I heard from somewhere that Evola is not taken seriously in academia. Is that because he is taboo or because he doesn't back up what he writes scientifically?That leads me to my next question... is National Socialism a political ideology not taken seriously by academia? Is this because it is taboo or because it does not have a scientific basis?
>>24104321It's because he was a sperms who declared himself a "super fascist" who was so spergy and extremely that even Hitler and Mussolini thought he was weird, nigga literally though magic was real, that atlantis existed and he could protect himself from danger by manifesting Aryan Vrill. (He got crippled while walking outside during an allied bombing raid)Basically he's a loser with stupid ideas that got proven wrong by his own inability to actually manifest the magical shit he believed was real.
>>24104321his writings aren't useful to create the next iteration of the managerial class, sorry
>I'm not a fascist, i'm a super fascistEvola is DBZ applied to politics
>>24104321>>24104336Yea what that anon saidDon’t do some Harry Potter business on campus then expect to be taken seriously.When even academics thinks you’re a weirdo you should reevaluate your life.
>>24104321Disregard the seething leftist cries of "b-but he was a superfascist!!!" The real reason academics don't engage with him - nor with other Traditionalists such as Guénon or S.H. Nasr, who is himself a prominent figure in academia - is that they operate in a paradigm that is foreign to modern academia. Whereas the paradigms favored by academia are largely anti-metaphysics, empiricism, materialism, historicism, cultural relativism and on a social level, liberalism and its subsidiaries such as progressivism and feminism, the Traditionalists base their works on metaphysical ideas that are found in various religious and spiritual traditions globaly. What is more, they reject all the aforementioned modern paradigms, so there isn't even any common ground for them to engage them with. That said, modern academia does study them under the historicist paradigm as a "contemporary esoteric movement" and there are several historical studies dedicated to them, but these aren't really an engagement with their ideas.
Guenon, hermetics, masons, evola, fascists, etc belong to a framework that is not accepted by many modern academics except neoreactionaries and some nietscheans (who will often favour liberal approaachs, leaning to empiricist universaisms)Evola cannot be fully understood under the cureent marxist-liberal progressive synthesis, which understands social systems as directly expressing themselves from material inequities rooted in clalss.Rather than understanding social interactions and relations as a metapolitic reality of metaphysical relations, in the fashion of a system of darwinian arrangements.Nietzche recognises this as a universal consciousness.Others and the most common reactionary approach is now that systems of social organizations form cyclicaly and perpetually as a result of consciousness of ones own individuality or belogining to a group.Tldr. Evola and what you van extract of him says more of your approach to metaphysics than anythingModern academia is marxist, so they dont believe in super-structures like economic systems that replicate themselves or social units that manage them.
>>24104414What this anon isn't telling you is that Evola's "frame of reference" is him believing that magic is real and every race has a spiritual animus and that Aryans are descended from Atlantis.It was also disproved entirely by him being crippled by allied bombs when he thought his magic Aryan energy manifestations would save him.
>>24104445>i cant understand mitologization of origin as an aestethic currentThis is why we say Evola cannot be understood by leftists.You literally cannot think of social units.Evolians and fascists are hated by commies because you know post-marxism reactionary currents are inevitable. And reactionary currents are esoteric in nature, are nonfungible cultural traits created by differences on identity that permeate beyond class, and is what is left of one materiak surroundings.Which is in its indivisible unit one personal but also group consciousness.The creation of further group consciousness in post-classist society is inevitableAnd tradition, innirrational (thus real) sense justifies that purpose,
>>24104463That's a lot of word salad. You can hide your gay retarded beliefs behind all the fancy academic lingo you want, at the end of the day Evola chose to go out for walks during bombing raids because he very much believed that he could manifest his metaphysical beliefs to protect his physical body. He was crippled for life by an allied bomb. Ultimately, nothing else matters.
>>24104321it's because he's a wacky occultist not operating in a mode that academia really wants to deal with.being a nazi isn't by itself enough to get historical figures excised from academic study, though it is enough to get living people ostracized. heidegger is still taken seriously, schmitt is still taken seriously.
>>24104478Behold, a modern man! He hates the disabled with such a passion that it is as if they never lived to him! I will respond to you "in good faith" as well and attempt to explain the phenomenon. Perhaps the aryan vril spirits wanted poor Evola struck down, perhaps they knew it would keep you from believing him.
>>24104478Midwit leftist seetheEven your liberal friend dawkins tried to explain you this.And you keep failingprogressivism itself boiled down to the same.Racial consciousness is one of the most undivisible units of post-classed consciousness, you have other, such as gender consciousness whih rventually get supressed back into race consciousness by means of irrational supression for reproductive-replicative capacity.Marxists dont understand fascism naturally supercedes their system because you are utipiansThat which survives is what exists
>>24104497I really don't care about anything that doesn't function in reality. Racial groups do exist, they're a function of human tribal dynamics applied at a larger scale. Atlantis wasn't real and neither is magic, Evolution ultimately was just the far right equivalent of a leftist academic who spends all day spinning up imaginary theories that don't work in the real world.
>>24104496That's a cope, and yes I do hate disabled people who disabled themselves by acting retarded.
>>24104533what's your lifts fagget
>>24104478>at the end of the day Evola chose to go out for walks during bombing raids because he very much believed that he could manifest his metaphysical beliefs to protect his physical body.no, he didn't. he did it to master his fear, which he arguably did. he was known to never complain about his condition and bore it stoically. cretins like you are the reason this board is dead.
>>241045362 plate bench 3 plate deadlift vertical, don't squat because long legs but I leg press for over 600 lbs and I have a 2 foot vertical. I would fold you in half like a piece of paper
>>24104537Anon should I stab myself in the dick to get over my fear of getting stabbed in the dick?
>>24104540Nice try but now that you‘ve given any identifiable answer I will merely add five pounds to each
>>24104543you have a female mind. you wouldn't understand
>>24104544Ah, trusting that imaginary strength will save you, a true disciple of Evola.
>>24104546Going out and doing some dumb shit to "prove I'm not afraid" is literally the type of dumb shit I'd smack the shit out of my gf for doing
>>24104336Not really sure what believing in magic has to do with it. Yeats had none of these problems
>>24104553mastering your fear of death and injury is what men do. like i said, you're a female.
>>24104560The only thing Evola mastered was a shattered spine
>>24104557Magic is not the problem. Unfortunately Evola has become some kind of front for the culture war between chuds and söys. The chuds like him because he was "le heckin based" and the söys hate him because "superfascisterino!" So often Evola threads are shitflinging contests between the two camps and his ideas are seldom discussed. Guénon who had the same "magical beliefs" is not attacked in the same way by söys because he kept himself aloof from politics.
>>241045402pl8 bench is decent and nothing to be ashamed of but i hit 3pl8 diddly in a year and a half of lifting also you can't not squat i have long femurs too but i do zerchers and hack lifts/"behind the leg deadlifts" on which i have hit 3 and 3.5pl8 respectively. I had a pretty bad ankle injury a few years ago so i cant jump but before that i had a 36in box jump. you might be taller than me, i'm a mere 5'10 but handsomer? well that's purely subjective.
>>24104573Crippled would be more apt but yes
>>24104574I'm a year off from a knee surgery so I'm still pretty careful of any leg stuff, I'll start squatting eventually. And it's not like I'm some enormously strong dude, but most of you right wing fags don't even lift
I like the part where towards the end of his life he admitted it was all a LARP and magic isn't real.
>>24104595Being a crippled old man will do that to you
>>24104321All perennialist work under a confirmatión vías, each thing that work in favor of their agenda it's part of the primordial tradition, everything that contradict their notions of tradition they ignore
>>24104599He should've taken better care of his teeth.
>>24104540Holy lmao I have better lifts than that and I weigh 145lbs
>>24104608Impressive if true but I haven't been lifting for very long.
>>24104349>>24104336By that he meant that he had transcended fascism, exacerbating his personally developed ideology of Traditionalism.What I personally dislike about him, at least from the few pages I've read of Revolt Against the Modern World, all of ZEN: The Religion of the Samurai, and his translation of the Tao Te Ching, is how he locks his paradigm within German Idealism and seems incapable of perceiving other ideologies he respects outside of this framework, particularly bothering me when he seemed to be mistranslating and removing texts from his translation of the Tao Te Ching and adding in things I don't believe were actually meant to be there, all of that so conveniently fitting into the conclusions reached by German Idealists. I had heard amazing things about him, of people saying he was basically Nietzsche but better and of others praising his political theory but ended up disappointed upon actually reading his books. I still really respect a lot of the people who recommended Evola to me. Could someone perhaps please recommend some work of his you deem pretty good? Maybe I just had a bad start.
>>24104620His ideas are interesting, I'd give him a read just for that. But he's more of a fantasy writer than anything else. If you don't take the ideas seriously he's definitely entertaining.
>>24104620Doctrine of Awakening
>>24104588then perhaps u should have some more sympathy for the disabled, and for the conditions of living temporarily lame. Maybe you're too close to it now to not be swept up in very strong feelings of shame and anger but eventually that passes.
>>24104643I don't have sympathy for people who got disabled because of their tremendous retardation. Evola's ideas meeting reality and losing is infinitely funny to me, also since when are right wingers crying about disabled people?
>>24104638I'll check it, thanks.>>24104632I honestly liked a lot of what I read of him talking about ZEN Buddhism, basically having already reached beforehand most of his conclusion regarding Japanese society and the ZEN Buddhist tradition. But how he got there and what he then does with that really shocked me. It seemed to me like he was trying to simply change its aesthetics to fit a European society and spread it in Traditionalism, but then it seemed like he wanted it all to fit under German Idealism for some reason, and it really didn't click with me.
>>24104638Just upon reading the table of contents it already feels like a complete 180 in comparison to his translation of the Tao Te Ching. How does he go from changing the term "originator" to "becoming" and changing "wise man" to "The Perfect One" to know naming a chapter "Destruction of the Demon of Dialectic"? Unless I'm really misunderstanding what he meant by the title of this chapter, I'm already very pleased.
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why would that be
>>24104321ya bro read the ultrafascist thats definitely not career suicideI've heard oswald spengler has been studied in china, and even other places like india No his ideology is not scientific, it is explicitely spiritualist
>>24104553>the type of dumb shit I'd smack the shit out of my gf for doingWe all know you'd call the cops on her instead LMFAO
>>24104620>seems incapable of perceiving other ideologies he respects outside of this framework,This is how people far up their asses operate. Not worth reading when there are other outstanding writers.
>>24104463>The creation of further group consciousness in post-classist society is inevitablecitation needed
>>24105497quick someone post a peer reviewed study I'm on the verge of having an independent thought
>>24104321is it true that Evola is all aesthetics?like Stoicism but for Fascist-Aristocracy?
>>24105535You're the laughing stock of this thread, please keep at it
>>24105558citation needed
>>24104321It's because he his a fool.
>>24104321What's up with his eye
>>24104321Whether or not something is taken seriously by bourgeoisie academics is not a sign of its validity.Nietzsche, the real Nietzsche, not the “optimistic nihilist create your own meaning :)” philosopher but the radically elitist, anti-egalitarian evil eugenicist is considered a bit of a nutter, and that’s why he’s ignored by “civilized” life and has this false veneer painted over him.
>>24104381Rubbish, there's plenty of metaphyics in academia. The traditionalists just operate within a narrow and unjustified metaphysics that got btfo by Heidegger 100 years ago.
>tabooHeidegger and Schmitt were national socialists and they're everywhere in academia. Evolians and others in the same sphere want to throw out the taboo label to act like their religious truth got pushed underground.In reality the traditionalists are ignored because they have nothing profound to say. They offer rehashed platonism, big woop. It's a dead end philosophy that has already been overcome.Always talking about how pozzed academia is is a huge weakness for the right because it makes them cling to shitty thinkers just because progressives don't like them.t. used to believe that narrative.
>>24106655>They offer rehashed platonism, big woop. It's a dead end philosophy that has already been overcome.MFW retards think all eastern metaphysics is reducible to Platonism
>>24104321Academia is run by histrionic leftists who mandate gender transition of babies, tampons in the men's room, crying about bipoc even in places where WHITES were the indigenous (this blows their minds and they try to shut it down), and want endless money funnelled into their schools. So they can learn the gender science? One day normal people will have enough and storm the universities, the students will be driven out, the faculty will be tried then executed for their crimes, the buildings will be burned to ash and replaced with PRISONs where the scum of the earth will be thrown in. We need to cleanse this world today and Academia is the first place to start. Rise!
he wasn't a serious person and his writings aren't serious
>>24104321A blonde haired man, of white and rosy skin, broad shouldered, great in stature, vigorous like Alcibiades, fear-instilling like Theseus, righteous, adaptable, without fearing anything in the world, and death less than anything else. This Leviathan had on all the things ideas that were right or wrong, but who were reasoned, intelligent and that wanted to extend themselves. He had, in his nationality, nourished his spirit with a refined and severe religion, with a wise politics, with a glorious history. Able to reflect, he understood that the Roman civilization was richer than his own and he wanted to find out why. This wasn't a trampling infant like is ordinarily imagined, but an adolescent well aware about his positive interests, who knew well how to feel, see, compare, judge, prefer. When the vain and miserable Roman opposed his trickery to the rivaling ingenuity of the Barbarian, who decided the victory? The fist of the second. Falling like a mass of iron on the skull of the poor nephew of Remus, this muscular fist taught the latter where strength had gone. And how did the crushed Roman take revenge? He cried, he yelled to the future Centuries that he was going to revenge the oppressed civilization [...]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_EvolaFrom Evola's wiki:>He studied engineering at the Istituto Tecnico Leonardo da Vinci in Rome, but did not complete his course, later claiming this was because he did not want to be associated with "bourgeois academic recognition" and titles such as "doctor and engineer".
>>24106958The traditionalists do, see Cleary’s essays
>>24107820> The traditionalists doFalse, that’s completely wrong. Guenon explicitly writes that Greek philosophy was limited and didn’t reach the same heights as eastern metaphysics, he says that Platonism and Aristotle each gets certain things correct from the perspective of Guenon’s eastern non-dual metaphysics, but he never once claims they are identical, or that the eastern view is somehow encapsulated by or contained within Platonism, he explicitly contradicts the view that it is by describing Greek thought as being incomplete or limited in various ways, unlike the eastern metaphysics he writes about. Neither do any of the other Traditionalist school members say that Eastern thought is reducible to Platonism. >see Cleary’s essaysI have and was deeply unimpressed, the author strikes me as a pseud. In his essay he just compares Evola’s unsystematic thoughts to various aspects of Platonism and then lazily tries to use that as an excuse for dismissing eastern metaphysics without actually engaging with it, he seems ignorant of the many ways in which eastern metaphysics disagrees with or goes beyond Platonism. This move by him is problematic for two reasons, the first is that as mentioned, eastern metaphysics differs from Platonism and so it’s impossible to refute one by criticizing the other, the second reason is that Evola was not a deep metaphysical thinker and he never once lays out a comprehensive explanation of what he thinks the ultimate metaphysical structure of reality is, he merely cites random stuff here and there that he likes or finds to be interesting without ever tying it back together into one integrated metaphysical understanding like how Guenon and the other Traditionalists like Schuon do; so Evola in fact doesn’t represent the metaphysical views of Guenon and most Traditionalist school members. What Cleary does in that essay would be like dismissing all of 20th century German philosophy because you read a Thomist critique of Kant once, or dismissing the entirety of analytic philosophy because you read some Buddhist diatribe against conceptual proliferation once, it’s just unserious and laughable to anyone who is actually familiar with the source material.
>>24104540>3 plate deadliftkekbabby's first year in the gym
>>24104321A stupid and schizophrenic loon should be taken seriously? I mean, we have plenty of actual religions with those. Don't go making a cult of this guy.
>>24104522Don't worry the feeling is mutual
>>24107718Academia should straight up just be destroyed
>>24106655Schmitt's not a Platonist. He's closer to Hobbes and Shang Yang.
>>24107748I love the cartoonishly racist ramblings of the Count.
>>24108234Agreed. Academia has been a waste of money for nearly 100 years.
>>24107771sounds reasonable
>>24107724Pretty much this
>>24108235I know. I’m saying that Evola et al are platonists. Heidegger and Schmitt are not.
>>24108311Need the redheaded slave boy
>>24104321>I heard from somewhere that Evola is not taken seriously in academiahttps://youtu.be/v5AKJPXPbrw?si=tFjhLkxdQL4Z75zF&t=275
>>24104321Evola is just too schizo to be taken seriously by anyone.>because he doesn't back up what he writes scientificallyPlenty of authors with questionable methodology in their works are often cited and discussed in academia, not to mention the essayists who just make shit up as they go. This says more about how unhinged Evola is than about academia.
>>24104321They are both studied and taken seriously within the fields they are relevant too but they are completely irrelevant to most people.