists at all is already “striving” against non-existence, biological or not.
>have clinical depression
>guys it's the universe ending not just me!
No one knows anything. The will is just a guess
He guessed it from his observation of causation.
that everything changes/moves. you can easily meta that into no time or just pure existence.
>ow that we know human emotions and desire are caused by brain chemistry and not some metaphysical will immanent in everything
this isnt known
This reads like a post by an edgy 14 yr old who's never read Schopenhauer and doesn't know the rigorous definition of entropy in statistical mechanics.
If no one can know anything, then how can you say for certain that the modern understanding of brain chemistry makes Schopenhauer obsolete?
>desire are caused by brain chemistry
Do plants not have a desire?
I'm not saying you can't know anything. We do know matter is behind the chemistry in our brain. Not that I believe in materialism myself
>we know human emotions and desire are caused by brain chemistry
We don't. But even granting this, what causes the brain chemistry to cause the emotions and desire? Baby took proximate cause for final cause and got absolutely filtered.
>modern science
well you see chud men can have babies. i have a phd.
>uhm everything is le chemicals silly
Not only is this gay and pozzed, it's also lazy and demonstrably untrue.
Religion fags are really pathetic. They provide no arguments they just shun you and attempt to shut you down like trannies when they get misgendered
bot post
Not even religion just basic philosophy. Metaphysics is concerned with final causes and first principles. Assuming chemism is the efficient cause of human behavior that still leaves the cause of that chemism indeterminate, and so on, to the ultimate cause which is what Schopenhauer as metaphysician is dealing with. Schopenhauer's metaphysics is untouchable, essentially incorporating any "advances" in physical theory. Only a better metaphysical can overide a metaphysical theory. Now you know retard.
Ok but I can say ultimately that cause is god or Jesus or whatever. Either way you can't prove anything
No, it hasn't. Uneducated pseudo think this based on pop science pushed by religious apologists
A soul consumed in flame. Screaming, boiled in the juices of his meat. Pleading with a God he betrayed. Screaming, scraped free of grease, like the too wise hypatia cleansed with oyster shells while still alive.

Screaming. Screaming forever. Baked like a lobster, aware, and immobile.
>Either way you can't prove anything
Not with that attitude.
How's your father doing?
>A litterall Leopardi LARPER by his own admission
Wo didnt knew the poet Leopardi (A.K.A the original blackpilled incel doomer in Italy) was know outside the country
Ok but how do I start with Schopenhauer. Nietzsche is easier to start with wtf
The will manifests itself as evolutionary drive which uses emotions to proceed. When reading his texts, I thought how much was missing that he would have discovered evolution by himself. He was close in describing it.

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