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Is this actually worth reading or is it just a meme?
Not read it, but it does seem pretty hate-fuelled propaganda samizdat

You're speaking to someone who is reading the Will to Power to remain sane.

Read what you like, anon
I actually read it. It was nothing but juvenile wish fulfillment. Also, if anyone set off as many atomic bombs as they did in that book, Earth would become a radioactive hellhole, where no one could live, so it was incredibly stupid too.
Anon from above

The Will to Power is notorious for Nietzsche being twisted out of context by his Nazi sister's edits of his notes.

OP always be careful reading obvious bait shit
It's not worth it. It's just hokey post-apocalyptic scavenging.
I am demoralized
What were you expecting from this book, then?
? post apocalyptic? no.
This book always felt like a fed psy-op to me. Why would white supremacists focused on isolating European countries massacre the rest of the world? Especially china when they constantly praise east Asians? It's cartoonishly stupid and beyond what most wignats really believe.
It‘s fun
RWers only like Japan and maybe rooftop Koreans. They constantly make fun of China and call them soulless bug people, insectoids, etc. BAP in particular seems to really dislike the Chinese and constantly uses them as an example of what a society should NOT be.
Isn't BAP a zionist tho?
i dont see how that is at all relevant. do you happen to be brown?
BAP is a jew lol
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Fake news
The author said the intention of the book was to radicalize people. It was successful in doing this as Timothy McVeigh murdered 168 glowies and was found in possession of pages of this book which he had torn out and kept with him. No information on which pages. If you read the writings of McVeigh, specifically 'on the hypocrisy of war' I think it shows parallels to the arguments found in The Turner Diaries.

A lot of glowies died because of this book lmao.
Oh and to answer your question, no, it isn't worth reading. But think of all those roasted glowies lmao.
The author's intention might be a meme but you as the reader aren't required to care about that. Sometimes the things you learn from a book have nothing to do with what the author originally intended.
I disagree
If you set off a big enough nuke in space it would act as a giant EMP, throwing civilization back to the 1800s
This is true
>Not read it, but
>I disagree
So what you learned from that post was nothing to do with what the author originally intended?
McVeigh was a glowie
Wikipedia says there's an illustrated version of The Turner Diaries but I have yet to find the illustrations online.
you can actually listen to it, as recited by the author
and as a radio personality and public speaker he had some audiobook production skills

to answer your question: sure, it's better than 99.995% YA fiction and there is nothing else like it
The author said it was designed to radicalize readers, but it has sections which justify the murder of conservatives and right-wingers. But supposedly they are the target audience of this book.

Unless your brain is already cooked by /pol/ infographics, this book is a waste of time. It does give a unique look into what white supremacists want though.
>comparing Nietzsche to white supremacists
don't you dare watch another video essay
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it was probably the first edition (1978), which wasn't scanned
I saw pic rel in the movie The Order so it's a good reference to go by

>The author said it was designed to radicalize readers
>Unless your brain is already cooked by /pol/ infographics
so you admit that it practically predicted the future, and not even the immediate future but 30+ years into the future future
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here is the cover of the version from the movie
How was the movie? If they had done it five years ago when dissecting enemy propaganda was my thing I‘d have been all over that but am too burned out on slop now. Still curious.
if you have the time or work in some industry related to entertainment, it's worth watching (5/10), probably on par with Green Room which was anti-nazi too but a decent movie apart from that

bank robbery, half decent
the last stand of the main guy: nice and dignified
anyone who read would admit is there more of that
the author was a humble person who didn't want to go outside the margins of what he knew for sure; I listened to some radio shows of his and it's the same pattern "I know this, I share this, there is no speculation, we need to focus on this because otherwise there is no way forward"
the fact that I'm not that kind of person makes me appreciate him more
>all these Reddit-tier responses
It's not groundbreaking or the best book ever, but it's a pretty interesting and entertaining read, take it from a National Socialist's mouth.

If you know WLP's style of speaking and some of his mannerisms, you'll be able to spot them in some parts of the book. At some points, not that many though, the text comes accross as a little preachy, personally I didn't mind it because I went in expecting as much.

Because the book is written in such a way as to make it resemble a diary, some events or plot points might seem odd, or sudden, or "too easily achieved". I think that might be because the author stuck to the diary entry format in a very consistent way, sometimes at the expense of other parts of the work. So, for example, you might find yourself reading an entry that basically states "and today we convinced this person of this extremely foreign idea and now he's working with us" instead of the entry "breaking character" of the diary and describing the process in more detail.

The Turner Diaries is one of WLP's two most widely known works, the other one being Hunter, which I also consider to be much better. Both Hunter and TTD share the same trait of showing the author's logical thought behind some of the characters' actions. As in, at times some descriptions or solutions or events might strike you as pretty clever or inventive or actually plausible which I think makes for a very interesting read, since you'll have the feeling of reading about something that theoretically could be done. Let's not forget that WLP was an engineer and a very intelligent person, and he approached his writing with that widely known but rarely implemented well mindset of actually trying to think about how a story problem should be solved in the most plausible way. That is one of the reasons why this book, and WLP, were blamed for some of the later real life terrorist attacks and accused of inspiring them, it's because WLP's "mind wargames" resulted in fairly realistic solutions.
>all these Reddit-tier responses
yeah good job serving a faggy block of text including reddit spacing
the text is divided into parts dealing elaborating on different thoughts so nigger-brains like you have an easier time reading.
WLP was NOT a wignat
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>reddit spacing
That's not reddit-spacing, newfaggot. That's an appropriate paragraph break.
It sucks balls. The writing is about equivalent to the left behind series.

Someone should unironically use a LLM to rewrite it with prose similar to that of someone with actual talent.
seethe, paragraphlets
a good book opens another, eh? :3
it's accurate in how all the ethnic and intraethnic groups are portrayed, the stereotypes from 50 years ago are the same ones you see online constantly today. things are actually worse today IRL though, even Pierce didn't predict they'd import every brown from South America and eventually the entire world
AI makes every book an audio book
thats gay
also if there is already an audiobook recited by the author who actually has skills to do it, why would you go 120% gay
>so you admit that it practically predicted the future, and not even the immediate future but 30+ years into the future future
No. And it's incredibly myopic, just like all white supremacist literature.
>hurr durr we need to unite to overthrow the hurp de doo
>but first we need to go into a purity spiral
Seriously, they're retarded.
They articulate their systemic critique without resorting to incoherent filler and an admonition to tolerate traitors in one‘s midst, unlike (You)
They literally recruit, and then later stab, conservatives while they're sleeping in their bunks.
Even Hitler thought you faggots were crazy.
I read it in 2020, it is a really entertaining and funny read. Reads like a power fantasy sci-fi. If you align with the character's beliefs it makes for fun reading makes you go "damn I wish this would happen." What is funny is the sheer vitriol in it though, I feel like it's more of a LARP than anything, maybe fed written? Fun read though shouldn't take you more than a couple hours.
Prove it
There are those aspects which should be considered within the context of the time in which the novel was written.
Did this guy write anything else?
meme but its worth reading if you for some reason still need to understand how utterly deranged right wingers actually are
>being a leftist in 2025
Hunter is a prequel written sometime afterwards
How can it be a prequel if he wrote it afterwards.
The magic of the white man
Is it about hunter biden?
Are you actually mentally disabled or just baiting?
You could argue McVeigh was glowie-adjacent, sure. Same with Ted K. Not full thermonuclear nightlight though. Not like you're implying. Not unless there's a big shoe drop in Aberration in the Heartland of the Real I haven't gotten to yet.
>everybody who ever does anything is a glowie but if he's not, he's "glowie-adjacent"
get a life
wtf does "glowie adjacent" even mean stop making up words
The dissident right before the internet was a lot stranger and Pierce was quite out there. The whole cosmotheism thing was some bizarre pseudo-religion based on his physics background that justified his politics because he couldn’t just say he likes his own race and wants it to thrive.
The overton window shifted
Hahahaha lmao awesome
No it's not, the events of Hunter don't take place in the Turner Diaries "universe"
interesting backstory. So the book is straight up propaganda?
You couldn't tell by reading it?
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The book is meh because like all conservative lit it has this "dut-tu-dut-tu-duh" pacing. And then, and then, like a news report bulleting with marginally better prose.
There's a universe?
It's worth reading if you have a particular intrest in banned/controvercial books or understanding how white natonalist actually feel and what they would really like as their end goal if they got their way.

As far as it as a work of litterature, it's meh.
The prose is competent so it isn't actually painful to read. Not great, but not bad if you ignore the subject matter and just talking about the writting as craft.
Again, not taling about the subject matter but from a story as craft perspective, it has some issues and isn't partiuclarlly good, but not dredfully bad ether.
If you were to ignore the subject matter I would say it's writiing and story telling is around average to slightly below average.

But to finally talk about the elephant in the room, it's the subject matter that is the big deal with this piece. The author HATES almost everyone. The book is centered around that hate, around fantasies about a race war, about what should happen after the one group of people he doesn't totally hate win should do with the people he does hate.
Oh, and the real reason it has been banned so much is because it does indeed have fairly accurate instructions on how to create high explosives and effectively use them in terrorist attacks. While it doesn't go into deep detail, what it does go into is legit.

I listened to the audio book (read by the author himself) because I am a edgelord into banned books. I honestly don't regret my time spent with the book.
If you too are a edgelord or the curious type then it isn't a waste of time.
If you are looking for something that will actually change your mind on anything or is a great work of literature then give it a pass. It isn't interested in being a great work or in persuading people not already on board with what it's preaching.

Those are my thoughts on TTD. It's a actual story that is competently written, though mediocre, and the subject matter is American white nationalist bullshit. That is what you are getting.
I got it recommended as a fun read from a fellow national socialist. It reads as wish fulfillments and that's what makes it entertaining. "The Day of the Rope" is simply exhilarating.
What does it have to do with Nat soc?
Only if you want to understand Neo-Nazi and Right-Wing extremist tactics.

The fact that Neo-Nazis will shoot fellow white people on their own side and blame black people to manufacture faux outage to fuel their cause is peak irony.
WLP believed that his ideas (not exactly National Socialism 1-to-1) and National Socialism had the same ultimate purpose, that's why as long as your ideology also shares this ultimate purpose you can find value in what WLP is saying about the world.
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if you have to ask you are probably one of those criminals whose boss set them up to larp as nazis so he won't get the shaft when you unavoidably get caught

and that's not even the final stage
there is an additional stage where the western world stops feeding scum from africa & india that only shit up nature and bite the hand that feeds them (and a total stop to spying from ch*na and other communist countries)
This seems like a sensible idea
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That's what makes it so satisfying to read and yet so frustrating because you know that's never going to happen.
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This book is great, should be taught in schools. It is my new Bible. I read it DAILY for inspiration. It has empowered me, charged my testosterone and my vril, just from reading it... I hope it comes true. I will MAKE it come true. And no one will stop me. I am like the Caligula Wall, nothing can block my path.
I read it recently.
It's a bit schizo, but fun and interesting nonetheless. Especially the protagonists supposed knowledge and mannerisms made me think if I myself could find me to be in his position in the future, since i work in a technical field and dislike governmental overreach too.
I don't care if you are a woman, a communist, a criminal, or a street sh*tter, but your post underlines why technology must be confiscated from your kind
Really makes you think
>I am 14 and this is deep
Facts brother
Book Club From Hell has a good episode on it
The Turner Diaries is a fun read. It has a rock and roll attitude, but gives you some politics at the same time. I have the audiobook version read by Dr. Pierce himself.

Dr. pierce also wrote Hunter, and it is written much better, but not as fun as The Turner Diaries.

You might wanna try The Brigade by Harold Covington. I liked that book alot (it is part of book series, maybe 5 in total).
Don't listen to the other guy, it's an amazing movie that pays great respect to Saint Mathews, and the FBI-agent is a drug addicted loser with a black girl-boss friend. This movie is on the same level as the Northman. It's a must-watch.
I think it's worth reading if you want to understand the mindset of neo-nazis and their tactics, So ideally even those that oppose the book's message should read it to "know their enemy".

The actual book is fanfiction quality and told me that my "fellow whites" would gladly shoot me in the back if it meant furthering their efforts and literately blame blacks and jews for the crimes neo-nazis committed. Major Freudian slip on the author's part that's extremely telling.
>Neo-Nazis has terrible taste
The sky is blue.
>This movie is on the same level as the Northman
I'd say it's better than the Northman as that is a boring movie with a wannabe-tolstoy script that only appeals to closeted homosoxuals and h.a.gs
now Valhalla Rising, that's a real movie
shush now, it will soon be over and you and your friends can join the neo-nazi larpers in the mines
>a supposed white supremacist being a jewish supremacist is irrelevant
>my "fellow whites" would gladly shoot me in the back if it meant furthering their efforts

The same old lies.
No but this is
why not?
You somehow managed to post a book even more badly written and ridiculous than op.
>He believes the official story
Libtards treating these books like some kind of Necrocomicon has done far more for their popularity than anything contained within the text.
>The author said the intention of the book was to radicalize people.
>The author said it was designed to radicalize readers, but
this reminds me of the comment sections of balkan newspapers (the few left), where you can see dozens of comments with the same arguments, sometimes even the same text with a few words changed, appear "randomly"

apparently here the script is "radicalizing for right wing BAD, attack conservatives GOOD"
>Is this actually worth reading or is it just a meme?
the real question is why only leftists or those extorted by leftists oppose "the nazis"
why does ukraine russia of being "nazis" and "fascists" and why does russia accuse ukraine of being "nazis" and "fascists"? heck even azerbaijan started accusing armenia of being "nazis" and "fascists" while most muslim countries whole-heartedly subscribe to communism even though it contradicts the qur'an
the reality is more simple that you can imagine: everybody opposing "nazis" and "fascists" are just simple criminals, wanting to get something for nothing and angry that there are people who may oppose them (for example to oppose them dealing cocaine or fentanyl etc.), angry to the degree that they may even commit murder
so remember: if anybody condemns nazism, or christianity for that matter, that simply means they are willing to commit murder for the price of a soda pop
>why does ukraine russia
why does ukraine accuse russia
>willing to commit murder for the price of a soda pop

with the price of groceries these days, that might not be a bad deal
George Orwell (who took a fascist bullet in the throat) wrote in 1944 about the word "fascism" being thrown around as a term of abuse. At the time, there were people on the left who said all conservatives are pro-fascist, that British rule in India was the same as Nazism, along with the Boy Scouts, the London Metropolitan Police, and the M.I.5. There were conservatives who said socialism and fascism were the same thing, which was also made in a different angle by communists between 1930-1935 because they didn't like the socialists. Then there were other conservatives who said the USSR and the Third Reich were the same thing, which was also echoed to some extent by anarchists.

There were also people who accused anti-war people during World War II of being fascists, and then those anti-war people accused the people who wanted to fight the Nazis of being fascists.

>Yet underneath all this mess there does lie a kind of buried meaning. To begin with, it is clear that there are very great differences, some of them easy to point out and not easy to explain away, between the régimes called Fascist and those called democratic. Secondly, if ‘Fascist’ means ‘in sympathy with Hitler’, some of the accusations I have listed above are obviously very much more justified than others. Thirdly, even the people who recklessly fling the word ‘Fascist’ in every direction attach at any rate an emotional significance to it. By ‘Fascism’ they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and anti-working-class. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come. But Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it? Alas! we shall not get one — not yet, anyway.
It isn't Camp of Saints-- yes, it's a meme.
Pierce is pretty unclear on his ideaology beyond "nonwhites bad, blacks worse, Jews worst of all." It doesn't make any sense to enter total war with all non whites, especially since at the end they wake the entire world up to the JQ.
Just finished reading it myself. It's as much of a far-right power-fantasy drivel as you can expect.
Lol, I've had this exact idea. Rewrite the book with character development, a more reasonable progression of events, and a more consistent ideology toward how to manage the revolution.
I recently relistened to it, and the purity spiral aspects of The Organization are pretty bad, and Pierce isn't consistent on how to manage conservatives. Sometimes he seems to believe they can be won over or reasoned with, while other times they all deserve to die.
Pierce does address this briefly. He figures the violence and backstabbing us justified because they're fighting for nothing less than the survival of the white race, and because all of the revolutionaries would and do gladly give their lives for the cause. He specifically states early that if they were just fighting for America, or any one country, their tactics wouldn't be worth it.
Some parts are unintentionally pretty funny, overall it's a schizo masturbatory fantasy not unlike the average reddit post about Donald "Orange Daddy" Trump or any of the Q shit that used to be on /pol/.
A special shoutout to the Skyrim-tier coalburner execution and the author describing it (and the rules of his own utopia) as "neither just nor unjust".
dunno, google it, was an official communique
quite sad that they consider taking responsibility (the cornerstone of fascism, probably the only thing SPQR & Italian post-unification fascism have in common) is being considered as something bad, including by conservatives... almost like two prostitutes accusing each other of being clean and healthy
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>Not read it, but
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Personally I always found books like that and Camp of the Saints etc. to be a big waste of time especially for the modern chud (me). Gosh im so glad I read this book from 40 years ago that told me mass migration and White population decline will result in racial conflict and the undermining of White nations. Not like I couldnt spent 10 minutes in Chicago and get the exact same thing out of it.
Just read classics and philosophy desu dont waste your time with cautionary tales that have already came and went. This shit is old news
>muh Reddit
Because accusing someone of being a Nazi or a fascist is an easy excuse to use when you want to invade them or take away their rights.
Like all political propaganda, its message comes before everything else.
would you protest against some random war if you knew that your faggy protest converts more fence-sitters towards pro-war than anti-war?
I think that Mr. Trump's triple victory is proof enough
And maybe throw in a magic system and a harem for the main character.

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