What specifically do you think is preventing him from finishing his series?
>>24102492Lack of interest in finishing it compared to getting his Game of Thrones Cinematic Universe (tm) going.
>>24102492He's fat, old, and undisciplined
>>24102492I like how he pretends that giving him shit for not finishing it is unfair after an entire decade of him saying it'll be done in "two more months"
He's too busy diddling Maisie to have any desire to write.
>>24102492no passion. he's a fat american. the only thing that motivates him is money and food. he's already got enough of both so he has no desire or reason to finish it.
Too busy being fat and jewish
Depression and overall nihilism from missing out on teenage love
TV involvement. He cared so much about making the tv adaptions good (which failed) that he overlooked the fact that books are the real legacy and only americans give a fuck about tv
>>24102631>>24102918These Americans in the room with you right now?
>>24102631>the only thing that motivates him is money and food.americans are very practical. what can i say?
>>24102492He's fat
A mixture of procrasination and perfectionism. He writes 100 pages, decides it's no good and scraps it. Comes up with another idea, writes it, realizes it creates too many butterfly effect ripples in the story and scraps etc over and over again
>>24102948Is he a jew? he looks jewish
>>24102956Definitely a mix of procrastination and other factors like the TV show and basically the old adage of the worst thing that can to happen to you is that you achieve your dreams. After the show he got more fame, respect, and money than he probably thought possible and that Turkish pornstar who played Shae sitting on his dick probably didn’t help either. Whatever procrastinating tendencies he had before, which I think are majorly evident in the way AFFC and ADWD are mostly setup, have almost certainly been amplified by that at writing himself into a difficult situation
>>24102924No! Because they were too fat to fit through the doorway!
You need to accept ASOIAF will never be finished.Treat George as if he was dead
>>24102492I think the backlash to S8 scared the shit out of him, personally. Sure, D&D rushed it so they could run off and do Star Wars(which ended up getting cancelled), but they were basing it off of his notes. So, if the ending you're working toward is so hated it becomes the new gold standard for bad endings, gets millions of people to sign a petition to redo it, and makes most people just want to put your formerly beloved series behind them, that's gotta give you some cold feet.
>>24104276>but they were basing it off of his notesNo, they weren't
How can you just...abandon it.
because fascism is on the rise
>>24102492Two things. Years ago dude said he wasn't going to spend his entire life chained to his desk, so he's enjoying the fruits of his labor before he gets too old to do it. The second thing is that GRRM fucking LOVES television, all he wanted to do was write tv shows and now he's got a second shot at it and he's not letting go.
>>24102492"As you know, I don't outline my novels. I find that if I know exactly where a book is going, I lose all interest in writing it." -- George R.R. Martin, October 1993, the original pitch for A Song of Ice and Fire
>>24104786Lose interest in it. You are not the same person you were 20-30 years ago
>>24102821There has to be some teenage fan who would jump on his dick if asked.
I think he genuinely doesn't like it anymore. Tragically it's his magnum opus and he doesn't have enough years left to do much else. And at the same time, he would need to finish this before he could justify a new scifi novel. Also he's lost "it" but he's still smart enough to recognize good from bad. And whatever he writes out dings the bad taste sensors, so he goes back again and again each time more frustrated and demoralized.
>>24102492He just doesnt want to.
The worst part is he won't just fucking say it
it's really an insult to what he owes the fans who made him rich and bought a story he promised
One thing that I think can't be making it any better is link related:https://wikiofthrones.com/george-r-r-martin-delay-the-winds-of-winter-killed-important-character>We’re having this conversation, and I was asking him, how’s it going? The newest book?>And he said I’m having all kinds of trouble. He said, you ever killed somebody off that you later realized you knew you needed?>And I said, no, George, that’s never happened to me.>We talked further, and he said, I just painted myself into a corner.As I've discussed before, this can't be a "recent" death, ie it can't be a death from Feast or Dance. It's definitely not Jon, who we all know is scheduled to come back anyway, and it can't be somebody from either of the more recent two books because their deaths would be logistically simple to undo.What's clearly happened, in my mind, is that the fat fuck killed a character in Storm, Clash, or maybe even all the way back in Game, that he now realizes he needs to make at least one important plotline function. A character who's been dead for SO long that he can't easily bring them back. So he's been trying to write around this great inconvenience and has been failing to do so.On top of what everyone has said about him being fat and old and having lots of money, this trouble with the story itself seems like the most logical thing that could be holding back the books.
>>24106337If that's true, I can actually respect him not finishing his fantasy slopBeing so adverse to pulling a deus ex out your ass is commendable
He doesn't have an ending that is both subversive but also satisfying for the large popular audience he has built
>>24102492He hit the same wall that all longrunning fantasy seires hit since the wheel of time. The tagline is "Winter is Coming". It's not. As the series went on, more and more characters and diverging plotlines to keep track of were added, many of them apparently completely unrelated to each other, even as it increasingly became just another cliche chosen one monomyth, like every other fantasy series out there. A grim, excessively long soap opera with lots of deaths and constant unresolved tension
He doesn't want toSimple as(You) shouldn't care either anymoreIf the author doesn't care enough to finish his story, you shouldn't care to read it to the end
>>24106352Why should people only care when the author does? Very odd take. I don't know about you, but my thoughts and feelings are generally independent of other people.
>>24106357You got the vax didn't you
>>24106361No. I may be retarded, but I'm not stupid.
>>24106361mind broken
>>24106373You have to worry about rare cancers for the rest of your life
>>24102956>He writes 100 pages, decides it's no good and scraps it.This isn't anything special and writers do this constantly. The difference is that Martin can allow himself to do so.
The timeline probably goes:>pre-2011>was already having trouble writing Feast and Dance, which were plodding and meandering >definitely showing signs of him being unsure how to take the story forward (grappling with whether to do a time skip or not) and ultimately decided to relegate most of those sticking points to Winds (how does Dany leave Meereen? guess I’ll figure out when I write Winds)>2011-2015>manages to push out Dance the same year as the show is premiering (by cutting a lot of material like the battles and creating even more backlog for Winds)>show becomes a huge success and GRRM being an entertainment darling, being wined and dined, invited to talk shows, becoming a household name >has the time of his life participating in the casting, writing entire episodes for the show, advising on other parts of the script, touring the sets >probably decides to give himself a 3-year vacation from writing because “he deserves it”>2015-2019>realizes he needs to get back to work if he wants to avoid the show catching up to the books>thinks he can knock out the writing in a year, gives wildly optimistic promises on his blog>procrastinates / gets stuck and doesn't even come to make the deadline>show catches up to the books and D&D start making up their own fan-fiction because (i) show-watchers are retarded and just want dumb spectacle and (ii) why would they follow GRRM’s outline when even he doesn’t know where the story is headed>GRRM is depressed, doesn’t write>gets even more depressed when he sees the mainstream reaction to the show ending (which still had some traces of his ending like Bran king)>write slop side-projects like Fire and Blood to cope >2020-2025>COVID, gets back into a writing groove because no more distractions>does solid progress but remembers why he was getting stuck in the first place>writes 1,000 manuscript pages in 2020 then nothing in the 3 years that follow>gets back into his fun distractions like House of the Dragon, Dunk & Egg show which have placed him in the limelight again>could just force himself to write the remaining ~300 pages but is probably also scared of public reaction after 14 years of waiting so puts it off
>>24106337Literally who has been killed who can't use another character to reveal a twist? Howland Reed is alive to answer Ned's plot twists, Jeyne Westerling for Robb, plenty of Lannisters for Tywin, etc. not to mention the literal gods who give people visions - see Patchface.
>>24106521People have theorized that it could be:>Kevan>Lannister-controlled Westeros probably implodes much too quickly if he isn’t righting the ship, especially since Cersei will immediately blame the Tyrell’s for his death and create infighting among the ruling faction>Maester Aemon>people think he needed to meet Dany or maybe someone else to impart Targaryen / dragon knowledge to them, and him dying will prevent that Aemon probably does have unique knowledge that you can’t just contrive someone else having. He’s a Targaryen, probably the oldest person in Westeros, knows about Summerhall, yadda yadda…
>>24106541>KevanJust replace him with that commander-cousin, Daven or something. Or use one of the western vassals. Or even make Tommen appoint someone from the Reach on Margery's council. There must be some competent character out there and Cersei's power is not absolute.>Maester AemonFor Dany, Barristan is there, Valyria is next door. There's Marwyn, there are Red Priests, there are old books. It wouldn't be too hard to bring up some ancient dragon secrets.
>>24106541>>24107438There's literally nothing Kevan offers to the plot that can't be filled in by Mace Tyrell or Randyll Tarly who are currently in King's Landing
>>24103073He is predominantly of Irish descent; a DNA test on the series Finding Your Roots showed him to be 53.6% "British and Irish", 22.4% Ashkenazi Jewish, and 15.6% "Broadly Northwestern European".
>>24102492Who fucking cares? The series was always overrated dogshit. If people had a brain, they would've stopped paying attention this fat, old hack years ago.
>>24107494>The series was always overrated dogshityou mean underrated masterpiece amigo
>>24102492>makes promises and never fulfills themHe has become a grifter.
>>24102523To be fair I'd do the same
give anyone ITT $100 million and see if they still keep plugging away at their old job
>>24107566James Patterson has published 100 books since GRRM quit, and he can buy and sell that fat lazy bastard.
>>24107720they're 76 and 77 years old. they should both be retired and enjoying their lives. work to live, don't live to work.(GRRM just needs to tell everyone he's not going to finish the series and to fuck off)
>>24102492It must be genuinely too complicated to fix in a satisfying way in the number of books he wants to doI wonder why he doesn’t just keep putting out stuff, never reduce the complexity, just add and add. Embrace the entropy.
>>24107765That would pretty much obliterate his legacy (not that the shitfest of a show helped).
ive heard it's because he gets too much pussy now but it's probably because he's a writer and the kind of work writers do is different than the kind of work producers do and if he's producing it probably takes a lot out of him plus he's extremely fat and old
>>24107720patterson uses ghost writers, i'm surprised martin doesn't by now
>>24107781>his legacyhave you seen the guy? he's fat as shit, you think he cares what other people think about him?muh legacy is cope for people who spent their lives working too hard to enjoy anything.
>>24102492Nobody liked the tv ending and that was actually what was going to happen
>>24102492Well before he was obsessed with making the TV show. Then D&D burned him and he had some fire under his ass when they made a terrible last season But then they started HOTD and he focused on that. Then he saw how off track season two went and gave up all hope of his works being adapted faithfully, and he was about to start writing again. But then his less successful writer friend passed away and it sent him into a depression.We may still yet get Winds, but we are never getting Dream.
>>24106521>>24106541i've also heard it posited that it could be arys oakheart - arianne is going to meet faegon, areo hotah is going to track down darkstar, there is no POV in sunspear to be close to doran and his court.the most common answers seem to be kevan, arys and aemon. i would guess it's aemon, he probably knows some targ family things that can't be feasibly introduced otherwise, things that aren't written down and barristan wouldn't know to be able to tell daenaerys.
>>24105468Genuinely one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. How could you not do a barebones basic outline for your multi-book fantasy epic, and then act surprised that you've written yourself into a corner?
>>24102492>What specifically do you think is preventing him from finishing his series?So idiots like you can keep talking about him
>>24102492He doesn't want to deprive /lit/ and Reddit of their daily threads
>>24107852He wrote the tv ending obviously that's the ending. I don't get why people want him to end it TWICE. The tv show is canon.
>>24108279neck yourself
>>24108089>How could you not do a barebones basic outline for your multi-book fantasy epicThat's how the good ones work. Tolkien didn't plan much of Lord of the Rings either, it was mostly by him just writing whatever he felt like over 15 years
>>24108644An exception that proves the rule. Tolkien wrote two books and struggled for the rest of his life to make a satisfactory sequel/prequel.
>>241086651 good book is worth 100 Brandon Sanderson slops
>>24102492He had turn into 'realistic' what could have been fun. If he can't write Jon fucking Arya, what's the point?
>>24108687>If he can't write Jon fucking Arya, what's the point?That was in his original plans for the series but I think he abandoned it
>>24108692Yeah that's what he wanted to write but the story had to move away from it to stay consistent. There was an attempt to revive it in the last book but now Jon is dead so whatever.
>>24106337Then he can rewrite the first books. Not an excuse.
>>24102492I think he either had winds saved on an old hard-drive that was destroyed, or more likely the show killed any remaining drive. The story is too bloated to be finished in three books either way
>>24102492>What specifically do you think is preventing him from finishing his series?Talent
>>24102492The show was the real ending and he can’t think of a different one
>>24102492Have you ever tried to write a novel? And a fantasy novel with a bunch of characters and points of view in that regard?
>>24106337I bet it’s sandor or peter
>>24107720Patterson is a team not a person
>>24102492he doesn't plan he write as he goesso he wrote himself in a corner and can't find a way out
>>24108888wasted didits
>>24108682Say whatever aphorism that helps you sleep at night, but GRRM is a professional writer who can't fulfill his end of the deal. By most standards, he sucks at his job.
>>24102492I'm going to guess the series finale was 99% of what he actually planned to write and he can't fix it.
>>24109159that's kinda impossible considering it was missing over half the characters and plotlines from the books
>>24109159It would be extremely out of character for him to lie to this degree but perhaps the finale made him go mask off and cloak and dagger the whole project and he's writing Winds of Winter and Dream of Spring back to back and saying he's stuck on Winter to buy time. I think he knows he has to stick the landing, people say he doesn't care with all his money but I think that's not true either - he still contributed to Elden Ring , he still cares about worldbuilding enough to help that project out. He also continued to flesh out westeros with fire and bloodThis is heavy copium but I think the books are more done then we think , but he knows its his magnum opus and if you've read his earlier books - endings are not his strong suit and he is probably acutely aware of this , so he's rewriting a million things to really make sure its iron clad.
>>24109179He's not writing Wind and Sping together. Last major update was in 2022 when he said he had 1100 manuscript pages but thinks Winds will clock in around 1800 so he still had a big chunk to write. Since then it's been mostly radio silence which means it's not going well, he's written maybe another 100-200 since then.t. been following GRRM since 2006
>>24109188whats the over under in your opinion that the weight of too many plotlines got him bogged down ?
>>24102492Getting mad pussy
Sloth and pride.
>>24109207real talk , if you looked like GRRM and had modest fame (not his level) how much pussy would this guy be able to pull ? And what quality ? Only goblins?
>>24109218>Only GoblinsSound good to me anon
>>24109204>whats the over under in your opinion that the weight of too many plotlines got him bogged down ?It's the main hurdle in writing the book, he has to juggle a lot of plates.The other main problem is showbiz, George spends too much time trying to get adaptations made of his work. It distracts him.
>>24102918pretty pathetic that he spent so much time on both tv adaptations and in the end both creators told him to fuck off and decided to ruin them with their own shitty ideas, you'd think he'd have more awareness considering his background in tv
>>24106076that's my problem with it. He wouldn't be anywhere without his book fans, and yet they're the ones who get shafted in the end. Normies only remember the show for sex and violence and a bad ending. All that literary talent that made it was it was will be forgotten.
>>24105655And he'll be dead before she can Metoo him.
While the TV show butchered his books, I do think the last couple seasons generally followed the blueprint of how he wants to end the series. The backlash probably made him extremely butthurt. Another problem is that the story became too bloated to finish in two books. For example, it's hard to imagine how you can make Daenerys reach Westeros by the end of TWOW.
>>24102492why would you read this guy when tolkien and walter scott already exist? is he just for the lower iq consumer segment?
>>24110244The thing that got people hooked on ASOIAF was the political intrigue and the characters, not the fact that it's fantasy.
>>24110261scott does both much better
>>24110268The guy who wrote Ivanhoe? I have not read anything from him, but come on bro, just because two stories have knights and swords and maybe some royal court drama doesn't make it at all the same. Whether you like ASOIAF or not, it clearly scratches a completely different itch than Lord of the Rings, generic high fantasy or chivalry novels.
>>24110276it scratches the itch for people who are too dumb to understand 19th century prose
He's more interested in world building than narrative. Also his problem is that his attitude towards being a writer is in his words like being a gardener>I think there are two types of writers, the architects and the gardeners. The architects plan everything ahead of time, like an architect building a house. They know how many rooms are going to be in the house, what kind of roof they're going to have, where the wires are going to run, what kind of plumbing there's going to be. They have the whole thing designed and blueprinted out before they even nail the first board up. The gardeners dig a hole, drop in a seed and water it. They kind of know what seed it is, they know if planted a fantasy seed or mystery seed or whatever. But as the plant comes up and they water it, they don't know how many branches it's going to have, they find out as it grows. And I'm much more a gardener than an architect.Basically he gets a new idea, decides to put it in, then lets it balloon out of control instead of just killing his darlings and sticking to a more rigid plan. The books have become far too big with too many POVs and plot lines as a result, leading him into a place where he's struggling to tie it all together. Writing one POV story satisfactorily is hard enough, but now he has write almost two dozen POV stories. There's also the weight of his own personal expectations and fan expectations, the longer he leaves it and the more time it takes to finish, the greater both become, which only makes it more difficult to write as he'll find it harder to be satisfied with it.
>>24102492Nihilism lost, he wrote himself into a hole and can't figure out a good ending.
>>24102492>>24102492Honestly, I think he's written himself into a hole. He has so many dangling plot points that it's hard for him to organize his stories in a coherent way. He started out with a good idea, but doesn't know how to finish it. He has only the vaguest idea of how he actually wants the story to end. The success from his first books has diminished his desire to actually finish the series and he's gotten sidetracked on all the bullshit.
You all act like he owes you something. Nigger behavior.
>>24110587>It's okay that someone broke their promise to deliver something to me, as long as they're happy it doesn't matterActual cuckold mindset
Has to incorporate overt magic in a story where everything has been fairly "believeable"/realistic to a point. Such a hard turn changes a lot of the tone and storytelling and can alienate an audience even more than waiting 14 YEARS GEORGE
nigga got his check and pigged out and will continue to do so unto his grave. you consumed slop from a pig.
Anons are being unfairly harsh to him.After all, what have YOU achieved in the last 14 years?
>>2411028519th century prose scratches the itch for people who are too dumb to understand 16th century prose
>>24102492>Boomer>too prideful to have assistants (and paranoid)>or collate mountains of fan theories>Publisher can't or won't incentivize the aforementionedWhat people have read into or fleshed out in the narrative wildly exceeds his original intention or ability with his 'gardening' bovine bullshit approach to composition. And it makes him sadder and older than he might otherwise be. The Shows being a huge betrayal and slow motion trainwreck didn't help either. >>24104276https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8CltAb4Q8QD&D are a couple of [[[silver spoon]]] hacks with dogshit novels and just as bad screenwriting CVs that bamboozled this Boomer with a firm handshake and too much wine over diner to secure Exclusive Development Rights. The Pilot was a shit show, and all the late season directors that were half decent were there at that beginning picking up their zero showrunner experience slack. Vicious little shits, and petty.>>24106337>necromancers: existLiterally just asspull. Littlefinger's a Bravos banks agent, Black Goat of Qohor cultist with infiltrators in the Maesters trying to leak out technology they've held back (and magic). Have Marwen do it. Have Children of the Forest do it. Who gives a fuck, there's magic in the world. Make it happen.
>>24112655 unironically George deserves to die for what he’s done
It’s sad that him dying would probably get the book into your hands faster than him staying alive. He’s probably 80% of the way there (if he hasn’t been making up page numbers to placate his audience) and his publisher would just have a ghost writer comb through his notes to cobble something together for Winds.At this point, it just seems like he can’t bear to put something out after making people wait for 14 years and he’ll resist for the rest of his lifetime.
>>24112685>D&D are a couple of [[[silver spoon]]] hacksIt's so fucking funny that The Dragon Demands desperately tries to obfuscate the fact that D&D are the living stereotypes of Jewish nepotism. He really tries to brush it off as " wealthy 1% white privilege" while unintentionally creating a comically antisemitic image of Jewish conmen that succeeded only by stealing from the creativity of a white man and using their ((((LITERAL JEWISH BANKER)))) connections to get a TV show deal.
>>24104276>the backlash to S8 scared the shit out of himthis
>>24104234I've actually experienced that in foreign countries :(
>>24102492acute obesity
WTF would you guys do if he came out tomorrow and said, "I scrapped what I had during covid and haven't written anything since. The book is not started."
>>24114358I wouldn't care. I stopped reading his slop after Feast. I'm just here to laugh at the fat fuck for not doing his job.
>>24114358that's what i assume anyway. after 14 years i have 0 expectations, i don't care what GRRM/Guns n Roses/Dr. Dre/Valve says. i don't believe anything at that point until i have it in my hands.
>>24103073>Is he a jew? he looks jewishKinda. A couple years ago he learned on some TV show that his Italian grandfather got cucked by a Jew.
being a fat lazy masturbatory degenerate goonbrained pedophile faggot probably
>>24110268>scott does both much betterFuck no, Ivanoe sucks. Stevenson and Haggard wrote much better historical adventure stuff.
He can't.Because he knows that the only real way to end it is the classic way: hero comes, defeats evil. He even set up a resurrection plot for said underdog hero.But he can't do that because he has to subvert expectations, that's how his saga became so popular in the first place. By killing off the main character at the end of the first novel (without it feeling like an asspull too). "What now?"But you can't do something like that for an ending, because there is no "what now", this is it. But if you go for the straight classic ending, people will say "that's it?"He was fucked the moment he killed off Ned Stark. It was interesting, but it can't have a satisfying ending.People like to say that he's lazy and fat and what not, but the reality is that he just can't come up with an ending that will be both satisfying and subversive. Because it doesn't exist. He's better off leaving it as it is and letting people fantasize about fragments of a possible ending to that story, and unclear visions, it will always be better than whatever he ever comes up with. He knows it.You'll never read the ending to that story. Because there is no possible ending, people are too cynical (and he knows that he contributed to it) to appreciate the classic ending that the story calls for, they think they want their expectations subverted, but such an ending will be a total letdown. They don't know what they want, so the best move is to give them nothing.
>>24114868Eddard Stark was never the main character of asoiaf, you're a moron who has no idea what he's talking about
>>24102631>no passion. he's a fat american. the only thing that motivates him is money and food. he's already got enough of both so he has no desire or reason to finish it.
>>24114894im american and I agree with everything he said. I think youre the chink, and youre posting the chinkoid meme to cover for it
>>24110244>>24110268Walter Scott doesn't have detailed scenes of characters explicitly banging whores or shitting. The depravity of modern Babylon does not permit an Ivanhoe or Talisman to be successful.
>>24114868>But he can't do that because he has to subvert expectations>He was fucked the moment he killed off Ned Stark. t. retard, who never actually read ASOIAF
>>24106337I still think Kevan Lannister is the character he regrets killing. He needs someone reasonable and respectable in King's Landing to finish out that plotline.
>>24115568GRRM wants chaos and hostility between the Tyrells and Cersei in King's Landing, not stability. He spells it out in the chapter Kevan dies.
>>24102492Writing the demigod lore for Elden Ring took a lot out of him, please understand.
>>24102492His whole career consisted of him copying Tolkien and he probably has ran out of things to steal also he is probably leaving it unfinished so others can finish up the book and release it posthumously like with the Silmarillion.
>>24102492the series ending is his ending, and is butthurt that it is seen as one of the biggest asspulls in fantasy and can't come to terms with it, and doesn't want to or can't change his mind, and is trying his hardest to try to make it make sense, but can't.
>>24102492if you were him what motivation is there? the story was ruined by the tv show, he has all the money he needs, he's fat and old and no doubt can see his impending death in the distance. why work so hard for so little?